CHROMATOGRAPHY AP BIO LAB #4A Image by Riedell PLANT PIGMENTS . CHROMATOGRAPHY USE PENCIL not pen, to mark starting line !!!!! Image by Riedell ADD PLANT PIGMENTS Image from Biology Place: Image by Riedell PLACE IN JAR IMPORTANT: Make sure tip of paper is touching solvent Make sure pigment line is ABOVE solvent Put lid on jar !!!!!!!! Important Don’t let solvent front run off end of paper ! Marker Chromatography Image by Riedell Distance pigment migrated Rf = Distance solvent front migrated Image by Riedell PLANT PIGMENTS Carotene is orange yellow Xanthophyll is lemon yellow Chlorophyll a is blue green Chlorophyll b is yellow green. Image by Riedell Factors that affect movement of molecules during chromatography Solubility 1. ___________of molecule in solvent used (better it dissolves… farther it will move) SOLVENT used: Chlorophyll: 9:1 Petroleum ether : acetone Markers: water Factors that affect movement of molecules during chromatography Size 2. _________of molecule (bigger molecules move slower) Factors that affect movement of molecules during chromatography 3. _______________________ used Attraction to media (EX: Attraction of molecules to paper) Lots of different kinds of chromatography Factors that affect movement of molecules during chromatography Time 4. __________allowed to run Longer time = More separation CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE Image from Biology AP Edition by Campbell & Reece published by Pearson Benjamin Cummings