What is paper chromatography?

 Surrounded by a
 Thickened regions
called ___________.
A stack of
thylakoids is
called a _________.
Stroma is a
 _________
liquid surrounding
the thylakoids.
 Light regulates
chlorophyll production,
so as autumn days grow
shorter, less chlorophyll
is produced.
 The decomposition rate
of chlorophyll remains
constant, so the green
color starts to fade from
 Pigments are light-absorbing
 Pigments appear colored because they
absorb light of certain wavelengths and
reflect that of others.
 Chlorophyll a is the primary pigment in
green plants that absorbs red and
blue/violet light and reflects green light.
 Other pigments called accessory pigments
are also present in the leaf.
 Chlorophyll B
 Carotenoids (orange / red)
 Xanthophylls (yellow / brown)
 Each pigment absorbs a particular
wavelength of light in the visible spectrum
 These pigments are embedded in the
membranes of the chloroplast in groups
called photosystems.
 A purple plant appears purple because it has high levels
of anthocyanins and a fairly neutral pH.
Red anthocyanins absorb UV light and protect the plants
tissues from damage. The undersides of many rainforest
floor plants are purple to reflect light absorbed by the top
of the leaf…..
(because green
light absorbs red
and blue light) back
up to increase
absorption by
auxillary pigments
like carotenoids.
 It is a method of separating the components of a
mixture. During the procedure, the mixture will
be separated into its individual components,
allowing the individual parts to be identified.
 Chromatography is used to separate and
identify all sorts of substances in police work.
Drugs ranging from narcotics to aspirin can be
identified in urine and blood samples, often
with the aid of chromatography.
 Paper chromatography is a technique that involves
placing a small dot or line of sample solution onto a
strip of chromatography paper.
The paper is then placed in a jar
containing a shallow layer of solvent.
As the solvent rises through the
paper, it meets the sample mixture
which starts to travel up the paper
with the solvent.
Step 1: Write your own hypothesis in an “If… then”
format. You should have one hypothesis for
spinach and one for radicchio.
Step 2: Follow exact directions on how to collect
your data for both samples according to the
Step 3: Clean your work station.
Step 4: Be sure to have each portion of your lab
report completed thoroughly. Yes.. It is due today..
And be sure to write your own!