Student Handbook - North East School Division

Attendance Guidelines and Procedures
Academic success is tied to regular and prompt attendance. In the event
that a student is going to be late, or absent a parent will call to inform the
office prior to the start of school.
Elementary – (morning and afternoon attendance) before Recess a
student is marked as late.
After Recess a student is marked as absent for either the morning or
afternoon session.
High School – (hourly attendance) A student is marked absent after 30
mins of the class. At this point a student has missed most
All students will be marked as late if they arrive to class after the bell.
Student & Parent
As per Section 150(1)(a) of the Education Act, 1995 it is the responsibility of every
pupil to “attend school regularly and punctually”.
Exceptions to school attendance as outlined in Section 157 of the Education
Act, 1995 include reasons:
For unavoidable causes considered to be sufficient by Administration;
For a holy day of the church or religious denomination of which the pupil or the
pupil’s parent or guardian is a member;
For the purpose of receiving medical or dental treatment;
For the purpose of accompanying his/her parent or guardian on a period of
extended travel outside the school division so long as pro-active measures are taken
by the family to maintain reasonable continuity in the progress of the pupil in his/her
courses of instruction.
As per Section 156(1) of the Education Act, 1995, every parent, guardian or
other person having charge of a pupil who is compulsory school age shall take all
Behavior Matrix Guidelines
Level 1 behaviors/academic concerns are handled by the attending staff member.
Concerns recorded in CLEVr.
(Depending on the circumstances and seriousness of the offense, the student may have
a verbal warning, a timeout, a loss of privilege, a community service assignment some
form of restitution, an action plan, a restricted recess) Here are some examples:
Assembly Behavior
Bus Behavior to and from school
Temporary Damage of School Property
Disrespect toward other students/adults
Misuse of Electronic Devices
Non compliance
Gym Behavior
Hallway Behavior
Incomplete Homework/assignments
Late for school
Swearing not directed at anyone
Inappropriate internet sites
Inappropriate print material
Talking out of turn
Teasing/Derogatory remarks/gossip/put-downs
Unprepared for Class
Wandering Halls during class time
Playground behaviors
Invasion of personal space
Parking lot behavior
Failure to attend assigned Support Centre
Level 2 behaviors/academic concerns are handled by the attending staff member.
Chronic level 2 behaviors are to be recorded in CLEVr and e-mailed to the school
administration. Parents/guardians will be contacted.
(Depending on the circumstances and seriousness of the offense, the student may have
a verbal warning, a time-out, a loss of privilege, a community service assignment,
some form of restitution, an action plan, a restricted recess, an in school suspension)
Here are some examples:
Inappropriate representation of school
(field trips, sports, etc.
willfully abusing/destroying school property
opposition to authority
refusal to conform to the rules of the
gross misconduct
neglect of duty
irregular attendance, lates and skipping
Racial and or other derogatory slurs
irregular attendance
Bus behavior to/from school
Level 3 behaviors/academic concerns will result in an immediate referral to the school
Share information to the principal for entry into CLEVr.
Parents/guardians will be contacted.
(Depending on the circumstances and seriousness of the offense, the student may have
a loss of privilege, a community service assignment, some form of restitution, an action
plan, a restricted recess an in school suspension, an at-home suspension) Here are
some examples:
Bus behavior to/from school/ bus lines
Dangerous use of a vehicle
Illegal substances
Non-emergency fire alarm 911
Inappropriate off school behavior
using tobacco on school property
Cheating on an Exam/Major Assignment
Physical Aggression
Safety Concern (Dangerous)
Sexual Behavior
Sexual harassment
Swearing directed at another person
student with intent to hurt
Break s
Common Area & Student
Respect for Environment
-help keep
classroom clean
-respect classroom
equipment and furniture
Respect for Learning
Respect for Self
Respect for Others
-be prepared with
homework and supplies
-be punctual
-give your best effort
-dress, speak, act
-accept responsibility for
your work
-attend classes
-meet deadlines
-do the right thing, even
when not being watched
-keep your locker clean
-keep your combination
-lock your locker at all
-do the right thing, even
when not being watched
-take learning materials
with you
-respond to adult’s
-use good manners and
appropriate language
-speak at appropriate
-keep a positive attitude
-be considerate
-be a good listener
-be helpful
-encourage others
-use positive language
-keep hands and feet to
-listen to the teacher or
guest speaker
-remove hats and carry to
-remove dirty footwear
-be respectful of personal
-be kind to others
-maintain initial condition
of locker
-use respectful language
-adhere to the NESD Acceptable Use
-keep area tidy
-no food or drink in lab or near devices
-follow copyright rules
-no gaming on NESD devices
-report if equipment has been
tampered with
-follow procedures for use of
-shut of monitors
-log off for next user
-print only what you need
-push in chairs
-return devices and
equipment to proper
-use appropriate research
-leave a positive digital
-recharge school devices
-use technology to
complete tasks as directed
-ask permission to use the
-use appropriate language
-keep personal
information private
-be aware of personal
-be helpful, not hurtful
-report bullying
-enjoy/appreciate others
displays and space
-keep hands and feet to
-use positive language
-go do destination
without interrupting other
-open locker doors
-don’t push others
-be conscious of content
you post online
-wait your turn
-be aware of personal
- do not touch others
without permission
-clean up mess
(garbage & recycling)
-Push chairs in
-Leave space ready for the next user.
-sanitize after eating
-arrive on time if working
canteen shift
-clean up
-be respectful of personal
-use respectful language
-don’t waste food
-order only what you need
-wait your turn
-use manners
-take your garbage with you
-follow bus safety rules
-inform the
driver/supervisor of
-sit in your seat/ remain
-dress for the weather
-stay on grounds until bus
-quiet voices
-use respectful language
-sit quietly in your seat
-be on time
-include others
-demonstrate courteous
-help little ones if needed
-greet and thank driver
-respect people on the
-people in front of bus get
off first
-put garbage in garbage cans
quiet in common areas during class
-respect furniture and equipment in
these areas
-keep feet off furniture
Gym/Workout Room
Change Rooms
-stay in personal space
-be a good sport
-follow the rules
-pay attention
-return equipment to its
designated area
-share the equipment
-positive language and
voice levels
-participate to best of
your ability
-try new activities/sports
-wear proper
-recognize and be
respectful of different
-encourage others to do
their best
-no devices unless
permission granted
-respect others personal
-keep it tidy
-do not climb on the stalls
-do not write on the walls
-do not plug the sinks or toilets
-do not waste paper towels, toilet
paper or soap
-no devices
-flush the toilet
-lock up personal
-return to class quickly
-report missing items from
hygiene kits
-report if there is a
-be quiet in washrooms
-wash hands properly to
protect self from germs
-maintain your own
-be understanding of
-report bullying
-no cell-phones/devices
used in this location
-report messes
-respect other people’s
-leave belongings in your room
including devices
-participate/attend assemblies
-remain quiet
-follow seating plan
-maintain an isle on the
-wait for break in program
to use the washroom
- avoid/ignore distractions
-keep hands and feet to
-devices should only be
used when permission
- be accountable for your
actions and respect
-be open
-understand the needs of
those around you
- be respectful of speaker
-help clean up chairs/mats
-leave the space neat and tidy
-place books in drop box
-no food or drink
-follow Library procedures for
-work quietly (whisper)
-sign books out
-care for books
-use a bookmark so books
are returned in the right
-read to gain knowledge
-return books on time
-choose a spot to work
that allows you to work
-understand that the
Library is used as a quiet
-return books on time
-greet Librarian politely
-respect others use of the
Library space
-place litter in garbage cans
-take care of school property
-change shoes when entering school
-return equipment to proper storage
-respect equipment and
-play safe and fair
-follow playground rules
-be active
-dress appropriately for
-respect personal space
-use appropriate language
-practice sportsmanship
-share equipment
-leave the areas that we visit clean
-walk in the areas being toured
-stay on path
-read the displays
-ask relevant questions
-be open to new ideas
- be attentive so you are
able to learn
- use quiet voices
- listen for new ideas
-follow instructions and
-use observation skills to
promote safety
-be positive with
-include others
-report bullying
-pack the list I have been
-bring only devices
-always be on bus on time
-respect supervisors and
-greet and thank drivers,
guides and volunteers
-thank teachers for
organizing event
-stay with group leaders
Out of School Learning
Garden Area
-keep area clean
-show respect for equipment
-no food or drink
-wear clean shoes
Bullying Policy
The North East School Division (NESD) wishes to provide and
maintain an environment which respects the dignity, and self-esteem
of every individual in the Division, and, an environment in which all
employees and students can work and attend free from any type of
Defining Harassment: Harassment is one or a series of unwanted,
unsolicited remarks, behaviours or communications in any form,
including the display or distribution of written or visual material
which has the intent or effect of : undermining work/academic
performance; and/or, preventing or impairing full and equal
enjoyment of employment/educational services, benefits and/or
Bullying: generally involves a real or perceived imbalance of power,
with the more hurtful child or group attacking those who are less
powerful. It includes an assortment of negative acts carried out
repeatedly over a period of time generally away from the presence of
adults or, in the presence of adults who fail to intercede. A broad
definition of bullying is when a student is repeatedly exposed to
negative actions on the part of one or more other students. These
negative actions can take the form of physical contact, verbal abuse,
or making faces and rude gestures. Spreading rumors and excluding
the victim from a group are also common forms. Bullying also entails
an imbalance in strength between the bullies and the victim, what
experts call an asymmetric power relationship.
Bus Behavior Policy
The PASSENGER is responsible for:
Before and while boarding:
Arriving at the bus stop 5 minutes early
Wearing weather appropriate clothing
Always standing away from the road and once the bus stops, using
the handrail to board
Respecting others –no pushing, fighting or horseplay
Entering the bus and quickly sitting properly in your seat
During the bus ride:
Knowing what to do in an emergency
Never placing hands, head, or other body parts out the
Obeying the safety rules
When bringing large items on the bus, leaving them where the
driver indicates
Always remaining seated while the bus is moving
Not cluttering the aisles with bags, feet, etc
Doing your part to not distract the driver
Leaving the bus:
Letting the bus stop completely before standing up
Informing the driver if you drop something inside, under or close to
the bus
Verifying with the driver that it is safe to cross the street
Exiting the bus using the handrail, and moving at least 2 meters away
from the bus
Dress Code Guidelines
It is expected that students will wear appropriate clothing to school in order
to promote a positive and safe school environment. Student dress will not
present a health or safety hazard, display or promote any drug, sexual
activity, violence, disrespect and /or bigotry towards any group. Hats are
not to be worn in the school. A second pair of non-marking runners is to be
kept at the school for Phys. Ed classes.
Drug & Alcohol Policy
To provide a school environment that has the greatest opportunity
for growth and development in learning, the school and its students
must be alcohol and drug free.
Student possession, consumption, or being under the influence of
alcohol, other intoxicants or illegal drugs during any part of the
school day, including noon and at recess, or any school-approved
event is prohibited.
Graduation Guidelines
The school plans a Graduation Ceremony each year to honor the Grade 12 students
who have met the requirements for graduation, as they leave our school to pursue
further education or to enter the workforce. The school staff organizes the ceremonies
with input from the graduating class and their parents.
To be eligible to participate in Graduation students must be in a position to complete 24
credits, including all compulsory secondary classes as outlined by Saskatchewan
Education, by the end of the school year and in good standing with the school.
Students who have 40% in any required course as of June 1st each year will not be
eligible to participate in the graduation ceremonies.
Credit Requirements-Secondary Level-10,20,30
Complete standing at the 10, 20 and 30 levels will be awarded when students have met
the compulsory credit requirements as stated by Saskatchewan Learning.
10 level- ELA 10A, ELA 10B
Social Studies 10, History 10 or Native Studies 10
Science 10
Math 10
3 additional electives at level 10 or higher
20 level- ELA 20
1 Math at 20 Level
6 additional electives at level 20 or 30
30 level- ELA 30A, ELA 30B
1 Canadian Studies 30 (SS 30, Hist 30 or Native Studies 30)
1 Science 20 or 30
1 Social Science 20 or 30 (in addition to Can Studies 30)
2 electives in Arts Education or Practical + Applied Arts (10,20 or 30)
Wellness 10 or PhysEd 20 or PhysEd 30
(a minimum of 24 credits - 5 must be at the 30 level)
At the Secondary level, the following minimum credit requirements are expected to be met
by students in our school.
Grade 10- 10 credits
Grade 11- 9 credits
Grade 12- 8 credits (4 / semester is preferred)
Homework Intervention Plan
Students are accountable for homework/assignments given by
teachers and are expected to hand in them on time. Students
who require additional assistance to meet deadlines will consult
with their teachers and arrange for a time to receive extra help at
the Support Center to complete their work. Parents will be notified
of the work that needs to be completed.
Peanut Conscious
There are students in our school with severe peanut allergies. As
a school community we will work together to ensure that that
child's classroom does not bring peanuts/peanut products to
school. The rest of the building will make an effort to be peanut
Plagiarism Guidelines
Defined: The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and
passing them off as one's own.
Plagiarism is not only the theft of someone else’s work but also the offense
of presenting that person’s ideas or expressions as if they were your own
from any number of sources including books, videos, technology, songs
etc. This dishonesty is unacceptable at any time. All materials must be
properly cited.
Searches and Interrogation (as per NESD policy)
Principals and teachers are authorized to search school property in order to
maintain order, safety or discipline. If the principal or teacher believes that
there are reasonable grounds that a criminal offense is being or has been
committed, that a search of the student or property will provide evidence in
these matters, or will lead to the conclusion that the commission of a
criminal offense has or is about to occur, a search can proceed subject to
the following:
a. the search should proceed immediately if there is reason to believe
that the safety of any student is in question.
b. if the safety of any student is not in question attempts should be
made to
i. have the student concerned present and consent to the
ii. where the student is not present or does not wish to consent to
the search of the school officials do not wish to undertake the
search under their own authority, school officials are to contact
the police and have the search proceed under the direction of
the police
iii. at least one witness is to be present when a search takes place
iv. the police must conduct all intrusive searches.
Smoking Policy
Hudson Bay School is a smoke-free facility and it is illegal to smoke on
school property. Any use of tobacco, in any form, is not permitted. There
is not a “Designated Smoking Area”. The use of private property for such
purposes is not allowed. This policy includes the use of cigarettes, ecigarettes and/or chewing products on school property.
Spare Guidelines
Students who are on spares have two choices of locations to do their
a) Leave the building
b) Go to assigned classroom to work
Note: If you are leaving the building you must sign out in the “Student
Spare Registry” book at the front desk each day that you leave the
Student Lockers
1. The School provides locks to each student for yearly use on lockers.
2. Locks should be kept locked at all times to prevent theft. Do not give your
combination to anyone.
3. School supplied locks must be used on hallway lockers. Students will be
charged $5.00 for lost, damaged or stolen locks.
4. Gymnasium dressing room lockers and your own lock should be used for
physical education classes. REMOVE your lock at the end of class.
5. If, at the end of the school year, your locker is not cleaned out, a $15.00
cleaning fee will be charged.
Student Parking
Parking on school property is a privilege dependent on the driver
meeting safe driving standards. Some basic expectations include:
Driving with caution
Giving the pedestrians the right of way
Demonstrating concern for property
Parking in designated places only
Obeying all traffic laws, especially those related to school buses and
speed limits
Students who are not practicing safe driving standards will not be allowed
to park in the student parking lot. The length of time will be determined by
the principal or other designated authority.
Support Centre
Purpose: The purpose of the support centre is to provide students a location to
complete work to ensure academic success.
Students who attend the support center will be recommended from the classroom
teacher having completed the Support Centre referral form.
Students are allowed one opportunity to “forget” to come to the Support Centre which
will be overlooked. If they don’t attend again, a call home will be made as well as a
discussion with a teacher. If the problem persists a third time, an in-school suspension
will be granted for them to complete work.
Once referral is complete attendance is mandatory not optional.
Support room will be monitored by a teacher at noon.
Students who voluntarily want to attend are welcome.
Suspension Guidelines
The principal or his/her designate has the authority to take such disciplinary
action as is necessary to correct a situation whereby a student’s behavior is
of such nature that it is not conducive to a good teaching-learning situation
where the well- being of the school and its student body is being
A student may be suspended from school for not more than three school
days at a time as outlined in the Education act for the following:
a) Persistently displayed overt opposition to authority
b) Refusal to conform to the rules of the school
c) Habitually neglected his/her duties
d) Irregular attendance
e) Willfully destroying school property
f) Using profane or improper language
g) Engaging in any other type of gross misconduct
Technology-Use of Devices Guidelines
Students need to access technology to support their learning. The
goal is that students leave a positive digital footprint and learn proper
technological etiquette.
1. Students are only to use their device for educational purposes with
permission from the teacher.
2. Students are responsible for the security of their devices at all
times. The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen devices.
Responsibility for personal devices begins and ends with the student.
3. Students without a device will have access to devices provided by
the school when possible.
4. Where Inappropriate use occurs:
1.) 1st misuse: Depending on student response, a simple
reminder or conversation of the policy and its purpose will occur.
2.) 2nd misuse: The device will be given up to the teacher with a
discussion around why the behavior was inappropriate and kept until
the end of class when the teacher returns it to the student. Teacher
will contact home and enter the incident will be documented. Student
opposition to surrendering their device to the classroom teacher will
result in automatic office referral for opposition to authority.
3.) Chronic misuse: The device will be brought to the office and
kept until parent comes with the student to retrieve the device and the
student explains to parent the school rules on use of devices and a
review of NESD policy is completed.