Chapter 1 Assessing the Environment – Political, Economic, Legal

Chapter 1
Assessing the Environment
– Political, Economic,
Legal, Technological
Kristopher Blanchard
North Central University
The Global Business Environment
The Global Marketplace is complex,
interdependent, and dynamic
Challenges include politics, culture, and
Managers must find a balance between
social responsibility, company image, and
competitive strategies
More focused on Global Management
The Global Business Environment
Global competition is characterized by
networks that bind countries to one another
Globalism trends
A borderless world
Increase in exports
Increase in direct foreign investment
Dominance of trading blocs
Regional Trading Blocs
“The dominance of the United States is already
over. What is emerging is a world economy of
blocs represented by NAFTA, The European
Union, and ASEAN. There’s no one center in this
world economy.”
- Peter Drucker
Fortune, January 12, 2004
Regional Trading Blocs
TRIAD Market
European Union
Asian Market
– China, Japan, South Asia
Three regional free-trade blocs
– Western Europe, Asia, and North America
Grouped around three dominant currencies
– Euro, Yen, and Dollar
In 2004, these trade blocs were expanding
their boarders to include neighboring
Comparative Management in Focus India
India has witnessed a change in values,
habits and options during the last decade
The economy, second fastest growing in the
world, is expected to grow close to 7% this
Fastest growing telecom market with more
than one million new mobile phone
subscriptions per month
Comparative Management in Focus
- India
Indians are buying 10,000 motorcycles a
India had 192 million households in 2001
– Only 31.6% have a television
– Only 2.5% have a car, jeep or van
Foreign investors have invested $5 billion
into the Indian stock market
Information Technology
Information Technology is transforming the
international manager’s agenda more than
any other item
Information is no longer centrally or
secretly controlled by governments
Information technology is boosting
productivity and electronic commerce
around the world
The Globalization of Human Capital
Globalization means we share
jobs as well as goods.
August 27, 2003
The Globalization of Human Capital
Forrester Research predicts that 3.3 Million
US jobs will move offshore by 2015
45% of the 500 US companies surveyed
state that they use a global sourcing model
The Global Manager’s Role
The Political and Economic
One important aspect is the phenomenon of
– Driving force behind political instability
Firms must assess political risks
– Government actions that could adversely affect
the long-run profitability or value of a firm
Political Risk – 7 Typical risk events
Expropriation of corporate assets without
prompt and adequate compensation
Forced sale of equity to host-country
nationals, usually at or below depreciated
book value
Discriminatory treatment against foreign
firms in the application of regulations or
Barriers to repatriation of funds (profits or
Political Risk – 7 Typical risk events
Loss of technology or other intellectual
property (such as patents, trademarks, or
trade names)
Interference in managerial decision making
Dishonesty by government officials,
including canceling or altering contractual
agreements, extortion demands, and so forth
Managing Political Risk
Avoidance – either the avoidance or withdrawal of
investment in a particular country
Adaptation – adjust to the political environment
Dependency – keeping the host nation dependent
on the parent corporation
Hedging – minimizing the losses associated with
political risk events
Economic Risk
A country’s level of economic development
generally determines its economic stability
Economic risk falls into 2 categories
– Government changes its fiscal policies
– Government modifies its foreign-investment
Managers are constantly reassessing
economic risk
The Legal Environment
Manager’s will comply with the host
country’s legal system
– Common Law – past court decisions act as
precedents to the interpretation of the law
– Civil Law – comprehensive set of laws
organized into codes, interpretation is based on
reference to codes and statues
– Muslim law – based on religious beliefs, it
dominates all aspects of life
The Legal Environment
Commenting on Contract Law
“In China, the old joke goes, a contract is a
pause in the negotiation.”
The Technological Environment
Corporations must consider the accelerating
macro-environmental phenomenon of
technoglobalism (rapid developments in
information and communication
Corporations must consider the
appropriability of technology
Global E-Business
E-business – the integration of systems,
processes, organizations, value chains and
entire markets using Internet-based and
related technologies and concepts.
E-commerce - refers directly to the
marketing and sales process via the Internet
Global E-Business
Convenience in conducting business worldwide;
facilitating communication across borders
contributes to the shift toward globalization and a
global market.
An electronic meeting and trading place, which
adds efficiency in conducting business sales.
A corporate Intranet service, merging internal and
external information for enterprises worldwide.
Power to consumers as they gain access to
limitless options and price differentials.
A link and efficiency in distribution.
Looking Ahead
Chapter 2 – Social Responsibility and
– The Social Responsibility of MNC’s
– Ethics in Global Management
– Managing Interdependence