Course: - Blackboard Learn

Tulsa Community College
Spring 2013
PHED_1143_290_20005_201320: Foundations of Physical Ed
Day(s) and Time(s): NA
Start and end dates: January 14-May 10
Course Delivery Method: Internet
Course format: Internet
Joni Johnson
Phone Number: 919-260-4877
Office Email:
Division: Dave Sollars
Associate Dean: Science, Mathematics,
Engineering, and Technology
Office: Northeast Campus, 1130
Phone Number: (918) 595-7542
Director: Mike Limas
Office: Northeast Campus, A151
Phone: (918) 595-7473
In an Internet course, students do not attend class in person. This does not mean that students
are not communicating on a weekly basis. This is not an electronic correspondence course where
you are allowed to set your own pace. We have target dates that have to be met in order to
receive credit. Each week there will be chapter readings and I have presented my lecture notes for
assistance. If you are not prepared to participate in such activities on a weekly basis you should
consider taking this course from another instructor. I have attempted to structure this course to
foster a sense of community and to make this course a rewarding experience for students who are
willing to participate in intellectual stimulating activities. Your progress in the course will depend
on your participation to assigned tasks in a timely fashion
Edition: 17th
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Textbooks and supplies may be purchased at: Northeast Campus
Designed for professional orientation in physical education, health and recreation. Brief history,
philosophy, and modern trends of physical education, teacher qualification, vocational
opportunities, expected competencies, and skill testing comprise the contents of the course.
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Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
1. identify the purpose and objectives of physical education, exercise science, and sport
programs and be able to explain the meaning and importance of each;
2. learn about the foundational concepts of the exercise and sport sciences;
3. begin to understand the duties and responsibilities of a professional physical educator,
exercise scientist, or sport educator;
4. formulate a personal philosophy of physical education, exercise science, or sport based on
an understanding of fundamental philosophical theories;
5. investigate possible careers in physical education, exercise science, and sport and
participate in activities to help prepare for a chosen career;
6. learn about the heritage of physical activity programs from the ancient Greeks to the
present time through an investigation of people, programs, and events;
7. examine the legacy of the historical occurrences of physical education, exercise science, and
sport as these have influenced and shaped existing programs; and
8. analyze current issues and trends in physical education, exercise science, and sport.
This course is presented as a 100% online format. Students are not required to come to campus;
all activities related to the course will be conducted online. Students will be responsible to
complete the chapters exams, discussions/forums, and assignments.
Required software: Microsoft Office (contains Word, Excel and PowerPoint)
If you do not have Office, you can download it from Blackboard free.
-- Go to the Organization tab
-- Search for: software
-- Enroll in the organization
-- Follow the on-screen instructions
You should be comfortable with the following:
 using a word processor (changing font, spell check)
 using presentation software (i.e. PowerPoint)
 using email for communication
 sending an email attachment
 navigating the Internet
 using an Internet search engine
Many students find the student responsibilities and expectations for online courses to be different
from student responsibilities and expectations for on-campus courses. Not all students are willing
or able to accept these responsibilities.
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The following statements identify your responsibilities in this course. If you are not able
to agree to all of the statements, perhaps you should re-consider taking this course in an online
1. I will ask questions directly and immediately if I do not understand the instructions or due
dates for an assignment.
2. I will organize my time in a way that allows me to thoughtfully and thoroughly complete
3. I will be responsible for keeping up with when assignments are due and submitting them on
time or before they are due.
4. I understand that technical problems related to computer connections or equipment cannot
be used as an excuse for failure to complete assignments or to participate online. I will
locate the computer hardware, software and Internet connections necessary to stay
connected and current with my course work online. I am aware of alternate Internet
connections available through the college’s computer labs, the colleges library, the public
library, and any friends, relatives, or neighbors and will access them if my personal
computer equipment is not working.
5. I understand that technical problems with Blackboard require that I contact Client Services
at 918-595-2000 for technical support.
6. I will fully participate in online discussion by reading and responding respectfully to my
classmates and instructor. I understand that participation is a requirement of this course
and that it counts toward my grade.
7. I agree to check into our online classroom at least 3-5 days per week and understand that I
am expected to be working online a minimum of 6-8 hours per week.
For technical help, call the Service Desk at 918-595-2000 or email
Access to computer resources is a privilege granted to all Tulsa Community College students. The
use of TCC computing resources is limited to purpose related to the college’s mission of education,
research, and community service. Student use of technology is governed by the Computer
Services Acceptable Use Statements/Standards found in the TCC Student Code of Conduct Policy
Handbook. This handbook may be obtained by contacting the Student Activities or Dean of
Student Services Office.
The Technology Learning Center’s Reading and writing service helps students build analytic
reading, solid research and effective writing skills. The Mathematics Service helps students
develop a strong foundation in mathematics and overcome math anxiety. Check the library and
math lab for a schedule.
Grading Scale:
All points are cumulative throughout the class. The final grade is determined from the following
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Course Assessments:
Points are broken down in the following manner:
1. Tests: There are 15 chapter tests. Each one has 10 questions related to each chapter.
You will need to read the test format about how tests will be conducted.
Chapter 1
10 pts
Chapter 2
10 pts
Chapter 3
10 pts
Chapter 4
10 pts
Chapter 5
10 pts
Chapter 6
10 pts
Chapter 7
10 pts
Chapter 8
10 pts
Chapter 9
10 pts
Chapter 10
10 pts
Chapter 11
10 pts
Chapter 12
10 pts
Chapter 13
10 pts
Chapter 14
10 pts
Chapter 15
10 pts
***See dates below in course schedule
Test Format:
All tests must be completed during the allotted dates. If a test is not
completed during the posted date above, a score of zero will be
awarded. There is a one week window for tests to be completed, so
no makes-ups will be allowed. Do not wait to the last minute to take
the test in case of Blackboard malfunctions.
You are also allotted a 30 minute time limit. For every 1 minutes
beyond the allotted time, 1 points will be deducted from your total
score. For example: 1 minute equals 1 point, 2 minutes equals 2
points, and so on. After 15 minutes beyond the time limit, a zero will
be awarded.
When taking a test and get “knocked off” the system, relog in and
continue with the test. Do not stop taking the test for any reason,
because your time is still counting in the system. So be prepared for
the test, eliminating any potential distractions during the test.
If a test needs to be reset, you will only be allotted 1 reset. A reset
can not be used for a make-up. None beyond the 1 allotted. I
recommend that you save each question as you test or every few
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questions. If not and you get “knocked off” the Blackboard sit, you
will have to start from the last question saved. In worst case
scenario, could have to start over at question 1.
It is not recommended to take the test on a dial-up network. If you
are on a dial-up network, I recommend that you take your test at
any of the Tulsa Community College Computer Labs. Dial-ups are
slow and may extend beyond your time limit.
2. Discussion Board/Forum: After students have read the assigned readings for the
current week, viewed each lecture for the week, the student will then participate in the
weekly discussion board activity. I will post questions and students will respond to the
question with an articulate answer. Students will also have to respond to a minimum of
four postings by classmates on the discussion board for that week. The maximum score for
a discussion board assignment is 120 points. We will have 12 discussions, each worth 10
points. Please note a response that merely lists the wording presented in a lecture (i.e.,
copy and paste) without evidence of critical thinking will not receive a passing grade for the
assignment. Each discussion board assignment will have a listed due date. Students who
do not respond to the discussion board assignment prior to the due date will receive a zero
point assessment for that assignment. The breakdown is as follows:
Total Posts: 5
Worth: 10 points
Total Posts: 4
Worth: 8 points
Total Posts: 3
Worth: 6 points
Total Posts: 2
Worth: 4 points
Total Posts: 1
Worth: 2 points
Total Posts: 0
Worth: 0 points
3. Assignments: Each assignment will be described in the unit it represents. Assignments
will have due dates associated with each Unit. You can work ahead within the unit and
submit them early.
Clinical Observation Form
Clinical Observation Summary
Research Paper
All decisions regarding this course are at the discretion of the instructor and are not subject for
Students will not be permitted to make-up any missed exams, discussion boards, and
Late work will not be accepted or tolerated.
If an assignment is submitted, but not completed correctly, a student will have 3 days to
complete the assignment correctly or a zero will be scored.
Course Withdrawal : The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the
duration of any class. Check the TCC Academic Calendar for the deadline that applies to
the course(s). Begin the process with a discussion with the faculty member assigned to
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the course. Contact the Advisement Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal
from a course ('W' grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Withdrawal and/or change
to an audit from a course after the drop/add period can alter the financial aid award for
the current and future semesters. Students may receive an outstanding bill from TCC if
the recalculation leaves a balance due to TCC. Students who stop participating in the
course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial
aid consequences for the student .
Email: All TCC students receive a designated Outlook email address (ex: All communications to you about TCC and course
assignments will be sent to your Outlook email address; and you must use Outlook email
to send email to, and receive email from, the instructor regarding this course.
Inclement Weather: TCC rarely closes. If extreme weather conditions or emergency
situations arise; TCC always gives cancellation notices to radio and television stations.
This information is also posted on the TCC website (
General Education courses at TCC ensure that our graduates gain skills, knowledge, and abilities
that comprise a common foundation for their higher education and a backdrop for their work and
personal lives. TCC’s General Education goals are: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication,
Engaged Learning, and Technological Proficiency.
Open and mutually respectful communication of varied opinions, beliefs, and perspectives during
classroom or online discussion encourages the free exchange of ideas that is essential to higher
learning and to the ability to learn from each other. Use of any electronic device is at the
discretion of the instructor.
I assume every student is a mature individual who will interact with others in a mature fashion.
Students are required to respond to other students postings on the course discussion board. Such
responses must concern the ideas presented. Comments should encourage intellectual dialog and
critical thinking. All comments should be respectful of other individuals. Students are also
encouraged to e-mail me and each other about topics related to the course. I will attempt to
answer e-mail within 24 hours of receipt of the email.
Students should refrain from actions that are disruptive to the learning environment. Comments
about the author’s demographic background or I.Q. would be examples of FLAMMING. Such
comments are inappropriate and will not be tolerated.
Students who are disruptive will be informed of their unacceptable behavior and the student will
have to acknowledge that such behavior was inappropriate. If a student is disruptive a second
time the student will be required to meet with me in person concerning the disruption of the class
and the student may be permanently dismissed from the course.
Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students will be notified of any changes
to the syllabus in writing.
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It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to create inclusive learning environments.
Accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are available. To request accommodations, contact
the Education Access Center (EAC) at or call (918) 595-7115 (Voice). Deaf and
hard of hearing students may text (918) 809-1864.
Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the deception of others about one’s own work or
about the work of another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned or tolerated at
campuses within the Tulsa Community College system. Tulsa Community College adopts a policy
delegating certain forms of authority for disciplinary action to the faculty. Such disciplinary actions
delegated to the faculty include, but are not limited to, the dismissal of disrespectful or disorderly
students from classes. In the case of academic dishonesty a faculty member may:
Require the student to redo an assignment or test, or require the student to complete a
substitute assignment or test;
Record a "zero" for the assignment or test in question;
Recommend to the student that the student withdraw from the class, or administratively
withdraw the student from the class;
Record a grade of "F" for the student at the end of the semester. Faculty may request
that disciplinary action be taken against a student at the administrative level by
submitting such a request to the Dean of Student Services.
INSTITUTIONAL STATEMENT: Each student is responsible for being aware of the
information contained in the TCC Catalog, the TCC Student Policies & Resources Handbook,
and semester information listed in the class schedule. All information may be viewed on the
TCC website:
*** Please work ahead of the schedule. Assignments will have due dates in each Unit.
You can work ahead on the assignment and submit them early. This will free up some
time for you and allow me to get them back too you. They will not be accepted late.
Tests can be taken only on specific dates.
January 19
Discussion 1
Exam 1
January 26
Discussion 2
Exam 2
February 2
Discussion 3
Exam 3
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February 9
Discussion 4
Exam 4
February 16
Exam 5
February 23
Exam 6
March 2
Discussion 5
Exam 7
March 9
Discussion 6
Exam 8
March 16
Discussion 7
Exam 9
Research Paper Due
Research Discussion
March 30
Discussion 8
Exam 10
April 6
Exam 11
April 13
Observation Due
Observation Discussion
Exam 12
April 20
Exam 13
April 27
Discussion 9
Exam 14
May 4
Discussion 10
Exam 15
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