Rev 082007 SYLLABUS Tulsa Community College Intersession – Spring 2013 HUMN_2113_320_25525_201320: Humanities I Day(s) and Time(s): MTWRF 8:30 to 5:00 Start and end dates: January 7 to January 11, 2013 Course Delivery Method: Lecture, discussion, media Course format: Traditional Classroom/intersession Instructor: Tiffany Engel Office Hrs: before and after class ***Office Email: Office Phone: 918-691-3490 use this to call or text (if you text, identify yourself) TO CONTACT THE DIVISION OFFICE: Division: Liberal Arts Associate Dean Office: SE 4107 Phone Number: 595-7780 TO CONTACT ACADEMIC & CAMPUS SERVICES: Director: Office: Phone: COURSE PREREQUISITES: None COURSE DESCRIPTION: An interdisciplinary survey designed to strengthen the student’s fundamental grasp of human values through the study of ideas, discoveries and creative achievements. Areas of consideration may include architecture, dance, drama, film, history, literature, music, mythology, painting, philosophy, religion and sculpture. NEXT COURSE(S) IN SEQUENCE: Humanities 2 and 20th Century Global Humanities TEXTBOOKS, SUPPLIES, & OTHER RESOURCES: Title: Humanistic Tradition – Prehistory to the Early Modern World, Volume 1 Edition: 6th ed Author: Fiero Publisher: McGraw-Hill Textbooks and supplies may be purchased at:, or other online discount booksellers or Southeast Campus Bookstore,, or Page 1 Rev 082007 COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to— - List the basic chronology of significant ancient Western and non-western cultures. - Define vocabulary as it relates to each culture. - Identify monumental works and creations that are significant to each culture. - Cultivate a curiosity and tolerance toward cultural differences. - Learn to analyze works of art, with an understanding of the purposes and inspirations for their creation. TEACHING METHODS: - Lectures with discussions. - Group discussions and work. - Films with questions to answer. - Detailed study guides to help you with note-taking and prepare you for the daily homework and final on Friday. EVALUATION TECHNIQUES: - There will be at least one assignment per day, either in class or after class and to be turned in at the beginning of the next class period. - There will be one final test on Friday, January 11, using what you have learned this week. Final is open notes and open book. NO SHARING OF NOTES. - Be prepared to do “English professor” type writing: Complete sentences, correct spelling, organized paragraphs. - **DOCUMENT ALL WORK. Simple documentation is fine – use the name of the website/article or textbook – in parentheses at the point in your work you have quoted. - Please use sources that are NOT Wikipedia. - A daily attendance grade will also be given. In the morning and again after lunch. ATTENDANCE: - You must come to class in order to successfully finish. 10 points per day will be given for attendance. (attendance taken at the start of class and after lunch break) - If you are late, don’t attend or leave early, you will forfeit your attendance points for that day. LATE ASSIGNMENTS AND MAKE-UP WORK: - Every assignment must be turned in at the time due. Each day will bring more work, so you cannot get behind. - I will grade your assignments daily, so that you can have feedback as soon as possible and use the assignments for your class final. - Late work will be penalized by 10% for the first day and then not accepted after that. - No makeup for missed group work. Page 2 Rev 082007 Course Withdrawal: The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the duration of any class. Contact the Counseling Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course ('W' grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Check the TCC Academic Calendar for deadlines. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial aid consequences for the student. COMMUNICATIONS: Email: ***Please use: in order to communicate with me! Inclement Weather: Check Blackboard to see if we have a delayed class opening time, etc. GENERAL EDUCATION GOALS: General Education courses at TCC ensure that our graduates gain skills, knowledge, and abilities that comprise a common foundation for their higher education and a backdrop for their work and personal lives. TCC’s General Education goals are: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technological Proficiency. CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE: Be on time and stay in class once you have arrived. We will take breaks so please try to wait to leave the room until then. Disruptions will be handled privately at first, but publicly if it becomes offensive to the class. - Stay awake. - Finish your homework before class. - Text and surf the internet at your own expense. - No tobacco and spitting in class. - No children in class as stated by college policy. SYLLABUS CHANGES: Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students will be notified of any changes to the syllabus in writing. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: TCC provides accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For information, students may contact the disabled Student Resource Center, 918-595-7115, or the Resource Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 918-595-7428V, 918-595-7434TTY. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the deception of others about one’s own work or about the work of another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned or tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community College system. Tulsa Community College adopts a policy delegating certain forms of authority for disciplinary action to the faculty. Such disciplinary actions delegated to the faculty include, but are not limited to, the dismissal of disrespectful or disorderly students from classes. In the case of academic dishonesty a faculty member may: Page 3 Rev 082007 Require the student to redo an assignment or test, or require the student to complete a substitute assignment or test; Record a "zero" for the assignment or test in question; Recommend to the student that the student withdraw from the class, or administratively withdraw the student from the class; Record a grade of "F" for the student at the end of the semester. Faculty may request that disciplinary action be taken against a student at the administrative level by submitting such a request to the Dean of Student Services. INSTITUTIONAL STATEMENT: Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, the TCC Student Policies & Resources Handbook, and semester information listed in the class schedule. All information may be viewed on the TCC website: Page 4