FLUVANNA MASTER GARDENERS’ HORTICULTURAL HELP DESK Duties – Operations Outline Shift Procedure Summary Help Desk Phone Number: 434-591-1955 VCE Number: 434-591-1950 Call before you come to the office to be sure someone is there to let you in. Procedures and forms are on the FMG website – www.fluvannamg.org Log in. Go to member section. Click on Farmers’ Market Help Desk Sign up and Procedures. Important: If you are unable to staff the “shift” you have signed up for, you are responsible for finding a replacement. Notify the Help Desk Coordinator of the change by updating the schedule on the FMG website www.fluvannamg.org or by contacting the Help Desk Coordinator directly. 1. Starting the Shift A. Let the secretary know who you are and how long you plan to stay B. Check Inbox in Help Desk room C. Start a new Shift Check-Off List (blue form). 2. Doing the Duty A. Check Log Book for unresolved inquiries & check notes left by prior shift. B. Check inquiries from Farmers’ Market – The MG’s at the week’s Farmers’ Market are responsible for getting their Log forms/samples to the VCE office by the next day, for completing any follow-up (eg, Plant Clinic forms, packaging the sample for the mail, completing and filing HD Log form, etc) and following up with the client when results are received, usually within two weeks. C. File any completed Farmers’ Market Log forms - check for and fill in any missing data including problem type and number. 1 D. Research and respond to any unresolved Log forms from Farmers’ Market. E. Look for pending Lab responses from Virginia Tech (VT). F. Enter mail inquiries in Log Book, research and respond. G. Check Voice Mail, enter each inquiry on Log form, research and respond. When finished entering in Log Book – delete message. See Telephone System Operation below. H. Check for Email by using Outlook Express (see Help Desk Procedure for Emails, computer password is “hello”; if this has been changed, the new one will be noted on the monitor or the bulletin board) – enter into Log Book using PINK Log form, research and respond. I. Greet walk-ins and phone-ins, create Log Book entries, research and respond. J. Create envelopes, VCE & FMG buck slips, FMG business cards/magnet and copy information to mail to clients in response to inquiries. K. If there is nothing to do, review the VCE Publications Update. 3. Completing a Help Desk Log Form A. Complete a new Log form for each contact. Use PINK version for email inquiries, WHITE for all others. If a client has multiple problems, fill out a separate Log form for each. Fill in all applicable information completely and legibly. B. To assign a Problem Number, use the month, day and year. Append a sequential number starting with one and increasing by 1 for each additional contact. For example: May 2, 2012……First contact: 050212-1……Second contact: 050212-2….etc. C. Record the Problem Type Number – refer to the Problem Type List on Log form or bulletin board. D. Fill in the info requested on page 1 and the appropriate section on page 2 - Plant Disease Diagnosis, Insect ID or Weed ID. The info requested on page 2 is the same as that needed to complete the VT Lab/Plant Clinic forms, which are in the bins on the office wall, in the boxes in the 4H shed at Pleasant Grove and online. 2 E. ALWAYS complete the Answer/Action Taken section. Staple a copy of any material sent to the client to the Log or reference the website or VCE publication. Write what follow up is needed if you are NOT closing the problem. F. Once the request is completed – indicate it is closed on the bottom of page 1, sign & date. G. If a problem cannot be closed out by the end of your shift, tag the Log form with a small purple post-it. H. If a sample is to be sent to the Lab for analysis, mark the sample with the client’s name, date and fill out the appropriate VCE/VT Lab submittal form (Most commonly used ones are kept in the bins on the wall or in the boxes in 4H shed at Pleasant Grove. All are on the VT website). Our Extension office code is 065. Flag the Help Desk Log form with a purple post-it. Note: Mail the sample in a box – not an envelope. See instructions on VT website for proper sample collection and shipping. 4. Research Approaches A. General discussion and analysis among members of the duty team. B. Review reference books and materials on bookcase in Help Desk office. (Or – selected references are also in 4H shed at Pleasant Grove). Most valued ones are on top shelf. Review VCE Horticultural Publications - in white binders in bottom shelf. Index to these is posted on the bulletin board. If sending any to client, check VCE website for most current version. If an update exists, send that to client and file another copy of the new version in the Publications binder and discard the outdated version. C. NOTE that ALL pesticide information MUST be taken from the current VCE Pest Management Guide. Use most recent version. NEVER recommend brand name products - only use generic or chemical name as indicated in VCE PM Guide. D. Use internet for research - go to VCE/VT sites first for educational resources and programs. Internet Explorer is set for http://intra.ext.vt.edu/ Click on Lawn and Garden on left. Then go to needed section or use search. Always start with .edu sources and other recognized authorities. Also check the FMG website for resources and information. www.fluvannamg.org 3 For sample replies, you may check the Log Book, the MG Replied or Sent folders in our webmail or the Help Desk Information section of the FMG website. E. Consult with available Extension Agents. F. Submit samples to Lab/Plant Clinic: • When client provides a sample, try to initially identify the problem, obtaining as much information and sample material as possible. • If team cannot solve the problem, consult with the Horticultural Agent. • See the special list of sources on bulletin board. • If still unresolved, fill out the correct VCE/VT submittal form to be sent to the Lab with the sample. Allow at least two weeks for a reply. 5. Ending the Shift A. Complete and file Shift Check-Off List in Log Book following last Log form entry. B. Police area, replace all books and materials, turn off the computer, lock and shut door to outside hall. C. Take any outgoing mail to front office to be mailed – do not seal until you check with Extension Agent or secretary. D. Inform secretary you are leaving and thank her for her help. Telephone System Operation: Checking Voice Mail: Press Vmail button on upper left of phone. Do not lift receiver. Wait for voice prompt, enter code 1002. When finished, exit system by hanging up. To make a local call: press Outbound and dial the number. To make a toll call: press Outbound and dial the number, wait for the tone and key in 118. 4 Farmers’ Market Procedures • Arrive 1:15 p.m. to set up & secure a shady space before the 2 p.m. opening. Master Gardeners and Interns should meet at the 4H shed at 1:15 pm. Check the signup list on the FMG website to see who else is scheduled for your day. NOTE: Please provide a substitute if you are unable to serve as scheduled. If you have to cancel entirely, FMG’s - please CALL the Fluvanna Farmers’ Market manager as soon as possible so s/he knows we will not be there. Interns – notify the FMG on the schedule. See our website for contact info. • • • • For equipment & supplies, go to the locked 4H shed 100 yards beyond the house. The shed key hangs on a nail outside, on the lower left as you face the shed’s back. Load the equipment in your car & lock the shed, returning the key to the nail. Stay later than 5 p.m. if people are interested. Record contacts on CONTACT sheet & return it with its clipboard to bin at end of day. For follow-up, return LOG forms & SAMPLES to Palmyra VCE office, by 11 a.m. Wednesday. Plant material should be refrigerated overnight. PLEASE fill out contact information completely – including email address. File the Log in the Log Book in the office with a COPY of any VT Plant Clinic form submitted. If you are the MG doing the additional follow-up, research the question & contact the client within a week. Document on Log. Process any additional samples to be sent out by the middle of the next day. If you give out a soil sample box and form, be sure to indicate on the form that clients need to include their email addresses as VT will now send email reports to the clients instead of paper reports. The MG or Intern who starts an inquiry is responsible to follow up with the client THROUGH completion and for emailing info@fluvannamg.org with the name and email address of the client as well as a BRIEF description of the issue and action taken – eg, Mary Smith, msmith@gmail.com, diseased rose sent to VT Plant Clinic on May 1, 2014. EQUIPMENT • 1 Table • 2 chairs • 2 black wire racks for brochures and flyers SUPPLIES • Bins/crates: flyers, brochures, pens, pencils, business cards, etc. • Clipboard • Contact sheets and LOG forms • FMG green tablecloth • Master Gardener Manual 5 • • • Pest Management Guide Reference books Sign-up form for those interested in becoming a Master Gardener Contact Irene Burke with any questions: 434-964-7264 or irenecburke@gmail.com or Donna McCarthy at donnamc47@yahoo.com or call 631-379-0834 & leave a message. 6