must read for at least 15

Savannah Elementary 2013-2014
Second Grade
•It is very important that you look at your child’s
binder on a daily basis.
•Be sure to sign your child’s conduct
communication and reading log on a daily basis.
Binders may contain the following items:
•weekly newsletter
•conduct communication calendar
•classroom rules
•homework assignments
•parent/teacher communication
•reading log
•spelling list
•guided reading baggie/folder
In order to accommodate busy schedules we will send home
homework each Monday. Typically this consists of math and spelling.
Homework will be due on Friday of that week. This is in addition to
reading (guided reading book).
Your child must read for at least 15-20 minutes each night.
Sign their reading log in order for them to get credit.
If they do not read, they will change their color for the day and read
during recess. It is important for them to return their guided reading
books daily, because these books will be used during their guided
reading lesson for the day.
Gatorrific Kids
Students can not receive more than 3 blue color
changes and 1 yellow in order to be gatorrific for
the six weeks period. Color changes include not
being prepared for class with homework and
supplies, respecting others, and following classroom
and school rules.
Each day, please send a healthy
snack for your child to eat. No
Candy!! Your child will have plenty
of opportunities to drink water
throughout the day.
We encourage parents to volunteer for a variety of
things at Savannah.
Each parent who volunteers (helping in the
classrooms, going on field trips, etc) must complete a
criminal history check.
Please inform your child’s teacher if you need this
You may find information about joining our PTA on
our school website.
Second Grade Curriculum
Language Arts
• Students are expected to read a level N with accuracy,
comprehension, and a fluency rate of 90 WPM by the end of the
school year
• Students will use strategies to comprehend text: establish a
purpose for reading, make connections, retell and summarize,
ask questions, monitor comprehension, inference
• Students will be able to use the writing process (plan, draft,
revise, edit, publish) with guided support
• Students will research, organize, and present ideas
• Use mathematical processes to acquire and demonstrate
• Students will create, analyze, display, select tools, apply,
explain, and justify mathematical ideas
• Master addition and subtraction facts to 20
• Analyze attributes of 2D and 3D solids
• Students understand the base-ten place value system up to
• Compare and order whole numbers
• Add and subtract two digit numbers
• Count a collection of coins up to $1.00
• Tell time by the minute
• Recognize and represent fractions and communicate how they
are used
• Students will use observation, investigation, and collecting and
analyzing information to learn about the world around them.
• Classify and change properties of matter
• Identify, measure, record, and graph weather information
• Distinguish between natural and manmade resources
• Explain the processes in the water cycle
• Compare and give examples of interdependence of living
• Health and safety
Social Studies
• Identify and explain the significance of
• Identify and compare government functions
and leaders
• Locate places on maps and globes
• Identify the contributions of historical
• Identify and distinguish between producers
and consumers
Grading Procedures
Standards based report cards
• Level 3 – meets expectations and ready to apply
• Level 2 – making progress and needs practice
• Level 1 – insufficient progress and needs more instruction
If you have any questions or concerns,
please feel free to send a note, email or
leave a message. Phone calls and emails
will be returned after school.
Please keep your child’s teacher informed
of any family situations that could affect
your child’s performance at school.