Branding Intro



The Corner Stone of Your Business

• What is Branding?

• Branding = a promise delivered

Everything you do in your business is a “promise” to your clients and partners. The colors, badge, names are only a small part of your


• Think of the ULTIMATE brand

• A simple piece of paper that Branding has made valuable

• On the front we find the owner of the brand the Federal Reserve and a testimonial from the first President George Washington

• There is a simple guide for users: “This note is legal tender for debts public and private.”

• To solidify the brand, the owner provides an important emotional message “In God we


• This world “brand” confers value globally even though it just a piece of paper

• How is marketing different than branding

• Marketing is an attempt to Push a consumer to buy a specific product or service

• Branding is an attempt to Pull consumers in based on a feeling of recognition and trust

• Where marketing may sell a specific product branding creates loyalty and ambassadors

• Branding is strategic

• Marketing is tactical

• Marketing can support a brand and help expose the brand to more prospects

• Branding is what remains after the marketing efforts happen

• Marketing may convince you to buy a Camry, but Branding may convince to buy Toyota’s from now on

• Branding is more important than ever

• The world is On-Line

• Information is available at the click of a mouse or swipe of a finger

• More and more buying decisions are being made based Brand knowledge

• No branding, no differentiation. No differentiation, no long-term profitability

• People don’t have relationships with products, they are loyal to brands vs.

Have I convinced you yet?

• For the Mortgage Business you ARE your brand

• People don’t do business with you because of the company you work for or your companies brand

• They do business with you because they trust YOU……that is your

Personal Brand

• I would say we all have a personal brand that influences other people's decisions about whether to do business with us or not

• Your personal brand not only has a powerful effect on those you meet, but others within your network as well

• People talk about you the same way they talk about products or services and your personal branding has a big influence on those conversations

• Personal Branding is NOT just about you professionally

• The best brands not only tell who you are professionally, but privately too

• Example : David Beckam - private branding shows who he is as a son, father and husband while his public brand shows who he is as professional athlete and fashion icon

• Example : Paul Baxter – my private branding is who I am as a father, husband, Floridian while my professional brand is who I am as a marketing coach, trainer, speaker and teacher

• Your personal brand creates impact in 3 stages

1. The First Impression – This first impression happens even before you open your mouth – do you look the part

2. The Initial Conversation – what you say and how you say it to build rapport

3. The Follow Up – how you follow through and build the relationship

• As a Mortgage Professional your brand MUST convey

Expertise – You must be knowledgeable in in what you offer (this is why focusing on niches is so successful)

Trust – Be honest and ethical in both your personal and professional life to be “branded” as trust worthy

Availability – This bowls down to communication, both partners and consumers want to know they can rely on you for answers when they have questions……

Keep me in the Loop!!!

• The Goal today was to change the way you think about your BRAND

• It is not just a name or image

• Your brand is how people feel when they see or hear your name or image

• Your brand is all the things you do in your business and a lot of times personal lives

• How to create your Brand Name

• Step 1 = Type your first and last name

• Step 2 = Feel free to come up with something to follow but it is not essential (The Mortgage Dude, Mortgage Answer man….)

• Step 3 = Done

• Take Google for instance –

• Nothing in that name says “search engine”

• However it is the most recognized “Brand” in the world

• Why?

• Because the branding came with getting their message out

• An extreme example, I know

• But put it in perspective – Your “audience” are the Real Estate Agents and Home Buyers in your area

• Focus your branding on the right audience and maximize the result

• You all now have a Brand

Paul Baxter Implementation Coach

• Join me tomorrow and lets talk about how to get it out to your audience
