This one counts as two activities!

CHAPTER 1-asking/telling your name, asking how are you, introducing others, giving phone
numbers, the time, date, day, giving email and spelling words. Four of these (your choice) must
be completed by the day before the chapter EXAMEN.
Introduce yourself to four
friends/family members in
Spanish. Have them sign in
this box.
Ask three teachers how are
you (in Spanish), have them
respond. Then tell them how
you are. (Do not do this in the
middle of their class, please).
Have them sign in this box.
Tell four friends/family
members your name in
Spanish, then teach them how
to tell you their name. Have
them sign in the box.
Give your phone number in
Spanish to four friends/family
members. Have them sign in
the box.
Write today’s date, your
birthday, and a friend’s
birthday in Spanish below.
Find a Spanish article online.
(A good place to look would
for sports, or
for regular news.)
Write the date the article was
written, the day, and the
author’s name, and print a
copy of the article.
Find a useful Spanish app for
your iPod/iPad/phone/tablet
etc. Download it and write a
paragraph summary about
how it could be useful for a
Spanish student.
Pick four famous people, look
up where they are from (if
USA, then use the state), and
tell a friend/family member
where they are from in
Spanish. Have them sign
below in the box. Include the
sheet w/ famous people’s
names and place of origin.
Ask for a classmate’s email in
Spanish, write it down (so you
don’t forget) and send
him/her an email introducing
yourself, saying how you are
and where you are from in
Spanish. Print out the email
and turn in with this sheet.
CHAPTER 2-describing people, asking someone’s age/birthday, talk about what you like,
describing things, questions. Four of these (your choice) must be completed by the day before
the chapter EXAMEN.
Create a shirt with an
adjective on it to describe
yourself. Wear it to class.
Describe a friend’s best
qualities in Spanish with the
hashtag #terelleamigos on
Twitter. Tweet it
@terellespanish or print it out
to show me.
Create an acrostic with your
Spanish name as the main
letters to describe yourself
with adjectives to display in
Choose a painting done by a
famous Hispanic artist. Bring
in the painting and describe
the people in it with at least
10 adjectives in Spanish. (See
me for a list of Hispanic
Have a text conversation
where you tell a friend which
things you like/don’t like from
page 56-57. Comment on at
least four things.
Create a poster with the things
you like/don’t like from page
56-57. Bring it into class or
take a picture of it.
Tell four friends/family
members your age in Spanish.
Then tell them how old they
are in Spanish. Have them
sign below.
Pick four famous people, look
up their age, and tell a
friend/family member their
age in Spanish. Have them
sign below in the box. Include
the sheet w/ famous people’s
Respond to the prompt: Pick
one of your classes this year
and describe in Spanish.
Include what you like about it
and include at least three
adjectives to illustrate your
point. You can either tell me
in person or record yourself
saying this.
CHAPTER 3-talk about what you/others like/want to do, everyday activities, say how often you
do things. Four of these (your choice) must be completed by the day before the chapter
Create a poster with the things Pick and describe three things
you like/don’t like from pages
from page 82-83 or 94 that
82-83 or 94. Bring it into class you like to do and tweet about
or take a picture of it.
them using the hashtag
#terelleactividades. Tweet it
@terellespanish or bring in a
Create an acrostic with your
Spanish name as the main
letters to describe the things
you like to do on pages 82-83
or 94.
Collect props to describe at
least four of the activities you
like on pages 82-83, 94. Bring
them in and present to class or
record yourself telling us
about these things you like to
do in Spanish (prop example:
A bike helmet or headphones.)
Have a text conversation
where you tell a friend which
things you like/don’t like from
pages 82-83, 94. Comment on
at least four things.
Find an article in Spanish
about one of the activities
listed on pages 82-83 or 94.
( or are some sites you
could use). Bring in the article
and summarize in English
what it is about.
Teach four friends/family
members/teachers the
Spanish days of the week.
Have them sign below.
Create a schedule for the
upcoming week. Fill in what
you need to do and label the
days of the week in Spanish.
Change your phone to
Spanish, write down at least
five new words you learn.
CHAPTER 4-say what you have/need, talk about classes and plans, invite someone to do
something. Four of these (your choice) must be completed by the day before the chapter
Make labels for all your school
supplies or all the school
supplies in the classroom.
Teach one of your teachers
five names of different school
supplies found around his/her
classroom. Teacher signs
Describe your schedule, in
order, to 4 people and have
them sign below.
Search online and find out
similarities and differences
between schooling in the
United States and a Spanish
speaking country of your
choice. List
similarities/differences on a
separate sheet of paper and
share with a friend.
Make an invitation to an event
(real or made up). Give it to a
friend and teach him/her how
to accept or decline the invite.
Draw a picture with 5 things
you like to do or school
subjects you like from page
120, 132. Use Me gusta in
front of each thing.
Choose a famous Spanish
speaker. Make up a short
interview where he/she
discusses favorite school
subjects and weekend
activities using the vocabulary
from the chapter.
Email or text w/ a friend the
following questions and
respond in a full sentence.
1. ¿Cuál es tu materia
2. ¿Cuál es tu día
3. ¿Qué vas a hacer este
fin de semana?
On Twitter, discuss three of
your favorite activities.
Or print out and show me.
CHAPTER 5-talk about people/family relationships, talk about where you and others live, talk
about your responsibilities. Four of these (your choice) must be completed by the day before
the chapter EXAMEN.
Write a text/twitter/fb post
describing two family
members in Spanish, mark it
or print out/show to me.
Make a small poster
describing yourself (include
hair, eye color, characteristics,
3 likes/dislikes).
Pretend you work for a
magazine interested in finding
out what type of chores your
classmates have. Write three
interview questions, ask a
classmate, and record his/her
Respond to the chapter 1 blog
post on my teacher website.
Include your name and class
period in the title.
Explain in a minimum half
page essay why/how you
think knowing Spanish could
help you in the future.
Make up or actually text a
friend making plans for
tonight. Include-invite and a
choice to two things to do,
response, times, and where to
meet. (pg. 20).
Choose three famous people.
Describe their: hair color, eye
color and one personality trait.
Watch at least 15 minutes of
Spanish TV. Write a
paragraph summary of what
the program was about.
Tell us in Spanish (live or
recorded) if it were up to you,
how would you distribute the
household chores and to
whom in your house. (pg. 18
for chores).
CHAPTER 6-commenting on food, taking an order, making requests, talking about meals. Four
of these (your choice) must be completed by the day before the chapter EXAMEN.
Find three food labels that are
in Spanish. Bring them into
class or take pictures.
Keep track of what you eat for
lunch/dinner for three days.
Describe the food (how it
looked, tasted, etc.) and write
it down.
Explain to three people what
you had for breakfast for three
days. Have them initial below.
(Saying nothing doesn’t countif you don’t eat breakfast
make something up.)
Go to a Mexican restaurant
and order your food in
Spanish. Get a takeout menu
and bring it in as proof as well
as a parent’s signature that
you actually ordered in
Pretend you are having the
King and Queen of Spain over
for dinner. Describe what you
would serve to them. Write it
on a separate piece of paper
or on the back of this one (w/
definite articles el, la, los, las).
Look up how/when meals are
eaten and served in Spain.
Write a paragraph summary in
your own words comparing
similarities and differences
from the United States.
Make a food pyramid and fill
the food words from page
196-197 into the correct
Write how you think a typical
conversation at a restaurant
between a customer and
server would take place.
Look up a typical recipe from a
Spanish-speaking country and
print it out. Extra credit if you
actually prepare the dish and
bring it in for the class!
CHAPTER 1-describing people, routines, likes/dislikes. Offering help/talking about chores,
talking about plans and places. Four of these (your choice) must be completed by the day
before the chapter EXAMEN.
Write a text/twitter/fb post
describing two family
members in Spanish, mark it
or print out/show to me.
Make a small poster
describing yourself (include
hair, eye color, characteristics,
3 likes/dislikes).
Pretend you work for a
magazine interested in finding
out what type of chores your
classmates have. Write three
interview questions, ask a
classmate, and record his/her
Respond to the chapter 1 blog
post on my teacher website.
Include your name and class
period in the title.
Explain in a minimum half
page essay why/how you
think knowing Spanish could
help you in the future.
Make up or actually text a
friend making plans for
tonight. Include-invite and a
choice to two things to do,
response, times, and where to
meet. (pg. 20).
Choose three famous people.
Describe their: hair color, eye
color and one personality trait.
Watch at least 15 minutes of
Spanish TV. Write a
paragraph summary of what
the program was about.
Tell us in Spanish (live or
recorded) if it were up to you,
how would you distribute the
household chores and to
whom in your house. (pg. 18
for chores).
CHAPTER 4-talk about how something turned out, reacting to events, talking about getting hurt,
ask for and give advice. Three of these (your choice) must be completed by the day before the
chapter EXAMEN.
Write a text/twitter/fb post
describing a sporting event of
your choice in Spanish
Make a small poster that looks
like a scoreboard. Label all
parts in Spanish and color the
Pick any sporting event of
your choice and describe how
it turned out to the class.
Include the teams, scores,
winners/losers, etc.
Respond to the chapter 4
Teach a friend/family
questions posted on my
member/teacher three
Google classroom site. Look Spanish body parts, a common
for the title Ch. 4 Questions. injury and remedy. Have them
Post your answers right on the
initial below.
(Ex. Ankle, twisted ankle, put
on a wrap and ice).
Use a picture of your favorite
celebrity/singer, etc. and label
the body parts in Spanish.
Pretend you work for a health
center. Make up a fitness
program for someone who
wants to get into shape.
Include 3-4 activities.
Pick any sporting event of
your choice and discuss with
four different people how it
turned out. Include the
teams, scores, winners/losers,
Have them initial below.
Come up with three common
injuries an athlete could
suffer. Pretend that athlete
came to you for advice. Give
him/her advice on how to heal
up those three injuries.
CHAPTER 5-tell someone to hurry, remind someone to do something, express interest and
disinterest, discuss how long something has been going on. Three of these (your choice) must
be completed by the day before the chapter EXAMEN.
Use the vocabulary in section
5.1 to discuss a normal
morning for you during the
school week in Spanish.
Make a small poster with your
interests on it. Label all parts
in Spanish and color the
Cut out 5 pictures of what you
like to do in your free time.
Write a sentence for each
picture describing what the
activity is, why you like it and
where/when you do it. Glue
the pictures onto a piece of
This one counts as two
Respond to the chapter 5
questions posted on my
Google classroom site. Look
for the title Ch. 5 Questions.
Post your answers right on the
Discuss three of your interests
from the vocab 5.2 list with
three different friends/family
members/teachers. Have
them initial below.
(Ex. Me interesa tomar clases
de guitarra).
Write a short journal entry
describing activities you used
to do when you were younger.
Say when you stopped and
how long you did the activities
Find out the following info on
Costa Rica.
-location on the map (print out
a picture)
-flag (print out a picture)
-meaning of the name Costa
-Main export
-Two tourist attractions
Create a short 5 question
survey you could give to a
classmate to find out his/her
Example ?s-What types of
sports do you enjoy?
What are your favorite
What types of current events
interest you?
List three interests in full
sentences on Twitter or
Due: el 27 de mayo
CHAPTER 6-talk about what you used to like/dislike, describe people and things in the past, talk
about an emotional reaction. Three of these (your choice) must be completed by the day
before the chapter EXAMEN.
Prepare a four question survey Make a small poster with your Pick four favorite celebrities.
about what was popular last childhood interests on it. Label
Write sentences describing
year (music, movies, TV,
all parts in Spanish and color what you think they wanted to
books, etc).
the poster. Make sure all
be when they grew up. Feel
Ask a classmate the questions,
verbs are in imperfect.
free to be creative.
log his/her responses and
have him/her initial below.
Respond to the chapter 6
questions posted on my
Google classroom site. Look
for the title Ch. 6 Questions.
Post your answers right on the
Discuss three of your
childhood interests from the
ch. 6 vocab list with three
different friends/family
members/teachers. Have
them initial below. Make sure
to use imperfect.
(Ex. Me gustaba tomar clases
de guitarra).
Pick four favorite celebrities.
Use chapter 6.2 vocabulary to
describe what they used to be
like in the past. See text book
pg. 218-19 for ideas.
Write a short journal entry
describing activities you used
to do when you were younger.
Include you doing those
activities made you feel using
emotion vocabulary from the
6.2 vocab list.
Find out the following info on List three interests you used to
Segovia, Spain.
have as a child in full
-location on the map (print out
sentences on Twitter or
a picture)
-flag (print out a picture)
Be sure to use imperfect.
-Fun facts about El Alcázar and
La Catedral.