8-th REGIONAL PUBLIC PROCUREMENT FORUM, TIRANA, ALBANIA 22-25 MAY, 2012 ON THE WAY TO MORE TRANSPERENCY AND EFFICIENCY by: Davlatov Dilmurod Agency on Public Procurement under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Director BRIEF REVIEW OF LEGAL FRAMEWORK THE PREVIOUS LAW «ON TENDER» WAS ABOLISHED • general provisions, with no detailed elaboration • poor enforcement THE LAW «ON PUBLIC PROCUREMENT» ADOPTED IN MARCH, 2006 • based on UNCITRAL model • combination of 1) centralized joint procurement by Non-Qualified Procuring Entity and PPA, 2) decentralized procurement by Qualified Procuring Entity THE REGULATIONS ADOPTED IN 2007-2008 • facilitated by grant and technical assistance of World Bank GOVERNMENT DECREE #319, 1 JUNE, 2007 • Qualification Commission under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan is authorized to grant status «Qualified Procuring Entity» BRIEF REVIEW OF LEGAL FRAMEWORK GOVERNMENT DECREE #500, 2 OCTOBER, 2010 • State Committee on Investment and Public Property Management is authorized to coordinate procurement implemented under joint investment projects with donors LAW «ON AMENDMENTS TO THE LAW «ON PUBLIC PROCUREMENT», #815, 16 APREL, 2012 • procurement for emergency situation and other extreme cases according to Government Decree will be out of law • minimal threshold is shifted from annual government decree to law • special cases under which request for quotation are admitted to be concretized by authorized body • preferences to domestic suppliers and contractors are excluded • some provisions are amended to improve supplier`s rights • rejection of a bid whose price is more then 10 percent lower funds allocated for construction works PUBLIC PROCUREMENT STRUCTURE PROCUREMENT DEPENDS ON SOURCES OF FUNDS State budget resources of all levels Funds of State enterprises Funds of joint-stock companies and enterprises with foreign investments where the State share amounts to above 50 percent Earmarked State funds Funds of state banks using for local purchases Funds borrowed in the framework of joint investment projects with donors . PUBLIC PROCUREMENT STRUCTURE • MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TRADE MEDT Development of policy • Leads decentralization in the framework of Qualification Commission under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan • PUBLIC PROCUREMENT AGENCY PPA • Authorized body in implementation of policy • Arrangement of joint procurement on behalf of organizations that do not have the status of «Qualified Procuring Entity» • QUALIFIED PROCURING ENTITY QPE • Procurement on its own with coordination of method of procurement • 19 Qualified Procuring Entities until now PUBLIC PROCUREMENT STRUCTURE • WB, ADB, IDB, the other donors DONORS • Approve tender results • STATE COMMITTEE ON INVESTMENT AND PUBLIC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SKIPPM • Leads the procedure of opening bids along with 6 ministries and agencies • Coordination between donors and project implementation units • PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION UNITS PIU • Arrangement of procurement plan, documentation, etc. • Bid evaluation and submission it to SKIPPM and Donors for approval PROCESS OF DECENTRALISATION PROCURING ENTITY APPLIES TO PPA FOR TRAINING PPA TRAINS AND EXAMS, ISSUES SERTIFICATE OF PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST PPA ENTER THE NAME OF PROCURING ENTITY IN THE REGISTER «QUALIFIED PROCURING ENTITY» PROCURING ENTITY IF THE OTHER REQUIREMENTS MET APPLIES TO GOVERNMENT COMMISSION TO OBTAIN STATUS QPE GOVERNMENT COMMISSION IF THE QUALIFICATION CRITERIA CONFIRMED MAKES APPROPRIATE DECISION AND HAND IT OVER TO PPA PROCUREMENT IN FIGURES DISTRIBUTION OF CONTRACTS, 2011 (TOTALLY 387 MLN.US) JOINT CENTRALISED PROCUREMENT DECENTRALISED PROCUREMENT INVESTMENT PROJECTS PROCUREMENT 33% 43% 24% CHALLENGES AND HOW TO ADRESS THEM SLOW DECENTRALISATION LIMITED PPA CAPACITY FOR TRAINING AND RETRAINING MANY PROCUREMENT WITH LOW VALUE ONLY ONE-YEAR CONTRACTS CONTRACT MANAGEMENT RISKS TRAINING BY INSTITUTE OF RAISING QUALIFICATION, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE/WORLD BANK GRANT FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT MANUAL ON CONTRACT EXECUTION MANAGEMENT AND TRAINING BOTH PROCURING ENTITY AND SUPPLIERS LEGAL BASIS FOR E-GP ARTICLE 29 OF THE LAW «ON PUBLIC PROCUREMENT» PROVIDES E-PROCUREMENT LAW «ON DIGITAL SIGNATURE», #320, 30 JULY, 2007 GOVERNMENT DECREE #643, 30 DECEMBER, 2011 «ON CONCEPTION E-GOVERNMENT FORMATION » - 3-STAGE IMPLEMENTATION, 2012-2020 NEGOTIATION INITIATED WITH WORLD BANK, ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK IN FEBRUARY 2012 TO HAVE ASSISTANCE - FIRST-HAND ACQUAINTANCE WITH E-GP INTRODUCED IN ALBANY, DEVELOPMENT ROAD MAP INTRODUCTION OF E-GP IS DECLARED IN THE ANNUAL MASSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT TO PARLIAMENT, 20, APREL, 2012 TOWARDS THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES WEB-SITE «GOSZAKUPKI.TJ» RECONSTRACTED AND STARTED FROM JULY, 2011 E-ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT FORTHCOMING TENDERS INFORMATION ABOUT AWARDED CONTRACTS TOWARDS THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES NEW DATABASE SYSTEM INTRODUCED IN PPA, MARCH 2012 CURRENT BENEFITS -TIME SAVED FOR REGISTRATION OF TENDERS, CONTRACT AWARDED -MULTY-FUNCTIONAL SEARCH -INCREASING CAPACITY OF PPA TO ANALYSE AND SUPERVISE -DATA ON ALL PROCURING ENTITIES AND SUPPLIERS WHAT ARE NEXT? - CONNECT ALL THE QUALIFIED PROCURING ENTITY TO THE SYSTEM - INTEGRATION WITH THE SINGLE DATABASE NETWORK OF MINISTRY OF FINANCE, TAX COMMITTEE, CUSTOM COMMITTEE, BANKS THANK YOU!