Legal framework affecting the establishment, operation and

Overall on Legal Framework for
Civil Society Organizations
Presentation to PPWG Workshop
By Nguyen Thi Bich Diep
Hanoi, 5-2007
Purposes and Approaches
Introduce the Legal Framework for Civil Society
Organizations in general and in Vietnam
Share internal and international experiences in
improving this Legal Framework
Broadly and generally
Civil Society Organizations focused
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
in Vietnam
 Common charateristics:
 Non-state and non-market; and
 Voluntary; and
 Self management; and
 Self finance; and
 Not-for-profit
CSOs in Vietnam
Membership (known as association/ society)
Mass organizations*;
Associations, Unions, Federations, etc;
Các hiệp hội nghề nghiệp*
Community based organizations
Non-membership (known as fund/foundation/NFP corporation)
Non-membership organizations: research institutions,
scientific institutions, centres working on development,
education, training, poverty reduction, ect*;
Social funds, charity funds, development funds;
Not for profit companies/ corporations*
Not sure
Religious organizations*;
Informal groups*;
International NGOs*
II. Improvement of the legal framework shall
enhance participation and contribution of CSOs in
the socio-economic development
1. Increasing roles
Economic impact
Active workforce: all countries: 4.4%, Netherlands
In Vietnam: no exact statistic is known
(14.4%), US (9.8%), France (7.6%), In some
transitioning countries: Czech Rep : 2% (74,000
employees); Hungary: 1.1% (~ 62,000 full time
Social impact
Increasingly engage in health, culture, education,
recreation, research, consultancy and comment on
policies, social services, community development,
and other activities relating to evaluation and
monitoring, etc.
Enhance participation and contribution of CSOs in
the socio-economic development
Scarce Government Resources
Help fill the gaps and assure that missing public
goods are provided where there is lack of
government resource or failure of market
Delivering public goods and services more
efficiently, thanks to:
Fact of volunteerism
Access to real needs
Enhance participation and contribution of CSOs in
the socio-economic development
2. Ensure the transparency and
 For those CSOs with tax incentives or exemption/
 For those for public benefit CSOs who receive
public support, government fund or donations
 As a legal base for certifying both CSOs and State’s
transparent and fair management exercises
Current legal framework for CSOs
in Vietnam
Policies and directions by the Party and the State to
encourage the growth of CSOs
Laws/bylaws that directly regulate the rights,
establishment and operation of CSOs
The Constitution (Art. 69)
The Decree-law No 102/SL-L (1957) on Regulations on the
Rights to Set Up Associations
The Civil Code 1995, revised 2005
Laws on distinguished mass organizations (*)
Decree No. 177/1999/ND-CP on Social Funds and Charity
Decree No. 88/2003/ND-CP on Associations
Decree 35/1992/HDBT on management of scientific and
technological activities
III. Current legal framework for CSOs
in Vietnam
Laws/bylaws closely related to
Social services, public services
Finance, funding, aids, donations, ODA
Assurance of people participation
Decentralization, grass-root democracy
Examining, investigating, filing petition
Currently, Vietnam is in the process of drafting the
Law on Associations (upgraded from Decree 88/2003
on Associations) and reviewing relevant legal
Legal framework (con’t)
Comparatively comprehensive in terms of number of
laws/bylaws for distinguished CSOs
Legal base for CSOs to engage in various activities (i.e. Art.22
Decree 88/ 2003 on Associations)
… To provide consultation and comments on matters of concerns,
and to contribute opinions on legal documents
To propose and coordinate with concerned agencies and/or
organizations on matters of concerned
To raise funds and receive lawful financial supports of domestic
and foreign sources
Join international and regional organizations and activities …
Certain types of taxes exemption and deduction available
(subject to procedures)
Legal framework (con’t)
 Issues for further improvement
Need be more comprehensive
Not clear mechanism of state management
Not sufficient mechanism for effective evaluation and
Not sufficient tax incentives and supporting
mechanism for sustainable finance
Not sufficient dialogues and linkage among broad
CSOs and Government and the Private sector
IV. Khảo sát các tiêu chí xây dựng khung
pháp lý tốt cho các tổ chức XHDS
Purposes of a good legal framework
Compromise rights, benefit and responsibilities, duties of relevant
Create a legal base to create a supportive, easy and transparent
environment for CSOs to effectively develop and best contribute
Promote stable and sustainable social and economic development
Results of a good legal framework
Protect Fundamental Freedoms when registration and operation
Integrity and Good Governance
Financial Sustainability
Accountability and Transparency
Create linkage between CSOs and the State sector, the private
sector and the others
1. Protecting Fundamental Freedoms when registration and
CSOs should be allowed to come into existence and not be required to
obtain legal personality in order to engage in lawful activities
Registration should be relatively quick, easy, and inexpensive
Registration agency/ies should be fair, clearly directed and adequately
staffed with competent professionals
Right to file a petition should be available
Activities (not limited to)
Be permitted to engage in activities for the benefit of their members and in
public benefit or “charitable” activities
Be certificated with Public Benefit Status in order to obtain more
Conduct research, discussion, consultation and comments on matters of
concerns, and policies and programs of the State
Be expose to mass media for and state media to inform their own activities
* Those activities should be in accordance with laws and bylaws or morality or
customs, and shall satisfy required procedures or conditions if any.
2. Integrity and Good Governance
Mandatory Provisions for Governing Documents
Strengthen monitoring and evaluation, and supervision
Avoid any actual or potential conflict between their personal or
business interests and the interests of the CSOs
Make clear and prohibit distribution of profits
Encourage voluntary Self-Regulation upon operation and
Encourage formation of umbrella organizations or network
to adopt and enforce principles of voluntary self-regulation.
3. Financial Sustainability
Fund raising: through legally acceptable and culturally appropriate
fundraising activities
Requirement: registration with a state organ or an independent
supervisory organ, which will issue permits, badges, and other
identification materials to the fund raisers, set standards for public
solicitation activities, provide information to the public, and sanction
inappropriate conduct
Lawful economic, business, or commercial activities
Requirement: Within the area of operation; no distribution of profits,
certificated if required; possible tax durable
Tax deduction and exemption,
organizations, donors and donations
Special treatment for donation and investment in public benefit areas
Foreign funding and aids: registered CSOs are allowed to
Encouragement of volunteers
receive cash or in-kind donations or transfers from aid agencies of another
4. Accountability and Transparency
Report to the licensing and/or management agency/ies: at least
annually on its general finance and operation
Report to tax and audit organs
* All reports required of CSOs should be as simple to complete and as
uniform among state organs as is possible, with appropriate provisions
to protect the legitimate privacy interests (if any)
Disclosure or Availability of Information to the Public
required for significant activities or assets or with substantial public
Audit by authorized agencies or donors
Subject to sanction when there is violation
As equal to any legal person or subject as in the Civil code, and for
violations of laws/ bylaws peculiar to CSOs
5. Improvement of Partnership
Provide for regular or irregular, formal or informal
exchanging and cooperating mechanism
Encourage cooperation of Government – CSOs, CSOs –
CSOs, and CSOs – Private sector
Encourage Government funded programs and projects
implemented by CSOs through signing a contract or
V. Making a good legal framework for CSOs
This is a long lasting, continuing and repeating process
that needs lots of efforts and contribution of relevant
Revise, draft and newly promulgate laws/ bylaws, at the
same time make cross-sectoral changes where
appropriate and relevant.
Combine a series of research, assessment,
implementation, capacity for implementation, monitoring,
evaluation and propose for changes when necessary
Making a good legal framework for CSOs
During the process of drafting, promulgating, implementing,
and reviewing the legal framework for CSOs:
Raise concerns and encourage participation by cross-sector
and different stakeholders
Create a strong partnership among state agencies and
institutions and public including businesses, domestic and
international supporters, independent experts and researchers,
and especially CSOs – the resources, the beneficiaries, the
implementers, at the same time, the monitors
Thank you very much!
Nguyen Thi Bich Diep,
LL.M. t.Lawyer