MHS Syllabus Template English 10 Rhonda McDaniels Fall/Spring 2011-12 Manzano HS Contact Information MHS Phone Number: 559-2338 APS Email: Class Website: Class description English 10 is a required course that combines the study of literature with language arts skills. The goal of the English 10 course is for students to achieve proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, listening, literary analysis, and research. The following will be emphasized throughout the course: standard usage in writing and speaking, the paragraph and essay in composition, and comprehension and critical analysis of literature. In addition, a departmental grammar and usage test is required each semester. Semester 1 Elements of Literature and the short story ( first 7 weeks) Fahrenheit 451 (6 weeks) Fahrenheit 451 (film 1966 with Julie Christie) not rated Cyrano de Bergerac (5 weeks) Cyrano (film 1990) PG French with subtitles Departmental Mechanics/Usage objectives, Vocabulary and Poetry throughout Semester 2 Lord of the Flies (1st 6 weeks) Shakespeare: Othello or The Taming of the Shrew ( 2nd 6 weeks) Othello (film 1995) R for some sexuality - All nudity and overtly sexual imagery have OR been edited from the film for MHS usage. The Taming of the Shrew (film 1967 Richard Burton/Elizabeth Taylor) not rated The Things they Carried or Inherit the Wind (3rd 6 weeks) Departmental Mechanics/Usage objectives, Vocabulary and Poetry throughout General Weekly Schedule Monday/ Tuesday Vocab Review Reading Quiz Literature Discussion/ Activities Grammar Wednesday/Thursday Literature Activities Poetry Analysis Multiple Choice Practice or Test Friday Writing Practice Writing Analysis Vocabulary Materials needed: You will need the following supplies for this class. These materials are due on August ___________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Three ring binder large enough to devote a section for this class One composition notebook (no spirals). Set of 3 dividers with tabs, labeled. Supply of college ruled notebook paper (no spirals) Pen (Blue or Black ink) - Bring to class every day. Highlighter - Bring to class every day. Composition Book Your composition book will be used as an academic journal. Label the front CLEARLY with your name, MHS Syllabus Template period, and LOG BOOK. Notebooks A. Your notebook must be divided into three sections with tab dividers and notes organized within each section by date. Handouts and notes should go behind the divider for that section. Your sections are as follows: 1. Current Work 2. Reference 3. Vocabulary B. Standard heading for everything (including notes!) that goes in your notebook: Name Period Date These are written in the upper right hand corner. Page Title is written on the top line of the page (ex: Othello Discussion Notes). Assignments turned in without a name will be counted as zeros! C. Notebooks will be graded three times each semester. One will be announced ahead of time. The other two will not. 1. Notebook checks cannot be turned in late. If you do not have your notebook in class on the day of the check it is a zero. NO, you will not be allowed to go to your locker and get it, nor will you be able to bring it by later in the day. 2. All notes must be in your own handwriting. The act of taking notes is part of the learning process. You may not use Xerox copies of a friend’s notes. If you’ve missed class, copying the notes by hand will help you to learn the information that you missed. Grading policy Students are notified of their progress in class on a regular basis. Additionally, grades are posted on Basmati bi-weekly. In order to prevent students from falling hopelessly behind, I send written notification home if three failing grades have been earned. Grades are cumulative and are based on the standard 100% scale. 90-100% = A, 80-89% = B, 70-79% = C, 60- 69% = D, Below 60% = F NO Exceptions! The following grades contribute to the semester average: Essays 35% Tests/ Projects 40% Preparation and Practice 15% Semester Final Exam 10% In addition to posting assignments and homework on my board, I also maintain a blog which details each week’s agenda. You may access this site at or you may follow the hot link to the site on my Moodle page. Students who miss class need check the blog for all missed work. Late work will not be accepted; however, you will receive 3 stress passes per semester which will allow certain assignments to be turned in one day late penalty free. The following items may not be turned in late under any circumstances. Failure to have these items on the due date will result in an automatic zero. a. notebooks on notebook check day b. rough drafts of writing that will receive peer feedback in class c. class presentations (individual and group) MHS Syllabus Template Grades will be given for all assigned work. A letter will be sent home to notify your parents if you earn three failing grades during a marking period. Additional failing grades will require further parent contact. General expectations Tardies a. You must be in the room and in your seat when the bell rings. b. Tardies of longer than 10 minutes constitute an absence. c. If you arrive at school after my class is over, you are still responsible for turning in homework and completing any assignments assigned during class. Stop by my room to pick up assignments and drop off homework. d. Tardies 1-3 will be subject to a classroom consequence. Tardy #4 will result in a behavior referral to the office. Behavior Expectations 1. Come prepared! Have your binder, your log book, a pen, your completed work, and appropriate texts. 2. Respect the other members of the class. a. Raise your hand to participate in discussion. b. Listen to one another. I may ask you what the last person said if I feel you are not paying attention or are concerned only with voicing your own ideas. c. Listen to me. That means giving me your full attention and taking notes on lectures and discussions. d. Do not carry on side conversations, pass notes, sleep, put on make-up etc. e. Absolutely no cell phones, ipods, or other electronic media allowed! f. Classroom disruption will not be tolerated. Each student has the right to a safe learning environment free from disruption and distraction. g. Refrain from using profanity. h. Be courteous. i. Do not wander about the room or pack up early. I dismiss you, not the bell. 3. Respect the classroom. a. No food, drink, candy, or gum allowed in class. b. Take care of all furniture and supplies. c. ASK to borrow materials or books. d. Do not throw things at the wastebasket. Get up and walk to it. **Sit in your assigned seat. If you have a problem with your seating assignment, you must request a meeting with me. Homework/late policy Make up work a. It is your responsibility to see me or another student to get notes and assignments. b. The missed day’s homework or reading is due the day you return unless you have been seriously ill. (as in unconscious, hospitalized, etc., and I will expect documentation from a parent) c. It is your responsibility to see me to make up missed quizzes, tests or homework. I will be available Mondays/Tuesdays during lunch and Wednesdays/Thursdays after school for make-ups and extra help. d. You will have as many days to make up missed work as the number of days of your absence. (ex. absent 3 days = 3 days to make up work) e. If you will be absent for an extended period of time, please call friends and MHS Syllabus Template arrange to have work brought to you. Check the blog! f. If you will be absent for a planned event, please request your work a few days before your scheduled absence. IF YOU ARE ABSENT, YOU MUST CHECK THE CLASS BLOG FOR MISSED WORK! If you have an emergency or questions about assignments, please feel free to email me. Reminder ALL MHS rules will be in effect in my classroom at all times. Food and drink in classrooms are not permitted without administrator approval (exception for special cases), electronic devices must either be out of sight, or used for Instructional Purposes under the direct supervision and permission of the staff member. Ie, listening to music is NOT an instructional purpose, except maybe in a music class. Student IDs are to be worn at all times while on campus. I am looking forward to working with you this year! Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Please have your student return this syllabus with your signature by Monday August 22nd. Sincerely, Rhonda McDaniels Student Name (Please Print) __________________________________________ Student Signature ________________________________ period ________ I have reviewed the English 10 course syllabus and class policies/expectations with my student. Signature ____________________________________ Date________________ Preferred email address ______________________________________ Preferred telephone contact # ____________________________________