GEO 131: Global Environmental Issues: Topics & Readings If you don't see the reading, be sure to 'refresh' or 'reload' your browser window. Topics Readings Week 1: Intro: Syllabus; Weds Biodiversity 101 Readings; Course Organization 8/25 Gould 1978. The panda's peculiar thumb NaturalHistory 87 (November): 20-30. Mutersbaugh Boris Worm et al., from "Impacts highlight the societal consequences This trend is of serious concern bec century." John Vandermeer and Ivette Per Backgrounder (Summer 1995) ?Ou peasant agriculture, export agricult factors intricately connected with o Janet N. Abramovitz, from "Putti gross domestic product (GDP) ? su most valuable goods and services?t CONCEPTSBiodiversity Conservation Biology and Biodiversity: types of biodiversity, Evolutionary Processes WEEK2 Gould: nature's odd couplesOR THE Monday PANDA’S THUMB? 8/30 Gould 1990. The Golden Rule—a proper scale for our environmental crisis. Natural History 99 (September): 24-30. Wed 9/1 Western Ideas of Nature Glacken: Judeo-Christian Ideas of Nature Glacken: Francis Bacon, Controlling the Earth Francis Bacon: New Atlantis Movie: Affluenza Monday Sept 6 Labor Day No Class CONCEPTSIdeas of Nature WEEK3 Non-Western Ideas of Nature Wed Sept Parkes: Fengshui (China) 8 CONCEPTSEnvironmental Justice Videos: Iskay Yachay - Two Kinds of Knowledge (Part 1) Iskay Yachay - Two Kinds of Knowledge (Part 2) Iskay Yachay - Two Kinds of Knowledge (Part 3) Iskay Yachay - Two Kinds of Knowledge (Part 4) Environmental Justice ebook, pages 1-18. WEEK4 SOMETHING ON INTERNATIONAL Monday ENVIRONMENTAL (IN)JUSTICE: OGONI Sept 13 STUFF? SAVAGES? ENERGY and climate Sept 15 Demographic Transitions & Situated Rationalities WEEK5 Erlich: Population Bomb Monday Sen: 100 Million Women are Missing PROBABLY OKAY WITH INTERGOV PANEL AND WEBSITES: NEED TO VERIFY Millennium Ecosystem Assessme years, humans have changed ecosy history, largely to meet rapidly gro now becoming apparent." Gould 1999. Bacon, brought ho (June): 28-33, 72-78. Something from merchant or wh Shoshtak: Nisa's life in the Kalajar Gonzalez: Zapotec Science 'Maize Yoon: East Asian ideas of nature (r Robert D. Bullard, from "Environ achieve environmental justice, the must be given the same protection urban or suburban?deserve to be pr The Intergovernmental Panel on Science Basis: Summary for Policy evident from observations of increa ice, and rising global average sea le Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehr Do," Environmental Law (Winter 1 to the expanding scale of the huma ENERGYCONCEPTSThe Carbon Footprint; Soft Paths, Hard Paths and Global Warming Sept 20 Mamdani: ‘myth of population control’ SOMETHING SPECIFIC TO WOMEN’S LIVES? Sept 22 Herald-Leader: Lexington Carbon Footprint/Brookings Carbon Footprint report Marilyn A. Brown and Elise Logan: The Residential Energy and Carbon Footprints of the 100 Largest U.S. Metropolitan Areas civilization." Southworth, Sonnenberg, and Brown: The Transportation Energy and Carbon Footprints of the 100 Largest U.S. Metropolitan Areas lator/ ENERGYNuclear Energy and WEEK6 Northern Nuclear Power Decommissioning vs. Monday Nuclear Power in the Global South: Mexico Sustainable sources Sept 27 Nuclear fuel cycles and proliferation Got some good websites, but what about readings? ENERGYDynamics of Habitat Sept 29 Jesse Ribot: Charcol production in Senegal Susanna Hecht: Deforestation in th Destruction: commoditization Paul Robbins: Trees, Bureaucracy Biofuels and environmental destruction of nature Peak Energy Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Need something positive… Amory B. Conservation: Why not? Lovins, from "More Profit with Less Carbon," Scientific American (September 2005) "Using energy more efficiently offers an economic bonanza?not because of the benefits of stopping global warming but because saving fossil fuel is a lot cheaper than buying it." FOODENERGYCONCEPTS WEEK7 Gereffi: industrial product commodity chains Environments, Consumption Oct 4 Cronin 'The Wealth of Nature: Lumber' and Commodity Chains Cronon: Photos from 'The Wealth of Nature: Lumber' FOODFarm to Plate: the Oct 6 Need something on global food movements, Mansfield B, 2003, Fish, factory tra global food chain OF RURAL STUDIES19(1): 9-21 reading, Dolan? Freidberg? Ponte? Pollan M. 2000. ‘The Organic-Industrial Wendell Berry, from The Unsettli cultural product; it cannot be produ Complex’ production solely in terms of techn Lots of good films here on global food movements FOODIntellectual Property Rights, Seeds and the Green Revolution FOODEnvironmental Degradation: Soil Erosion Biocides and Fertilizers in Fields, Food and Drinking Water WEEK8 Kloppenburg & Kleinman. 'Seed Wars: Oct 11 Common Heritage, Private Property, and Political Strategy' GMOs, maybe potatoes? Fish: Mansfield? Oct 13 Political Economy of Soil Erosion and Desertification Ocean Dead Zones Food and Inputs: Toxics and Alternatives FOODEcological agriculture WEEK9 B Traven: Mexican farmers and peasant farming Oct 18 POLLUTIONToxic Oct 20 Contamination of Biosphere: Overview Ecoconsumerism (green products, ecotourism) Ecotrade POLLUTIONToxics: Nuclear & BioWeapons Testing: Global Dead Zones POLLUTION Epidemiology: Studying Toxics and Workers Padoch: Farmers and Conservation Davis. 'Dead West: Ecocide in Marlboro Country' Death of Ramon Gonzalez Or flowers in Colombia? POLLUTIONWaste disposal WEEK10 Henwood. 'Toxic Banking' and export, conventional OCT 25 UN Climate Report and Valuation of Crops and Peoples CONSERVATIONStrategies Oct 27 Chico Mendes: Fight for the Forest for Non-Territorial Conservation CONSERVATIONGreen WEEK11 Special topics Managerialism: ‘Selling NatureNov 1 to Save It' and Fortress Conservation Pollution Politics and Social Justice Environmental Social Movements, Indigenous and Peasant Resistance Gender and the Environment Nov 3 WEEK12 Bullard 'Anatomy of Environmental Justice' Nov 8 (Reader) Swaney 'So What's Wrong with Dumping on Africa?' (Reader) Pearce. 'Price of life sends temperatures soaring' (Reader) Pulido L, 2000, Rethinking environmental racism: White privilege and urban development in southern CaliforniaANN ASSOC AM GEOGR 90 (1): 12-40 Nov 10 Zapatista Web Site: Chico Mendes: Amazon Rubber-TapperÍs Union WEEK13 Schroeder R, 1997, Re-Claiming Land in the Nov 15 Gambia: Gendered Property Rights and Environmental Intervention Annals of the Robbins and Sharp. 2003. "Produci Economic Geography 79(4): 425-4 Sandra Steingraber, from Living 1997) ?Several obstacles, I believe and heredity is one.? Dr. Theo Colborn, Dianne Duma pressing question is whether human disrupting synthetic chemicals. Hav chemical messages that guide deve Rachael Carson: Silent Spring Mutersbaugh Fairtrade-Organic Ne Sears, Padoch et al. Sustainable Ag Sundberg in New Geographies of C Sneddon in New Geographies of C Turner in New Geographies of Con MacAfee: 'Selling Nature to Save I Hughes, D, (2001) ‘Rezoned for bu Agrarian Change 1(4): 575-99. Homewood K, Brockington D Biod GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOG Sierra in New Geographies of Cons Association of American Geographers Animal Liberation piece on monkeys Haraway: Companion species WEEK 14 THANKSGIVING ******* MONDAY PROJECT WORKSHOP WEEK15 Nov 29 Environmental Rights Nov 17 WEEK15 Nov 29 Nov 27 Dec 1 WEEK 16