Heart and Circulation

Diagram Word Bank
Superior Vena Cava
Inferior Vena Cava
Right Ventricle
Right Atrium
Left Ventricle
Aortic Arch
Left Atrium
Right Pulmonary Artery
Left Pulmonary Artery
Left Pulmonary Vein
Aortic Semilunar (SL)
• Right Pulmonary Vein
• Right Atrioventricular
(AV)/Tricuspid Valve
• Left Atrioventricular
Circulatory System Pre-Quiz
1. There are _____ liters of blood in the
2. The clear liquid that makes up 55% of
the blood volume is ____________.
3. What cells are responsible for delivering
oxygen and removing waste throughout
the body?
4. The infection fighting cells found in blood
are _______________.
Circulatory System Pre-Quiz
5. What is the function of platelets in blood?
6. What element does hemoglobin contain?
7. ____________ carry blood away from
the heart.
8. ____________ carry blood toward the
9. A consistently high number of white
blood cells is a symptom of __________,
a cancer of the blood.
Circulatory System Pre-Quiz
10. The average life cycle of a ____ ______
cell is 120 days, while ______ ________
cells have a shorter life cycle, living from a
few days to a few weeks.
What you will learn today . . .
Atria are the receiving chambers for blood,
while ventricles send the blood out of the heart
Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the
heart, while ventricles carry deoxygenated
blood to the heart
The aorta branches into smaller arteries that
deliver oxygen to the organs and tissues
The vena cavas branch into smaller veins that
collect blood from organs and tissues and
returns it to the heart
The Heart and Circulation
1. The heart is the major organ of the
circulatory system which includes the
cardiovascular system and the lymphatic
Cardiovascular System
Lymphatic System
2. The function of the heart is to pump blood
through arteries, which connect to smaller
arterioles, which connect to capillaries.
3. When blood is in the capillaries, it delivers
oxygen to the tissues surrounding them and
picks up carbon dioxide and other wastes from
4. The blood then returns to the heart via venules
that are connected to bigger veins.
5. The heart is actually considered to be a
double pump, as each side pumps blood
to different parts of the body
a. Pulmonary Circuit: the right side of the heart;
sends deoxygenated blood to the lungs to
pick up more oxygen
b. Systemic Circuit: the left side of the heart;
sends oxygenated blood to the body to be
delivered to tissues and organs
The Heart
a. Size of a fist
b. Hollow and cone-shaped
c. Weighs less than a pound
d. Tips to the left
e. The bottom, called the apex,
rests on the diaphragm (between the
5th and 6th ribs)
The Heart
2. Atria ( singular = atrium)
a. Receiving chambers for blood
b. Push blood into the ventricles
c. Small and thin-walled chambers
d. Each atria has an auricle, which is a
flaplike, wrinkled appendage
e. Internal walls are made of muscle
bundles called pectinate muscles
The Heart
3. AV Valves (Atrioventricular valves)
a. Each valve has tiny white collagen
cords called chordae tendinae
b. The cords anchor the flaps in closed
c. Consists of the TRICUSPID and
The Heart
4. Ventricles
a. Propel blood for circulation to the entire
b. Very muscular walls, especially on the left –
c. Inner walls have muscle folds called
trabeculae carne. Some of the muscles are
projections called papillary muscles that
connect to the cords of the AV valves.
The Heart
5. SL Valves (Semilunar valves)
a. Connects the ventricles to the arteries
b. Two types
The Heart Song
The Heart Song
The right atrium’s where the process begins, when
the CO2 blood enters the heart. And the
tricuspid valve to the right ventricle, the
pulmonary artery and lungs. Once inside the
lungs it dumps its carbon dioxide and picks up
its oxygen supply. And then it’s back to the
heart through the pulmonary veins through the
atrium and left ventricle.
What happens to the blood
AFTER it leaves the heart?
• Blood Vessels Diagram
• Animation
• Review
• http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/615
• http://www.dkimages.com/discover/previews/880/450307
• http://www.osovo.com/diagram/HumanHeartDiagram.JP
• http://www.raneyzusman.com/uploaded_files/Image/hum
• http://www.smm.org/heart/lessons/gifs/heartDiagram.gif
• http://image.tutorvista.com/content/circulationanimals/mammalian-heart-external-view.jpeg
• as.miami.edu