Chapter 37 Notes Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

37-1 Circulatory System
The human circulatory system consists
of the heart, a series of blood vessels,
and the blood that flows through them.
Structures of the heart that you should
knowSuperior Vena Cava, Pulmonary Veins,
Pulmonary Valve, Tricuspid Valve,
Inferior Vena Cava, Aorta, Pulmonary
Arteries, Left Atrium, Right Atrium,
Left Ventricle, Right Ventricle, Mitral
Valve, Myocardium,
Pacemaker (or SA node).
Pulmonary circulation is circulation of
blood through the heart and lungs.
Systemic circulation is the oxygen rich
blood flows into the left side of the
heart and then is pumped to the rest of
the body.
Blood vessels-The large blood vessel
(pumping blood from the left ventricle) is
the Aorta. There are 3 types of blood
vessels-arteries, capillaries and veins.
How many times does your heart beat in
one minute. Please find your pulse and
count the beats for one minute.
_____beats per minute.
“Normal” is _____per minute.
Diseases of the Circulatory SystemAtherosclerosis is a condition in which
fatty deposits called plaque build up
on the inner walls of the arteries.
High Blood pressure(hypertension)
When the heart contracts, it produces a wave of fluid
pressure in the arteries. This force is known as blood
pressure. As the heart relaxes, blood pressure decreases.
Through sensory receptors in several places of the body,
your body regulates blood pressure by detecting
different levels and sending impulses to the medulla
oblongata region of the brain stem. Normal blood
pressure measures at 80/120. Blood pressure needs to be
checked with a bp cuff.
Body contains4-6 liters of blood. This
is about 8% of the total mass of the
body. Plasma makes up about 55% of
the blood. Hemoglobin is the ironcontaining protein that binds to oxygen
in the lungs and then transports it to
the tissues throughout the body where
to oxygen is released.
Draw, Label and Explain (2-4 sentences each).
Figure 37-3
Page 945
Figure 37-6
The basic function performed by the human
respiratory system is to exchange oxygen and
CO2. The pharynx is a passageway for both air
and food. Air moves from the pharynx into the
trachea. The epiglottis covers the entrance to
the trachea.
Count your breaths per minute. How many
times did you breath in one minute??____per
Blood Transfusions page 954. Answer all
Draw, label and explain Figure 37-11
Answer Questions 1-23 on page 954
As a result of coordinated structures and
functions of organ systems, the internal
environment of the human body remains
relatively stable(homeostatic), despite changes
in the outside environment.
Essential Question- What system is important
for O2 and Co2 exchange. Where does the
exchange take place?