Mr. Marlon DeLancy 6th Grade Social Studies Jean C. Young Middle School Room 216 Email: Course Description: This course is designed to help the student understand basic concepts between cultures and their physical surroundings. The basic themes of geography include location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region. Students will focus on the relationships between these topics and their relevance to the modern Western Hemisphere, specifically the continents of North America, South America, Europe and Australia. Students will also learn about government in these continents and how they relate to governments around the world. In economics, we will focus on the basic ideas of economics and how it works worldwide. Historically, we will lay the foundation of the growth of North America, South America, Europe and Australia from the beginning of time to the modern world. Materials needed for the class: For this class, you will need: Blue or black ink pens Pencils Spiral notebook (more than 120 sheets preferred, used for notes, activities and homework) Composition Book (This will be used for testing) If you need anything else throughout the year, I will be sure to let you know. Extra classroom supplies such as expo markers and poster-board are always welcome but not required. Course Objectives: This course will follow the Georgia Performance Standards set forth by the State Department of Education. There are thirty-two objectives ranging from physical characteristics of the earth, cultural characteristics of the earth, and analyzing maps, graphs, and other information. All thirty-two objectives will be covered during the course. The seventh grade social studies standards are posted on the Georgia state website at: Course Book: Georgia’s Exploring Our World: People, Places and Cultures. (Glencoe) $65.00 (replacement cost) Course Outline: Unit Title Enduring Understandings Modern Europe Environmental and Economic Forces in Europe Europe’s Historical Influence Latin America Today Environmental and Economic Forces in Latin America Latin America’s Cultural Legacy Canada Today Environmental and Economic Forces in Canada Australia Your Financial Future Unit Description This unit is designed to introduce students to the eight themes that will be featured in the sixth grade social studies course. Students will explore the geography, culture, government, and economy of Western Europe. Students will examine the environmental and economic forces in modern Europe. Students will examine the theme of movement through the study of European exploration, colonization, and empire building in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Students will also explore the impact of WWI and WWII. Students will focus on modern Latin America. They will analyze the impact of nationalism and explore the development of modern Latin America and how this conflict brought about change. Students will examine the environmental and economic concerns in modern Latin America and the Caribbean. Students will understand how European contact changed the cultural landscape of Latin America. Students will study modern Canada. Conflict and change will be studied as students analyze Quebec’s independence movement. Students will examine the environmental and economic concerns in modern Canada. Students will study Australia. Students will explore how British exploration and colonization of Australia resulted in a pattern of conflict and change that has had lasting impact on the people and society of Australia. This unit will reinforce economic concepts taught throughout the sixth grade course. Units: Each unit will consist of multiple days of class time. While studying these units, various daily assignments, notebook checks, projects, quizzes, and tests will be involved during the learning process. The units encompass specific portions of the curriculum for 6th grade social studies. Other materials will be utilized for other aspects not found in the book. Unit 1 - Connecting Themes used in Sixth Grade Social Studies Unit 2 - Europe Today Unit 3 - Environmental and Economic Forces in Europe Unit 4 - Europe's Historical Influence Unit 5 - Latin America Today Unit 6 - Environmental and Economic Forces in Latin America Unit 7 - Latin America's Cultural Legacy Unit 8 - Canada Today Unit 9 - Environmental and Economic Forces in Canada Unit 10 - Australia Unit 11 - Your Financial Future Grading Scale: A 110-90 S: Satisfactory B 89-80 N: Needs Improvement C 79-70 U: Unsatisfactory F 69- 0 Percentage Breakdown: Homework: 20% Reports/Projects: 20% Class work: 20% Quizzes: 20% Tests: 20% Daily Assignments include all work that is graded in class as well as homework Students will not have homework assignments every night. All homework will be related to what we are doing in class. Test grades include written tests, essays, projects, or any other type of assessment utilized within the class. In regards to make up work, if student is absent (excused), he or she has the number of days he/she was absent to make up assignments after the return to school. Make up work for unexcused absences will be given at the teacher’s discretion. Tutorial and Conferences: Tutorial is offered on Wednesdays from 4:20p.m–5:20p.m. Tutorial students must arrive promptly in order to maintain a serious learning environment and to address student needs. Individual teachers may offer additional days for tutorial. Conferences are held upon request. Please call 404-802-5900 (J.C. Young Middle School) in order to schedule a conference. Website: The website address for this class is: In order to post responses, information, interact with others, etc on the wiki page, YOU MUST REGISTER! To register for the page, follow these steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Go to Click on the black box at the top right that says SIGN IN Go to the link that says CREATE A NEW WIKISPACES ACCOUNT Your username should be FIRSTNAME.LASTNAME (example: Joe.Powers) Password is whatever you make. MAKE SOMETHING YOU CAN REMEMBER! Provide a working and valid email address Once you are done, click JOIN, then go to In the top right corner, click on JOIN in the black box Once you join, I will receive a request link from you, and then I will accept you as a member Basic Rules of Class: · 1st offense – warning · 2nd offense – parent contact · 3rd offense – parent conference · 4th offense – office referral · Be on time. Most of your academic classes will be conducted in this hallway. Therefore, be prepared to begin class as soon as the bell rings. · Complete your assignments. Finishing work will aid the learning process and make you competent for the CRCT and future social studies courses. · School procedures are expected to be followed within the classroom. · Students will only be allowed the leave the room in emergency situations. PERMISSION FORM FOR VIEWING SOCIAL STUDIES-THEMED MOVIES As part of our Social Studies curriculum, we will be discussing key people and events that pertain to Latin American and European history. Students will be watching and discussing various films as part of our lessons. The content and analysis of the movies meet several of our 6th grade performance standards as stated in Georgia’s Social Studies Curriculum. Due to the nature of real events that occurred throughout history, some movies contain some disturbing and graphic images and some very strong language. Some of the movies have an R rating. Please indicate below the movies you will allow your child to watch this school year by initialing next to the movies you approve for viewing. LIST OF MOVIES: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (Holocaust) Apocalypto (Mayan Empire) Rabbit Proof Fence (Australian Aborigines) Student Name______________________________________________________ Parent Name ____________________________________________________ __ Parent Email_________________________________________________________ Phone___________________________________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________________________________