Welcome to Chemistry!

Not Chemistry!
Course Instructor:
Mr. Armand
Students that…
…work hard.
…ask questions.
…are polite.
…show a general interest.
Students that…
…show up late.
…are disrespectful.
…toss trash in the incorrect places.
…eat in my class.
…throw objects in class.
Would I get a spit
shower from this
guy if I did it?
Course Instructor:
Mr. Armand
Students that…
…work hard.
…ask questions.
…are polite.
…show a general interest.
Students that…
…show up late.
…are disrespectful.
…toss trash in the incorrect places.
…eat in my class.
…throw objects in class.
Disciplinary Actions:
Minor Offenses:
1st Time: Verbal Warning
2nd Time: Discipline Assignment/Letter Sent Home
3rd Time: Referral
Major Offenses/Repeated Offenses:
Textbook issued: A Natural Approach to Chemistry.
(Textbook problems will be worked out of this.)
Teaching from: A Natural Approach to Chemistry
Modern Chemistry (worksheets provided)
Chemistry in the Community (ChemCom)
Other materials:
Paper, Pencils, Scientific calculator,
3 Ring Binder, Ream of Copy paper, $20 Lab fee.
Exams and Grading:
Exams……….…………………………….........................70 pts per chapter.
Homework Assignments………………………………….20 pts per chapter.
Quizzes…………………………………………………………….25 pts per chapter.
Class Projects………………….….……………………………25 pts per chapter.
140 points per chapter.
• At the end of the year, the local assessment End of Course Exam
(EOC) for chemistry counts for 10% of the total grade for the
student and credit for the course. Additional information/review
materials can be accessed for free at the website:
Behavior (General):
• Planner: The school planner is beneficial to the student on several levels.
The planner is a hallway pass, a bathroom pass, an organizational tool, etc.
Each student is required to bring their planner with them every day. The
planner will always be signed in ink by the student and the teacher.
• 10/10 Rule: During first ten minutes and last ten minutes of class all students
must remain in the classroom.
• Hand-raising prior to speaking in class is the accepted way to communicate to
the teacher.
• All housekeeping tasks (pencil-sharpening, requesting supplies, turning in
homework, etc.) should be done prior to the late bell.
• No vulgar language.
• Silence and listen when the teacher is teaching or giving instructions.
• Raise a writing utensil and have planner ready to be signed if you need to be
excused from class.
Late work slip: Before any late work is graded the late
work slip must correctly completed.
• First day late:
• Second day late:
• Third Day late:
• After Third Day:
-10% (Low A)
-20% (Low B)
-30% (Low C)
All assignments will be posted on the desk calendar and
at Edmodo.com.
• All turned in work must be labeled with the student’s name and seat
number for credit. All work that is turned in without student’s name
and seat number will not be graded and will remain in the “No
Names” folder until claimed or the end of the 9 weeks (where it will
be trashed).
• Edmodo: Site: http://www.edmodo.com (Available Formats: All
PC/Google Play/IOS App Store)
This free application/website is useful in providing online
assessments, a library to store worksheets for students to
print off (in case of loss or student absence), multimedia
resources (videos/interactive games/study guides) to aid
students on difficult topics, and a means to ask the
teacher questions outside of class.
Site: https://www.remind.com (Available Formats: All
PC/Google Play and IOS App Store)
This free application will send the parents and/or
students a reminder of: upcoming events, test dates,
homework assignments, class projects, and quizzes.
Site: https://www.quizlet.com (Available Formats: All
PC/Google Play and IOS App Store)
This free application is designed to help you study the
terms that I feel are test or quiz-worthy. A 100% score
on the Quizlet will almost always guarantee an A on the
vocabulary quizzes and an overall higher test score.
Site: http://www.navarrescienceacademy.com
This website will contain all the printed information on the
syllabus as well a course progression with available links to
help students improve their understanding on essential
concepts in chemistry.
Chemists in the field typically work together in teams to solve problems
or identify chemical abnormalities in the environment or synthesize a
chemical to aid in making our life easier, safer, or as medicine to save
Likewise, you will work together as a team to solve a problem in
various chemist fields. Each unit you will use tools you learn in
class to solve problems as each of these chemists.
Unit 1: Water Purification QA Chemist
Unit 2: Materials Chemistry
Unit 3: Petrochemical
Unit 4: Atmospheric Chemistry
Unit 5: Industrial Chemistry
Unit 6: Nuclear Chemistry
Unit 7: Biochemistry
Chemistry Training:
Phase I :
Lab Training
1) The 5 Rules to Lab Safety.
Dress for the Lab.
P.P.E. – Personal Protective Equipment
Chemical Safety
Safety Equipment
Lab Behavior
2) Your Chemical Equipment.
3) Interpret a safety data sheet.
4) Location of safety equipment in the lab.
NHS Science Academy
Materials are Provided for
this Topic.