UNIT III: BODY CONTROL & INTEGRATION BODY SYSTEMS ARE CONTROLLED AND REGULATED BY THE COMBINED ACTIONS OF THE NERVOUS AND ENDOCRINE SYSTEMS. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE DATE TOPIC / ACTIVITY HW DUE (MAJOR ASSESSMENTS IN BOLD) 11/19 – 11/20 11/30 – 12/1 Introduction to the nervous system Nervous Impulses and Reflexes 12/2 – 12/3 12/4 – 12/7 12/8 – 12/9 12/10 – 12/11 12/15 – 12/18 1/6 – 1/7 1/8 – 1/11 1/12 – 1/13 1/14 – 1/15 1/19 – 1/20 1/21 – 1/22 1/25 – 1/26 1/27 – 1/28 Brain structure and function Traumatic brain injuries & sympathetic vs parasympathetic division Review Review Exam week Eye structure and function Refractive errors & Eye dissection Ear structure and function Chemical senses Senses lab Endocrine system Glandular yearbook work day Review & year book presentations 1/29 – 2/1 2/2 – 2/3 2/4 – 2/5 Exam Disease presentations work day Disease presentations due Neuron articles & worksheet Read chapter 7 FINAL EXAMS Read chapter 8 Quiz Read chapter 9 Glandular yearbook due EXAM Disease presentations due OBJECTIVES Nervous system Describe the organization of the nervous system Identify and describe the function of the cells of the nervous system Describe the anatomy of a neuron Describe how nerve impulses are generated and transmitted Identify the components of a reflex arc Describe the structure of the brain including: o Regions (Figure 7.12) o Features (gyri, sulci, fissures, lobes, location /difference between grey and white matter) o Lobes and major sulci (Figure 7.13a) o Diencephalon and brain stem features (Fig 7.15 a) Describe the functions of the following brain regions o Gray matter of cerebral cortex o White matter of cerebral cortex o Corpus callosum o Diencephalon o Thalamus o Hypothalamus o Mammillary bodies o Brain stem o Cerebellum Describe the function and maintenance of cerebrospinal fluid and the blood-brain barrier Describe the causes and symptoms of traumatic brain injuries Compare and contrast the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions Special Senses Describe the structure of internal anatomy of the eye (Figure 8.3) and relate structures to function Compare and contrast rods and cones Describe the passage of light through the eye Explain how images form on the retina Explain how differences in eye shape cause myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism Describe the structures of the ear (figure 8.12) and relate structures to function Describe mechanisms of hearing and equilibrium Describe the structure and location of chemoreceptors Endocrine System Describe how hormones bring about effects in the body Identify the major endocrine glands and hormones the hormones produced by them (figure 9.3) Describe how hormones use negative feedback to regulate body processes Analyze data using the information above! VOCABULARY Nervous System integration central nervous system peripheral nervous system afferent efferent somatic autonomic neuroglia astrocytes microglia ependymal oligodendro cytes Schwann cells Special Senses sclera cornea choroid sclera optic disc ciliary body lens iris pupil rods cones retina Endocrine System hormone satellite cells Nissl substance dendrites axon myelin sheath nodes of Ranvier ganglia interneuron irritability conductivity polarized depolarized action potential repolarizati on salutatory conduction reflex arc neural tube ventricles cerebral hemisphere s gyri sulci fissures lobes white matter gray matter photoreceptors fovea centralis aqueous humor vitreous humor refraction accommodation optic chiasma myopia hyperopia astigmatism mechanorecept or chemoreceptor cerumen maculae otolithic membrane otoliths crista ampullaris cupula endolymph target cells endocrine gland exocrine gland negative feedback