Spring Valley High School 2013-2014 Course Expectations AP STATISTICS Stephanie Dmitrich Stephanie Dmitrich@interact.ccsd.net 702-799-2580 COURSE DESCRIPTION This one-year Advanced Placements course is intended for students who are preparing further study in disciplines requiring statistical course work. This course includes describing patterns in data and departures from patterns, planning and conducting a statistical study, exploring random phenomena using probability and simulation, estimating population parameters, and testing statistical hypotheses. The use of technology, including calculators and computer software, is an integral part of this course. This course is intended to prepare students for taking the Advance Placement Examination in Statistics. This course will fulfill one of the mathematics credits required for high school graduation. COURSE GOALS 1. To understand the basic vocabulary and notations of probability and statistics. 2. To use results of simulations to represent or predict events and compare experimental results with mathematical expectations. 3. To construct and analyze sets of data, tables, and graphs using statistical techniques. 4. To summarize sets of univariate and bivariate data by center, variability, shape, location, and unusual features. 5. To study binomial, geometric, normal, and Chi-square distributions. 6. To find probability distribution for a given random variable. 7. To gain proficiency in analyzing data using statistical software packages and graphing calculator technology. 8. To design and conduct unbiased experiments and surveys. 9. To develop the ability to reason and communicate mathematically in order to apply learned concepts to new problem-solving situations. 10. To draw conclusions from data using statistical inference procedures, including confidence intervals and hypothesis tests. 11. To develop an appreciation of statistics as a field of study applicable to multiple disciplines and be prepared to take the College Board Advance Placement examination in Statistics at the conclusion of their studies. COURSE OUTLINE Text: The Practice of Statistics (2nd edition), by Yates, Moore, and Starnes, W.H. Freeman & Co., 2008 Exploring, Describing, & Organizing Data (Chapter 1-5) Displaying Distributions with Graphs and Numbers Density Curves, Normal Distributions, Standard Normal Calculations Scatter plots, Correlation, Least-Square Regression Transforming Relationships, Correlation and Regression, Relations in Categorical Data Designing Samples and experiments, Simulating Experiments Probability (Chapters 6-9) Idea of Probability, Probability Models, Probability Rules Discrete and Continuous Random Variables, Means and Variances of Random Variables Binomial Distributions and Geometric Distributions Sampling Distributions, Sample Proportions, Sample Means Inference (Chapters 10-15) Estimating with Confidence, Tests of Significance, Making Sense of Statistical Significance, Inference as Decision, Inference as Decision Inference for the Mean of a Population, Comparing Two Means Inference for a Population Proportion, Comparing Two Proportions Test for Goodness of Fit, Inference for Two-Way Tables Inference about the Model, Predictions and Conditions Inference for Population Spread, One-Way Analysis of Variance Review for AP Exam, Special Project, Final Exam Materials The following items will be needed each day in class: 1. Textbook 2. Notebooks. This notebook must be a 3 ring binder. 3. Pencils and erasers are requirements. 4. Lined and Graph paper 5. Graphing Calculator (TI83/TI84 are preferred, TI89 is acceptable 6. Cracking the AP Statistics Exam Review Book Student Conduct As a secondary student in the Clark County School District, students will strive to demonstrate at all times the four qualities of moral character fundamental to human conduct: Integrity, Respect, Responsibility and Justice. We believe in choices and being prepared to accept the consequences, be they positive or negative that ultimately comes with choices. With this in mind and the desire to insure that a positive learning environment is maintained the following rules and expectations will be utilized. Students are expected to follow all rules posted in the Spring Valley High School Handbook. I also maintain the following rules: 1. All school rules, as well as directions from the teacher must be followed at all times. 2. Be on time. 3. Be prepared. Students will be ready to work and have the necessary materials for class, textbook, notebook, pencil, an eraser and any assignment that are due. 4. Be respectful. Students are expected to show respect for self and others. This includes the property of other. 5. Be on task. This includes following class procedures. Evaluation Grades will be weighted according to the type of assignment. These weights are a percentage of the overall grade, and the scale is as follows: Quarterly Grading Procedure Tests/Quizzes 70% Assignments 30% The grading scale is as follows: A 90%-100% B 80%-89% C 70%-79% D 60%-69% F 59% and below The following scale will determine semester Grades: 1st Quarter 40% 2nd Quarter 40% Semester Final 20% Assignments: 1. 2. All work must be shown to receive credit. All work must be labeled in the upper right hand corner with the following information: a. Name b. Date c. Subject and Period d. Assignment (e.g. p. 46, 1-6) Notebook: 1. 2. 3. All students are required to take notes. Students are required to keep a three-ring binder for this class. The notebook should have four sections: (1) notes, (2) activities, (3) assignments, and (4) tests. Make-up/Absent Work: 1. After any absence, the student shall be required to initiate contact with instructor to obtain make-up work within three days directly following the student’s return (CCSD Regulation). 2. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain any notes and work that were missed due to an absence. 3. Missing tests are to be made up within one week after returning to school. The student must arrange a time outside of class to make it up. 4. Any project is due the next school day after an absence. Late Work: 1. Late work will not be accepted. Classroom Behavior Expectations Progressive Discipline Plan: Students are expected to adhere to the following rules in addition to those existing for Spring Valley and CCSD: 1. Follow directions the first time they are given. 2. Be on time. 3. Be prepared. Students will be ready to work and have the necessary materials for class, textbook, notebook, pencil, an eraser and any assignment that are due. 4. Be respectful. Students are expected to show respect for self and others. This includes the property of others. 5. Be on task. This includes following class procedures. Rewards Praise and other recognition Consequences 1. Verbal Warning 2. Teacher/Student conference 3. Teacher/Parent conference 4. Detention 5. Referral to counselor or dean Severe Clause Any student severely disrupting the class by fighting, showing overt defiance of instructions, vandalism, or by otherwise keeping the class from functioning will be immediately sent to the dean. Tardy Policy Tardies are a disruption of class. If you are not in the room when the bell rings, you will be considered tardy. No exceptions, unless you have pass from the office. Students who are tardy to class must sign the tardy logbook. 1. Students will follow the Spring Valley tardy policy: 2. Any work missed due to an unexcused tardy cannot be made up. Hall Passes The student must have a pass to be excused from the classroom. Students may be excused from class for emergencies with permission from the teacher only. No food or drink allowed in classroom: Students may have water in a container if kept in backpack. All school policies will be enforced including dress code. Scholastic Dishonesty: If there is evidence of dishonesty (i.e., copying from other students during any assignment and/or exam, use of textbook during exam, talking during exam, or using unauthorized materials during an exam), the student will not receive credit for the assignment and will receive a dean’s referral. Students who turn in shared work as their own will also receive no credit. Hours of Availability/Tutoring Mathematics tutors will be available in the Math Lab every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 1:30-2:15. I am available for extra help before /after school. You may make prior arrangements with me in order to prevent scheduling conflicts. To achieve success in this class, good attendance is necessary. It is important to study. I will do everything possible to help you learn, however, you are responsible for your own learning, so take the initiative. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AP STATISTICS 2013-2014 Please return this page signed by student and parent/guardian stating that you have read and understand the class expectations. ________________________________ Print name of Parent/Guardian ____________________________________ Print name of Student ________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ______________________ Date ______________________________ Signature of Student ______________________ Date ______________________________ Parent/Guardian’s email address ______________________ Student’s email address --------------------------------------------Phone Number Best Way to Contact Parent/Guardian_________________________________