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Database Application Design
Instructor: Dragomir R. Radev
Winter 2005
Fundamentals, Design,
and Implementation, 9/e
 Instructor: Dragomir R. Radev
(, 3080 West Hall
Connector, (734) 615-5225
 Office hours: TBD
 Course page:
 Class time: Fridays, 10am-1pm, 409
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/2
Book information
 Database Processing by David Kroenke (9th
Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-065551-1) :
 Managing and Using MySQL by Reese, Yarger,
and King (O'Reilly, ISBN 0-596-00211-4) :
 Optional reading: Database Management
Systems by Ramakrishnan and Gerhke (McGrawHill, ISBN 0-07-245052-5) :
 Optional reading: Data Mining by Han and
Kamber (Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN 1-55860-4898):
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/3
Syllabus - I
 DK Ch. 1. Introduction to Database Processing
 DK Ch. 2. Entity-relationship data modeling: tools and
 DK Ch. 3. Entity-relationship data modeling: process and
 DK Ch. 4. The Relational Model and Normalization
 DK Ch. 5. Database Design
 READING The ERWin System
 DK Ch. 6. Introduction to SQL
 DK Ch. 7. Using SQL in applications
 RYK Ch. 1 MySQL
 DK Ch. 8. Database redesign
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/4
Syllabus - II
RYK Ch. 3 SQL according to MySQL
DK Ch. 9. Managing Multi-User Databases
RYK Ch. 7 Database Design
DK Ch. 10/11. Managing Databases with Oracle/SQL Server
DK Ch, 12 ODBC, OLE DB, ADO, and ASP
DK Ch. 13 XML and ADO.NET
DK Ch. 14 JDBC, Java Server pages, and MySQL
DK Ch. 15 Sharing enterprise data
READING XML and query languages for XML
READING Data Mining
DK App. A. Data Structures for Database Processing
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/5
 Assignment 1: Entity-Relationship
Model, Relational Model, SQL
 Assignment 2: Database design using
ERWin and Oracle
 Assignment 3: Database design using
 Assignment 4: XML, Data Mining, and
other advanced topics
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/6
Final project
Database design
Progress report
Final presentation
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/7
Four assignments: 40% (10% each)
Project + presentation: 30%
Final exam: 25%
Class participation: 5%
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/8
 Class participation counts as 5% of
the grade
 Timely submission of assignments is
 Syllabus can be amended during the
 Honors Code
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/9
Notes on programming
 All students will do some
programming as part of the
 For the final project, teams will be
formed in ways to include students
with diverse backgrounds.
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/10
Chapter 1
Introduction to Database Processing
Fundamentals, Design,
and Implementation, 9/e
Why Use A Database?
 The purpose of a database is to help people and
organizations keep track of things
 Problems of using list to store data
– Data inconsistencies
– Data privacy: The departments want to share some,
but not all, of their data
 Databases store data in single-theme tables
 Tables are related through primary and foreign
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/12
Components of A Database
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/13
Application Programs
 Functions:
– Create and process forms
– Create and transmit queries
– Create and process reports
– Execute application logic
– Control application
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/14
 DBMS: Database Management System
 Functions:
Create database, tables, and supporting structures
Read and update database data
Maintain database structures
Enforce rules
Control concurrency
Provide security
Perform backup and recovery
 Example: Oracle, DB2, Microsoft Access,
SQL Server
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/15
 Database is a self-describing collection of related
records or tables
 Components:
User Data
Metadata: data about the structure of a database
Indexes and related structures
Stored procedures: program modules stored within the
– Triggers: a procedure that is executed when a particular
data activity occurs
– Application metadata: data describing application
elements such as forms and reports
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/16
Types of Database
 Personal database
– 1 user; < 10 MB
 Workgroup database
– < 25 users; < 100 MB
 Organizational database
– Hundreds to thousands users
– >1 Trillion bytes, possibly several
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/17
Organizational Database
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/18
Building a Database System
 3 Phases
 Requirements phase: a data model is developed
– Data model is a logical representation of the database
 Design phase: the data model is transformed into
tables and relationships
 Implementation phase:
– Tables, relationships, and constraints are created
– Stored procedures and triggers are written
– The database is filled and systems are tested
 Database and its applications will be modified
(through these same three phases) to meet new
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/19
Example: Data Model
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/20
Application Development
 Application development proceeds in
parallel with database development
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/21
History of Database Processing
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/22
Early Database Models
 Before mid-1960s, only sequential file
processing using magnetic tape was
 In mid-1960s, disk storage enabled
hierarchical and network database
– IBM’s DL/I (Data Language One)
– CODAYSL’s DBTG (Data Base Task Group)
model  the basis of current DBMSs
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/23
The Relational Model
 E.F. Codd introduced the relational model
in 1970
 DB2 from IBM is the first DBMS product
based on the relational model
 Other DBMS based on the relational model
were developed in the late 1980s
 Today, DB2, Oracle, and SQL Server are
the most prominent commercial DBMS
products based on the relational model
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/24
Personal Computer DBMS
 The advent of microcomputer
increases popularity of personal
 Graphical User Interface (GUI) make
it easy to use
– Examples of early DBMS products:
dBase, R:base, and Paradox
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/25
Object Oriented DBMS
 Object-oriented programming started in the
 Goal of OODBMS is to store object-oriented
programming objects in a database without having
to transform them into relational format
 Object-relational DBMS products, such as
Oracle 8i and 9i, allow both relational and object
views of data on the same database
 Currently, OODBMS have not been a commercial
success due to high cost of relational to objectoriented transformation
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/26
Recent History
 Success story of the Microsoft Access
– Microsoft Office suite and Windows integration
– Easy-to-use and powerful personal DBMS
 Internet database
 XML and database integration
Copyright © 2004 Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design and Implementation, 9/e
by David M. Kroenke
Chapter 1/27
Chapter 1
Introduction to Database Processing
Fundamentals, Design,
and Implementation, 9/e