th Welcome to 11 Grade Academy English 2012-2013 Palisades High School Room 117 Mrs. Amber Schlosser email: (email preferred) telephone: (610) 847-5131 Mission Statement: Palisades School District is a community of learners. We are dedicated to the greatest possible development of all students. Our mission is to guide students as they gain and apply the skills, knowledge, and concepts needed to succeed in a global society. Working collaboratively, we will inspire a passion for learning, a commitment to excellence, and a respect for individuals and diversity. The Academy is a small learning community preparing students for life after high school by offering a differentiated, technical education in a collaborative, inquiry-based, and restorative working environment. Course Objectives: To intermingle language arts and composition with an emphasis on the study of literature in correlation with future aspirations. To develop and preserve skills involving grammar, sentence construction, usage, mechanics, and organization while writing various formal and critical process essays. To develop and build strengths in reading and writing skills. To expand critical thinking skills through close reading exercises. To set individual and communal goals and reach them through determination and diligence. To incorporate the use of technology into daily lessons. Classroom Expectations: Be prepared and prompt for class every day! Every student is required to be on time with the appropriate materials at hand. There will be a Daily Standard assignment on the board in which every student should get started on immediately after the bell rings. These assignments may include: Vocabulary Words Free-writing Handouts, activities, etc. Silent Reading, reading aloud activity Participation in daily activities is required in this course and will be a major part of each student’s grade. Homework will be given daily and each student is expected to complete the assignment and turn it in on time. Incomplete or late assignments will affect your grade negatively. Your attendance is required and welcomed in this course. It is your responsibility to make-up any assignments that you missed during the days that you were not present in class. If you are absent for any reason please see me as soon as possible. If you are absent on the day of a test or any other major assignment, you must complete the assignment the day you return to class. If you are absent for a long period of time, you may contact me through email or phone to get the assignments you have missed. If you are late to my class you will receive two warnings. After the second warning you will receive an office referral. Have a positive attitude! Treat others and their property the way you would like to be treated. Materials: It is your responsibility to bring the following materials every day to class: Novel, reading materials Notebook/binder (will be used for all class notes and handouts) Assignments, writing utensil, handouts, etc. Agenda book Homework Classroom Discipline Policy: Inappropriate classroom behavior will result in the following consequences: 1. A first offense results in a student conference. 2. A second offense results in a parent phone call and a behavior plan. 3. A third offense results in a referral to the guidance counselor and the assistant-principal. Assessment: Homework/In-Class Assignments Written and non-written homework and in-class assignments will be given regularly. Late or incomplete assignments will be given a ZERO. In-class assignments may include Check In activities that are posted on the board at the beginning of class, team activities, or individual assignments. Whatever the assignment, you are expected to put forth your best effort and accomplish the task completely. Writing Assignments There will be various writing assignments given throughout the semester. These will be connected to the literature we are studying and will also include compositions to help you prepare for the writing portion of the PSSA’s. These will be graded according to a rubric, which will be clearly detailed for you. Journal Writing Journal writing will be assigned periodically. I will be looking to see that you are working your brains and putting that onto paper as best you can. These journals are an important part of your assessment. This type of free-writing gives you an opportunity to use your creativity and express your thoughts freely without worrying about spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. Your journal writing is informal and will not be graded for spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Keystone Exam Preparation This school year you will take your Keystone English literature exam. We will prepare for this exam through various activities in class. Quizzes & Tests Announced and unannounced quizzes will be given periodically to ensure that you are keeping up with your reading assignments. You will also be given vocabulary quizzes throughout the semester. Tests will be given at the end of each unit. The exception to this will be if a project is assigned at the end of the unit. Projects You will be assigned various small and large projects throughout the semester. You will be provided with specific instructions and rubrics to guide you. Research Paper It is a requirement of the course that you complete a major research paper. We will go over the research process together including the MLA format. More information regarding topics and other details will be given in advance. Midterm & Final Exam There will be a comprehensive final exam that will cover all the material covered in this course. It will be a major part of your final grade. You will have plenty of time to prepare yourself throughout the semester, and I will guide you along the way. Portfolio Preparation With the upcoming changes in portfolio, we will be working to incorporate pieces of work completed in this class to add into your portfolio. Technology Integration You will complete most of your work through the use of our classroom laptops and Edmodo. More information will be discussed regarding this issue. Plagiarism Plagiarism or cheating of any kind will result in an immediate zero for the assignment/test. This includes copying homework, taking information from the Internet, books, or any other source that is not your own work without proper documentation. (See the handbook for the school policy). * Course content may vary from this syllabus to meet the needs of this particular group* *Breakdown of your assessment: Summer Reading Assessment Homework and Classwork Essays Essays/Writing Assignments Quizzes Tests/Projects/Presentations Research Paper Final Exam 100 points 10-15 points 100 points 20-50 points 10-50 points 100 points 100-200 points TBA * Note that points are approximate and will vary according to the assignment. How is your grade calculated? Your grade will be calculated by dividing the total points earned by the total possible points. For example: You earned 535 points out of a possible 640 points. 535/640 = .835 = 84% is your grade. I would suggest you keep track of your grades so when it comes time for progress reports/report cards your grade is not a surprise. Dear Student and Parent/Guardian, I am looking forward to an exciting and positive year with every student. If you need extra-help at anytime during the year it is imperative that you let me know and I will make an arrangement to meet with you. I will do whatever it takes so that you have the potential to succeed in my class and acquire the skills you will use and value in your future as an adult. If you need help at anytime, please ask for immediate assistance. Please review the syllabus with your parent/guardian and sign and return the lower portion. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via telephone or email. Sincerely, Mrs. Amber Schlosser, Academy English Teacher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: ______________________ Student Signature: ____________________ (Print) ____________________ (Signature) Parent Signature: ____________________ (Print) ____________________ (Signature)