table of contents - Central Washington University




(Revised 12/19/13)







December 18, 2013

January 3, 2014, 3 PM

January 3, 2014, 3 PM

January 23, 2014, 3 PM

Return Proposals To:

Central Washington University

Purchasing Office, MS 7480

400 E. University Way

ELLENSBURG, WA 98926-7480

Note: This RFP document and subsequent associated information will be posted on

CWU’s website and the State of Washington’s WEBS site:

CWU Purchasing:

State of Washington’s WEBS:


SECTION #1: RESPONSE SUBMITTAL SHEET ................................................................................. 1

SECTION #2: GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................... 3


………………… .............................................................. 8

SECTION #4: SCOPE OF WORK ....................................................................................................... 12


……………. ........................................................................ 17

SECTION #6: AWARD/EVALUATION CRITERIA ………….......................................................... 20







The undersigned has carefully examined all instructions and specifications and hereby proposes to furnish the products and services described herein, in accordance with the proposal instructions and specifications.

(Note: Signature and initials must be that of an individual authorized to act in such capacity for the firm represented. Failure to initial and sign all areas in this section will be deemed a material irregularity and will be reason for rejection of the proposal.)


A ‘Letter-of-Intent-to-Respond’ has been submitted on or before January 3, 2014,

3 pm, as required in order to qualify for participation. __________(Initial)

1.2 Respondent has been in the business of flight training services for a minimum of five (5) years. ________(Initial)


Respondent has responded to all items in Section #5 “Required Responses.”



The response to this Request for Proposal (RFP) has been prepared independently, without consultation, communication or agreement with others for the purpose of restricting competition. __________(Initial)


In preparing this RFP, respondent has not been assisted by any current or former employee of the State of Washington whose duties relate to this response and who was assisting in other than his or her official capacity. Neither does such a person or any member of his or her immediate family have any financial interest in the outcome of this project. __________(Initial)


Vendors under consideration may be asked to provide current, audited financial statements or the equivalent to include at a minimum: an income statement, statement of cash flows and a balance sheet. This information is subject to disclosure if it is deemed to be a determining factor in the award decision. Vendor agrees to provide this information upon request by the university. ___________(Initial)


Vendor agrees to make purchases available to other WIPHE members per terms and conditions of Appendix B of this Request for Proposal. Vendors will not be penalized for a ‘no’ answer to this section. (Initial yes or no) Yes________ No__________



In addition to the “Response Submittal Sheet,” the following documents must be included in your response:

Section 5: Required Responses

One complete copy of the proposal if mailed or hand-delivered, and one electronic copy.

Any official correspondence related to this Request For Proposal solicitation shall be directed to the owner, Central Washington University, Purchasing Office-M/S 7480, Attn: Stuart Thompson,

400 E. University Way; Ellensburg, WA 98926-7480 or email

; and to the

Contractor as noted below:


Name and Title of Signing Officer ( print )


Contractor's Name and Address


Fax Number


Contractor's Telephone


Email Address




Federal Tax ID No.





Note: This RFP document and subsequent associated information will be posted on our

Internet Site:

2.1 Purpose of Proposal : Central Washington University (CWU) intends to enter into an agreement for fixed-wing, flight training services as described in this Request for Proposal. These services shall begin no later than August 31, 2014.

Stated within this RFP are instructions for submitting the proposal, the procedures and criteria by which a vendor will be selected and the contractual terms by which the university proposes to govern the relationship with the selected vendor.

The purpose of this competitive procurement process is to assist CWU in selecting a vendor who will best meet CWU’s needs. The RFP provides all interested vendors a means to present their services and abilities for an objective review. CWU appreciates your consideration of this RFP and looks forward to receiving your proposal.

2.2 Background : Central Washington University (CWU) is a publicly assisted university located in Ellensburg, Washington, 100 miles east of Seattle. CWU offers bachelor's and master's degrees, and the educational specialist degree. CWU is fully accredited by the Northwest

Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU, The website for CWU is

About 10,500 students are enrolled at CWU, attending at the residential campus in Ellensburg, online and/or at one of several satellite campuses located in Everett, Lynnwood, Des Moines,

Steilacoom, Yakima, Moses Lake, and Wenatchee. Ninety-two percent of CWU students are

Washington residents; half of CWU students transferred from another institution and more than

25 percent are people of color. About 70 percent of CWU students are from western

Washington, with concentrations in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties.

Central Washington University is the regional leader in professional aviation education.

Established in 1975, CWU's Department of Aviation maintains the only fully accredited public university aviation program in the Pacific Northwest. CWU offers B.S. degrees in Aviation

Management and Professional Pilot. CWU currently offers aviation degrees at its residential campus in Ellensburg and at CWU Moses Lake, co-located with Big Bend Community College, in Moses Lake, Washington. The website for the CWU Department of Aviation is located at

The CWU Department of Aviation is one of 12 departments in the College of Education and

Professional Studies. The department offers two undergraduate bachelor of science degrees, one in Aviation Management and one in Professional Pilot. The Professional Pilot degree offers two specializations, Commercial Pilot and Flight Officer. There are currently 164 majors and 59 minors enrolled in Aviation Degrees and 114 students enrolled in the Professional Pilot degree

(97 at the Ellensburg campus and 17 at the Moses Lake Center campus). These degrees focus on


technical training and the development of the cognitive and analytical knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to be successful in flight operations in civil aviation.

The Commercial Pilot specialization combines academic coursework and flight training toward the Commercial Pilot certificate with Instrument rating and prepares students for careers in general aviation. Many graduates of this degree also pursue military aviation careers.

The Flight Officer specialization includes academic coursework, flight training to complete the

Commercial pilot certificate with instrument and multi-engine ratings, and Certified Flight

Instructor certificate. The degree also includes airline style ground school and advanced FTD training in multiengine turboprop and turbojet aircraft systems and operations. Instrument Flight

Instructor and Multiengine Instructor ratings are optional electives in either Professional Pilot specialization.

CWU owns and operates five Frasca FTDs, including two 141 single-engine trainers with

Garmin G430W; one BE58 Baron with G1000 and 170-degree visual display; one BE200 King

Air with visual display; and one CRJ200 with 220-degree visual display. FTDs can be used by the flight provider for basic instrument training and multiengine procedures as arranged with


Academic classes and flight training are integrated and organized as a single, continuous educational curriculum. Students enroll in flight labs each term to receive credit for flight training. Flight training is done through contract and is currently conducted under 14CFR part

141 at Bowers Field Airport in Ellensburg, Washington. Once enrolled at CWU, students may not receive college credit for flight activities or instruction received at other flight schools.

Students who transfer from other colleges or flight schools may receive credit only for a private pilot certificate.

CWU cannot guarantee student or aircraft flight hours, however a future estimate of flight lab enrollments can be based on the past five year averages shown in the table below, and the

Aviation Department vision and strategic plan include managed growth in several areas, including the Professional Pilot degree based on factors that include the Provider’s ability to supply adequate numbers of aircraft and flight instructors.


Students enrolled

Private Instrument SE Commercial CFI Multi-engine Total

34 22 20 12 13 95

Average hours flown

/ student

(each rating)

Total hours flown / year (all students)

70 80

2,380 1,760

110 (20 complex)


15 20

180 260

295/student over 4 years




As per AC 61-139, CWU has submitted application and is awaiting approval for the Airline

Transport Pilot Certificate with Reduced Aeronautical Experience as per requirements of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 61, § 61.160(b). In order to obtain and maintain this certification it is crucial that CWU maintain its overall university accreditation from the NWCCU. Additionally, CWU is applying for aviation program Accreditation with the

Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI) and expects to be in candidacy by February,



Section A-6, Contractual Relationships with Organizations Not

Regionally Accredited :

"No higher education institution accredited by a regional institutional accrediting commission can lend the prestige or authority of its accreditation to authenticate courses or programs offered under contract with organizations not so accredited unless it demonstrates adherence to the following principles: a. The primary purpose of offering such a course or program is educational… b. Any course offered must be consistent with the institution’s educational mission and goals as they were at the time of the last evaluation…. c. Courses to be offered and the value and level of their credit must be determined in accordance with established institutional procedures and under the usual mechanisms of review…. d. Courses offered for credit must remain under the sole and direct control of the sponsoring accredited institution which exercises ultimate and continuing responsibility for the performance of these functions as reflected in the contract, with provisions to ensure that conduct of the courses meets the standards of its regular programs as disclosed fully in the institution’s publications, especially as these pertain to:

1) recruitment and counseling of students;

2) admission of students to courses and/or to the sponsoring institution where credit programs are pursued;

3) instruction in the courses;

4) evaluation of student progress;

5) record keeping;

6) tuition and/or fees charged, receipt and disbursement of funds, and refund policy;

7) appointment and validation of credentials of faculty teaching the course;

8) nature and location of courses; and

9) library and information resources”


) In order to meet the requirements for accreditation the flight program must be a CWU program. As such, the CWU Aviation Department must be able to exercise adequate academic and administrative control of the flight training program. The CWU

Aviation Department must be involved in the instructional process and in monitoring the progress of students in the academic and flight training curricula. In accordance with AABI


Form 201 Criteria for Accreditation, the CWU Aviation Department will “…provide reasonable oversight of the Provider to assure that the program meets or exceeds the performance standards set forth in the AABI accreditation standards manual.” The oversight responsibility must include: the setting of minimum hiring standards for flight instructors, the periodic review of training records of each student, and the periodic review of performance on flight checks (stage check evaluations) to evaluate student flight progress. CWU Aviation

Department personnel will be included in periodic review/evaluation of contract flight instructors used by the Provider.

Bowers Field Airport



Bowers Field Airport (KELN) is the preferred location for flight training. County-owned hangars and facilities are leased to private operators and private hangars situated on county property are available for rent or lease. There is property for lease on the airport ramp and all construction is coordinated through Kittitas County Public Works. CWU leases area on the ramp inside the fence that can accommodate hangars and other structures. The CWU

Aviation Training Center houses five (5) FTD labs, one 32-seat smart classroom, and three offices. The office is located just outside the airport fence. CWU property adjacent to the

Aviation Training Center has all services (water, sewer, power) available for immediate hookup. Fuel concession is through private contract with Kittitas County. Please contact

Kirk Holmes, Kittitas County Director of Public Works, at 509-962-7523 for Bowers

Field info.

2.3 Term of Contract : The term of this contract shall be for a period of five years (5) with the options to renew each year for an additional five (5) years, at the agreement of both parties, not to exceed a total of ten (10) years. The initial period of performance under this contract will be from August 1, 2014 through July 30, 2019.

2.4 WA State Business License Requirement : Business enterprises, whether an individual, partnership or corporation, must obtain a Washington business license in order to do business in

Washington State. Application information may be obtained from the Department of Licensing website:

2.5 Other Institutions Eligible to Purchase :


This solicitation is being issued by Central Washington University (The Lead Institution) pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperative Act, RCW 39.34, and offers the bidder an opportunity to make any resulting contract available to members of the Washington Institutions of Public

Higher Education (WIPHE). Appendix B contains information about the WIPHE cooperative membership and the terms and conditions of such arrangements. There are no WIPHE members committed to participate in this RFP, but potential participants are identified in Appendix B.

Proposals must also indicate current or past contracts with any WIPHE member.


2.6 University Parking : Enclosed for your information is a university map. Visitors to campus should stop at the CWU Welcome Center at the corner of Pearl Street and University Way for directions and parking information. The university is not responsible for parking infractions/violations incurred by visitors.



3.1 Applicable Dates :

Request for Proposal Issued December 18, 2013

Letter-of-Intent-to-Respond Due (Mandatory) January 3, 2014, 3 pm

Questions Due

Written Answers to Questions Issued

January 3, 2014, 3 pm

January 7, 2014, 5 pm

Proposals Due

CWU reserves the right to revise this schedule.

January 23, 2014, 3 pm

3.2 Letter-of-Intent-to-Respond : Respondents wishing to participate in this RFP process must provide a written Letter-of-Intent-to-Respond. Letters must be received by the date and time provided in the schedule found in Section 3.1 of this RFP. The letter should state the intent of the vendor to participate in the process, and should also include the name, complete address, phone number, fax number and email address of a designated individual to whom any correspondence and/or addendums should be sent. Fax the letter to the Purchasing Office, attention Stuart

Thompson at (509) 963-2871 or email the letter to

. Failure to provide this will be considered a material irregularity and deemed reason for rejecting proposals. It is the vendor's responsibility to verify that the Letter-of-Intent-to-Respond has been received by CWU’s Purchasing Office.

3.3 Amendments to Specifications : Any amendment(s) to or error(s) in the specifications called to the attention of the university will be added to or corrected and furnished to all those holding specifications.

3.4 Preparation of Responses : Mailed or hand-delivered responses must be prepared on standard 8.5" x 11" paper and be placed in a binder with tabs separating each of the required elements. The vendor's name must appear on each page. Responses to the "Required Responses" section must be formatted to correspond numerically to the requirements listed. Emailed responses must use university forms where provided and should be formatted for 8.5" x

11" paper, signed, saved and submitted as a PDF document.

3.5 Cost of Preparation : The university will not pay respondent costs associated with preparing or presenting any response to this request.

3.6 Number of Copies : If mailed or hand-delivered, one (1) complete copy of the response and one electronic copy must be submitted prior to the due date stated under Section 3.1 Applicable

Dates. All materials become the property of the university upon receipt in the Purchasing Office.

3.7 Multiple Responses : Respondents who wish to submit more than one proposal may do so, provided that each proposal stands alone and independently complies with the instructions,


conditions, and specifications of the request. If multiple responses are submitted, CWU reserves the right to select the proposal most advantageous to CWU.

3.8 Proprietary Information : Any information contained in the vendor’s response that is proprietary must be clearly designated. Marking of the entire response as proprietary will neither be accepted nor honored.

CWU cannot guarantee that all such material noted remains proprietary, particularly if it becomes a significant consideration in contract award. Information will be kept confidential to the extent allowed by Public Disclosure Law.

3.9 Questions and Communication via Designated Contact : All communications and/or questions in regard to this request must be in writing. Respondents are encouraged to either fax questions to the Purchasing Office at (509) 963-2871, or e-mail them to

. If mailed, the address is as follows: Central Washington University, Purchasing Office-M/S 7480,

Attn: Stuart Thompson, 400 E. University Way; Ellensburg, WA 98926-7480. In any case, please reference the RFP number found on the cover page of this solicitation. Under no circumstances should respondents contact university personnel outside of the opportunity provided herein.

3.10 Deadline for Submitting Questions : Questions must be received no later than the date and local Ellensburg time identified in Section 3.1 of these instructions. No further questions will be answered after that date. CWU will provide a copy of all respondents' questions and corresponding university responses to all those who have submitted the required Letter-of Intent-



3.11 Submitting Responses : Respondents must submit their responses to the Central

Washington University Purchasing Office by email, mail or hand-delivery (not by fax). If mailed or hand-delivered, all responses must be in an opaque box or envelope with the name and address of the respondent appearing on the outside of the box or envelope. The outside lower left-hand corner must state the title, reference number, and the opening date.

Regardless of the method of delivery, the response must arrive at the Purchasing Office no later than the date and local Ellensburg time identified in Section 3.1 Applicable Dates of these instructions. Late responses will not be reviewed. The method of delivery will be at the discretion of the respondent and will be at the respondent’s sole risk to assure delivery at the designated office. Generally, UPS and Federal Express deliver daily to the Purchasing Office.

CWU does not take responsibility for any problems in the mail or delivery services, either within or outside CWU. Receipt by any other office or mailroom is not equivalent to receipt by the Purchasing Office.

If delivery is by email (preferred), send to:

Note: All emailed proposals will be confirmed with a return email. It is the vendor's responsibility to verify that their proposal has been received by CWU’s Purchasing



If delivery is by mail the address is:

Central Washington University

Purchasing Office, M/S 7480

400 E. University Way

Ellensburg WA 98926-7480

If hand-delivered, the physical location is:

Central Washington University

Purchasing Office

Mitchell Hall, 2nd Floor

Ellensburg WA 98926-7480

3.12 Late Responses : Any response received after the date and time specified in Section 3.1

Applicable Dates will not be reviewed.

3.13 Public Opening : A formal bid opening will not be held. Bid information, including price sheets, will not be available for public disclosure until after award of the contract.

3.14 Clarification of Responses : As part of the evaluation process, respondents may be asked to clarify specific points in their response and make themselves available for a telephone interview or campus interview, as desired. However, under no circumstances will respondents be allowed to make any changes to their responses after the deadline for submission.

3.15 Invoicing: The original and one copy of each invoice must be sent to Central Washington

University, Accounts Payable – MS 7470, 400 E. University Way, Ellensburg, WA 98926-7470.

All invoices must reference the correct Central Washington University purchase order number.

3.16 Insurance Coverage: The Contractor is to furnish CWU with a certificate(s) of insurance executed by a duly authorized representative of each insurer, showing compliance with the insurance requirements set forth below. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, obtain and keep in force insurance coverage, which shall be maintained in full force and effect during the term of the contract. The Contractor shall furnish evidence in the form of a Certificate of Insurance that insurance shall be provided, and a copy shall be forwarded to CWU within fifteen (15) days of the contract effective date.

That contractor agrees to maintain insurance for aviation liability, property damage and passenger liability to protect CWU, its agents, faculty, staff, and students from any claims whatever that may arise as a result of activities conducted or related to the performance of the contract and contractor agrees to provide CWU, in advance of beginning performance, with a certificate, binder, or policy of liability insurance acceptable to CWU equal to or exceeding the following:

Products and premises coverage minimum of $1,000,000 per occurrence;


Aircraft liability insurance minimum of $3,000,000 combined single limit on all four (4) passenger aircraft and smaller, and $5,000,000 combined single limit on six (6) or more passenger aircraft; and

Central Washington University and the State of Washington shall be specifically named as an additional insured on all policies and all policies shall be primary to any other valid and collectible insurance.

Proof of insurance must be furnished at the time of contract submittal and such certificate, binder or policy shall state that forty-five (45) days written notification will be given to CWU if the insurance is to be altered or canceled.



Successful proposer (Provider) shall provide the following:

1. Flight training:

CWU conducts ground schools under 14 CFR 141 and Provider will provide flight training instruction, both dual and solo, and pre/post-flight ground training under 14CFR Part 141 for

CWU students enrolled in flight certification courses. Training for CWU students pursuing flight certificates and ratings shall be done in a timely manner, as determined by the CWU

Aviation Department. Required flight training will include:

Private pilot, commercial pilot, and flight instructor certificates; and

Instrument pilot, and multi-engine pilot ratings

Additional optional ratings and certificates, including CFII and MEI as arranged.

CWU and the Provider will collaborate to produce a joint Standard Operating Procedures

(S.O.P.) Manual. The adopted S.O.P. will comprise all policy and procedures for conduct of flight training and changes must be approved by CWU Department of Aviation faculty. A copy of the current S.O.P. manual will be provided to each student prior to their first training session.

The Provider will meet requirements set by CWU in order to maintain NWCCU Operational

Policy A-6 requirements, as listed in section II and to meet requirements for AABI

Accreditation. Provider agrees to assist CWU in attaining and maintaining the standards and criteria for all accreditation requirements.

CWU will conduct quarterly evaluations of flight training progress to determine if Provider is meeting flight training obligations.

Flight training for CWU Department of Aviation students is pursuant to Transportation Security

Administration Title 49: Transportation of the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Part 1552 for Flight Schools. Because of these rules, both parties have requirements for maintaining proof of citizenship. Provider will allow CWU access to their database for security screening for issuance of simulator invoices for the Frasca 141 Flight Training Devices, to the extent allowed by state and federal laws.

2. Personnel

In order to meet NWCCU accreditation, CWU makes an exception to the terminal degree requirements for flight instructors so that they need only hold a bachelor’s degree plus FAA certification appropriate to the course of training being conducted. In the past this requirement has easily been met by hiring graduates of the CWU Professional Pilot program.

Hiring consideration should be given to CWU Professional Pilot graduates as a first option.

CWU Aviation Department personnel must participate in the hiring process of individuals


associated with the training of CWU students. In accordance with NWCCU Operational Policy

A-6 (d)-7, CWU retains the right to exclude any individual from instructing CWU students either before or after hiring by the Provider.

The Provider must forecast flight training requirements and maintain adequate numbers of flight instructors to teach every phase of flight training to ensure CWU Professional Flight students have access to qualified flight instructors for continuous flight instruction. The CWU Aviation

Department will periodically review student progress to determine if adequate number and student to instructor ratios are being met.

The Provider must employ a Chief Flight Instructor, or Assistant Chief Instructor as required by

14CFR Sec 141.91, and who meets NWCCU Accreditation requirements as stated above.

At least one (1) designated dispatcher must be on duty and available to assist the students whenever student solo flights are scheduled, including nights and weekends. Radio service will be available and activated at all times when a student solo flight is taxiing or engaged in actual flight.

3. Equipment

CWU is entitled to inspect and approve all aircraft and equipment utilized in support of this program. Each aircraft must be registered as a civil aircraft in the United States and maintained in a safe and airworthy condition as specified in 14CFR Parts 91 and 43 Regulations. Each aircraft must be certified with a standard airworthiness certificate or a primary airworthiness certificate. Upon request by CWU, the Provider will provide CWU detailed plans as to how the fleet will be maintained/upgraded.

Aircraft must be maintained above FAA minimum requirements. No aircraft shall be used for training purposes having malfunctioning or inoperative electrical, avionic or mechanical components unless those items have been disabled, placarded, and determined to be not required by FAA regulations for the training operation planned. Any inoperative components on the aircraft will be repaired/replaced within 14 days for aircraft without a minimum equipment list

(MEL), or in accordance with an FAA approved MEL. Detailed maintenance records need to be available for immediate review by CWU Aviation Department personnel. CWU students will receive a pro-rata/complete refund of flight fees for training flights cancelled due to maintenance issues. Both interior and exterior aesthetics of aircraft must be maintained to the highest quality.

The preferred primary training aircraft should be low-cost, fixed-gear, and single-engine (low- or high-wing aircraft are acceptable; however, a fleet of common aircraft-type is preferable).

Advanced training aircraft should be complex, retractable gear, single- and multi-engine capable of carrying at least three (3) people. The aircraft fleet of multi-engine and single-engine training aircraft should be of sufficient number to meet the training requirements of CWU. At least one aircraft must be certified for spin training.


All aircraft must be equipped with:

1. Equipment required by FAR 91.205 and 91.207

2. Equipment required by FAR 91.215 b for flight in Class B, C, D, E, and G airspace.

3. Voice-activated intercom with push to talk on controls for all pilot seats and headset jacks for all seats

4. Panel-mount GPS Navigation Radio (or more advanced avionics, if applicable)

5. Aircraft used for IFR training shall have FAA-approved IFR GPS Navigation Radio.

6. Aircraft tracking devices, such as SPOT, Spider, or other similar.

In addition, multi-engine aircraft and single engine instrument trainers must be equipped with:

1. Dual communication radios

2. Dual navigation radios

3. ILS localizer and glide scope receiver.

As new instrumentation is introduced into the flight environment, the Provider should plan to include this instrumentation into the training fleet in order to provide CWU with state-of-the art training opportunities. Simulator augmentation of flight training is desirable, and use of

University Frasca141 and BE58 FTDs is preferred.

At least 50 percent of training aircraft will have been manufactured after January 1, 2005, although newer aircraft are preferred. The intent is to ensure the majority of the training fleet is less than 10 years old.

4. Facilities

The Provider shall maintain the following facilities, preferably at Bower’s Field, Ellensburg,



A dispatching area adequate to accommodate all flight operations


Minimum office space to accommodate students and instructors for required post- and pre-flight instruction


A flight planning room with Internet weather and flight plan filing capabilities


Office facilities adequate to conduct ground portions of stage checks and EOC exams


De-icing and preheating equipment to ensure ability to operate in cold weather environment


Fueling infrastructure to ensure adequate supply of fuel for training aircraft. All tanks, trucks, and dispensers will meet local, state and federal guidelines for approved refuelers.

Use of CWU facilities outside the airport fence at Bowers Field can be arranged with CWU for

FTD training, flight planning, and other functions.


5. Safety Reporting and SMS

CWU has implemented a plan for incorporating a Safety Management System (SMS) into all flight operations. The Provider will work collaboratively with CWU Department of Aviation personnel to develop and maintain an SMS specific to CWU flight operations. The SMS should be structured according to FAA directives as specified by FAA AC 150/5200-37, and will include an incident reporting/response system and an emergency response plan that, at a minimum, specifies procedures for preservation of documents, media coordination, family support, student counseling, legal representation, and control of social media. The Provider will also maintain a company safety manual that includes, at a minimum, a) Flight following and tracking procedures, including incorporation of flight-following technology (e.g. SPOT, Spider, or any other appropriate tracking devices). b) Incident or accident immediate notification call list c) Follow-up procedures d) Written report distribution detailing all information related to safety issues or FAA

violations relating to CWU students.

6. Flight Fees

Currently CWU collects lab fees attached to academic courses (flight labs) and the flight contractor bills CWU based on student flight hours. This payment structure allows students to receive the correct financial aid awards associated with flight labs and allows students using GI

Bill benefits to receive full award amounts for flight training. As a State Agency, CWU is not required to collect sales tax on flight-training services.

The Provider will consult with the CWU Aviation Department and request approval for any increases in all fees charged to students for flight training. Provider will work with CWU to establish fees and meet required university deadlines for lab fees as required by Washington law.

7. Other

The Provider will utilize an information system (such as Genav Flight Office, Talon ETA, Flight

Schedule Pro, Total FBO, or other comparable system) that will provide detail of student progress and aircraft condition/maintenance information to ensure proper oversight of the flight training program. Moreover, the information system must be remotely accessible over either a private or public network and provide appropriate and applicable security controls to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of student data. The implemented security controls have to comply with all applicable state and federal compliance requirements, such as the Family

Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). CWU Aviation Departmnt faculty must have access to this system to review student progress of the flight aspect of their academic program.

The Provider shall assist in marketing and promotion of the CWU Aviation Program. Any use of university's logos, name, and trademarks must be with the permission of the CWU Department of Public Affairs. This marketing effort may include use of aircraft, as appropriate and available, for static displays at air shows and other events to support student recruitment efforts.


8. Award

CWU intends to award a contract for all the requirements identified in this Request for Proposal, to include the following components: a. Primary Training: Private, Instrument, and Commercial b. Advanced Training: Flight Instructor - CFI, CFII, and Multi-engine



NOTE: All respondents must provide the required information requested in this section.

Information must be presented in a clear, concise and complete format. Responses should be formatted to correspond numerically to the items listed. Respondents should have their company name on each page.

Please also include any information that has not been addressed in the questions that may be pertinent to this project.




Respondent must reply to each of the following questions in the order presented:


Company Profile: (5 points)

Describe the proposing organization including size, areas of specialization and expertise, client base and any other pertinent information in such a manner that the evaluation committee may reasonably formulate a determination about the stability and strengths of the proposing organization. The proposer shall present evidence that the firm or its officers have been engaged for at least the past five (5) years in providing services as listed in this

Request for Proposal.


Key Personnel: (5 points)

State the name, the title or position, and telephone number of the individuals who would have primary responsibility for the project resulting from this RFP. Disclose who within the firm will have prime responsibility and final authority for the work under this contract. Attach a current résumé for each individual who will have this authority.


References: (15 points)

Provide a list of at least three (3) contracts of a size and scope similar to the work described herein that respondent has performed during the last three years. Include a brief description of the project, the contract period, the name of contact person(s) directly involved in the project along with an e-mail address and phone and fax numbers. If the proposer lacks comparable experience, provide a detailed explanation of how capacity will be expanded and enhanced to meet the statement of work requirements.


Evaluation Criteria (55 points)

Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria, listed in order of their relative priority with most important listed first:

1. Flight Instruction a. Number of instructors designated for CWU flight training based on current enrollment and projected student-to-instructor ratios for each course of training.







7. b. Qualifications of key personnel (FAA certificates held, DPE certification etc). c. Education/degrees held (bachelor’s degree required)

Quality of aircraft a.

Details of maintenance program; include personnel, equipment and facility information

History of aircraft, including but not limited to purchase date, aircraft hours, photo. State if new aircraft are to be acquired for this contract. If so, provide details. c. Standard instrument package and availability of GPS. d. Aircraft tracking devices, such as SPOT, Spider, or other similar devices. e. Availability of at least one (1) aircraft capable for spin training.

Fee structure a. Flight fees structures separately identifying

(1) Aircraft cost per type and hour, wet rate

(2) Instructor fees per hour and per type of training

(3) Fees for student briefing time, if any

(4) Fees for “ground instruction”, if any

(5) Total cost estimate for each certificate and rating based on real estimates, not FAA minimums

(6) Total syllabus (flight hours) hours required for each certificate/rating

(7) Suggested type of aircraft to be used for each certificate/rating b. Flight fees for faculty proficiency and research flying

Management of Program a. Training and safety procedures b. Documentation of Safety Program utilized, to include description of how FAA/TSA rules / regulations are incorporated into flight training standards. c. Mechanism to allow for university oversight of the flight program d. Marketing and promotion of flight program e. Computerized tracking system accessible by Internet to review student progress f. Mechanism to allow for university participation in the flight check process g. Dispatch procedures

Financial strength of the Provider.

Provide information regarding the financial strength of your company and ability to provided services detail in the Scope of Work of this RFP document.

Note: Financial statements will be required of any companies under final consideration for an award of a contract.

Facilities/Equipment provided by Provider a. Light maintenance facilities on-site b. Additional administrative space as needed

Additional value a. Relationship with an air carrier to provide ‘bridge’ hiring opportunities for students b. Experience with additional or advanced training, for example rotorcraft, Multi-crew Pilot

License (MPL), multi-engine turbine flight training, international students training, aerobatic training


b. Additional value, resources and/or demonstrated benefits to CWU c. Simulators, cockpit procedures trainers, flight training devices, training equipment/software d. Flight physiology training augmentation/support


Pricing Schedule: (20 points)

Proposer shall provide the flight fee structure in the following order:








Aircraft cost per type and hour

Instructor fees per hour and type of training

Fees for student briefing time (if any)

Fees for “ground instruction” (if any)

Total cost estimate for each certificate and rating

Total syllabus (flight hours) required for each certified rating

Flight fees for faculty proficiency and research flying



6.1 Selection Criteria : The following criteria will be used to evaluate the proposals received:

6.1.1 Demonstrated understanding of issues related to consulting for institutions of higher education.

6.1.2 The experience and level of commitment of the firm and/or proposed key individual(s).

6.1.3 Accessibility of key individual(s).

6.1.4 Responsiveness of the written proposal to the purpose and scope of service.

6.1.5 Ability and history of successfully completing contracts of this type, meeting project deadlines and experience in similar work.

6.1.6 All costs, fees, and other expenses associated with the project.

6.1.7 Any other relevant factors.

6.2 Lowest Responsive Bidder : In determining the “lowest responsive bidder” as per

RCW 43.19.1911, the following items shall also be given consideration:


The quality of the articles proposed to be supplied, their conformity with specifications, the purposes for which required and the times of delivery.

6.2.2 The ability, capacity, and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service required;


The character, integrity, reputations, judgment, experience, and efficiency of the bidder;


Whether the bidder can perform the contract within the timeframe specified;

6.2.5 The quality of performance on previous contracts or services;

6.2.6 The previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws relating to the contract or services;

6.2.7 Such other information as may be secured having a bearing on the decision to award the contract such as life cycle costing.

6.3 Scoring Responses : Responses will be scored on a point basis with a total of 100 points possible.

Cost will be scored using a ‘declining percentage based on low cost’ method: Low cost will receive 20 points; costs other than low will receive the number of points equal to the percentage relationship to low.

6.4 Presentation: After evaluation of the proposals, finalist(s) may be asked to make oral presentations and/or conduct a phone interview. Contract award will be made to the respondent who best meets CWU’s overall requirements and criteria.









Ellensburg, Washington 98926


INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Must be executed before contractor's services are allowed to commence. 2. To be prepared by the CWU department requesting services. 3. This form is used for all personal services over

$50.00 and for purchased services over $500.00 and must be approved by the director of Business Services and Contracts at least one month prior to the effective date. 4. Obtain signature of contractor on two originals. Leave CWU signature blank. 5. Return both originals with an accompanying requisition to the director of Business Services and Contracts for processing.

This AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of ,2014 at Ellensburg, County of Kittitas, State of Washington, by and between the State of Washington, Central Washington University, hereinafter referred to as CWU, and hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, in the manner following:




The Contractor agrees to furnish CWU materials and services described as follows:


Services to commence: Services to be completed:


In consideration of receipt of services described, CWU agrees to pay $ , only after said materials and/or services have been received, and within thirty days of receipt of a properly detailed and itemized invoice signed by the Contractor.


All of the Contractor's travel and per diem expenses shall be the Contractor's sole responsibility.

Payment to the Contractor by CWU shall not include an additional amount for this purpose. The

Contractor hereby agrees that personal travel and per diem expenses (if any) are included in the total compensation as described in Article 3.


The Contract Administrator for CWU shall be:


The Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the State of Washington, CWU, its

Board of Trustees, officers, agents and employees from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any person, firm or corporation who may be injured or damaged by the Contractor in the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall provide necessary worker's compensation insurance at Contractor's own cost and expense.


The parties agree that the Contractor, and any agents and employees of the Contractor, in the performance of this agreement, shall act in an independent capacity and not as officers or employees or agents of CWU or the State of Washington.


CWU may terminate this agreement and be relieved of the payment of any consideration to

Contractor should Contractor fail to perform as required by this agreement. In the event of such termination CWU may proceed with the work in any manner deemed proper by CWU. The cost to CWU shall be deducted from any sum due the Contractor under this agreement.


This agreement is not assignable by the Contractor either in whole or in part.


Time is of the essence of each and all of the provisions of this agreement and shall extend to and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the respective parties.


It is mutually understood and agreed that no alteration or variation of the terms of this contract


shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties, and that no oral understandings or agreements not incorporated herein, and no alterations or variations of the terms hereof unless made in writing between the parties shall be binding on any of the parties.


CWU may require, and request in writing, that the Contractor provide CWU with a certificate, binder, or policy of liability insurance acceptable to CWU in an amount(s) to be specified by

CWU. Should CWU require such liability insurance to be provided, the Contractor agrees to provide same prior to commencing performance of this contract. Copies of CWU's written request and the insurance documents provided by the Contractor shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof.


Both parties agree that in fulfilling the terms and conditions of this agreement that neither shall discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, marital status, or the presence of a physical, sensory, or mental handicap.


All obligations of the parties under the terms of this agreement as of the date of termination shall survive such termination.


Should any term or condition of this agreement or application thereof to any person or circumstance be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions, or applications of the agreement which can be given effect without the invalid term, condition or application; to this end the terms and conditions of this agreement are declared severable.


No delay or failure of either party in exercising any right hereunder, and no partial or single exercise thereof, shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of such right or any other right hereunder.


This agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and shall be governed by, the laws of the State of Washington. In the event of commencement of suit, venue may be laid in

Kittitas County, State of Washington, the principal place of business of Central Washington



The parties acknowledge that they have read and understand this agreement including any supplements or attachments thereto, and do agree thereto in every particular. The parties further agree that this agreement constitutes the entire agreement between all parties and supersedes all communications written or oral heretofore related to the subject matter of this agreement.

This AGREEMENT has been executed by and on behalf of the parties hereto the day and year first above written.

Central Washington University

(Name, Title)

Contractor Signatory Authority



(Name, Title)


Approved as to form only, Kenneth 0. Eikenberry, Attorney General, by Teresa Kulik, Assistant Attorney General, November 5, 1987.

Distribution by Business Office: Original, Business Services and Contracts; Original, Contractor; Copy, Accounts Payable/Receivable;

Copy, Department. CWU-BSC001 (REV 12/87)










Appendix B: Terms and Conditions Specific to Washington Institutions of

Public Higher Education Cooperative Purchasing

1. Definitions :

WIPHE: Washington Institutions of Public Higher Education who are signatories to the Interlocal

Agreement for Cooperative Purchasing.

Lead Institution: The WIPHE member that has volunteered to conduct the solicitation/negotiation process on behalf of the WIPHE members.

Committed Participants: Those WIPHE members who respond affirmatively to the Lead

Institution's request for participation, and whose estimated purchase volume will be included in the solicitation/negotiation documents.

Potential Participants: All other WIPHE member institutions who are not Committed Participants.

Potential Participants may choose to use any contract awarded, provided the contractor will accept their participation.

2. No Exclusivity Implied : This bid provides no exclusive arrangements for obtaining product or services by any WIPHE Institution which has not specifically been identified as a committed participant. Potential

Participants may purchase any product or services in this bid through their own processes for competitive procurement or via other cooperative purchasing arrangements at their disposal.

3. Contract Administration : This contract shall be administered by the Lead Institution, the Committed

Participants, and any other Potential Participant who subsequently use a resulting agreement, in the following manner:

A. The terms and conditions contained in their entirety in any contract which results through the Lead Institution’s solicitation may not be altered except as provided herein, or, unless approved in writing by the Lead Agency’s Purchasing Manager.

B. WIPHE Institutions may at their sole option, individually negotiate only operational provisions specific to the needs of their Institution. These would include agreed arrangements for such operational provisions as delivery, installation, service, and invoicing processes. Such negotiated changes shall not be binding on any other Institution. These changes may, however, bind the bidder to providing similar arrangements to the other

Institutions pursuant to any Best Customer provisions of a contract.

C. WIPHE Institutions shall individually be responsible for their obligations to the awarded contractor pursuant to any purchase associated with this agreement. Likewise, the Vendor shall be responsible for their obligations to the WIPHE Institutions pursuant to this agreement. All reasonable efforts will be made by the Vendor and the WIPHE Institutions to satisfy any breach of these obligations, or, disagreements arising between the individual

WIPHE Institution and the Vendor. Resolution may take several forms, including cancellation of specific arrangements between the Vendor and the Institution. Resolutions of any nature shall not have a binding effect on any other Institution.

D. In the event a breach or disagreement cannot be resolved between the Institution(s) and the

Vendor, either party may notify the Lead Institution and request the Lead Institution satisfy the dispute in accordance with this agreement, including any Dispute Resolution process identified within.

E. The Lead Institution may at any time act on behalf of any WIPHE Institution in resolving breach


of contract, or, to settle disputes in accordance with this agreement.

4. Contract Documents

: The Vendor shall make copies of any contract that results from the Lead Institution’s solicitation available in its entirety to any WIPHE Institution expressing an interest in purchasing the product or service. The Lead Institution and the Vendor agree that a summary of this agreement, including a phone number for interested agencies to contact the Vendor, may be placed on a public access electronic home page, bulletin board, fax-on-demand network, or similar form of accessible medium.

5. Award in Best Interest of WIPHE : Central Washington University reserves the right to award the contract in whole or in part in a manner that most effectively serves the WIPHE members, to reject any or all bids, and to otherwise proceed with the award as necessary to protect the best interests of WIPHE. After award, members of

WIPHE will issue separate purchase orders to the successful vendor(s) if they choose to acquire the items pursuant to this award.

All questions regarding this bid must be directed to Central Washington University as the Lead Institution. All information relating to this solicitation will be retained by Central Washington University as the official public record.

6. WIPHE Cooperative Members :

Baccalaureate Institutions:

Central Washington University, Ellensburg

Eastern Washington University, Cheney

The Evergreen State College, Olympia

Community and Technical Colleges:

Bates Technical College, Tacoma

Bellevue Community College, Bellevue

University of Washington, Seattle

Washington State University, Pullman

Western Washington University, Bellingham

Olympic College, Bremerton

Pierce College, Lakewood

Bellingham Technical College, Bellingham

Big Bend Community College, Moses Lake

Cascadia Community College, Bothell

Centralia College, Centralia

Clark College, Vancouver

Clover Park Technical College, Lakewood

Columbia Basin College, Pasco

Edmonds Community College, Edmonds

Everett Community College, Everett

Grays Harbor College, Aberdeen

Green River Community College, Auburn

Highline Community College, Des Moines

Lake Washington Technical Col., Kirkland

Lower Columbia College, Longview

Peninsula College, Port Angeles

Renton Technical College, Renton

Seattle Community Colleges, Seattle

Shoreline Community College, Seattle

Skagit Valley College, Mt. Vernon

South Puget Sound Community Col., Olympia

Community Colleges of Spokane, Spokane

Tacoma Community College, Tacoma

Walla Walla Community College, Walla Walla

Wenatchee Valley College, Wenatchee

Whatcom Community College, Bellingham

Yakima Valley Community College, Yakima

State Board for Com & Tech Colleges, Olympia








Debriefing and Protest Procedures


Any Consultant who has submitted a proposal and been notified that they were not selected for contract award may request a debriefing. The request for a debriefing conference must be received by the RFP Coordinator within three (3) business days after the Unsuccessful Consultant Notification is e-mailed or faxed to the Consultant.

Debriefing requests must be received by the RFP Coordinator no later than 5:00 PM, local time, in Ellensburg,

Washington on the third business day following the transmittal of the Unsuccessful Consultant Notification. The debriefing must be held within three (3) business days of the request.

Discussion at the debriefing conference will be limited to the following:

• Evaluation and scoring of the firm’s proposal;

• Critique of the proposal based on the evaluation;

• Review of proposer’s final score in comparison with other final scores without identifying the other firms.

Comparisons between proposals or evaluations of the other proposals will not be allowed. Debriefing conferences may be conducted in person or on the telephone and will be scheduled for a maximum of one hour.


Protests may be made only by Consultants who submitted a response to this solicitation document and who have participated in a debriefing conference. Upon completing the debriefing conference, the Consultant is allowed three (3) business days to file a protest of the acquisition with the RFP Coordinator. Protests must be received by the RFP Coordinator no later than 5:00 PM, local time, in Ellensburg, Washington on the third business day following the debriefing. Protests submitted electronically with a scanned signature must then be followed by the hard copy of the protest with an original signature. The hard copy of the protest with an original signature is due within five business days of the date the protest was submitted electronically.

Protests may not be transmitted using facsimile transmission.

• Mailing address is: Purchasing Office, Central Washington University, 2 nd Floor Mitchell Hall, 400 E.

University Way, M/S 7480, Ellensburg, Washington, 98926-7480.

• Hand delivery address is: Central Washington University, Purchasing Office, Mitchell Hall, 2 nd Floor,

400 East University Way, Ellensburg, WA 98926-7480.

Consultants protesting this procurement shall follow the procedures described below. Protests that do not follow these procedures shall not be considered. This protest procedure constitutes the sole administrative remedy available to Consultants under this procurement.

All protests must be in writing, addressed to the RFP Coordinator, and signed by the protesting party or an authorized Agent. The protest must state the RFP number, the grounds for the protest with specific facts and complete statements of the action(s) being protested. A description of the relief or corrective action being requested should also be included.

Only protests stipulating an issue of fact concerning the following subjects shall be considered:

• A matter of bias, discrimination or conflict of interest on the part of an evaluator;


• Errors in computing the score;

• Non-compliance with procedures described in the procurement document or University policy.

Protests not based on procedural matters will not be considered. Protests will be rejected as without merit if they address issues such as: 1) an evaluator’s professional judgment on the quality of a proposal, or 2) University’s assessment of its own and/or other agencies needs or requirements.

Upon receipt of a protest, a protest review will be held by CWU. CWU’s Business Services and Contracts Director or an employee delegated by the Director who was not involved in the procurement will consider the record and all available facts and issue a decision within five (5) business days of receipt of the protest. If additional time is required, the protesting party will be notified of the delay.

In the event a protest may affect the interest of another Consultant that also submitted a proposal, such Consultant will be given an opportunity to submit its views and any relevant information on the protest to the RFP


The final determination of the protest shall:

• Find the protest lacking in merit and uphold CWU’s action; or

• Find only technical or harmless errors in CWU’s acquisition process and determine CWU to be in substantial compliance and reject the protest; or

• Find merit in the protest and provide CWU options which may include:

-- Correct the errors and re-evaluate all proposals, and/or

-- Reissue the solicitation document and begin a new process, or

-- Make other findings and determine other courses of action as appropriate.

If CWU determines that the protest is without merit, CWU will enter into a contract with the apparently successful contractor. If the protest is determined to have merit, one of the alternatives noted in the preceding paragraph will be taken.







Pursuant to RCW 43.19.704 and WAC 236-48-085, the Department of General Administration Office of State

Procurement has established lists of states, which grant a preference to their in-state businesses and the appropriate percentage increase applicable against firms submitting bids from these states for goods and services. Bids in excess of $43, 900 only are subject to the in-state preference reciprocity provisions of RCW


For purpose of evaluating bid prices, the buyer is to add an amount equal to the appropriate percentage to each bid submitted from that state.

See link below for preferences & conditions listed by state:

Document will be provided by mail upon receipt of a request faxed to: (509) 963-2871.



