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Pop bottle Lab Report
Question: How do the nutrient cycles (carbon, water, nitrogen, phosphorus) affect an ecosystem?
Two 2 liter bottles, labels removed, tops cut.
One bottle lid, hole cut in top.
5 centimeters cotton string
Potting soil
Seeds (list the ones that you will be using)
Clear packing tape
Remove the labels from both bottles
Cut the tops off, 3 centimeters beyond the bend
Invert one top, discard the other
Carefully, using scissors, cut a small hole in one bottle cap
Thread the cotton string through the cap
Tie a knot on inside part of the cap
Fill the bottom cut bottle with tap water
Invert cut top, with the string cap screwed on
Make sure that the water does not touch the cap, there should be at least I cm space beween cap and
water level.
If you are done with water environment, staple the inverted top on the water part of the bottle.
Fill the inverted top 2/3 full with soil
Add seeds (list the type of seeds and number of seeds used)
Water seeds
Add more soil.
Add a decomposer
Invert the remain cut bottle
Tape it shut
Write your names and class period on the bottle
Complete your hypothesis
Place your bottle where indicated on growing cart
Day One: February 20, 2015
Day Four: February 23, 2015
Day Six: February 25
Day Eight: February 27, 2015
Day 11: March 2, 2015
1. Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why not? (2)
2. What problems did you encounter with your project? If none, then how could you improve your
project? (2)
3. Explain how the cycles of matter were modeled in your project. List the cycles of matter and
explain the modeled part of this lab (16)