11 Systems of the Body


Genesis 1:27

Man is created in the image of God

Circulatory system

◦ Transports blood through the body

◦ 4 main functions:

 Fuel to the body

 Waste to the liver and kidneys

 Transport cells to fight disease

 Transport hormones through the body

Organs in the Circulatory System

◦ Heart – pumps blood

◦ Arteries – carry oxygenated blood away from the heart

◦ Veins – take blood back to the heart

◦ Capillaries – carry blood from the arteries to the cells

Common Problems with Circulatory System

◦ Anemia – shortage of red blood cells

◦ Leukemia – form of cancer the effect white blood cells

Group of passages that exchanges gases in order for the body to function properly

Main organ: Lungs take air in and exchange gases with the blood

◦ Blood takes oxygen to the body (inhale)

◦ Then carries away carbon dioxide (exhale)

Problems with Respiratory System

◦ Common cold – effect ability to exchange gases efficiently

◦ Pneumonia- infection of the lungs causing difficulty in breathing

◦ Asthma – passages in the lungs swell and shrink making it difficult to breathe

The combination of joints and connecting tissues (your body has 206 bones)

◦ This system functions as a unit to protect your body and move your body. It also stores substances your body needs


◦ Scoliosis – curvature of the spine

◦ Bursitis – inflammation of the bursa sac which are located between bones

◦ Arthritis – inflammation of joints

◦ Injuries (fractures, dislocations, sprains)

The group of tissues that makes your body parts move (over 600 muscles)

◦ Muscle Tissue is either voluntary (you control) or involuntary (do not control)


◦ Strain – overworking of muscle

◦ Cramp – muscle will not relax

◦ Bruise – broken blood vessels create a hematoma


◦ Pull or tear of a muscle

Organs that take in food and break it down


◦ Indigestion – food is not totally digested

◦ Nausea – motion, drugs, food contamination trigger vomiting center of the brain

◦ Ulcer – sore in the lining of the stomach

To excrete (get rid of) waste from the body

Major Parts

◦ Urinary tract – expels liquid waste

◦ Large intestine – made up of several parts, but both liquid and solid waste pass through the 2.5 inch, 5 foot long intestine (large in diameter, not length when compared to small intestine)


◦ Constipation – difficulty in passing solid waste

◦ Diarrhea – opposite of constipation, solid waste is loose and full of liquid

◦ Flatulence – “Gas”

Skin, hair, nails, sweat glands, oil glands

The skin is the largest organ of the body and provides protection and regulation of body temperature


◦ Warts – small growths on skin caused by a virus

◦ Calluses/corns – build up of thickened skin caused by friction

◦ Cold Sores – caused by a virus

◦ Skin Cancer – typically caused by overexposure to the sun

To fight of intruders in your systems

Acts a defense mechanism against germs/diseases

◦ Your body has some natural immunities that you are born with

◦ Some immunities your acquire by being exposed to intruders


◦ Allergies – person has become hypersensitive to an allergen

◦ HIV – the disease that causes AIDS weakens the body’s ability to fight of disease

To maintain a stable internal environment through controlling the body parts so that they work as one flowing unit

Impulses can travel through your nervous system at a rate of 350 feet per second


◦ Pinched nerve – when a part of the spine becomes displaced causing a squeeze on a nerve

◦ Infections – polio, rabies

◦ Epilepsy – brain disorder that causes a rapid firing of nerve actions

The glands of the endocrine system secrete hormones to send messages to the cells in the body via the blood


◦ Malfunctioning pituitary gland – releases too little or too many hormones

◦ Thyroid glands – same as above

◦ Diabetes – cannot process sugar properly

God’s creation for the continuation of the human race

Main Organs

◦ In Males, the reproductive organs lie outside the body

 testes- produces sperm

 Problems – testicular cancer

In Females, the reproductive organs lie within the body

◦ Ovaries – organs that store eggs for reproduction

◦ Eggs are release every month into the uterus, if sperm meets this egg, a pregnancy may occurr

◦ Problems – premenstural syndrome (PMS) uncomfortable condition that includes moodiness due to headaches, cramps, tension, and depression

◦ Cancer of female organs
