Supporting information (SI) Assessment of nitric oxide (NO) redox reactions contribution to nitrous oxide (N2O) formation during nitrification using a multispecies metabolic network model Octavio Perez-Garciaa*, Kartik Chandranb, Silas G. Villas-Boasc, Naresh Singhala* a Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Auckland, New Zealand. b c Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering, Columbia University, USA. Centre for Microbial Innovation, School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, New Zealand. *Corresponding authors: Naresh Singhal and Octavio Perez-Garcia. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Auckland. 20 Symonds Street, Auckland, New Zealand, 1010. Phone: +64 9 923 4512; Fax: +64 9 373 7462; Emails: and Running title: Multispecies metabolic network model of N2O production in nitrifying mixed cultures 1 S1. Experimental datasets For each analyzed experiment, a dataset was calculated consisting of variables that describe a specific metabolic steady state of the microbial community at the moment of maximum N2O productivity. Each of the nine experimental datasets consisted of mean and standard deviation ( values of variables presented in Table SI of this Supporting Information (SI) document. Datasets are of different number of variables (π) because not all the 38 variables could be calculated form the information present on the corresponding publications. The experimental values of Table SI of SI were calculated using the reported concentration curves of substrates together with bioreactor volume, influent flow rate and cell concentrations in the experiments as described in Section S2. All the reaction rates are normalized per unit of biomass expressed as grams of chemical oxygen demand (COD). COD is a standard variable to measure biomass and organic carbon in wastewater treatment. 2 Table SI: Definition of the 38 variables that describe the metabolic performance of microbial communities. Experimental values (πΜπ‘ ) were obtained from information in previously published experiments as described in the first section of this SI. Formulas to calculate variable value using results of FBA or RS simulations are presented on the right column. Cells in blank indicate that that variable couldn’t be calculated for that particular experiment due lack of information on publication(s). Variable ID Microbial population π1 AOB π2 π3 π4 π5 π6 π7 π8 π9 NOB π10 π11 π12 π13 π14 π15 COM Variable definition and units O2/NH4+ molar yield (mmol-O2/mmol-N) NO2-/NH4+ molar yield (mmol-N/mmol-N) Cell/NH4+ molar yield (mmol-N/mmol-N) Specific O2 uptake rate (mmol-O2 gCOD-1 h-1) Specific NH4+ uptake rate (mmol-N gCOD-1 h-1) Specific N2O production rate (mmol-N gCOD-1 h-1) Specific NO production rate (mmol-N gCOD-1 h-1) Specific NO2- production rate (mmol-N gCOD-1 h-1) O2/NO2- molar yield (mmol-O2/mmol-N) NO3-/ NO2- molar yield (mmol-N/mmol-N) Cell-N/NO2- molar yield (mmol-N/mmol-N) Specific O2 uptake rate (mmol-N gCOD-1 h-1) Specific NO2- uptake rate (mmol-N gCOD-1 h-1) Specific NO3- production rate (mmol-N gCOD-1 h-1) Inorganic nitrogenous substrate oxidation to NO2- (%) Variable values (πΜπ‘ ) in each experiment (mean± C D E F G B 2.4±1.03 3.524±0.5 1.459±0 2.406±2.1 0.99±0.002 0.963±0.01 0.975±0.14 1.005±0.06 0.032±0.016 0.053±0.006 2.26±0.34 2.225±0.34 0.203±0.03 2.111±0.7 10.20±0.1 10.25±0.05 11.73±0.042 0.019±0.002 π΄ππ΅πππ‘ π£πΈπ₯π2 2.43±0.81 1.445±0.11 0.139±0 2.720±1.6 5.43±0.33 6.96±0.5 11.28±1.12 0.049±0.013 π΄ππ΅πππ‘ π£πΈπ₯ππ»4 0.004±0.003 0.071±0.02 0.002±0.0007 0.013±0.012 0.01±0.002 0.02±0.001 0.06±0.11 0.005±0.002 π΄ππ΅πππ‘ π£πΈπ₯π2π I 1.43±0.042 0.98±0.04 0.419±0.1 π΄ππ΅πππ‘ ⁄ π΄ππ΅πππ‘ π£πΈπ₯π2 π£πΈπ₯ππ»4 0.62±0.2 0.71±0 0.390±0.069 π΄ππ΅πππ‘ ⁄ π΄ππ΅πππ‘ π£πΈπ₯ππ2 π£πΈπ₯ππ»4 π΄ππ΅πππ‘ ⁄ π΄ππ΅πππ‘ π£πΈπ₯πΆπππ π£πΈπ₯ππ»4 0.048±0.02 0.0002±0.000 2.46±0.813 1.85±0.096 H Variable calculation formula A π΄ππ΅πππ‘ π£πΈπ₯ππ 0.0002±0.0001 1.407±0.1 0.136±0.02 2.781±1.7 0.6±0.23 0.468±0.02 -0.394±0.9 0.99±0.002 0.97±0.158 1.635±1.5 4.47±0.01 3.73±1.3 0.051±0.01 π΄ππ΅πππ‘ π£πΈπ₯ππ2 0.413±0.12 0.493±0.15 πππ΅πππ‘ ⁄ πππ΅πππ‘ π£πΈπ₯π2 π£πΈπ₯ππ2 0.956±0.17 1.077±0.12 πππ΅πππ‘ ⁄ ππΆπ΅πππ‘ π£πΈπ₯ππ3 π£πΈπ₯ππ2 9.58±0 πππ΅πππ‘ ⁄ πππ΅πππ‘ π£πΈπ₯πΆπππ π£πΈπ₯ππ2 0.011±0.006 0.047±0.023 0.053±0.05 0.55±0.11 0.582±0.032 0.060±0.003 0.019±0.015 0.057±0.008 0.021±0.004 πππ΅πππ‘ π£πΈπ₯π2 2.3±0.81 0.303±0.26 0.129±0 0.131±0.23 0.09±0.01 0.047±0.017 πππ΅πππ‘ π£πΈπ₯ππ2 2.4±0.81 0.416±0.27 0.125±0.02 0.286±0.25 0.09±0.01 0.049±0.013 πππ΅πππ‘ π£πΈπ₯ππ3 88.6±5.4 83.42±8.5 97.6±10 83.42±8.53 103.6±10.4 πΆπππππ‘ ⁄ πΆπππππ‘ (π£πΈπ₯ππ2 π£πΈπ₯ππ»4 ) ∗ 100 82.39±4.1 53.52±5.3 84.89±8 3 π16 (Full π17 community) π18 π19 π20 π21 π22 π23 π24 π25 π26 π27 π28 π29 π30 π31 π32 π33 π34 N-substrate oxidation to NO3(%) NO3-/NH4+ molar yield (mmol-N/mmol-N) NO2-/NH4+ molar yield (mmol-N/mmol-N) N2O/NH4+ molar yield (mmol-N/mmol-N) NO/NH4+ molar yield (mmol-N/mmol-N) N2O/NO2- molar yield (mmol-N/mmol-N) O2/N substrae molar yield (mmol-O2/mmol-N) Cell-/N substrate molar yield (mmol-N/mmol-N) Specific oxygen uptake rate (mmol-N gCOD-1 h-1) Specific N-substrate uptake rate (mmol-N gCOD-1 h-1) Specific nitrate production rate (mmol-N gCOD-1 h-1) Specific nitrite production rate (mmol-N gCOD-1 h-1) Specific N2O production rate (mmol-N gCOD-1 h-1) Specific NO production rate (mmol-N gCOD-1 h-1) Specific biomass production rate (Cell-N/gCOD*h) N. europaea biomass fraction (%) N. eutropha biomass fraction (%) N. multiformis biomass fraction (%) N. oceani biomass fraction (%) 99.6±0.21 9.51±4.9 90.0±9 9.51±4.9 0.29±0.19 0.900±0.14 0.10±0.05 0.002±0.001 0.68±0.2 0.075±0 0.91±0.05 0.002±0.002 0.05±0.02 0.016±0.001 0.01±0.01 0.0002±0.0001 0.002±0.0002 95.88±9 103.7±7.3 πΆπππππ‘ ⁄ πΆπππππ‘ π£πΈπ₯ππ3 π£πΈπ₯ππ»4 0.0019±0.0002 0.62±0.21 0.71±0 0.060±0.1 πΆπππππ‘ ⁄ πΆπππππ‘ π£πΈπ₯ππ2 π£πΈπ₯ππ»4 0.003±0.0003 0.0055±0.0005 0.124±0.06 πΆπππππ‘ ⁄ πΆπππππ‘ π£πΈπ₯π2π π£πΈπ₯ππ»4 πΆπππππ‘ ⁄ πΆπππππ‘ π£πΈπ₯ππ π£πΈπ₯ππ»4 0.0008±0.0006 0.217±0.017 πΆπππππ‘ ⁄ πΆπππππ‘ π£πΈπ₯π2π π£πΈπ₯ππ2 0.100±0.059 2.42±2.3 1.9±1 1.43±0.04 0.98±0.04 0.413±0.12 0.869±0.12 πΆπππππ‘ ⁄ πΆπππππ‘ π£πΈπ₯π2 π£πΈπ₯π 2.99±1.19 4.45±0.47 0.04±0.02 0.06±0.004 2.82±0.35 2.81±0.32 0.264±0.003 2.13±0.84 10.2±0.1 10.25±0.05 11.73±0.04 0.057±0 0.040±0.004 πΆπππππ‘ π£πΈπ₯π2 2.44±0.81 1.44±0.11 0.139±0 2.72±1.64 5.4±0.3 6.96±0.54 11.28±1.12 0.09±0.01 0.049±0.013 πΆπππππ‘ π£πΈπ₯π 2.43±0.81 0.42±0.27 0.125±0.02 0.29±0.25 0.09±0.01 0.049±0.013 πΆπππππ‘ π£πΈπ₯ππ3 0.076±0.019 2.48±1.49 4.5±0.02 3.73±1.3 9.58±0 0.030±0.008 πΆπππππ‘ π£πΈπ₯ππ2 0.002±0 0.02±0.01 0.01±0.002 0.02±0.0012 0.06±0.1 0.005±0 πΆπππππ‘ π£πΈπ₯π2π 0.01±0.003 1.892±0.018 πΆπππππ‘ ⁄ πΆπππππ‘ (π£πΈπ₯ππ3 π£πΈπ₯ππ»4 ) ∗ 100 πΆπππππ‘ ⁄ πΆπππππ‘ π£πΈπ₯πΆππππ π£πΈπ₯π 0.05±0.03 0.004±0.003 0.071±0.03 0.001±0.000 0.003±0.0005 0.002±0.001 πΆπππππ‘ π£πΈπ₯ππ 0.09±.001 0.09±0 0.09±0.0 πΆπππππ‘ π£πΈπ₯πΆππππ 52.6±5.3 52.6±5.3 20±2 30±3 60.0±6.0 80.24±8 80.24±8 80.24±8 30.3±3.0 5.25±0.53 5.25±0.53 5.25±0.53 5.25±0.53 5.25±0.53 5.25±0.53 5.25±0.53 5.25±0.53 5.25±0.53 0.013±0.004 20±2 20±2 πππ’ πΆπππππ‘ ⁄π£πΈπ₯πππππ (π£πΈπ₯πΆππππ ) ∗ (100 − π π ) πππ‘ πΆπππππ‘ ⁄π£πΈπ₯πππππ (π£πΈπ₯πΆππππ ) ∗ (100 − π π ) 30±3 30±3 πππ’ πΆπππππ‘ ⁄π£πΈπ₯πππππ (π£πΈπ₯πΆππππ ) ∗ (100 − π π ) πππ πΆπππππ‘ ⁄π£πΈπ₯πππππ (π£πΈπ₯πΆππππ ) ∗ (100 − π π ) 4 π35 π36 π37 π38 π N. defluvii biomass fraction (%) N. winogradskyi biomass fraction (%) N. hamburgensis biomass fraction (%) N. gracilis biomass fraction (%) Number of variables in dataset π£ππ΄ππ΅πππ‘ = π£ππππ’ + π£ππππ‘ + π£ππππ’ + π£ππππ ππ π π£ππππ΅πππ‘ = π£ππππ + π£πππ€π + π£ππβπ + π£π 25±2.5 1.00±0.1 1.00±0.1 1.00±0.1 25±2.5 25±2.5 πππ πΆπππππ‘ ⁄π£πΈπ₯πππππ (π£πΈπ₯πΆππππ ) ∗ (100 − π π ) 9.7±1 9.7±1 12.5±1 4.5±0.4 1.00±0.1 1.00±0.1 1.00±0.1 12.5±1 12.5±1 ππ€π πΆπππππ‘ ⁄π£πΈπ₯πππππ (π£πΈπ₯πΆππππ ) ∗ (100 − π π ) 9.7±1 9.7±1 12.5±1 4.5±0.4 1.00±0.1 1.00±0.1 1.00±0.1 12.5±1 12.5±1 πβπ πΆπππππ‘ ⁄π£πΈπ₯πππππ (π£πΈπ₯πΆππππ ) ∗ (100 − π π ) 1.00±0.1 1.00±0.1 1.00±0.1 20 22 22 31 28 28 33 ππ π πΆπππππ‘ (π£πΈπ₯πΆππππ ⁄π£πΈπ₯πππππ ) ∗ (100 − π π ) 17 26 ππ π π£ππΆπππππ‘ = π£ππππ’ + π£ππππ‘ + π£ππππ’ + π£ππππ + π£ππππ + π£πππ€π + π£ππβπ + π£π π π = biomass percentage fraction of non-nitrifying organism. 5 S2. Details of analyzed nitrifying cultures S2.1 (Ahn et al., 2011) experiments on N2O production in full and partial nitrification systems Analyzed experiments A, B and D were previously presented in (Ahn et al., 2011) publication. These experiments consisted of a single 11 liters bioreactor operated in continuous mode during 360 days; reactor’s dissolved oxygen and HRT were changed at specific days to impose different experimental conditions. The calculated experimental data sets A, B and D were generated from the bioreactors performance reported during the period of those experimental conditions. Bioreactor performance was monitored twice a week by measuring nitrogenous compounds concentrations subsequently reported as percentages of reactor removal and accumulation efficiency. Table SII. Experimental conditions used to calculate the experimental datasets A, B and D are following enlisted: Variable Value (mean± Units A B D NH4+ oxidation NH4+ oxidation NH4+ oxidation Experimental process to NO3 to NO3 * to NO2Reactor operation mode Continuous Continuous Continuous Reactor working volume (V) 11 11 11 L Hydraulic retention time (HRT) 1.1 1.1 1.1 d Flow rate (Q) 10 10 10 L/d Air flow rate 3 3 3 L/min pH 7.5 7.5 7.5 Dissolved oxygen 3.8 ± 0.38 1.5 ± 0.87 1.5 ± 0.87 mg-O2/L Sludge retention time 8.0 3.0 3.0 d Analyzed period from total experiment run 53 to 99 100 to 110 200 to 350 day of experiment NH4+-N feed concentration 500 500 500 mg-N/L NH4+-N removed from feed 88.5±5.4 73.6±8.2 83.42±8.5 % N converted to NO2--N 0.15±0.12 67.6±19.8 91±4.6 % N converted to NO3--N 99.6±0.21 28.7±18.6 9.5±4.9 % N converted to N2O-N 0.16±0.20 3.5±1.12 0.66±0.15 % N converted to NO-N 0.022±0.010 0.175±0.022 0.084±0.033 % Oxygen uptake rate due to NH4+ oxidation 2.26±0.34 2.22±0.34 2.33±0.75 mmolO2/gCOD*h Oxygen uptake rate due to NO2- oxidation 0.55±0.11 0.58±0.03 0.05±0.15 mmolO2/gCOD*h AOB biomass concentration** 0.47±0.02 0.56±0.14 0.57±0.31 gCOD/L NOB biomass concentration** 0.14±0.008 0.19±0.037 0.05±0.03 gCOD/L Total biomass concentration** 0.54±0.19 0.68±011 0.61±0.32 gCOD/L (*) Transition period (10 days) from NH4+ oxidation to NO3- to NH4+ oxidation to NO2-. Presence of NOB species (**) Biomass concentrations in grams of COD were calculated by multiplying the number of 16SRNA gene copies for AOB, NOB and bacterial cells quantified by qPCR with the conversion factor 3.9x10-13 gCOD/16Scopy reported by (Ahn et al., 2008). Experiment ID 6 Reported NH4+-N feed concentrations and percentages of removed nitrogen converted to nitrogenous compounds were used to estimate absolute concentrations of nitrogenous compounds during the analyzed period for each experiment. These nitrogenous compound concentrations (in mmol-N/L) were multiplied by bioreactor’s flow rate (Q in L/h) and divided by bioreactor’s AOB, NOB or total biomass (in gCOD) to obtain production and consumption rates of nitrogenous compounds in mmol-N/gCOD*h units. S2.2 (Wunderlin et al., 2013) experiments on quantification of N2O production pathways using stable isotopes Analyzed experiments C, H and I were previously presented in (Wunderlin et al., 2013; Wunderlin et al., 2012) publications. Both publications reported the same set of 25 batch cultures experiments, each of them initialized by adding a specific amount of nitrogenous substrate; for our analysis; we chose three of these experiments on basis of two criteria: 1) different initial nitrogenous substrate and 2) availability experiment’s concentration curves of nitrogenous compounds on publications. Table SIII. Experimental variables used to calculate the experimental datasets C, H and I are following enlisted: Variable Experiment ID Experimental process Reactor operation mode Reactor working volume (V) Total suspended solids (TSS) Air flow rate pH Dissolved oxygen Nitrogenous substrate in feed N concentration in feed Experiment duration Absolute value C NH4+ oxidation to NO3Batch 6.9 4.1 1 7.1 1.9 ± 0.2 NH4+ 25 180 H NO2- oxidation to NO3Batch 6.9 4.1 1 7.1 1.1 ± 0.2 NO215.5 120 Units I NH2OH oxidation to NOx Batch 6.9 4.1 1 7.1 1.1 ± 0.2 NH2OH 9.8 360 L g/L L/min mg-O2/L d mg-N/L min 7 Specific N2O production rates were taken directly form (Wunderlin et al., 2012) publication. Nitrogenous substrate uptake rate and NO2--N, NO3--N production rates were estimated using the formula πππ‘π = (πΆ1 − πΆ0 )/(π‘1 − π‘0 ) along with the reported concentration data (πΆ) respectively observed at times π‘1 and π‘0 (in hours) (Dorian, 1995). In particular these rates were estimated for the reaction phase time period, where concentration curves of these three compounds presented a straight trend (constant slope) therefore indication a temporal steady state in the system. Specific oxygen uptake rates (sOUR) were estimated using the Activated Sludge (ASM) model “C” presented in (Law et al., 2012) (implemented in MS Excel® sheet) by fitting estimated NH4+ and NO2- and NO3+ concentration curves to the corresponding concentration data of experiments’ C, H and I. All calculated rates were normalized by bioreactor’s AOB, NOB or total biomass expressed as gCOD (measured in Wunderlin et al., (2013) and (2012) studies as TSS and converted to gCOD suing the factor 1.42gCOD/gTSS (Grady et al., 1999)). S2.3 (Law et al., 2012) experiments on the effect of pH and dissolved oxygen on N2O production by partial nitrification systems Analyzed experiments E, F and G were previously presented in (Law et al., 2011; Law et al., 2012) publications. These experiments consisted of batch cultures enriched with nitrifying biomass and initial ammonium concentration of 500mg-N/L; reactor pH and dissolved oxygen were changed at specific times of the reaction phase to impose different experimental conditions. The calculated experimental data sets E, F and G were generated from the bioreactors performance reported during the period of those experimental conditions. Bioreactor performance was monitored by measuring nitrogenous compounds concentrations. 8 Table SIV. Experimental variables used to calculate the experimental datasets E, F and G are following enlisted: Variable Experiment ID Experimental process Reactor operation mode Reactor working volume (V) Volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) Air flow rate pH Dissolved oxygen Initial NH4+-N concentration in feed Experimental condition duration Value (mean± E NH4+ oxidation to NO2Batch 1.1 750±50 2.5 7 0.55 ± 0.05 500 0.5 F NH4+ oxidation to NO2Batch 1.1 750±50 2.5 8 0.55 ± 0.05 500 1.1 Units G NH4+ oxidation to NO2Batch 1.1 750±50 2.5 8 1.25 ± 0.05 500 0.5 L mg/L L/min mg-O2/L mg-N/L hours Specific N2O production and NH4+-N consumption rates were directly reported on Law et al., (2011) publication. NO2--N production rates were estimated using the formula πππ‘π = (πΆ1 − πΆ0 )/(π‘1 − π‘0 ) along with the reported concentration data (πΆ) observed at times π‘1 and π‘0 (in hours) (Dorian, 1995). NO2--N production rates were estimated for the reaction phase time period, where concentration curves of this compound presented a straight trend (constant slope) therefore indication a temporal steady state in the system. Specific oxygen uptake rates (sOUR) were estimated using the Activated Sludge (ASM) model “C” presented in (Law et al., 2012) (implemented in MS Excel® sheet). All calculated rates were normalized by bioreactor’s AOB, NOB or total biomass expressed as gCOD (measured in Law et al., 2012 and 2011 studies as MLVSS and converted to gCOD suing the factor 1.42gCOD/gVSS (Grady et al., 1999)). 9 S3. Monte Carlo random sampling method For each analyzed experiment and using each of the eight model variants, 11,000 FBA simulations were performed iteratively using random combinations of values sampled for π΄ππ΅ sOUR, sAUR, π π and π½πΆπ¦π‘ππ3 . The sOUR and sAUR parameter values were randomly sampled from a uniform probabilistic distribution spanning the experimentally observed mean ± std. dev. values (Table I); similarly, values for π π fractions were obtained assuming a ± 50 % variability in experimental values (Table II). The rate of AOB’s terminal oxidase greatly influenced the sN2OPR estimated for AOB (Ni et al., 2013; Perez-Garcia et al., 2014). π΄ππ΅ π΄ππ΅ Therefore, a full range of π½πΆπ¦π‘ππ3 values was explored by adjusting the input π½πΆπ¦π‘ππ3 value as π΄ππ΅ function of the observed sOUR for AOB so that π½πΆπ¦π‘ππ3 = π₯ ∗ π πππ π΄ππ΅ ; where π₯ is one of 11 fraction numbers 0, 0.1, 0.2 until 1. 10 S4. Calculation of absolute percent error The fitness between model-estimated and experimental datasets was quantified using the absolute percent error (Δ) using the following formula: β= ππππ ππ₯π ∑π − ππ‘ππ π‘ | π‘=1 ∑π =1 |ππ‘ ππππ ππ₯π ∑πππ | π‘=1 ∑π =1 |ππ‘ ∗ 100 (S1) where ππ‘ππ π‘ is the estimated value of the π‘π‘β variable defined in Table II of SI; ππ‘ππ₯π is the ππ₯π experimentally observed mean value of the π‘π‘β variable; the expression ∑ππππ − π =1 |ππ‘ ππ‘ππ π‘ | represents the sum of the absolute errors resulting from the 1000 FBAs ran using the sampled values of model’s input parameters and π is the number of dataset variables, π vary in all the analyzed experiments because not all the variables could be estimated from the experiments’ descriptions and graphs presented in publications. 11 Figures Figure S1. Relationship between the rate of the reaction catalyzed by terminal oxidase π΄ππ΅ cytochrome aa3 (π½πΆπ¦π‘ππ3 ) and the specific N2O production rate (sN2OPR) of nitrifying cultures. Solid lines represent mean values obtained from 1000 FBA simulations using the Monte Carlo procedure while break line represent the 10th and 90th percentiles. 12 Complete SMN model Table SV. Stoichiometric equations of the nitrifying community SMN model. Reaction description column specify reaction’s compartment as follows: Exchange reactions (EX), common environment (ENV); Nitrosomonas europaea (NEU); Nitrosomonas eutropha (NET); Nitrosospira multiformis (NMU); Nitrosococcus oceani (NOC); Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii (NDE); Nitrobacter winogradskyi (NWI); Nitrobacter hamburgensis (NHQ); and Nitrospina gracilis (NSP). Reaction name Rx1 Rx2 Rx3 Rx4 Rx5 Rx6 Rx7 Rx8 Rx9 Rx10 Rx11 Rx12 Rx13 Rx14 Rx15 Rx16 Rx17 Rx18 Rx19 Rx20 Rx21 Rx22 Rx23 Rx24 Rx25 Rx26 Rx27 Rx28 Rx29 Rx30 Rx31 Rx32 Rx33 Rx34 Rx35 Rx36 Rx37 Rx38 Rx39 Rx40 Rx41 Rx42 Rx43 Rx44 Rx45 Rx46 Rx47 Rx48 Rx49 Rx50 Rx51 Rx52 Rx53 Rx54 Rx55 Rx56 Rx57 Rx58 Rx59 Rx60 Rx61 Rx62 Rx63 Rx64 Rx65 Rx66 Rx67 Rx68 Rx69 Rx70 Rx71 Rx72 Rx73 Rx74 Rx75 Rx76 Rx77 Reaction description EX. NH4 EX. O2 EX. NO2 EX. NO3 EX. N2O EX. NO EX. N2 EX. NH2OH EX. Biomass EX. Pi EX. H2O EX. CO2 EX. H ENV. Tr1 ENV. Tr2 ENV. Tr3 ENV. Tr4 ENV. Tr5 ENV. Tr6 ENV. Tr7 ENV. Tr8 ENV. Tr9 ENV. Tr10 ENV. Tr11 ENV. Tr12 ENV. Tr13 ENV. Tr14 ENV. Tr15 ENV. Tr16 ENV. Tr17 ENV. Tr18 ENV. Tr19 ENV. Tr20 ENV. Tr21 ENV. Tr22 ENV. Tr23 ENV. Tr24 ENV. Tr25 ENV. Tr26 ENV. Tr27 ENV. Tr28 ENV. Tr29 ENV. Tr30 ENV. Tr31 ENV. Tr32 ENV. Tr33 ENV. Tr34 ENV. Tr35 ENV. Tr36 ENV. Tr37 ENV. Tr38 ENV. Tr39 ENV. Tr40 ENV. Tr41 ENV. Tr42 ENV. Tr43 ENV. Tr44 ENV. Tr45 ENV. Tr46 ENV. Tr47 ENV. Tr48 ENV. Tr49 ENV. Tr50 ENV. Tr51 ENV. Tr52 ENV. Tr53 ENV. Tr54 ENV. Tr55 ENV. Tr56 ENV. Tr57 ENV. Tr58 ENV. Tr59 ENV. Tr60 ENV. Tr61 ENV. Tr62 ENV. Tr63 ENV. Tr64 Equation Associated Genes Reference nh4[e] <==> o2[e] <==> no2[e] <==> no3[e] <==> n2o[e] <==> no[e] <==> n2[e] <==> nh2oh[e] <==> biomass[e] <==> pi[e] <==> h2o[e] <==> co2[e] <==> h[e] <==> nh4[e] <==> nh4[a] nh4[e] <==> nh4[b] nh4[e] <==> nh4[c] nh4[e] <==> nh4[d] nh4[e] <==> nh4[f] nh4[e] <==> nh4[g] nh4[e] <==> nh4[h] nh4[e] <==> nh4[i] o2[e] <==> o2[a] o2[e] <==> o2[b] o2[e] <==> o2[c] o2[e] <==> o2[d] o2[e] <==> o2[f] o2[e] <==> o2[g] o2[e] <==> o2[h] o2[e] <==> o2[i] no2[e] <==> no2[a] no2[e] <==> no2[b] no2[e] <==> no2[c] no2[e] <==> no2[d] no2[e] <==> no2[f] no2[e] <==> no2[g] no2[e] <==> no2[h] no2[e] <==> no2[i] no3[e] <==> no3[b] no3[e] <==> no3[d] no3[e] <==> no3[f] no3[e] <==> no3[g] no3[e] <==> no3[h] no3[e] <==> no3[i] n2o[e] <==> n2o[a] n2o[e] <==> n2o[b] n2o[e] <==> n2o[c] n2o[e] <==> n2o[d] n2o[e] <==> n2o[f] n2o[e] <==> n2o[h] no[e] <==> no[a] no[e] <==> no[b] no[e] <==> no[c] no[e] <==> no[d] no[e] <==> no[f] no[e] <==> no[g] no[e] <==> no[h] no[e] <==> no[i] n2[e] <==> n2[c] n2[e] <==> n2[d] nh2oh[e] <==> nh2oh[a] nh2oh[e] <==> nh2oh[b] nh2oh[e] <==> nh2oh[c] nh2oh[e] <==> nh2oh[d] biomass[e] <==> biomass[a] biomass[e] <==> biomass[b] biomass[e] <==> biomass[c] biomass[e] <==> biomass[d] biomass[e] <==> biomass[i] biomass[e] <==> biomass[f] biomass[e] <==> biomass[g] biomass[e] <==> biomass[h] pi[e] <==> pi[a] pi[e] <==> pi[b] pi[e] <==> pi[c] pi[e] <==> pi[d] pi[e] <==> pi[i] pi[e] <==> pi[f] 13 Rx78 Rx79 Rx80 Rx81 Rx82 Rx83 Rx84 Rx85 Rx86 Rx87 Rx88 Rx89 Rx90 Rx91 Rx92 Rx93 Rx94 Rx95 Rx96 Rx97 Rx98 Rx99 Rx100 Rx101 Rx102 Rx103 Rx104 Rx105 Rx106 Rx107 Rx108 Rx109 Rx110 Rx111 Rx112 Rx113 Rx114 Rx115 Rx116 Rx117 Rx118 Rx119 Rx120 Rx121 Rx122 Rx123 ENV. Tr65 ENV. Tr66 ENV. Tr67 ENV. Tr68 ENV. Tr69 ENV. Tr70 ENV. Tr71 ENV. Tr72 ENV. Tr73 ENV. Tr74 ENV. Tr75 ENV. Tr76 ENV. Tr77 ENV. Tr78 ENV. Tr79 ENV. Tr80 ENV. Tr81 ENV. Tr82 ENV. Tr83 ENV. Tr84 ENV. Tr85 ENV. Tr86 ENV. Tr87 ENV. Tr88 ENV. Tr89 ENV. Tr90 NEU. Tr1 NEU. Tr2 NEU. Tr3 NEU. Tr4 NEU. Tr5 NEU. Tr6 NEU. Tr7 NEU. Tr8 NEU. Tr9 NEU. Tr10 NEU. Tr11 NEU. Tr12 NEU. Tr13 NEU. Tr14 NEU. Tr15 NEU. Tr16 NEU. Tr17 NEU. Tr18 NEU. Tr19 NEU. AMO Ammonia oxidation to hydroxylamine using ubiquinol as e donor pi[e] <==> pi[g] pi[e] <==> pi[h] h2o[e] <==> h2o[a] h2o[e] <==> h2o[b] h2o[e] <==> h2o[c] h2o[e] <==> h2o[d] h2o[e] <==> h2o[i] h2o[e] <==> h2o[f] h2o[e] <==> h2o[g] h2o[e] <==> h2o[h] co2[e] <==> co2[a] co2[e] <==> co2[b] co2[e] <==> co2[c] co2[e] <==> co2[d] co2[e] <==> co2[i] co2[e] <==> co2[f] co2[e] <==> co2[g] co2[e] <==> co2[h] h[e] <==> h[a] h[e] <==> h[b] h[e] <==> h[c] h[e] <==> h[d] h[e] <==> h[i] h[e] <==> h[f] h[e] <==> h[g] h[e] <==> h[h] nh4[a] <==> nh3[j] + h[j] o2[a] <==> o2[j] no2[a] + h[a] <==> hno2[j] n2o[a] <==> n2o[j] no[a] <==> no[j] nh2oh[a] <==> nh2oh[j] biomass[a] <==> biomass[j] pi[a] <==> pi[j] h2o[a] <==> h2o[j] co2[a] <==> co2[j] h[a] <==> h[j] h[a] <==> h[r] nh3[j] <==> nh3[r] o2[j] <==> o2[r] biomass[j] <==> biomass[r] pi[j] <==> pi[r] h2o[j] <==> h2o[r] co2[j] <==> co2[r] h[j] <==> h[r] nh3[j] + o2[j] + q8h2[r] --> nh2oh[j] + h2o[r] + q8[r] amoABC Rx124 NEU. HAO Hydroxylamine oxidation to nitrite 1 nh2oh[j] + cyt554[j] --> noh[j] + cyt554e[j] + 2 h[j] haoAB Rx125 NEU. HAO Hydroxylamine oxidation to nitrite 2 noh[j] + 0.5 cyt554[j] --> no1[j] + h[j] + 0.5 cyt554e[j] haoAB Rx126 NEU. HAO Hydroxylamine oxidation to nitrite 3 no1[j] + h2o[j] + 0.5 cyt554[j] --> hno2[j] + h[j] + 0.5 cyt554e[j] haoAB Rx127 NEU. ETC Partition of electron flow by cyt554 cyt554e[j] + cyt552[r] --> cyt552e[r] + cyt554[j] cycA Rx128 NEU. ETC Ubiquinone to ubiquinol for AMO q8[r] + cyt552e[r] + 2 h[j] --> q8h2[r] + cyt552[r] Rx129 NEU. ETC NADH production by NADHubiquinone reductase using ubiquinol nad[r] + q8h2[r] + 4 h[j] --> nadh[r] + q8[r] + 6 h[r] nouA-M Rx130 NEU. ETC proton pump by CytCbc1 reductase using ubiquinol q8h2[r] + 2 cyt552[j] + 0 h[r] --> 2 h[j] + q8[r] + 2 cyt552e[j] cyt b, cyt 1 Rx131 NEU. ETC proton pump by Cytaa3, Oxygen as final electron acceptor OXIC .5 o2[r] + 4 h[r] + 2 cyt552e[j] --> h2o[r] + 2 h[j] + 2 cyt552[j] coxABC NEU. CytP460 NO2 synthesis from NH2OH + NO NEU. NO availability to NOR and Cytp460 0.5 nh2oh[j] + 0.5 no[j] + 2 cyt552[j] + h2o[j] --> hno2[j] + 2 cyt552e[j] + 3 h[j] cyp no1[j] --> no[j] haoAB hno2[j] + cyt552e[j] + h[j] --> no[j] + cyt552[j] + h2o[j] nirK Rx132 Rx133 Rx134 NEU. R1 - NIR Nitrite reduction to nitric oxide Rx137 NEU. R2 - NOR Nitric oxide reduction to nitrous oxide NEU. Nitric oxide activity by cytochrome C554 NEU. ATP production R138 NEU. Protein synthesis Rx139 NEU. ATP maintenance consumption Rx140 NEU. Biomass synthesis. Rx141 Rx142 Rx143 Rx144 NET. Tr1 NET. Tr2 NET. Tr3 NET. Tr4 Rx135 Rx136 no[j] + cyt552e[j] + h[j] --> 0.5 n2o[j] + cyt552[j] + 0.5 h2o[j] no[j] + h[j] + 0.5 cyt554e[j] --> 0.5 n2o[j] + 0.5 cyt554[j] + 0.5 h2o[j] adp[r] + pi[r] + 6.8 h[j] --> atp[r] + h2o[r] + 4.8 h[r] 2.244 atp[r] + nh3[r] + 4 co2[r] --> 2.244 adp[r] + 2.244 pi[r] + 2.244 h[r] + 0.25 protein[r] atp[r] + h2o[r] --> adp[r] + pi[r] + h[r] + m[r] 15 atp[r] + 12 nadh[r] + 0.25 protein[r] + 32 m[r] --> 15 adp[r] + 12 nad[r] + 15 pi[r] + 15 h[r] + biomass[r] nh4[b] <==> nh3[k] + h[k] no2[b] + h[b] <==> hno2[k] no2[b] + no2[b] <==> n2o4[k] o2[b] <==> o2[k] norCB (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000); (Arp et al., 2002; Cabail and Pacheco, 2003; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Kostera et al., 2008; Poughon et al., 2001; Stein, 2011; Whittaker et al., 2000); (Arp et al., 2002; Cabail and Pacheco, 2003; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Kostera et al., 2008; Poughon et al., 2001; Stein, 2011; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Cabail and Pacheco, 2003; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Kostera et al., 2008; Poughon et al., 2001; Stein, 2011; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Chandran et al., 2011; Elmore et al., 2007; Numata et al., 1990) (Chandran et al., 2011; Poughon et al., 2001) (Beaumont et al., 2002; Cantera and Stein, 2007; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Hooper et al., 1997; Stein, 2011; Yu et al., 2010) (Chandran et al., 2011; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; De Vries et al., 2007; Stein, 2011; Yu et al., 2010) cycA (Stein, 2011; Upadhyay et al., 2006) atpα- ε F-type (Thiele and Palsson, 2010) (Thiele and Palsson, 2010) 14 Rx145 Rx146 Rx147 Rx148 Rx149 Rx150 Rx151 Rx152 Rx153 Rx154 Rx155 Rx156 Rx157 Rx158 Rx159 Rx160 Rx161 Rx162 Rx163 Rx164 Rx165 Rx166 NET. Tr5 NET. Tr6 NET. Tr7 NET. Tr8 NET. Tr9 NET. Tr10 NET. Tr11 NET. Tr12 NET. Tr13 NET. Tr14 NET. Tr15 NET. Tr16 NET. Tr17 NET. Tr18 NET. Tr19 NET. Tr20 NET. Tr21 NET. Tr22 NET. Tr23 NET. Tr24 NET. AMO Ammonia oxidation to hydroxylamine using ubiquinol as e donor NET. AMO-ANX Ammonia oxidation to hydroxylamine using ubiquinol as e donor n2o[b] <==> n2o[k] no[b] <==> no[k] nh2oh[b] <==> nh2oh[k] no3[b] <==> no3[k] biomass[b] <==> biomass[k] pi[b] <==> pi[k] h2o[b] <==> h2o[k] co2[b] <==> co2[k] h[b] <==> h[k] h[b] <==> h[s] nh3[k] <==> nh3[s] o2[k] <==> o2[s] no[k] <==> no[s] no3[k] <==> no3[s] n2o[k] <==> n2o[s] biomass[k] <==> biomass[s] pi[k] <==> pi[s] h2o[k] <==> h2o[s] co2[k] <==> co2[s] h[k] <==> h[s] nh3[k] + o2[k] + q8h2[s] --> nh2oh[k] + h2o[s] + q8[s] amoABC (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000) nh3[k] + n2o4[k] + q8h2[s] --> nh2oh[k] + h2o[s] + q8[s] + 2 no[k] amoABC (Schmidt, 2008) (Arp et al., 2002; Cabail and Pacheco, 2003; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Kostera et al., 2008; Poughon et al., 2001; Stein, 2011; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Cabail and Pacheco, 2003; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Kostera et al., 2008; Poughon et al., 2001; Stein, 2011; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Cabail and Pacheco, 2003; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Kostera et al., 2008; Poughon et al., 2001; Stein, 2011; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000) Rx167 NET. HAO Hydroxylamine oxidation to nitrite 1 nh2oh[k] + cyt554[k] --> noh[k] + cyt554e[k] + 2 h[k] haoAB Rx168 NET. HAO Hydroxylamine oxidation to nitrite 2 noh[k] + 0.5 cyt554[k] --> no1[k] + h[k] + 0.5 cyt554e[k] haoAB Rx169 NET. HAO Hydroxylamine oxidation to nitrite 3 no1[k] + h2o[k] + 0.5 cyt554[k] --> hno2[k] + h[k] + 0.5 cyt554e[k] haoAB Rx170 NET. ETC Partition of electron flow by cyt554 cyt554e[k] + cyt552[s] --> cyt552e[s] + cyt554[k] cycA Rx171 NET. ETC Ubiquinone to ubiquinol for AMO q8[s] + cyt552e[s] + 2 h[k] --> q8h2[s] + cyt552[s] Rx172 NET. ETC NADH production by NADHubiquinone reductase using ubiquinol nad[s] + q8h2[s] + 4 h[k] --> nadh[s] + q8[s] + 6 h[s] nouA-M Rx173 NET. ETC proton pump by CytCbc1 reductase using ubiquinol q8h2[s] + 2 cyt552[k] + 0 h[s] --> 2 h[k] + q8[s] + 2 cyt552e[k] cyt b, cyt 1 Rx174 NET. ETC proton pump by Cytaa3, Oxygen as final electron acceptor OXIC .5 o2[s] + 4 h[s] + 2 cyt552e[k] --> h2o[s] + 2 h[k] + 2 cyt552[k] coxABC NET. CytP460 NO2 synthesis from NH2OH + NO NET. NO availability to NOR and Cytp460 0.5 nh2oh[k] + 0.5 no[k] + 2 cyt552[k] + h2o[k] --> hno2[k] + 2 cyt552e[k] + 3 h[k] cyp no1[k] --> no[k] haoAB hno2[k] + cyt552e[k] + h[k] --> no[k] + cyt552[k] + h2o[k] nirK no[k] + cyt552e[k] + h[k] --> 0.5 n2o[k] + cyt552[k] + 0.5 h2o[k] norCB no[k] + h[k] + 0.5 cyt554e[k] --> 0.5 n2o[k] + 0.5 h2o[k] cycA (Stein, 2011; Upadhyay et al., 2006) no[s] + o2[s] + 0.5 nadh[s] --> no3[s] + 0.5 nad[s] + 0.5 h[s] hmp (Stein, 2011) no[s] + 0.5 nadh[s] --> n2o[s] + 0.5 nad[s] + 0.5 h[s] hmp (Stein, 2010) adp[s] + pi[s] + 6.8 h[k] --> atp[s] + h2o[s] + 4.8 h[s] atpα- ε F-type (Thiele and Palsson, 2010) R175 Rx176 Rx177 NET. R1 - NIR Nitrite reduction to nitric oxide Rx182 Rx183 Rx184 NET. R2 - NOR Nitric oxide reduction to nitrous oxide NET. Nitric oxide activity by cytochrome C554 NET. Nitric oxide oxidoreductase, flavohemoglobin involved in nitric oxide detoxification NET. Nitric oxide oxidoreductase, flavohemoglobin involved in nitric oxide detoxification NET. ATP production NET. Protein synthesis NET. ATP maintenance consumption Rx185 NET. Biomass synthesis Rx186 Rx187 Rx188 Rx189 Rx190 Rx191 Rx192 Rx193 Rx194 Rx195 Rx196 Rx197 Rx198 Rx199 Rx200 Rx201 Rx202 Rx203 Rx204 Rx205 Rx206 NMU. Tr1 NMU. Tr2 NMU. Tr3 NMU. Tr4 NMU. Tr5 NMU. Tr6 NMU. Tr7 NMU. Tr8 NMU. Tr9 NMU. Tr10 NMU. Tr11 NMU. Tr12 NMU. Tr13 NMU. Tr14 NMU. Tr15 NMU. Tr16 NMU. Tr17 NMU. Tr18 NMU. Tr19 NMU. Tr20 NMU. Tr21 Rx178 Rx179 Rx180 Rx181 atp[s] + h2o[s] --> adp[s] + pi[s] + h[s] + m[s] 15 atp[s] + 12 nadh[s] + 0.25 protein[s] + 32 m[s] --> 15 adp[s] + 12 nad[s] + 15 pi[s] + 15 h[s] + biomass[s] nh4[c] <==> nh3[l] + h[l] no2[c] + h[c] <==> hno2[l] o2[c] <==> o2[l] n2o[c] <==> n2o[l] no[c] <==> no[l] nh2oh[c] <==> nh2oh[l] n2[c] <==> n2[l] biomass[c] <==> biomass[l] pi[c] <==> pi[l] h2o[c] <==> h2o[l] co2[c] <==> co2[l] h[c] <==> h[l] h[c] <==> h[t] nh3[l] <==> nh3[t] hno2[l] <==> h[t] + no2[t] n2[l] <==> n2[t] o2[l] <==> o2[t] biomass[l] <==> biomass[t] pi[l] <==> pi[t] h2o[l] <==> h2o[t] co2[l] <==> co2[t] (Chandran et al., 2011; Elmore et al., 2007) (Chandran et al., 2011; Numata et al., 1990; Poughon et al., 2001) (Beaumont et al., 2002; Cantera and Stein, 2007; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Hooper et al., 1997; Stein, 2011; Yu et al., 2010) (Chandran et al., 2011; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; De Vries et al., 2007; Stein, 2011; Yu et al., 2010) (Thiele and Palsson, 2010) 15 Rx207 Rx208 NMU. Tr22 NMU. AMO Ammonia oxidation to hydroxylamine using ubiquinol as e donor h[l] <==> h[t] nh3[l] + o2[l] + q8h2[t] --> nh2oh[l] + h2o[t] + q8[t] amoABC (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Cabail and Pacheco, 2003; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Kostera et al., 2008; Poughon et al., 2001; Stein, 2011; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Cabail and Pacheco, 2003; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Kostera et al., 2008; Poughon et al., 2001; Stein, 2011; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Cabail and Pacheco, 2003; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Kostera et al., 2008; Poughon et al., 2001; Stein, 2011; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000) Rx209 NMU. HAO Hydroxylamine oxidation to nitrite 1 nh2oh[l] + cyt554[l] --> noh[l] + cyt554e[l] + 2 h[l] haoAB Rx210 NMU. HAO Hydroxylamine oxidation to nitrite 2 noh[l] + 0.5 cyt554[l] --> no1[l] + h[l] + 0.5 cyt554e[l] haoAB Rx211 NMU. HAO Hydroxylamine oxidation to nitrite 3 no1[l] + h2o[l] + 0.5 cyt554[l] --> hno2[l] + h[l] + 0.5 cyt554e[l] haoAB Rx212 NMU. ETC division of electron flow by cyt554 cyt554e[l] + cyt552[t] --> cyt552e[t] + cyt554[l] cycA Rx213 NMU. ETC Ubiquinone to ubiquinol for AMO q8[t] + cyt552e[t] + 2 h[l] --> q8h2[t] + cyt552[t] Rx214 NMU. ETC NADH production by NADHubiquinone reductase using ubiquinol nad[t] + q8h2[t] + 4 h[l] --> nadh[t] + q8[t] + 6 h[t] nouA-M Rx215 NMU. ETC proton pump by CytCbc1 reductase using ubiquinol q8h2[t] + 2 cyt552[l] + 0 h[t] --> 2 h[l] + q8[t] + 2 cyt552e[l] cyt b, cyt 1 Rx216 NMU. ETC proton pump by Cytaa3, Oxygen as final electron acceptor OXIC .5 o2[t] + 4 h[t] + 2 cyt552e[l] --> h2o[t] + 2 h[l] + 2 cyt552[l] coxABC NMU. ETC proton pump by cytaa3, nitrite as final electron acceptor ANOXIC NMU. NO availability to NOR and Cytp460 no2[t] + 3 h[t] + 3 cyt552e[l] --> 0.5 n2[t] + 2 h2o[t] + 3 cyt552[l] coxA2 (Kampschreur et al., 2008; Schmidt, 2008) no1[l] --> no[l] haoAB (Chandran et al., 2011; Poughon et al., 2001) hno2[l] + cyt552e[l] + h[l] --> no[l] + cyt552[l] + h2o[l] nirK Rx217 Rx218 Rx219 NMU. R1 - NIR Nitrite reduction to nitric oxide Rx221 Rx222 Rx223 NMU. R2 - NOR Nitric oxide reduction to nitrous oxide NMU. ATP production NMU. Protein synthesis NMU. ATP maintenance consumption Rx224 NMU. Biomass synthesis Rx225 Rx226 Rx227 Rx228 Rx229 Rx230 Rx231 Rx232 Rx233 Rx234 Rx235 Rx236 Rx237 Rx238 Rx239 Rx240 Rx241 Rx242 Rx243 Rx244 Rx245 Rx246 Rx247 Rx248 Rx249 Rx250 NOC. Tr1 NOC. Tr2 NOC. Tr3 NOC. Tr4 NOC. Tr5 NOC. Tr6 NOC. Tr7 NOC. Tr8 NOC. Tr9 NOC. Tr10 NOC. Tr11 NOC. Tr12 NOC. Tr13 NOC. Tr14 NOC. Tr15 NOC. Tr16 NOC. Tr17 NOC. Tr18 NOC. Tr19 NOC. Tr20 NOC. Tr21 NOC. Tr22 NOC. Tr23 NOC. Tr24 NOC. Tr25 NOC. Tr26 NOC. AMO Ammonia oxidation to hydroxylamine using ubiquinol as e donor Rx220 Rx251 no[l] + cyt552e[l] + h[l] --> 0.5 n2o[l] + cyt552[l] + 0.5 h2o[l] adp[t] + pi[t] + 6.8 h[l] --> atp[t] + h2o[t] + 4.8 h[t] atp[t] + h2o[t] --> adp[t] + pi[t] + h[t] + m[t] atp[t] + h2o[t] --> adp[t] + pi[t] + h[t] + m[t] 15 atp[t] + 12 nadh[t] + 0.25 protein[t] + 32 m[t] --> 15 adp[t] + 12 nad[t] + 15 pi[t] + 15 h[t] + biomass[t] nh4[d] <==> nh3[m] + h[m] no2[d] + h[d] <==> hno2[m] o2[d] <==> o2[m] n2o[d] <==> n2o[m] no[d] <==> no[m] nh2oh[d] <==> nh2oh[m] n2[d] <==> n2[m] no3[d] <==> no3[m] biomass[d] <==> biomass[m] pi[d] <==> pi[m] h2o[d] <==> h2o[m] co2[d] <==> co2[m] h[d] <==> h[m] h[d] <==> h[u] nh3[m] <==> nh3[u] hno2[m] <==> h[u] + no2[u] no3[m] <==> no3[u] n2o[m] <==> n2o[u] n2[m] <==> n2[u] o2[m] <==> o2[u] no[m] <==> no[u] biomass[m] <==> biomass[u] pi[m] <==> pi[u] h2o[m] <==> h2o[u] co2[m] <==> co2[u] h[m] <==> h[u] norCB atpα- ε F-type (Beaumont et al., 2002; Cantera and Stein, 2007; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Hooper et al., 1997; Stein, 2011; Yu et al., 2010) (Chandran et al., 2011; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; De Vries et al., 2007; Stein, 2011; Yu et al., 2010) (Thiele and Palsson, 2010) (Thiele and Palsson, 2010) nh3[m] + o2[m] + q8h2[u] --> nh2oh[m] + h2o[u] + q8[u] amoABC Rx252 NOC. HAO Hydroxylamine oxidation to nitrite 1 nh2oh[m] + cyt554[m] --> noh[m] + cyt554e[m] + 2 h[m] haoAB Rx253 NOC. HAO Hydroxylamine oxidation to nitrite 2 noh[m] + 0.5 cyt554[m] --> no1[m] + h[m] + 0.5 cyt554e[m] haoAB Rx254 NOC. HAO Hydroxylamine oxidation to nitrite 3 cyt554e[m] + cyt552[u] --> cyt552e[u] + cyt554[m] haoAB Rx255 NOC. ETC Partition of electron flow by cyt554 cyt554e[m] + cyt552[u] --> cyt552e[u] + cyt554[m] cycA Rx256 NOC. ETC Ubiquinone to ubiquinol for AMO q8[u] + cyt552e[u] + 2 h[m] --> q8h2[u] + cyt552[u] Rx257 NOC. ETC NADH production by NADHubiquinone reductase using ubiquinol nad[u] + q8h2[u] + 4 h[m] --> nadh[u] + q8[u] + 6 h[u] nouA-M Rx258 NOC. ETC proton pump by CytCbc1 reductase using ubiquinol q8h2[u] + 2 cyt552[m] + 0 h[u] --> 2 h[m] + q8[u] + 2 cyt552e[m] cyt b, cyt 1 (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Cabail and Pacheco, 2003; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Kostera et al., 2008; Poughon et al., 2001; Stein, 2011; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Cabail and Pacheco, 2003; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Kostera et al., 2008; Poughon et al., 2001; Stein, 2011; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Cabail and Pacheco, 2003; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Kostera et al., 2008; Poughon et al., 2001; Stein, 2011; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 16 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000) (Arp et al., 2002; Chain et al., 2003; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Whittaker et al., 2000) NOC. ETC proton pump by Cytaa3, Oxygen as final electron acceptor OXIC .5 o2[u] + 4 h[u] + 2 cyt552e[m] --> h2o[u] + 2 h[m] + 2 cyt552[m] coxABC NOC. ETC proton pump by cytaa3, nitrite as final electron acceptor ANOXIC NOC. NO availability to NOR and Cytp460 no2[u] + 3 h[u] + 3 cyt552e[m] --> 0.5 n2[u] + 2 h2o[u] + 3 cyt552[m] coxA2 (Kampschreur et al., 2008; Schmidt, 2008) no1[m] --> no[m] haoAB Chandran et al., 2011; Poughon et al., 2001) NOC. R1 - NIR Nitrite reduction to nitric oxide hno2[m] + cyt552e[m] + h[m] --> no[m] + cyt552[m] + h2o[m] nirK no[m] + cyt552e[m] + h[m] --> 0.5 n2o[m] + cyt552[m] + 0.5 h2o[m] norCB no[u] + o2[u] + 0.5 nadh[u] --> no3[u] + 0.5 nad[u] + 0.5 h[u] hmp (Stein, 2011) no[u] + 0.5 nadh[u] --> n2o[u] + 0.5 nad[u] + 0.5 h[u] hmp (Stein, 2010) Rx266 NOC. R2 - NOR Nitric oxide reduction to nitrous oxide NOC. Nitric oxide oxidoreductase, flavohemoglobin involved in nitric oxide detoxification NOC. Nitric oxide oxidoreductase, flavohemoglobin involved in nitric oxide detoxification NOC. ATP production (Thiele and Palsson, 2010) NOC. Protein synthesis Rx268 NOC. ATP maintenance consumption Rx269 NOC. Biomass synthesis. Rx270 Rx271 Rx272 Rx273 Rx274 Rx275 Rx276 Rx277 Rx278 Rx279 Rx280 Rx281 Rx282 Rx283 Rx284 Rx285 Rx286 Rx287 Rx288 Rx289 Rx290 Rx291 Rx292 NDE. Tr1 NDE. Tr2 NDE. Tr3 NDE. Tr4 NDE. Tr5 NDE. Tr6 NDE. Tr7 NDE. Tr8 NDE. Tr9 NDE. Tr10 NDE. Tr11 NDE. Tr12 NDE. Tr13 NDE. Tr14 NDE. Tr15 NDE. Tr16 NDE. Tr17 NDE. Tr18 NDE. Tr19 NDE. Tr20 NDE. Tr21 NDE. Transport mediated NO2 transport NDE. Transport mediated NO3 transport NDE. NXR Periplasmic Nitrite oxidation to nitrate NDE. Terminal oxidase Cytbd, Oxygen as final electron acceptor OXIC NDE. ETC proton pump by CytCbc1 reductase using ubiquinol NDE. ETC NADH production by NADHubiquinone reductase using ubiquinol NDE. ETC ferredoxin production NDE. Nitrite reductase nitric oxide forming NDE. Dissimilatory reduction of Nitrate to Nitrite NXR mediated NDE. Assimilatory reduction of Nitrite to Ammonia by NAR NDE. Assimilatory reduction of Nitrite to Ammonia by NAR NDE. Nitric oxide oxidoreductase, flavohemoglobin involved in nitric oxide detoxification NDE. Nitric oxide oxidoreductase, flavohemoglobin involved in nitric oxide detoxification NDE. ETC ATP transmembrane synthesis (four protons per ATP) adp[u] + pi[u] + 6.8 h[m] --> atp[u] + h2o[u] + 4.8 h[u] 2.244 atp[u] + nh3[u] + 4 co2[u] --> 2.244 adp[u] + 2.244 pi[u] + 2.244 h[u] + 0.25 protein[u] atp[u] + h2o[u] --> adp[u] + pi[u] + h[u] + m[u] 15 atp[u] + 12 nadh[u] + 0.25 protein[u] + 32 m[u] --> 15 adp[u] + 12 nad[u] + 15 pi[u] + 15 h[u] + biomass[u] nh4[f] <==> nh3[n] + h[n] o2[f] <==> o2[n] no2[f] <==> no2[n] no3[f] <==> no3[n] no[f] <==> no[n] n2o[f] <==> n2o[n] biomass[f] <==> biomass[n] pi[f] <==> pi[n] h2o[f] <==> h2o[n] co2[f] <==> co2[n] h[f] <==> h[n] h[f] <==> h[v] nh3[n] <==> nh3[v] o2[n] <==> o2[v] biomass[n] <==> biomass[v] no[n] <==> no[v] n2o[n] <==> n2o[v] pi[n] <==> pi[v] h2o[n] <==> h2o[v] co2[n] <==> co2[v] h[n] <==> h[v] no2[n] --> no2[v] no3[v] --> no3[n] no2[n] + 2 cyt550[v] + h2o[n] --> no3[n] + 2 cyt550e[v] + 2 h[n] atpα- ε F-type Rx267 0.5 o2[v] + 2 h[v] + 2 cyt550e[v] --> h2o[v] + 2 cyt550[v] cydAB (Ferguson et al., 2007; Lücker et al., 2010) qcrABC (Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001) nouA-M (Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001) hcaD (Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001) (Ferguson et al., 2007; Lücker et al., 2010; Starkenburg et al., 2008b) Rx259 Rx260 Rx261 Rx262 Rx263 Rx264 Rx265 Rx293 Rx294 Rx295 Rx296 Rx297 Rx298 Rx299 Rx300 Rx301 Rx302 Rx303 Rx304 Rx305 Rx306 Rx307 Rx308 Rx309 Rx310 Rx311 Rx312 Rx313 Rx314 Rx315 Rx316 Rx317 Rx318 Rx319 Rx320 Rx321 Rx322 NDE. Protein synthesis from ammonia NDE. Maintenance ATP consumption (non-growth associated energy consumption) NDE. Biomass synthesis ATP consumption NWI. TR1 NWI. TR2 NWI. TR3 NWI. TR4 NWI. TR5 NWI. TR6 NWI. TR7 NWI. TR8 NWI. TR9 NWI. TR10 NWI. TR11 NWI. TR12 NWI. TR13 NWI. TR14 NWI. TR15 q8[v] + 2 cyt550e[v] + 4 h[n] --> q8h2[v] + 2 cyt550[v] + 2 h[v] nad[v] + q8h2[v] + 2 h[n] + 2 h[v] --> nadh[v] + q8[v] + 5 h[v] nadh[v] + 2 fe[v] <==> nad[v] + 2 fee[v] + h[v] (Beaumont et al., 2002; Cantera and Stein, 2007; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; Hooper et al., 1997; Stein, 2011; Yu et al., 2010) (Chandran et al., 2011; Colliver and Stephenson, 2000; De Vries et al., 2007; Stein, 2011; Yu et al., 2010) (Thiele and Palsson, 2010) narK narK nxrAB (Ferguson et al., 2007; Starkenburg et al., 2008b) (Ferguson et al., 2007; Starkenburg et al., 2008b) (Ferguson et al., 2007; Lücker et al., 2010; Starkenburg et al., 2008b) no2[n] + cyt550e[v] + 2 h[n] --> no[n] + cyt550[v] + h2o[n] nirK no3[n] + nadh[v] + h[v] --> no2[n] + nad[v] + h2o[v] nxrAB (Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001) no2[v] + 4 h[v] + 3 nadh[v] --> nh3[v] + 2 h2o[v] + 3 nad[v] nirA (Lücker et al., 2010; Starkenburg et al., 2008b) no2[v] + 6 fee[v] + 7 h[v] --> nh3[v] + 2 h2o[v] + 6 fe[v] nirA (Lücker et al., 2010; Starkenburg et al., 2008b) no[v] + o2[v] + 0.5 nadh[v] --> no3[v] + 0.5 nad[v] + 0.5 h[v] hmp (Stein, 2011) no[v] + 0.5 nadh[v] --> n2o[v] + 0.5 nad[v] + 0.5 h[v] hmp (Stein, 2011) adp[v] + pi[v] + 3 h[n] --> atp[v] + h2o[v] + 3 h[v] atpA-I (Lücker et al., 2010; Starkenburg et al., 2011) 2.244 atp[v] + nh3[v] + 4 co2[v] --> 2.244 adp[v] + 2.244 pi[v] + 2.244 h[v] + 0.25 protein[v] atp[v] + h2o[v] --> adp[v] + pi[v] + h[v] + m[v] (Thiele and Palsson, 2010) 15 atp[v] + 12 nadh[v] + 0.25 protein[v] + 200 m[v] --> 15 adp[v] + 12 nad[v] + 15 pi[v] + 15 h[v] + biomass[v] o2[g] <==> o2[o] nh4[g] <==> nh3[o] + h[o] no2[g] <==> no2[o] no3[g] <==> no3[o] no[g] <==> no[o] biomass[g] <==> biomass[o] pi[g] <==> pi[o] h2o[g] <==> h2o[o] co2[g] <==> co2[o] h[g] <==> h[o] h[g] <==> h[w] nh3[o] <==> nh3[w] o2[o] <==> o2[w] biomass[o] <==> biomass[w] pi[o] <==> pi[w] 17 Rx323 Rx324 Rx325 Rx326 Rx327 Rx328 Rx329 Rx330 Rx331 Rx332 Rx333 Rx334 Rx335 Rx336 Rx337 Rx338 Rx339 Rx340 Rx341 Rx342 Rx343 Rx344 Rx345 Rx346 Rx347 Rx348 Rx349 Rx350 Rx351 Rx352 Rx353 Rx354 Rx355 Rx356 Rx357 Rx358 Rx359 Rx360 Rx361 Rx362 Rx363 Rx364 Rx365 Rx366 Rx367 Rx368 Rx369 Rx370 Rx371 Rx372 Rx373 Rx374 Rx375 Rx376 Rx377 Rx378 Rx379 Rx380 Rx381 Rx382 Rx383 Rx384 Rx385 Rx386 Rx387 Rx388 NWI. TR16 NWI. TR17 NWI. TR18 NWI. Transport mediated NO2 transport NWI. Transport mediated NO3 transport NWI. NXR Periplasmic Nitrite oxidation to nitrate NWI. Terminal oxidase Cytbd, Oxygen as final electron acceptor OXIC NWI. ETC proton pump by CytCbc1 reductase using ubiquinol NWI. ETC NADH production by NADHubiquinone reductase using ubiquinol NWI. Nitrite reductase nitric oxide forming NWI. Nitric oxide reductase NADH forming NWI. Dissimilatory reduction of Nitrate to Nitrite NXR mediated NWI. Dissimilatory reduction of Nitrate to Nitrite NAR mediated NWI. Assimilatory reduction of Nitrite to Ammonia by NAR NWI. ETC ATP transmembrane synthesis (four protons per ATP) NWI. Protein synthesis from ammonia NWI. Maintenance ATP consumption (non-growth associated energy consumption) NWI. Biomass synthesis ATP consumption NHA. Tr1 NHA. Tr2 NHA. Tr3 NHA. Tr4 NHA. Tr5 NHA. Tr6 NHA. Tr7 NHA. Tr8 NHA. Tr9 NHA. Tr10 NHA. Tr11 NHA. Tr12 NHA. Tr13 NHA. Tr14 NHA. Tr15 NHA. Tr16 NHA. Tr17 NHA. Tr18 NHA. Tr19 NHA. Transport mediated NO2 transport NHA. Transport mediated NO3 transport NHA. NXR Periplasmic Nitrite oxidation to nitrate NHA. Terminal oxidase Cytbd, Oxygen as final electron acceptor OXIC NHA. ETC proton pump by CytCbc1 reductase using ubiquinol NHA. ETC NADH production by NADHubiquinone reductase using ubiquinol NHA. ETC ferredoxin production NHA. P460 NO2 shynthesis from NH2OH + NO NHA. NOR Nitric oxide reduction to nitrous oxide NHA. Assimilatory reduction of Nitrite to Ammonia by NAR NHA. Nitrite reductase nitric oxide forming NHA. Dissimilatory reduction of Nitrate to Nitrite NXR mediated NHA. Assimilatory reduction of Nitrite to Ammonia by NAR NHA. ETC ATP transmembrane synthesis (four protons per ATP) NHA. Protein synthesis from ammonia NHA. Maintenance ATP consumption (non-growth associated energy consumption) NHA. Biomass synthesis ATP consumption NSP. Tr1 NSP. Tr2 NSP. Tr3 NSP. Tr4 NSP. Tr5 NSP. Tr6 NSP. Tr7 NSP. Tr8 NSP. Tr9 NSP. Tr10 NSP. Tr11 NSP. Tr12 h2o[o] <==> h2o[w] co2[o] <==> co2[w] h[o] <==> h[w] no2[o] <==> no2[w] no3[o] <==> no3[w] no2[w] + 2 cyt550[w] + h2o[w] <==> no3[w] + 2 cyt550e[w] + 2 h[o] 0.5 o2[w] + 4 h[w] + 2 cyt550e[w] --> h2o[w] + 2 h[o] + 2 cyt550[w] q8[w] + 2 cyt550e[w] + 4 h[o] --> q8h2[w] + 2 cyt550[w] + 2 h[w] nad[w] + q8h2[w] + 2 h[o] + 2 h[w] --> nadh[w] + q8[w] + 5 h[w] no2[o] + cyt550e[w] + 2 h[o] --> no[o] + cyt550[w] + h2o[o] no[o] + 0.5 nad[w] + h2o[w] --> no2[o] + 0.5 nadh[w] + 1.5 h[o] narK narK nxrA-K cydAB qcrABC nouA-M nirK, nirK (Ferguson et al., 2007; Starkenburg et al., 2011) (Ferguson et al., 2007; Starkenburg et al., 2011) (Ferguson et al., 2007; Starkenburg et al., 2011; Starkenburg et al., 2006; Yamanaka and Fukumori, 1988) (Starkenburg et al., 2006; Yamanaka et al., 1981; Yamanaka and Fukumori, 1988) (Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Starkenburg et al., 2006) (Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Starkenburg et al., 2006) (Ferguson et al., 2007; Lücker et al., 2010; Poughon et al., 2001; Starkenburg et al., 2006) (Freitag and Bock, 1990; Poughon et al., 2001; Starkenburg et al., 2011; Starkenburg et al., 2008a) ((Starkenburg et al., 2011; Starkenburg et al., 2006; Starkenburg et al., 2008a) (Starkenburg et al., 2011; Starkenburg et al., 2006; Starkenburg et al., 2008a) no3[o] + nadh[w] + h[w] --> no2[o] + nad[w] + h2o[w] nxrAB no3[o] + q8h2[w] --> no2[o] + q8[w] + h2o[o] narJI no2[w] + 4 h[w] + 3 nadh[w] --> nh3[w] + 2 h2o[w] + 3 nad[w] nirBD (Lücker et al., 2010b; Starkenburg et al., 2011) adp[w] + pi[w] + 3 h[o] --> atp[w] + h2o[w] + 3 h[w] atpA-I (Lücker et al., 2010b; Starkenburg et al., 2011) 2.244 atp[w] + nh3[w] + 4 co2[w] --> 2.244 adp[w] + 2.244 pi[w] + 2.244 h[w] + 0.25 protein[w] atp[w] + h2o[w] --> adp[w] + pi[w] + h[w] + m[w] 15 atp[w] + 12 nadh[w] + 0.25 protein[w] + 200 m[w] --> 15 adp[w] + 12 nad[w] + 15 pi[w] + 15 h[w] + biomass[w] o2[h] <==> o2[p] nh4[h] <==> nh3[p] + h[p] no2[h] <==> no2[p] no3[h] <==> no3[p] no[h] <==> no[p] n2o[h] <==> n2o[p] biomass[h] <==> biomass[p] pi[h] <==> pi[p] h2o[h] <==> h2o[p] co2[h] <==> co2[p] h[h] <==> h[p] h[h] <==> h[x] nh3[p] <==> nh3[x] o2[p] <==> o2[x] biomass[p] <==> biomass[x] pi[p] <==> pi[x] h2o[p] <==> h2o[x] co2[p] <==> co2[x] h[p] <==> h[x] no2[p] <==> no2[x] no3[p] <==> no3[x] no2[x] + 2 cyt550[x] + h2o[x] <==> no3[x] + 2 cyt550e[x] + 2 h[p] 0.5 o2[x] + 4 h[x] + 2 cyt550e[x] --> h2o[x] + 2 h[p] + 2 cyt550[x] q8[x] + 2 cyt550e[x] + 4 h[p] --> q8h2[x] + 2 cyt550[x] + 2 h[x] nad[x] + q8h2[x] + 2 h[p] + 2 h[x] --> nadh[x] + q8[x] + 5 h[x] (Thiele and Palsson, 2010) narK narK nxrA-K cydAB qcrABC nouA-M (Ferguson et al., 2007; Starkenburg et al., 2011) (Ferguson et al., 2007; Starkenburg et al., 2011) (Ferguson et al., 2007; Starkenburg et al., 2011; Starkenburg et al., 2006; Yamanaka and Fukumori, 1988) (Starkenburg et al., 2006; Yamanaka et al., 1981; Yamanaka and Fukumori, 1988) (Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Starkenburg et al., 2006) (Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Starkenburg et al., 2006) (Starkenburg et al., 2011; Starkenburg et al., 2006; Starkenburg et al., 2008b) (Starkenburg et al., 2011; Starkenburg et al., 2006; Starkenburg et al., 2008b) (Starkenburg et al., 2011; Starkenburg et al., 2006; Starkenburg et al., 2008b) (Starkenburg et al., 2011; Starkenburg et al., 2006; Starkenburg et al., 2008b) Starkenburg et al., 2011; Starkenburg et al., 2006; Starkenburg et al., 2008b) (Starkenburg et al., 2011; Starkenburg et al., 2006; Starkenburg et al., 2008b) nadh[x] + 2 fe[x] <==> nad[x] + 2 fee[x] + h[x] hcaD no[p] + cyt550[x] + h2o[x] --> no2[p] + cyt550e[x] + 2 h[p] cyp no[p] + cyt550e[x] + h[p] --> 0.5 n2o[p] + cyt550[x] + 0.5 h2o[p] norCB no2[x] + 6 fee[x] + 7 h[x] --> nh3[x] + 2 h2o[x] + 6 fe[x] nirA no2[p] + cyt550e[x] + 2 h[p] --> no[p] + cyt550[x] + h2o[p] nirK, no3[o] + nadh[w] + h[w] --> no2[o] + nad[w] + h2o[w] nxrAB no2[x] + 4 h[x] + 3 nadh[x] --> nh3[x] + 2 h2o[x] + 3 nad[x] nirBD (Lücker et al., 2010; Starkenburg et al., 2011) adp[x] + pi[x] + 3 h[p] --> atp[x] + h2o[x] + 3 h[x] atpA-I (Lücker et al., 2010; Starkenburg et al., 2011) 2.244 atp[x] + nh3[x] + 4 co2[x] --> 2.244 adp[x] + 2.244 pi[x] + 2.244 h[x] + 0.25 protein[x] atp[x] + h2o[x] --> adp[x] + pi[x] + h[x] + m[x] (Thiele and Palsson, 2010) 15 atp[x] + 12 nadh[x] + 0.25 protein[x] + 200 m[x] --> 15 adp[x] + 12 nad[x] + 15 pi[x] + 15 h[x] + biomass[x] o2[i] <==> o2[q] nh4[i] <==> nh3[q] + h[q] no2[i] <==> no2[q] no3[i] <==> no3[q] no[i] <==> no[q] biomass[i] <==> biomass[q] pi[i] <==> pi[q] h2o[i] <==> h2o[q] co2[i] <==> co2[q] h[i] <==> h[q] h[i] <==> h[y] nh3[q] <==> nh3[y] 18 Rx389 Rx390 Rx391 Rx392 Rx393 Rx394 Rx395 Rx396 Rx397 Rx398 Rx399 Rx400 Rx401 Rx402 Rx403 Rx404 Rx405 Rx406 Rx407 NSP. Tr13 NSP. Tr14 NSP. Tr15 NSP. Tr16 NSP. Tr17 NSP. Tr18 NSP. Transport mediated NO2 transport NSP. NXR Periplasmic Nitrite oxidation to nitrate NSP. Terminal oxidase Cytbd, Oxygen as final electron acceptor OXIC NSP. ETC proton pump by CytCbc1 reductase using ubiquinol NSP. ETC NADH production by NADHubiquinone reductase using ubiquinol NSP. ETC ferredoxin production NSP. NO2 synthesis from NH2OH + NO NSP. Assimilatory reduction of Nitrite to Ammonia by NAR NSP. Nitrite reductase nitric oxide forming NSP. ETC ATP transmembrane synthesis (four protons per ATP) NSP. Protein synthesis from ammonia NSP. Maintenance ATP consumption (non-growth associated energy consumption) NSP. Biomass synthesis ATP consumption o2[q] <==> o2[y] biomass[q] <==> biomass[y] pi[q] <==> pi[y] h2o[q] <==> h2o[y] co2[q] <==> co2[y] h[q] <==> h[y] no2[q] <==> no2[y] no2[q] + 2 cyt550[y] + h2o[q] --> no3[q] + 2 cyt550e[y] + 2 h[q] 0.5 o2[y] + 4 h[y] + 2 cyt550e[y] --> h2o[y] + 2 h[q] + 2 cyt550[y] q8[y] + 2 cyt550e[y] + 4 h[q] --> q8h2[y] + 2 cyt550[y] + 2 h[y] nad[y] + q8h2[y] + 2 h[q] + 2 h[y] --> nadh[y] + q8[y] + 5 h[y] nadh[y] + 2 fe[y] <==> nad[y] + 2 fee[y] + h[y] no[q] + cyt550[y] + h2o[y] --> no2[q] + cyt550e[y] + 2 h[p] narK hcaD cyp (Ferguson et al., 2007; Starkenburg et al., 2011) (Lücker et al., 2010; Lücker et al., 2013; Starkenburg et al., 2011) (Starkenburg et al., 2006; Yamanaka et al., 1981; Yamanaka and Fukumori, 1988) (Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Starkenburg et al., 2006) (Ferguson et al., 2007; Poughon et al., 2001; Starkenburg et al., 2006) (Lücker et al., 2013) (Lücker et al., 2013) no2[y] + 6 fee[y] + 7 h[y] --> nh3[y] + 2 h2o[y] + 6 fe[y] nirA (Lücker et al., 2013) no2[q] + cyt550e[y] + 2 h[q] --> no[q] + cyt550[y] + h2o[q] nirK, (Lücker et al., 2013) adp[y] + pi[y] + 3 h[q] --> atp[y] + h2o[y] + 3 h[y] atpA-I (Lücker et al., 2010; Starkenburg et al., 2011) nxrABC cydAB qcrABC nouA-M 2.244 atp[y] + nh3[y] + 4 co2[y] --> 2.244 adp[y] + 2.244 pi[y] + 2.244 h[y] + 0.25 protein[y] atp[y] + h2o[y] --> adp[y] + pi[y] + h[y] + m[y] (Thiele and Palsson, 2010) 15 atp[y] + 12 nadh[y] + 0.25 protein[y] + 200 m[y] --> 15 adp[y] + 12 nad[y] + 15 pi[y] + 15 h[y] + biomass[y] 19 Supporting Information and model references Ahn JH, Kwan T, Chandran K. 2011. 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