Irrigation and Agriculture

IB Geogaphy – Freshwater
Irrigation and Agriculture (3hrs)
Examine the
impact of
agriculture and
irrigation on
water quality.
Impact 1 - Salinization
• Task 1 – Open the hyperlink and read the information on
Salinization. Summarise how the process happens and how it is
linked to irrigation and agriculture. Briefly explain how its effects can
be combatted.
• This link explains the problems caused by Salinization in the
Adelaide, SA. Read over the document put pay particular attention
to ‘The stressed Murray-Darling River system’ and ‘What is
water salinity’?
• Create two spider diagrams that show 1. The causes of Salinization
in the Murray Darling and 2. The effects …..
• PPM = Parts per million
Impact 2 - Agro-Chemical Runoff
Watch the video on the following slide.
Make notes under the following headings:
Case study location
How much pesticide is used every year?
What is a pesticide?
Links to agriculture and runoff.
Effects on the environment.
Protection measures.
Agro Chemical Runoff
Impact 3 - Groundwater
• Watch the video on the next slide and read
the information on the web link here
• Summarise all the ways that groundwater
pollution can occur by agriculture and
irrigation and associated management
Groundwater Contamination
Impact 4 - Eutrophication of rivers,
lakes and wetlands.
• Turn to page 494 of Integrated Approach
• Copy Figure 16.50 under the heading at the top
of this slide.
• Read the newspaper article and summarise the
main causes of eutrophication of our freshwater
• Use your internet skills to find and print out a
case study of eutrophication of a freshwater
resource. If you are struggling, use this resource
Exam technique
• Prepare an essay plan (do not write an
essay!) on the following IB question:
• Using multiple case studies, discuss the
extent to which agriculture and irrigation
impact upon the quality of water supplies
around the world?