Inland Aquatics Study Guide

Inland Aquatics Study Guide
Study Powerpoint presentation, your notes, and concepts from “Poisoned Waters”
Poisoned Waters:
Describe some of the major insults to the Chesapeake and to Puget Sound.
What is the story about chicken manure in the Chesapeake?
What is the story about the orcas in Puget Sound?
Vocabulary and important terms: runoff, legacy chemicals, endocrine disruptors, EPA, Clean Water Act,
Earth Day, impervious surfaces
Which of the issues described here might impact the Napa River Watershed?
From Lecture:
What percentage of the Earth’s water is fresh?
What is the difference between fresh, salt, brackish, and hypersaline water?
Vocabulary: Estuary, marsh, lentic, lotic, eutrophic, oligotrophic
Name two ways eutrophication occurs naturally.
Describe how human-induced eutrophication results in a huge hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico each
What is seasonal stratification in a lake? When does it happen and why? Why is it important that the
deep and shallow water mix? When does this mixing occur?
What is a headwater? What does “order” mean in hydrology?
Know the zones: littoral, limnetic, photic, aphotic, benthic, pelagic – where do they occur and what are
the abiotic conditions of them that animals must adapt to?
What do you need to know to calculate a wetland water budget?
What are some different hydroperiods and how do they affect a wetland?
How are high and low energy systems different?
Describe the human impacts of: damming, global warming, groundwater pumping and water use,
eutrophication, removal of riparian zones, runoff.