Ecosystems: Intro and Population Ecology (12-7-15 SI) ECOLOGY INTRODUCTION 1.) Highlight the five primary levels at which ecology is studied and what each one contains. 2.) What is the biosphere? What does it include? 3.) What are the two components of the environment? Define each and provide examples. 4.) List the four attributes of populations and describe what each encompasses: 5.) What are introduced species? List examples of introduced species in Iowa. POPULATION DYNAMICS 6.) What promotes population growth? Population loss? 7.) What is rmax? What is this value influenced by? 8.) r = b – d : What is this equation modeling? What does each variable represent? 9.) 𝚫𝑵 𝚫𝒕 = rmax N : What is this equation modeling? What does each variable represent? 10.) Describe the Exponential Growth model. What does it assume? How does it relate to K? 11.) Describe the Logistic Growth model. What does it mean for r to approach zero as N approaches K? 12.) Highlight the two factors influencing mortality and list examples for each: