The Civil Rights Movement - Winston

What was the Civil Rights Movement?
What do you already know?
Why did it happen?
 List as many ideas as you can about civil rights.
 Be prepared to share.
The Civil Rights Movement
There were two phases to the Civil Rights
movement: one phase between 1945-1965 and the
other after 1965.
The Civil Rights Movement
We have talked long enough in this country about equal rights. We
have talked for one hundred years or more. It is time now to write it
in the books of law.
~ President Lyndon Johnson
I refuse to accept the view that
mankind is so tragically bound to the
starless midnight of racism and war
that the bright daybreak of peace and
brotherhood can never become a
reality... I believe that unarmed truth
and unconditional love will have the
final word.
~ Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.
 Segregation was an attempt by many white Southerners to separate the
races in every aspect of daily life.
 Segregation was often called the Jim Crow system, after a minstrel
show character from the 1830s who was an African American slave who
embodied negative stereotypes of African Americans.
 Segregation became
common in Southern states
following the end of
Reconstruction in 1877.
These states began to pass
local and state laws that
specified certain places “For
Whites Only” and others
for “Colored.”
Drinking fountain on county courthouse lawn, Halifax,
North Carolina;
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division,
FSA/OWI Collection, [reproduction number, e.g., LCUSF34-9058-C]
 African Americans had separate
schools, transportation,
restaurants, and parks, many of
which were poorly funded and
inferior to those of whites.
 Over the next 75 years, Jim Crow
signs to separate the races went
up in every possible place.
Entrance of movie house for African Americans on Saturday
afternoon, Belzoni, Mississippi Delta, Mississippi
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, FSA/OWI
Collection, [reproduction number, e.g., LC-USF34-9058-C]
 The system of segregation also included the denial of
voting rights, known as disenfranchisement.
 Between 1890 and 1910, all Southern states passed laws
imposing requirements for voting. These were used to
prevent African Americans from voting, in spite of the
15th Amendment, which had been designed to protect
African American voting rights.
 The voting requirements included the ability to read and write, which
disqualified many African Americans who had not had access to education;
property ownership, which excluded most African Americans, and paying a
poll tax, which prevented most Southern African Americans from voting
because they could not afford it.
Left: A political cartoon about poll taxes by Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss)
Bottom: A poll tax receipt from Birmingham, Alabama in 1896
 Conditions for African Americans in the
Northern states were somewhat better,
though up to 1910 only ten percent of
African Americans lived in the North.
 Segregated facilities were not as
common in the North, but African
Americans were usually denied
entrance to the best hotels and
 African Americans were usually free to
vote in the North.
A grammatically incorrect segregation sign
Actor Charlton Heston protests a whites-only restaurant
 In the late 1800s, African Americans sued to stop
separate seating in railroad cars, states’
disfranchisement of voters, and denial of access to
schools and restaurants.
 One of the cases against segregated rail travel was
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), in which the Supreme
Court of the United States ruled that “separate but
equal” accommodations were constitutional.
 In order to protest segregation, African Americans
created national organizations.
 The National Afro-American League was formed in
1890; W.E.B. Du Bois helped create the Niagara
Movement in 1905 and the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909.
A Sign at the Greyhound Bus Station, Rome,
Esther Bubley, photographer, September 1943.
1896- Plessy vs. Ferguson
 Landmark court case “Separate, but Equal”
 In 1910, the National Urban League was created to help African
Americans make the transition to urban, industrial life.
 In 1942, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) was founded to
challenge segregation in public accommodations in the North.
Congress of Racial Equality march in Washington DC on 22
September 1963 in memory of the children killed in the
Birmingham bombings.
United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs
Division under the digital ID ppmsca.04298
 The NAACP became one of the
most important African American
organizations of the twentieth
century. It relied mainly on legal
strategies that challenged
segregation and discrimination in
the courts.
 Interestingly, Obama became
president 100 years after the
founding of the NAACP.
20th Annual session of the N.A.A.C.P., 6/26/29 Cleveland, Ohio
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.; LCUSZ62-111535
 Historian and sociologist W.E.B. Du
Bois was a founder and leader of the
NAACP. Starting in 1910, he made
powerful arguments protesting
segregation as editor of the NAACP
magazine The Crisis.
Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois
Why Did the Civil Rights Movement
Take Off After 1945?
 Black equality became a significant political issue for the
Democratic Party
 WWII had been fought against racism abroad—hard to
keep harboring it at home
 Black veterans came home dedicated to change
 Increasing number of White Americans condemned
 Discrimination in the United States hurt our propaganda
battle against the Communists
The Truman Years
 Truman’s 1948 election year
 No significant Civil Rights
congressional legislation
 Truman moves on his own to
do what he can for Civil
--Desegregation of the
military (1948)
 Jackie Robinson’s
breakthrough (1947)
The Truman Years (cont.)
 Split at the 1948 Democratic
Energized Truman hits the
campaign trail hard
Republican Dewey runs a
boring, conservative campaign
Truman’s stunning election
Truman’s “Fair Deal” (1949)
The Battle in the Courts
 Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
-- “separate but equal”
facilities = legal
 Smith v. Allwright (1944)
 First attack = “separate is not
 Brown v. Board of Education of
Topeka, Kansas (1954)
-- Chief Justice Earl Warren
1954-Brown vs. Board of Education
 1896 Separate, but Equal law is overturned. It is now illegal
to segregate schools.
Question What do you think happened when schools began the
integration process?
Battle in the Courts (cont.)
 Eisenhower disapproves of
Brown decision
 Popular opposition to the
Brown decision
 No real progress on
desegregation at first
The Eisenhower Years
 Eisenhower’s philosophy
related to Civil Rights laws
 First Civil Rights Acts passed
since the Civil War (1957 and
 Opposition to the integration
of Little Rock Central High
School (1957)
--Governor Orville Faubus
School Desegregation
 Virtually no schools in the South segregated their
schools in the first years following the Brown
 In Virginia, one county actually closed its public
 In 1957, Governor Orval Faubus defied a federal
court order to admit nine African American
students to Central High School in Little Rock,
 Despite his disapproval of the Court’s decision,
President Dwight Eisenhower sent federal troops to
enforce desegregation as he felt constitutionally
required to enforce the law.
Protesters against integration in Little Rock, Arkansas, 1959
1957-Little Rock Nine
 The federal government
uses the military to
uphold African
Americans' civil rights,
as soldiers escort nine
African American
students to desegregate
a school in Little Rock,
What do you think…
 The white students were thinking?
 The national guard members were thinking?
 The nine African-American students were thinking?
School Desegregation
 The event was covered by the national media,
The first African American students to integrate Central
High School
and the fate of the nine students attempting to
integrate the school gripped the nation.
Not all school desegregation was as dramatic as
Little Rock schools gradually desegregated.
Often, schools were desegregated only in theory
because racially segregated neighborhoods led to
segregated schools.
To overcome the problem, some school districts
began busing students to schools outside their
neighborhoods in the 1970s. Winston-Salem had
a integration policy from 1971-1990. Now, we
have school choice.
The Riverside Unified School District was the
first district in the nation to voluntarily
desegregate its schools.
 Do you feel schools today are de-segregated?
 Does race still affect who goes to what school?
 Do you think it is fair to create quotas of races for each
school or allow parents to choose where their child goes?
Out of the Schools and Into the Buses
 The arrest of Rosa Parks
(December, 1955)
The Montgomery, Ala. Bus
The leadership of Martin
Luther King, Jr.
The “Montgomery” model for
Civil Rights activism: boycott,
publicity, courts
SCLC formed (1957)
1955- Rosa Parks
 Parks is chosen by local civil rights group to challenge bus
 Refuses to give up her seat to a white person while riding a
 She was arrested for this!
 Montgomery Bus Boycott begins
1956- Browder v. Gayle
 The U.S. Supreme Court rules that the segregation of
Montgomery, Ala., buses is unconstitutional.
1957-Martin Luther King, Jr.
 The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., helps found the
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) to work
for full equality for African Americans
A Mass Movement Takes Shape
 Lunch counter “sit-ins”
begin: Greensboro, NC
& W-S (February, 1960)
 SNCC created (April,
 CORE “Freedom Ride”
(May, 1961)
1960-Nonviolent Protests
 Four African American college students hold a sit-in to integrate a
Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, N.C., launching a wave of
similar protests across the South.
 1960: over 70,000 students had participated in sit-ins, 3,600 had
served time in jail
 This was not a new form of protest, but the response to the sit-ins
spread throughout North Carolina, and within weeks sit-ins were
taking place in cities across the South.
 Many restaurants were desegregated in response to the sit-ins.
 This form of protest demonstrated clearly to African Americans and
whites alike that young African Americans were determined to reject
 In April 1960, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee (SNCC) was founded in Raleigh, North Carolina, to
help organize and direct the student sit-in movement.
If you were….
 A student living in those times, would you have protested?
Why or why not?
1961-Freedom Rides
 The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) begins to organize
Freedom Rides throughout the South to try to de-segregate
interstate public bus travel.
The Kennedy Years
 Freedom rides to test if the southern states
would obey the Supreme Court decision
 Riders were attacked, beaten and arrested
 Robert Kennedy reluctant at first to send federal
support, but later sent marshal’s to protect
Freedom Riders
 The violence brought national attention and fierce
condemnation of Alabama officials for allowing the
brutality to occur.
 President John F. Kennedy stepped in to protect the
Freedom Riders when it was clear that Alabama
officials would not guarantee their safe travel.
 The riders continued on to Jackson, Mississippi,
where they were arrested, ending the protest.
 The Freedom Rides did result in the desegregation of
some bus stations, but more importantly they caught
the attention of the American public.
Freedom riders arriving in Montgomery, Alabama in 1961
Arrest photographs of two freedom riders in 1961; in the center is the
couple in their later years
Desegregation spreads
 “Ole Miss”
 James Meredith wishes to enroll
 Supreme Court says the university
has to allow him to enroll,
university says no
 JFK sends marshals to escort
Meredith to class
 Angry white protesters destroy
vehicles, 2 are killed and hundreds
are injured
 Kennedy sent army to restore order
1963-A “Dream” is born:
 More than 200,000 people
march on DC, in the largest
civil rights demonstration
ever; MLK gives his "I Have a
Dream" speech.
 Four African American girls
are killed in the bombing of
the Sixteenth Street Baptist
Church in Birmingham,
A Mass Movement Takes Shape (cont.)
 Demonstrations in
Birmingham, Alabama (April,
Birmingham, Alabama 1963
 King: “the most segregated city in America”
 A march in planned and begins nonviolently with protest
marches and sit-ins
 But it is against a city regulation that says a person/group
must have a permit to have a march/parade
 King is arrested and thrown in jail
Birmingham continued
 Eugene “Bull” Connor arrested more than 900 of the young people
that joined with King
“Bull” used attached dogs, fire-hoses and policemen
National televised violence
“Letter from Birmingham City Jail”
Governor George Wallace tries to block integration of the University
of Alabama (Fall, 1963)
Protesters win which leads to desegregation of city facilities and
fairer hiring practices
Kennedy “If the President does not himself wage the struggle for
equal rights- if he stands above the battle- then the battle will
inevitably be lost.”
Birmingham, caught in time
Birmingham Video
Civil Rights keep marching on
 Washington March: “Jobs & Freedom” 200,000 came to
A Mass Movement Takes Shape (cont.)
 JFK finally begins to campaign
for Civil Rights legislation
 Continued violence even in
the face of some progress
 Martin Luther King, Jr. and
the March on Washington
(August, 1963)
-- “I Have a Dream”
The speech
Criticisms on remembering MLK
“Martin Luther King, Jr., kept getting up morning after
morning, knowing they [the FBI and other government
agencies] were after him, knowing they were possessed of
this zealous intensity that was illegal and immoral! And so
he was a danger to America. Why? Because he loved
democracy so much he wanted to see it become real. He
wanted to march democracy from parchment to pavement.
He wanted to see it become a reality in this nation. That’s
why he had a dream…
But America has frozen him. Now they freeze King in this posture of
dreaming before the sunlit summit of
expectation at the height of his national fame in Washington, D.C.,
where he said, “I have a dream.” He said more
than that. We ought to have a moratorium on that speech for the next
ten years. I don’t want to hear it no more! And
if you’re gonna play the speech, play the other parts of the speech:
“We have come to the nation’s capital to cash a
check marked ‘insufficient funds.’ ” [In other words,] “Where’s my
money?!” That’s the part we ought to play.
Right? We ought to play the part where King says, “The foundations
of this nation will continue to shake.” He said,
“The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of
this nation until the Negro is granted his full
citizenship rights.” Play that part, too!” – Michael Eric Dyson
What do you think?
1. How does Dyson feel about the frequent attention given to
Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech?
2. Why is Dyson angry the media only focuses on a limited
part of the “I Have a Dream” speech?
3. Why do you think the media chooses to play the section of
the speech where MLK says “I have a dream…” more
so than the other parts Dyson alludes to? How does the media
effect the perception we gain of public figures?
A Mass Movement Takes Shape (cont.)
 Mississippi Freedom Summer
Project (1964)
 MFDP Protests at the 1964
Democratic convention
 Voter registration in Selma,
Alabama (1965)
--Sheriff Jim Clark
 By the mid-1960’s, substantial
success in the South had been
Voter Registration
King and SCLC members led
hundreds of people on a fiveday, fifty-mile march to
Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife Coretta Scott King head the great
civil rights march from Selma, Alabama to the state capital of
Montgomery on March, 30 1965.
 The Selma March drummed up broad national
support for a law to protect Southern African
Americans’ right to vote.
 The 24th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
was ratified in 1964. It prohibits both Congress and
the states from conditioning the right to vote in
federal elections on payment of a poll tax or other
types of tax.
 President Johnson persuaded Congress to pass the
Voting Rights Act of 1965, which suspended the use
of literacy and other voter qualification tests in voter
The Johnson Years
 The role of Kennedy’s
assassination in the Civil
Rights movement
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Anti-poll tax Amendment
Voting Rights Act (1965)
Impact of the Voting Rights
1964-Civil Rights Act
 President Lyndon Johnson signs
the Civil Rights Act, which gives
the federal government farreaching powers to prosecute
discrimination in employment,
voting, and education.
1965-The Push for Voting Marches
 King organizes a protest march from Selma to Montgomery,
Alabama, for African American voting rights. A shocked
nation watches on television as police club and teargas
1965-Voting is Granted to African
 In the wake of the Selma-
Montgomery March, the
Voting rights Act is passed,
outlawing the practices used
in the South to disenfranchise
African American voters
LBJ’s Address to the Nation
 March 15, 1965
 “Their cause is our cause too, because it is not just Negroes,
but really it is all of us, who must overcome the crippling
legacy of bigotry and injustice. And, we shall overcome.”
Voter Registration
 Over the next three years, almost one million more
African Americans in the South registered to vote.
 By 1968, African American voters had having a
significant impact on Southern politics.
 During the 1970s, African Americans were seeking and
winning public offices in majority African American
electoral districts.
The Johnson Years (cont.)
 The tone of public political
discourse changed after
 Johnson appoints first Black
cabinet secretary: Robert
Weaver of HUD (1966)
 Much more needed to be
done for Civil Rights outside
of the South, so 2nd phase
The Era of Disillusionment: 1965 On
 Early to mid-1960’s were a hopeful time for Civil Rights
 Goal of Assimilation
 After 1965, violence will escalate
New Problems
 Residential Discrimination
-- “Red Lining”
Red lining refers to business
discrimination based on where you line
(drawing lines on where you won’t
 The Challenges of School integration in
the North
 The historical, traditional segregation of
northern cities
 The resurrection of the KKK once again
 More effective White opponents in the
New Problems
 As desegregation continued, the membership of the Ku
Klux Klan (KKK) grew.
 The KKK used violence or threats against anyone who was
suspected of favoring desegregation or African American
civil rights.
 Ku Klux Klan terror, including intimidation and murder,
was widespread in the South during the 1950s and 1960s,
though Klan activities were not always reported in the
Race Riots
 Watts Riots in Los Angeles
(Summer, 1965)
 Riots each summer from 19651969
--Chicago and Cleveland (1966)
--Newark and Detroit (1967)
--Washington, D.C. (1968)
Race Riots
 Watts, Los Angeles, California – August, 1965
 Long-term causes – poverty, discrimination, and police brutality
 Immediate cause – African American pulled over – his brother wanted to drive car home but police officer
called impound lot – brother and mother arrested during argument – crowd gathered
 Several days of arson and looting
 National Guard called in to restore order
 35 dead and over 1,000 wounded
 Newark, New Jersey – July,1967
 Long-term causes – Italian-Americans dominated local politics despite a large black population – blacks also
suffered from poverty, poor housing, discrimination, and police brutality
 Immediate cause – incapacitated African American seen being taken to police station and rumors spread that
he’d been killed while in police custody
 26 dead and hundreds wounded
 Detroit, Michigan – July, 1967
Long-term causes – police brutality, poverty, and poor housing
Immediate cause – police raid on a blind pig (speakeasy)
$50 million in property damage
43 deaths and hundreds of injuries
Race Riots (cont.)
 Riots as an expression of
grievance against the White
American consumer society
 Riots shocked the White
American public
 Frustration and selfdestruction expressed in these
 Unlike earlier race riots, these
riots were not started by
White mobs
Kerner Commission Report, 1967
 National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders
established by LBJ
 Determined cause of riots = racial discrimination
 Commission’s solution = establish and expand federal
programs to reduce and eliminate problems of the “racial
 Public reaction = programs considered too expensive and
seen as a reward for rioting; LBJ distracted by Vietnam War
Malcolm X
 Honors student who ended up in jail (burglary)
 Converted to Nation of Islam while in prison
 Initially preached black separation
 X replaced his “slave name,” Little
 Initially advocated separation of races
 1964 – broke away from Nation of Islam, formed own
group, and went on hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)
 Trip to Mecca, where he saw all races praying together,
convinced him that Islam transcended race
 1965 – assassinated by members of the Nation of Islam
Malcolm X
 The leadership of Malcolm X
--Black Muslims
--Assassinated in 1965
 Cultural expressions of “Black
--Afro Hairstyles
--Black-studies programs
-- “Negro” no longer used
Black Power Movement
 African-American reaction to white resistance to civil rights
 Varied political ideologies – some adherents advocated black
separatism and/or the use of violence, while others were
nonviolent and wanted desegregation and equality
 Overall movement saw blacks linked in a global struggle for rights
and self-determination
 Use of term “black” instead of “colored” or “Negro”
 Celebrated African heritage by adopting African hairstyles, names,
 e.g., Stokely Carmichael became Kwame Toure
“Black Power”
 Growing tension between
SNCC and Martin Luther
King, Jr.
--Stokely Carmichael
 “Black Power”
 Carmichael succeeded by
H. Rap Brown as head of
SNCC (1967)
Black Power Movement
 SNCC turns radical under the
leadership of Stokely
Carmichael “Black Power”
 Black Panthers
 “to unite, to recognize their
heritage, to build a sense of
community … to begin to define
their own goals, to lead their own
organizations and support those
“Black Power” (cont.)
 The formation of the
Black Panther Party in
Oakland, CA (1966)
--Huey Newton
--Eldridge Cleaver
 Resurrection of the
philosophy of Marcus
Garvey (black seperation)
Black Panthers, 1966
 Formed by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton in Oakland,
 Retaliated against police brutality by organizing armed patrols of
black neighborhoods
 Socialist doctrine – “Ten Point” program included calls for
“Land, Bread, Housing, Education, Clothing, Justice and Peace”
 Started urban poverty programs (e.g., free breakfasts for kids)
 J.Edgar Hoover called them “the greatest threat to the internal
security of the country” and used numerous unlawful methods to
destroy the group
Black Power, 1966
 “March Against Fear” voter registration drive in
 James Meredith shot and wounded
 Stokely Carmichael (later known as Kwame Toure)
and others arrested in Greenwood, Mississippi
 Carmichael coined term “black power” in a speech
after his release – he later coined the term
“institutional racism”
 Many whites felt threatened
Fair Housing Act, 1968
 Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968
 Outlawed housing discrimination based on race, color, religion, and national
 1974 – added sex to list of protected classes
 1988 – disability and familial status added
 State and local governments (not federal) have, in some areas, broadened
their laws to end housing discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender
identity, etc.
 United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) oversees its enforcement
 For example:
 You cannot be denied housing because you have a child, or even a lot of
 You cannot be denied housing because of your race or sex.
 You cannot be denied housing because of a disability.
Affirmative Action
 Designed to correct racial imbalances in education, employment, etc.
 Gives special opportunities to discriminated minorities
 Begun under Kennedy and Johnson
 Revised Philadelphia Plan, 1969 – under Nixon, affirmative action
required for all federally-funded projects
 Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 – affirmative action for
all federal government positions (civil service jobs)
 Controversial – many considered it to be reverse discrimination
Poor People’s Campaign, 1968
 MLK lived in Chicago’s black ghetto for a year
 Pledged himself to helping poor blacks
 Believed poverty was the uniting factor between races
 Saw a “War on Poverty” as the new Civil Rights
 April, 1968 – traveled to Memphis, Tennessee, to support
striking sanitation workers
Poor People’s Campaign, 1968
 MLK lived in Chicago’s black ghetto for a year
 Pledged himself to helping the poor
 April, 1968 – traveled to Memphis, Tennessee, to support
striking sanitation workers
I have been to the Mountaintop
1968-A Terrible Event Occurs…
 MLK is assassinated in Memphis,
Tennessee. His murder sparks a
week of rioting across the country.
What would you want…
 People to remember most about MLK? Why?
Decline of the Civil Rights Movement
 Economic contraction works
against Civil Rights
Northern phase not as
Resistance from White Unions
Vietnam replaces Civil Rights
as the liberal crusade
Martin Luther King, Jr. loses
influence with LBJ
The End of the Movement?
 For many people the civil rights movement ended
with the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1968.
 Others believe it was over after the Selma March,
because there have not been any significant changes
since then.
 Still others argue the movement continues today
because the goal of full equality has not yet been
Witnesses stand over the body of
Martin Luther King, Jr., and point in
the direction from where the shot
were fired.
Civil Rights Legacy
 Legal segregation ended
 Federal civil rights legislation enacted
 Massive numbers of African Americans became registered
 Affirmative action gave African Americans a foot in the door to
economic power
 Formerly unspoken issues of discrimination, inequality, and
racism became part of public discourse
 “White flight” – whites intensified desertion of cities for life in
Continuing Struggle
 Struggle for civil rights did not end with the 1960s
 Discrimination and ensuing court cases continue to this day
 Poverty continues to plague inner-cities
 2007 – Federal Census data showed three times as many
African Americans living in prison cells than in college
What have you learned about..
 Civil Rights?
 What questions do you still have?
 How can learning about civil rights help you today?
 Let’s all read a speech from Dr. King on some of the values
he wanted to instill in the American people
Reflection on reading (2
 Write the speech that the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King
Jr. might deliver today if he were alive.
 What would Dr. King have to say about the “war on
terrorism” or the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan?
 Do you think Dr. King would support U.S. global
policies today? What evidence from his 1967
 speech supports your conclusion? What policies would
he urge?
 Before concluding, let’s examine what was happening in W-S
during the Civil Rights Movement