Silver Maple Class: Years 5 and 6 Term 3 Curriculum Outline: Heroes and Villains 2015/2016 Academic Year Outlined are the main topics that we will be learning about in Term 3. The National Curriculum and other published frameworks are used as a guide. However, topics and schemes are adapted to be relevant to the experience of children when possible. We also try to develop the children’s understanding of their own learning behaviour and cultural diversity, within a Christian ethos. English: Power of Reading Text: Mathematics The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes. This narrative poem was written in 1913. It tells a tragic story of love, Children will also be asked to engage in a variety jealously and bravery. The highwayman finds and falls of mental maths tasks, arithmetic fluency, in love with an innkeeper's daughter called Bess. He asks her for a 'last kiss' and then leaves to steal money. problem solving and reasoning activities; as well The ostler (horse keeper) overhears them talking and as using their Maths and computing skills because he loves Bess also, he is so jealous that he tells (Mathletics). King George's men who try to track the highwayman down. Reading and Writing: Children will be asked to deduce, draw inferences and interpret events in the story including development of empathy with the characters in the text. They will respond to the text and images in a powerful poem; how writers’ use language for dramatic effect. Children will respond by writing non-fiction texts- e.g. Highwaymen and explore the myth of Dick Turpin. Also they will undertake character studies as well as writing a narrative based on the poem. Children will draft and rewrite their work; also evaluate writing and edit. Children will continue to use thesauri and engage in careful proof-reading of their work. Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: Converting nouns or adjectives into verbs using suffixes; relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that or an omitted relative pronoun Topics: Year 5/6 Decimal Fractions/Percentages Roman numerals/ Negative numbers Addition and subtraction including problems Mental and written multiplication and division Measures (length, mass and capacity) Geometry (reflection and translation) Statistics Assess and review indicating degrees of possibility using adverbs or modal RE: Islam verbs in the subjunctive form; use brackets, dashes or Children will carry parenthesis; on learninguse about the FivetoPillars in Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. They will commas to indicate of commas find out about or the Qu’ran (Muslim’s Holy clarify meaning avoid ambiguity; devices toBook) build and how it influences the behaviour of the Muslim cohesion within a paragraph linking ideas across population. PSHE paragraphs using adverbials of time, place and number Relationships: Children learn to listen and respond respectfully to a wide range of people, to feel or tense choices. confident to raise their own concerns, to recognise and care about other people's feelings and to try to Speaking and Listening: Children will work in necessary role to explore the ideas in challenge the see, respect and if constructively their points of view . Also to work collaboratively text. They will use drama strategies and conventions to towards shared goals and develop strategies to resolve disputes and conflict through negotiation and Science: Forces explore themes such as hopes, fears and desires. They Pupils should explore the effects of levers, pulleys and simple machines on movement. To recognise appropriate compromise. will develop and sustain their ideas through talk. that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. Investigate Forces in a creative way. Children will design a stunt circus for cereal stuntmen which will include: human ‘Shreddie’ cannon ball; a Cheerio launcher; a Weetabix trapeze artist, pulley Silver Maple Class: Years 5 and 6 Term 3 Curriculum Outline: Heroes and Villains 2015/2016 Academic Year Computing Children will continue with our e-safety topic. This term we will create a digital book (ebook) of Viking artefacts with descriptions. Children will learn how to include chapters in their book and glossary. We will also carry on with Mathletics along with using other desktop publishing programs. PE Children will experience the Charleston Dance which was named after the harbour city of Charleston, South Carolina. Also children will develop their netball skills to include passing the ball with increasing accuracy, demonstrating tactical knowledge by moving into space to receive a pass, developing greater spatial awareness and to develop increasing fluency when shooting. Art Children will undertake art work in relation to the work in English. Children will draw the characters and scenes from the ‘The Highwayman,’ using various mediums e.g. ink, charcoal and pastels. Music Children will carry on using Music Express to explore the human life cycle with music from Brahms, Berio, Liszt and Monteverdi. The wide variety of musical moods, styles and genres inspires singing, performing and composing using new techniques and structures. History: Vikings (continued) We will carry on with studying the Vikings. Children will learn about the Vikings; we will discuss stereotypes- how do people view the Vikings? We will answer question as to where the Vikings came from and discover more about their culture and traditions eg Viking craftmanship. We will learn how the Vikings travelled and traded with other countries. Children will also have the opportunity to discuss the different opinions on Viking raids using secondary sources of evidence; create their own Viking Saga or Norse Myth. Finally we will end the topic with a Viking Day to gain first-hand experience of what it is like to be aQuel Viking, singing songs/dance playing Viking Games and hopefully making some Languages (French): temps fait-il? Viking food designing various Viking artefacts. Children willand carry out weather forecasting in French and learn about the French names for clothing worn in cold and warm weather. Also children will learn about the weather in different parts of France. and present: Listen to detail and recall aurally ;critically evaluate-composer Holst;/Vangelis/Strauss/Wagner Viking Day!!! . Viking Sagas/Songs L ’ Viking Games