دوبعد :چهار پارادايم 1 پيش فرضهاي مربوط به ماهيت علوم را مي توان برحسب بعد ذهني ـ عيني ,و پيش فرضهاي مربوط به ماهيت جامعه را بر حسب بعد نظم دهي ـ تغيير بنيادي در نظر گرفت. 2 مناقشة ذهني ـ عيني درون جامعه شناس ي نظم دهي در قالب مناقشة بين جامعه شناس ي تفسيري و كاركردگرايي ظاهر شده است. 3 به همين ترتيب در زمينة جامعه شناس ي تغيير بنيادي نيز بين نظريه پردازان كه به ديدگاههاي ذهني و عيني ملتزم هستند شكاف وجود دارد. 4 اگر اين ابعاد را با هم در نظر بگيريم چهار پارادايم جامعه شناختي متمايز بدست مي آيد. 5 كه مي توان آنها را براي تحليل طيف وسيعي از نظريه هاي اجتماعي به كار برد. 6 روابط بين اين پاراديمها كه ”انسان گراي بنيادي“ ” ,ساختارگراي بنيادي“ ” ,تفسيري و ”كارگردگرا“ مي باشند در نمودار 3 – 1 نشان داده شده است. 7 جامعه شناس ي تغيير بنيادي عيني ساختار گراي بنيادي انسان گراي بنيادي كاركردگرا تفسيري ذهني جامعه شناس ي نظم دهي نمودار 3 – 1چهار پارادايم براي تحليل نظرية اجتماعي 8 با توجه به نمودار روشن مي شود كه هر يك از پارادايمها با پارادايم مجاور خود در محورهاي افقي و عمودي بر حسب يكي از دو داراي مجموعه اي از ويژگيهاي مشترك است. 9 اما از جهت بعد ديگر با آن متفاوت است به همين علت پاراديمها را بايد مرتبط و درعين حال مجزا از هم دانست. 10 مرتبط به خاطر ويژگيهاي مشترك آنها ,اما مجزا به خاطر تفاوت ميان آنها. 11 چهار پارادايم مزبور ديدگاههاي ا كامل متفاوتي را براي تحليل پديده هاي اجتماعي بيان مي كنند. 12 بارل و مرگان اين چهار پارادايم را به پيشفرضهاي فرانظري بسيار اساس ي كه چهار چوب مرجع ,شيوة نظريه پردازان و شيوه كار ) (modus operandiنظريه پردازان اجتماعي مشتغل در پارادايم را مشخص مي كند در نظرمي گيرند. 13 پارادايم واژه اي است كه هدف از كاربرد آن تأكيد بر اشتراك ديدگاهي است كه كار گروهي از نظريه پردازان را به گونه اي به هم مرتبط سازد كه به طور سودمندي بتوان آنها را به عنوان كساني كه از دريچه يك مسأله مشترك به نظريه اجتماعي وارد مي شوند نگريست. 14 Paradigm is a term which is intended to emphasise the commonality of perspective which binds the work of a group of theorists together in such a way that they can be usefully regarded as approaching social theory within the bounds of the same problematic. 15 اين تعريف بر وحدت كامل فكر داللت نمي كندو اين واقعيت را مجاز مي شمارد كه زمينة هر پارادايم بين نظريه پردازاني كه نقطه نظرهاي متفاوت را مي پذيرند مناقشه بوجود آيد. 16 This definition does not imply complete unity of thought. 17 It allows for the fact that within the context of any given paradigm there will be much debate between theorists who adopt different standpoints. 18 به هر حال پارادايم بر حسب ا پيشفرضهاي اساس ي و غالبا ”مسلم“ خود داراي يك وحدت زيربنائي است. 19 The paradigm does , however , have an underlying unity in terms of its basic and often “taken for granted” assumptions , which separate a group of theorists in a very fundamental way form theorists located in other paradigms. 20 كه گروهي از نظريه پردازان را با شيوه اي بنيادي از نظريه پردازاني كه در پارادايمهاي ديگر قرار گرفته اند متمايز مي سازد. 21 The “ unity” of the paradigm thus derives from reference to alternative views of reality which lie outside its boundaries and which may not necessarily even be recognized as existing. 22 بدين ترتيب وحدت پارادايم از مراجعه به ديدگاههاي بديل يا جايگزين از واقعيت كه خارج از مرز آن قرار دارد و حتي ممكن است موجوديت اين گونه ديدگاهها مورد شناسايي هم قرار نگيرد نشأت مي گيرد. 23 All social theorists can be located within the context of these four paradigms according to the meta - theoretical assumptions reflected in their work. 24 تمام نظريه پردازان اجتماعي براساس پيش فرضهاي فرانظري كه در كار آنها منعكس است درون يكي از پارادايمهاي چهارگانه قرار مي گيرند. 25 The four paradigms taken together provide a map for negotiating the subject area, 26 به اين پارايمها اگر به صورت مجموعه اي نگريسته شود نقشه اي را براي بحث و مذاكره دربارة حوزةنظريه اجتماعي فراهم مي آورند. 27 Which offers a convinient means of identifying the basic similarities and differences between the work of various theorists, 28 اين نقشه وسيلة آساني را براي مشخص كردن شباهتها و تفاوتهاي اصلي بين كار نظريه پردازان مختلف, 29 And , in particular, the underlying frame of reference which they adopt. 30 و بخصوص چهار چوب مرجع زير بنائي كه مورد پذيرش آنهاست ارائه مي دهد. 31 It also provides a convenient way of locating one’s own personal frame of reference with regard to social theory, 32 اين نقشه همچنين شيوة مناسبي را براي انسان جهت مشخص كردن موقعيت چهار چوب مرجع شخص ي خود در رابطه با نظريه اجتماعي فراهم مي كند. 33 And thus a means of understanding why certain theories and perspectives may have more personal appeal than others. 34 ودر نتيجه ابزاري را براي شناخت اين نكته فرا روي او قرار مي دهد كه چرا نظريه ها و ديدگاههاي خاص ي براي او جذابيت بيشتر دارد. 35 Like any other map L it provides a fool for establishing where you are , where you have been , and where it is possible to go in the future. 36 مثل هر نقشه ديگر ابزاري را براي ا تعيين مكان فعلي شما ,جايي كه قبل درآن بوده ايد و مسير احتمالي كه در آينده به آن خواهيد رفت فراهم مي كند. 37 Each paradigm defines a range of intellectual territory. 38 هر پارادايم حوزه اي از يك منطقه فكري را تعريف مي كند. 39 Given the overall meta – theoretical assumptions which distinguish one paradigm from another, 40 با ملحظة پيش فرضهاي فرانظري كلي كه متمايز كننده يك پارادايم از پارادايم ديگر است, 41 There is room for much variation within them. 42 درون پارادايمها نيز تنوع در ديدگاه به چشم مي خورد. 43 Within the context of the “functionalist” paradigm , for example , certain theorists adopt move extereme positions in terms of one or both of the two dimensions than others. 44 براي مثال ,درون پارادايم ”كاركردگرا“ بعض ي از نظريه پردازان در مقايسه با ديگران موضعهاي بسيار افراطي دربارة يك بعد يا هر دو بعد اتخاذ كرده اند. 45 Such differences often account for the internal debate which goes on between theorists engaged in the activities of “normal science” within the context of the same paradigm. 46 ا اين گونه تفاوتها غالبا مناقشة دروني بين نظريه پردازان مشتغل در فعاليتهاي ” علوم هنجاري “ در زمينه پارادايم مي شود. 47 Some inter paradigm debate is also possible. 48 امكان نوعي از بحث ميان پاراديمي نيز وجود دارد. 49 Giddens maintains “that all paradigms … are mediated by others” 50 گيدنز معتقد است كه ”در تمام پاراديمها ...پاراديمهاي ديگر نقش واسطه دارند“. 51 And that within “normal science” scientists are aware of other paradigms. 52 ودر حوزه ”علوم هنجاري“ دانشمندان از پاراديمهاي ديگر آگاه هستند. 53 He posits that : “the process of learning a paradigm … is also the process of learning what that paradigm is not”. 54 او اشاره مي كند كه ” فرايند يادگيري يك پارارايم ...فرايند يادگيري اين كه پارادايم چه چيزي نيست را نيز فراهم مي آورد“. 55 Interestingly , he confines his discussion to the mediation of one paradigm by another one. 56 نكته جالب اين است كه وي بحث خود را به ميانجي شدن يك پارادايم براي پارادايمهاي ديگر محدود مي كند. 57 Burrell and Morgan believe that a model of four conflicting paradigms within sociology is move accurate, 58 بارل و مرگان معتقدند كه ارائه يك مدل مبني بر چهار پارادايمي متناقض در جامعه شناختي صحيح تر است. 59 And that academics knowledge of “scientists” within the other three paradigms is likely to be very sketchy in some cases. 60 ومعتقدند كه آگاهي آكادميك ” دانشمندان“ از پارادايمهاي سه گانة ديگر در بعض ي از موارد بسيار ناقص است. 61 Relations between paradigms are perhaps better described in terms of “disinterested hostility” rather than “debate”. 62 ا احتماال توصيف روابط بين پارادايمها با تعبير ” خصومت بي طرفانه “ بهتر از توصيف آن با واژة ”مناقشه“ مي باشد. 63 The four paradigms are mutually exclusive. 64 اين چهار پارادايم مانعة الجمع هستند. 65 They offer alternative views of social reality, and to understand the nature of all four is to understand four different views of society. 66 آنها به ارائة ديدگاه هاي جايگزين دربارة واقعيت اجتماعي مي پردازند ،و شناخت ماهيت هر چهار پارادايم به اين معناست كه انسان به چهار ديد متفاوت از جامعه شناخت پيدا مي كند. 67 The offer different ways of seeing. 68 اين پارادايم ها شيوه هاي متفاوتي را براي نگريستن مطرح مي كنند. 69 A synthesis is not not possible, since in their pure forms they are contradictory, being based on at least one set of opposing metatheoretical assumptions. 70 تركيب آنها امكان ندارد زيرا در شكل خالص خود پارادايم ها با هم تناقض دارند و حداقل بر يك مجموعه از پيش فرض هاي فرا نظري كه با پيش فرض هاي پارادايم هاي ديگر متفاوت است مبتني مي باشد. 71 They are alternatives, in the sense that one can operate in different paradigms sequentially over time, 72 پارادايم ها از اين جهت بديل يكديگرند كه انسان مي تواند در طول زمان در پارادايم هاي متفاوتي عمل نمايد. 73 but mutually exclusive, in the sense that one can not operate in more than one paradigm at any given point in time, since in accepting the assumption of one, we defy the assumptions of all the others. 74 ولي پارادايم ها از اين لحاظ مانعة الجمع هستند كه انسان نمي تواند در يك مقطع زماني مشخص در بيش از يك پارادايم فعاليت علمي داشته باشد زيرا با پذيرفتن پيش فرض هاي يك پارادايم پيش فرض هاي پارادايم هاي ديگر نقض مي شود. 75 Burrell and Morgan offer the four paradigms for consideration in these terms, in the hope that knowledge of the competing points of view will at least make us aware of the boundaries within which we approach our subject. 76 بارل و مرگان چهار پارادايم را به لحاظ اين موارد معرفي كردند و اميدوار بودند كه شناخت نقطه نظرهاي طرف ديگر حداقل ما را به مرزهايي كه از درون آنها وارد بحث در موضوع خود مي شويم آگاه كند 77 The functionalist paradigm : This paradigm has provided the dominant framework for the conduct of academic sociology and the study of organizations. 78 پارادايم كاركردگرا : پارادايم كاركردگرا چهارچوب اصلي را براي سلوك جامعه شناس ي دانشگاهي و مطالعة سازمانها فراهم كرده است. 79 It represents a perspective which is firmly rooted in the sociology of regulation and approaches its subject matter from an objectivist point of view. 80 اين پارادايم بيانگر ديدگاهي است كه ا كامل در جامعه شناس ي نظم دهي ريشه دارد و از يك نقطه نظر عيني گرا به بحث در موضوع خود مي پردازد. 81 Functionalist theories have been at the fore front of the order – conflict debate, and the concepts which we have used to categories the sociology of regulation apply in varying degrees to all schools of thought within the paradigm. 82 نظريه پردازان كاركردگرا در صف مقدم منازعة نظم ـ تضاد بوده اند ،و مفاهيمي كه ما براي طبقه بندي جامعه شناس ي نظم دهي به كار برده ايم با درجات متفاوتي در تمامي مكاتب موجود در اين پارادايم به كار مي رود. 83 It is characterized by a concern for providing explanations of the status quo, social order, consensus, social integration, solidarity, need satisfaction and actuality. 84 در نتيجه مي توان گفت اين پارادايم به دنبال ارائة تبيين هاي وضع موجود ،نظم اجتماعي ،همرايي ،تلفيق اجتماعي، همبستگي ،ارضاي نياز و فعليت مي باشد. 85 The functionalist paradigm is often problem – oriented in approach, concerned to provide practical solutions to practical problems. 86 87 پارادايم كاركردگرا در رهيافت خود ا و غالبا مسئله مدار است. علقه مند است كه براي مشكلت عملي راه حل هاي عملي فراهم نمايد. It is usually firmly committed to a philosophy of social engineering as a basis of social change and emphasises the importance of understanding order, equilibrium and stability in society and the way in which these can be maintained. 88 اين پارادايم به شدت به فلسفة مهندس ي اجتماعي به عنوان مبنائي جهت تغيير اجتماعي پايبند بوده و بر اهميت شناخت نظم ،تعادل و ثبات در جامعه و شيوة تداوم آنها تأكيد مي كند. 89 It is concerned with the effective “regulation” and control of social affairs. 90 پارادايم كاركردگرا به كنترل و نظم دهي اثر بخش امور اجتماعي علقه مند است. 91 The approach to social science characteristic of the functionalist paradigm is rooted in the tradition of sociological positivism. 92 رهيافتي كه پارادايم كاركردگرا به علوم اجتماعي دارد در سنت اثبات گرايي جامعه شناس ي ريشه دارد. 93 This reflects the attempt, par excellence, to apply the models and methods of the natural sciences to the study of human affairs. 94 اين سنت بيانگر تلش ي همه جانبه جهت استفاده از مدلها و روشهاي علوم طبيعي در مطالعة امور انساني مي باشد. 95 Originating in France in the early decades of the nineteenth century, its major influence upon the paradigm has been through the work of, 96 اين سنت كه در دهه هاي اولية قرن نوزدهم در فرانسه شكل گرفت، بيشترين تأثير بر پارادايم كاركردگرائي را از طريق كار، 97 Social theorists such as Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim and Vilfredo Pareto 98 نظريه پردازان اجتماعي از قبيل اگوست كنت ،هربرت اسپنسر و ويلفرد و پارتو گذاشته است. 99 The functionalist approach to social science tends to assume that the social world is composed of relatively concrete empirical artefacts and relationships which can be identified, studied and measured through approaches derived from the natural sciences. 100 رهيافت كاركردگرا اين فرض را دربارة علوم اجتماعي مي كند كه جهان اجتماعي از ا مصنوعات و روابط تجربي نسبتا دقيقي تشكيل شده است كه از طريق رهيافت هاي برگرفته از علوم طبيعي مي توان آنها را شناسايي ،بررس ي و اندازه گيري كرد. 101 The use of mechanical and biological analogies as a means of modelling and understanding the social world is particularly favoured in many functionalist theories. 102 استفاده از قياسهاي مكانيكي و زيستي به عنوان ابزار مدلسازي و شناخت جهان مورد توجه خاص بسياري از نظريه پردازان كاركردگرا مي باشد. 103 Put very crudely, therefore, the formation of the functionalist paradigm can be understood in terms of the interaction of three sets of intellectual forces, as illustrated in figure 3.2. 104 بنابراين ،به بيان خيلي خام ،مي توان گفت شكل گيري پارادايم كاركردگرا را مي توان برحسب تعمل سه مجموعه نيروي فكري شناخت همانگونه كه در نمودار 2ـ 3نشان داده شده است. 105 The Sociology of Radical Change Marxist theory Objective Subjective German Idealism The sociology of Regulation Sociological positivism Figure 3.2 Intellectual influences upon the functionalist 106 Of these sociological positivism has been the most influential. 107 از ميان اين نيروهاي فكري، سنت اثبات گرائي جامعه شناس ي بيشترين تأثير را داشته است. 108 By way of overview, again some what crudely, figure 3.3 and 3.4 illustrate the four paradigms in terms of the constituent schools of sociological and organizational theory which we shall be exploring later on. 109 براي مرور كلي قدري خام مي توان گفت نمودارهاي 3ـ 3و 4ـ 3چهار پارادايم را بر حسب مكتب هاي تشكيل دهندة نظرية جامعه شناختي و نظرية سازماني كه بعدها بررس ي خواهيم كرد را نشان مي دهد. 110 As will be apparent, most organization theorists, industrial sociologists, psychologists and industrial relations theorists, approach their subject from within the bounds of the functionalist paradigm. 111 همان گونه كه روشن خواهد شد بيشتر نظرية پردازان سازماني ،جامعه شناسان صنعتي روانشناسان و نظريه پردازان روابط صنعتي با موضوع خود را درون مرزهاي پارادايم كاركردگرا نزديك مي شوند. 112 The Interpretive Paradigm Theorists located within the context of the interpretive paradigm adopt an approach consonant with the tenets of what Burrell and Morgan have described as the sociology of regulation, 113 پارادايم تفسيري نظريه پردازاني كه در بافت پارادايم تفسيري قرار مي گيرند رهيافتي سازگار با اصول آنچه كه بارل و مرگان به عنوان جامعه شناس ي نظم دهي توصيف كرده اند انتخاب مي كنند. 114 The Sociology of Radical Change Radical Humanism Subjective Radical Structuralism Anarchistic Contemporary S Russian Individualism Mediterranean French O social Marxism Existentialism L Theory Critical I Conflict Theory Objective Theory P S phenomenology Integrative Social I theory System Hermeneutics S Interactionism Theory M Phenomenological and social action objectivesm sociology theory Interpretive Sociology Functionalist Sociology The Sociology of Regulation Figure 3.3. The four sociological paradigms 115 The Sociology of Radical Change Anti Organization Theory Radical Organization Theory Subjective Objective Ethnomethodology and Phenomenological symbolic Interactionism pluralism Action Theories of Social Objectivism frame of bureaucratic system reference dysfunctions Theory The Sociology of Regulation Figure 3.4 The main schools of organizational analysis 116 Though its subjectivist approach to the analysis of the social world makes its links this sociology often implicit rather than explicit. 117 هر چند رهيافت ذهني گراي آن در تحليل جهان اجتماعي رابطة آنرا با اين جامعه شناس ي اغلب به جاي اينكه از صراحت برخوردار باشد يك التزام ضمني و تلويحي است. 118 The interpretive paradigm is informed by a concern to understand the world as it is, 119 پارادايم تفسيري با علقه اي به شناخت جهان آن گونه كه هست شكل گرفته است. 120 To understand the fundamental nature of the social world at the level of subjective experience. 121 براي شناخت ماهيت بنيادي جهان اجتماعي در سطح تجربة ذهني 122 It seeks explanation within the realm of individual consciousness and subjectivity, within the frame of reference of the participant as opposed to the observer of action. 123 پارادايم تفسيري در جستجوي توصيف در درون قلمرو خود آگاهي فردي و ذهنيت گرايي ،در چهارچوب مراجعاتي فرد شركت كننده است تا مشاهده گر عمل 124 In its approach to social science it tends to be nominalist, antipositivist, and ideographic. 125 پارادايم تفسيري در برخورد با علوم اجتماعي گرايش به نام انگار ،غير اثبات گر ،اختيارگرا و ايده انگار دارد. 126 It sees the social world as an emergent social process which is created by the individuals concerned. 127 جهان اجتماعي را به عنوان يك فراگرد اجتماعي پديدار شونده مي بيند كه توسط افراد علقه مند ايجاد شده است. 128 Social reality, insofar as it is recognized to have any existence outside the consciousness of any single individual, 129 واقعيت اجتماعي تا آنجايي كه شناخته شده ،اگر وجودي خارجي از خودآگاهي هر فرد داشته باشد. 130 Is regarded as being little more than a network of assumptions and inter subjectively shared meanings. 131 به عنوان كمي بيش از يك شبكه مفروضات و معاني مشترك ميان ذهنيت گرايي در نظر گرفته مي شود. 132 Interpretive philosophers and sociologists seek to understand the very basis and source of social reality. 133 فلسفه و جامعه شناسان تفسيري در جستجوي شناخت بنيان دقيق و منبع واقعيت اجتماعي هستند. 134 They often delve into the depths of human consciousness and subjectivity in their quest for the fundamental meanings which underlie social life, 135 آنها اغلب در اعماق خودآگاهي انسان غور مي كنند و ذهنيت گرايي در تلش آنها براي معاني بنيادي كه زير بناي زندگي اجتماعي را تشكيل مي دهد ديده مي شود. 136 Interpretive sociology is concerned with understanding the essence of the everyday world. 137 جامعه شناس ي تفسيري به شناخت اساس جهان روزمره علقه مند است. 138 In terms of the analytical schema it is underwritten by an involvement with issues relating to the nature of status quo, social order, consensus, social integration and cohesion, solidarity and actuality. 139 براساس طرح تحليلي بارل و مرگان ،اين جامعه شناس ي خود را به درگيري در مباحث مربوط به ماهيت وضع موجود ،نظم اجتماعي، توافق انسجام و تلفيق اجتماعي ،همبستگي و فعليت متعهد مي داند. 140 The interpretive paradigm is the direct product of the German idealist tradition of social thought. 141 پارادايم تفسيري محصول مستقيم سنت تفكر اجتماعي ايده آليست آملاني است. 142 Its foundations were laid in the work of Kant and reflect a social philosophy which emphasises the essentially spiritual nature of the social world. 143 اركان اين پارادايم در كار كانت پايه ريزي گرديد و نوعي فلسفة اجتماعي را ا نشان مي دهد كه اساسا بر ماهيت معنوي جهان اجتماعي تأكيد مي كند. 144 Figures 3.3 and 3.4 illustrate the manner in which the paradigm has been explored as far as our present interest in social theory and the study organizations is concerned. 145 تا جائي كه به علقة فعلي ما در نظرية اجتماعي و مطالعة سازمانها مربوط مي شود ،نمودارهاي شمارة 3ـ 3و 4ـ 3شيوة تحقيقات انجام شده دربارة اين پارادايم را نشان مي دهد. 146 Whilst there have been a small number of attempts to study organizational concepts and situations from this point of view, The paradigm has not generated a precise organizational theory. 147 از آنجايي كه تلش هاي محدودي براي مطالعة مفاهيم و موقعيت هاي سازماني از نقطه نظر اين پارادايم انجام شده است، اين پارادايم به معناي دقيق نظرية سازماني چنداني به وجود نياورده است. 148 داليل موجهي براي اين امر وجود دارد. اصول پارادايم تفسيري وجود سازمانها را در معنايي غير از معناي مفهومي مورد ترديد قرار مي دهد. 149 بنابراين مفهوم اين پارادايم براي مطالعة سازمانها يك مفهوم بسيار بنيادي است. 150 اين پارادايم روايي پيش فرضهاي هستي شناختي رهيافتهاي كاركردگرا در جامعه شناس ي بطور عام و در مطالعه سازمانها را به طور خاص مورد چالش قرار مي دهد. 151 پارادايم انسان گراي بنيادي Radical humanist paradigm 152 پارادايم انسان گراي بنيادي بنا به تعريف به ايجاد جامعه شناس ي تغيير بنيادي از نقطه نظر ذهني گرا توجه دارد. 153 اين پارادايم مانند رهيافت پارادايم تفسيري ،جهان اجتماعي را از ديدگاهي متمايل به نام انگاري ،غير اثبات گرايي، اختيار گرايي و ايده انگاري مي نگرد. 154 ولي چهار چوب مرجع اين پارادايم به ديدگاهي از جامعه تأكيد مي كند كه بر اهميت طرد كردن يا رفتن فراسوي محدوديت هاي ترتيبات اجتماعي موجود پايبند است. 155 يكي از اساس ي ترين مفاهيمي كه زيربناي كل اين پارادايم را تشكيل مي دهد اين است كه آگاهي انسان مقهور روساختهاي ايدئولوژيكي كه انسان با آنها تعامل دارد مي شود. 156 و اين روساختها باعث ايجاد حائل شناختي ميان انسان و آگاهي واقعي او مي شود. 157 اين حائل ،حائل از خود بيگانگي يا آگاهي كاذب است كه مانع ارضاي واقعي انسان مي شود. 158 عمده ترين توجه نظريه پردازاني كه از طريق اين پارادايم وارد بحث در مقولة انساني مي شوند رها سازي انسان از محدوديت هايي است كه ترتيبات اجتماعي موجود فرا روي پيشرفت او قرار مي دهد. 159 پارادايم انسان گراي بنيادي بر تغيير بنيادي ،شيوه هاي سلطه، رها سازي ،محروميت و امكان تأكيد مي كند. 160 مفاهيم تضاد ساختاري و تناقض نمود برجسته و بارزي در اين ديدگاه ندارند زيرا آنها ويژگي ديدگاه هاي عيني گراي جهان اجتماعي هستند. 161 پارادايم ساختار گراي بنيادي Radical stracturalist paradigm 162 اگرچه اين پارادايم در رهيافت خود شباهت هاي زيادي با رهيافت نظرية كاركردگرا دارد ،اما بسوي اهداف متفاوتي پيش مي رود. 163 Radical structuralism is committed to radical change, emancipation and potentiality, In an analysis which emphasizes structural conflict, modes of domination, contradiction and deprivation. 164 ساختارگرايي بنيادي در تحليلي كه بر تضاد ساختاري ،شيوه هاي سلطه، تضاد و محروميت تأكيد مي كند به تغيير بنيادي ،رها سازي و امكان پايبند است. 165 It approaches these general concerns from a standpoint which tends to be realist, positivist, determinist and nomothetic. 166 اين پارادايم از طريق نقطه نظري كه متمايل به واقع گرايي ،اثبات گرايي ،جبر گرايي و قانون بنيادي است وارد بحث در مقوله هاي عمومي فوق مي شود. 167 Where as the radical humanists forge their perspective by focusing upon “consciousness” as the basis for a radical critique of society, 168 در حالي كه انسان گرايان بنيادي ديدگاه خود را با تأكيد بر آگاهي به عنوان مبنايي براي نقد بنيادي جامعه قوام مي بخشند. 169 The radical structuralists concentrate upon structural relationships within a realist social world. 170 ساختار گرايان بنيادي بر روابط ساختاري در جهان اجتماعي واقع گرا توجه دارند. 171 They emphasise the fact that radical change is built into the very nature and structure of contemporary society, 172 آنها بر اين حقيقت تأكيد مي كنند كه تغيير بنيادي درون خود ماهيت و ساختار جامعة امروزي نهاده شده است. 173 And they seek to provide explanations of the basic interrelationships with in the context of total social formations. 174 و در صدد هستند تبين هايي را براي روابط متقابل اساس ي درون بافت شكل بندي هاي كلي اجتماعي ارائه دهند. 175 Common to all theorists within the paradigm, is the view that contemporary society is characterised by fundamental conflicts which generate radical change through political and economic crises. 176 وجه مشترك تمام نظريه پردازان اين ديدگاه آن است كه جامعة كنوني را مي توان با تضاد هاي بنيادي حاصل از بحران هاي سياس ي و اقتصادي تغيير بنيادي توصيف كرد. 177 It is through such conflict and change that the emancipation of men from the social structures in which they live is seen as coming about. 178 از طريق چنين تضاد و تغييرهاست كه رهايي انسان از ساختار هاي اجتماعي كه در آن زندگي مي كند تحقق مي يابد. 179 نمودار هاي 3ـ 3و 4ـ 3مروري كلي بر مكاتب فكري درون اين پارادايم دارد اين پارادايم كه درون ديدگاه واقع گراي جهان اجتماعي قرار دارد كاربرد هاي ضمني مهمي براي مطالعة سازمان ها دارد. 180 ريشه ها: جامعه شناس ي كاركردگرا و تاريخچة فكري Functionalist Sociology : Origins and Intellectual Tradition 181 The mode of social theorising which characterises this paradigm has a long history. 182 شيوة نظريه پردازي اجتماعي يي كه توصيف كنندة اين پارادايم است تاريخچة طوالني دارد. 183 As Raymond Aron has suggested, Comte may be regarded, first and foremost, as “the sociologist of human and social unity” (Aron , 1965 , p. 5q). 184 همچنان كه ريمون آرو ن مطرح كرده ا است مي توان كنت را اصوال به عنوان جامعه شناس وحدت انساني و اجتماعي تلقي كرد. 185 He believed that knowledge and society was in a process of evolutionary transition, and that the function of sociology was to understand the necessary, indispensable and inevitable course of history in such a way as to promote the realisation of a new social order. 186 او معتقد بود كه دانش و جامعه در فرايندي از انتقال تكاملي است و وظيفه جامعه شناس اين بود كه نقش الزم ,حياتي و اجتناب ناپذير تاريخ را به شيوه اي كه تحقق نظم اجتماعي جديد را افزايش دهد بشناسد. 187 From Comte’s point of view this evolution passed through three stages of development 188 از نظر كنت ,اين تكامل از سه مرحلة رشد عبور كرد. 189 “the Theological, or fictitious; the Metaphysical, or abstract; and the scientific, or positive”. 190 ”مرحلة رباني يا تخيلي ,مرحلة مابعدالطبيعه,يا انتزاع ,ومرحلة علمي ,يا اثباتي“, 191 He defined the positive mode of thought in the following terms: 192 وي شيوة اثباتي تفكر را اين گونه تعريف كرد: 193 “In the final, the positive state, the mind has given over the vain search after absolute notions, 194 ”در مرحلة پاياني ,يعني حالت اثباتي ,ذهن تحقيق بيهودة وراي عقائد مطلق“, 195 The origin and destination of the universe and the causes of phenomena, and applies itself to the study of their laws, I.e. their invariable relations of succession and resemblance. 196 منشاء و غايت جهان و علت پديده ها را كنار گذاشته و توجه خود را به بررس ي قوانين آنها, يعني روابط تغييرناپذيري كه در توالي و همانندي آنها مشاهده مي شود معطوف مي نمايد. 197 Reasoning and observation duly combined are the means of this knowledge (Comte, 1853, vol. I, pp. 1-2). 198 استدالل و مشاهده كه به نحوي مطلوب تركيب شده اند ابزار اين دانش مي باشند. 199 Comte’s vision was of a world in which scientific “rationality” was in the ascendancy, underlying the basis of a well regulated social order. 200 بينش كنت جهاني بود كه در آن ”عقلنيت“ علمي تفوق داشت و مبنايي را براي نظم اجتماعي خوب تنظيم شده شكل مي داد. 201 Comte believed that all sciences passed through his three phases of development but did so at different times according to their complexity. 202 كنت معتقد بود كه تمام علوم از مراحل سه گانة تحول به ترتيبي كه وي بيان كرده است مي گذارند اما براساس پيچيدگي علوم اين فرايند در زمانهاي متفاوتي صورت مي گيرد. 203 For Comte the “positive” approach provided the key to man’s destiny, 204 به عقيدة كنت رهيافت اثباتي كليدي را برا ي سرنوشت انسان فراهم مي كند. 205 Or, as Aron has put it, the “one type of society which is absolutely valid” and at which “all mankind must arrive” (Aron, 1965, p. 59) 206 يا همچنان كه آرون گفته است اين رهيافت خود نوعي جامعه است كه ا كامل رواست .و تمام افراد بشر بايد به آن برسند. 207 Comte thus laid the foundations for the mode of social theorizing characteristic of the functionalist paradigm. 208 كنت پايه هاي شيوة نظريه پردازان اجتماعي را كه بيانگر پارادايم كاركرد گرايي است بنا نهاد. 209 Based upon the “positive” model of the natural sciences, utilizing mechanical and organic analogies, 210 وي براساس مدل اثباتي علوم طبيعي ,با استفاده از قياسهاي مكانيكي و ارگانيكي . 211 Distinguishing between statics (structure) and dynamics (process), and advocating methodological holism,Comte initiated important ground rules for a sociological enterprise geared to an explanation of social order and regulation. 212 تمايز ميان ايستائي (ساختار) و پويائي (فراگرد) را تشخيص داد و باحمايت از روش شناس ي كل گرايي ,اصول مهمي را براي سازمان جامعه شناختي ابداع كرد با تبين نظم و تنظيم اجتماعي توافق داشت. 213 Herbert spencer’s principal contribution was to develop in a more detailed and extensive manner the implications of the biological analogy for sociology. 214 هربرت اسپنسر ( )1820 1903تأثير عمده اي بر پيشرفتهاي جامعه شناس ي در ده هاي 1870و 1880داشت سهم اصلي وي ,به عنوان يك ”اثبات گرا“ در مكتب كنت ,اين بود كه به شيوه هاي مفصلتر و گسترده تر اثرات قياس زيست شناس ي را براي جامعه شناس ي مطرح كند. 215 Influenced by the work of Darwin, he saw the study of sociology as the study of evolution in its most complex form. 216 او كه از كار داروين تأثير پذيرفته بود, مطالعة جامعه شناس ي را به عنوان مطالعة تكامل در پيچيده ترين شكلش مي دانست. 217 His work did much to lay the foundations for the analysis of social phenomena in terms of “structure” and “junction”, 218 كار او تأثير زيادي در پايه گذاري شالوده هاي تحليل پديده هاي اجتماعي بر حسب”ساختار“ و ”فراگرد“ داشت. 219 Elaborating Comte’s notion of totality and the need to understand the parts in the context of the whole. 220 كه تفصيل توضيح ,همان كليت كنت و درك اجزاء در قالب كل مي باشد. 221 In this respect, however, he was more of a methodological individualist than Comte, maintaining that the properties of the aggregate are determined by the properties of its units. 222 به هر حال ,در اين خصوص ,وي از نظر روش شناختي بيشتر از كنت ,فردگرا بود و معتقد بود كه خواص كل براساس خصوصيات واحدهاي تشكيل دهندة آن تعيين مي گردد. 223 Many of the notions underpinning what we now know as structural functionalism derive from spencer’s work. 224 بسياري ا زمفاهيم زيربنائي آنچه كه ماآن را به عنوان كاكردگرايي ساختاري مي شناسيم از كار اسپنسر گرفته شده است. 225 In particular the parallels which he drew between societies and organisms, and the view that the parts of society function in ways which contribute to the maitenance of the whole, have been highly influential. 226 ا مخصوصا ,مشابهت هايي را كه وي بين جوامع و ارگانيزمها ترسيم كرده است و اين ديدگاه كه اجزاي جامعه به شيوه هايي عمل مي كنند كه باعث بقاي كل مي شود بسيار تعيين كننده و اثرگذار بوده اند. 227 Spencer’s focus of attention was primarily , though not exclusively , directed at the level of the organism rather than the species. Societies were seen as super – organisms 228 توجه محوري اسپنسر به هنگامي كه بين جهان ا زيستي و جهان اجتماعي مقايسه مي كند عمدتا ا هر چند نه انحصارا معطوف به سطح ارگانيسم است تا گونه ها .به جوامع به صورت ”ابرارگانيسم ها“ مي نگردد. 229 This organismic frame of reference emphasises the unity , interdependence and ordered nature of constituent relationships. 230 اين چهارچوب مرجع ارگانيسمي بر وحدت ,وابستگي متقابل و ماهيت منظم روابط تشكيل دهندة آن تأكيد مي كند. 231 A some what different view emerges from an analysis conducted at the level of the specicies. 232 از تحليلي كه در سطح گونه ها انجام مي گيرد ديدگاهي تا حدي متفاوت تجلي مي يابد. 233 As Buckley has noted,”the particular level of biological organization that is chosen as the basis for a model of society determines (or may be determined by) whether we see society as pre - eminently cooperative or basically conflictual. 234 همچنان كه با كلي متذكر شده است ”سطح مشخص ي از سازمان زيستي كه به عنوان پايه براي مدل جامعه انتخاب ا مي شود مشخص مي كند (يا احتماال بر اين اساس ا مشخص مي شود) كه آيا جامعه را عمدتا به عنوان نظام ا بازيگر ببينيم يا به صورت نظامي كه اساسا هم ستيزانه است در نظر بگيريم. 235 If society is like an organism, then its parts co-operate and do not compete in a struggle for survival, 236 اگر جامعه به صورت ارگانيسم در نظر گرفته شود ,در اين صورت اجزاي آن با هم همكاري مي كنند و در جهت تنازع بقاء با هم رقابت نمي كنند, 237 But if society is like an ecological aggregate, then the Darwinian (or Hobbesian) model of competitive struggle is more applicable. 238 اما اگر به صورت يك مجموعة بوم شناختي نگريسته شود در اين صورت مدل دارويني (ياهابزي) در مورد تنازع رقابتي مصداق پيدا مي كند. 239 Whilst spencer did draw parallels between the evolution of societies and the evolution of species – emphasizing the role of conflict , including warfare , as a force of change 240 اگرچه اسپنسر بين تكامل جوامع و تكامل گونه ها مشابهت هايي ترسيم كرده ,و بر نقش تضاد ,از جمله جنگ ,به عنوان عاملي جهت تغيير اجتماعي تأكيد مي كرد ـ 241 It was within the context of a theoretical perspective which emphasized the inevitable march towards more complex and integrated social systems. 242 اما در قالب ديدگاه نظري بر پيشروي به سوي نظامهاي اجتماعي بسيار پيچيده و منسجم تأكيد مي نمود. 243 Industrial society was viewed at its most advanced form. 244 جوامع صنعتي در پيشرفته ترين شكل خود در نظر گرفته مي شدند. 245 As parsons has commented,”spencer’s god was Evolution, sometimes also called progress. 246 همچنان كه پارسونز اظهار داشته است تكامل خداي اسپنسر بود ,كه گاهي پيشرفت هم مي ناميد. 247 Spencer was one of the most vociferous in his devotions to this god, but by no means alone among the faithful. 248 اسپنسر يكي از جنجالي ترين افراد وفادار به اين خدا بود ,اما به هيچ وجه تنها طرفدار آن نبود. 249 Emile Durkheim (1858 – 1917) explicitly recognized the influence of comte and spencer upon his sociological thought 250 اميل دوركهايم ()1858 – 1917 ا صريحا به تأثير كنت و اسپنسر بر تفكر جامعه شناس ي خود اعتراف مي كند. 251 But he approached their work in a critical vein. 252 اما وي به كار اين دو از نگاهي انتقادي وارد مي شود. 253 As Lukes (1973) has noted , comte’s influence on Durkheim was a formative rather than a continuing one, 254 همچنان كه كوكس ( )1973متذكر شده است ,تأثير كنت بر دو ركهايم تأثير ابتدايي است نه تأثيري مداوم, 255 The extension of the “positive” , or scientific attitude to the study of society probably being most important. 256 كه در اين ميان گسترش نگرش ”اثباتي“ يا علمي او نسبت به ا مطالعة جامعه احتماال مهمتر از همه چيز است. 257 Although Durkheim specifically dissociated himself from many of comte’s beliefs, he was firmly influenced by the comtian notion of a concrete social reality capable of rational scientific investigation. 258 اگرچه دوركهايم به طور اخص خود را از بسياري از عقائد كنت كنار مي كشيد ,اما ا شديدا از عقيدة طرفداران كنت دربارة وجود واقعيت اجتماعي مشخص كه قابليت تحقيق علمي عقلني را دارد تأثير پذيرفته بود. 259 Durkheim believed that causal analysis was required in addition to what we would now call functional analysis: 260 دوركهايم معتقد بود كه علوه بر چيزي كه ما امروزه تحت عنوان تحليل كاركردي مي شناسيم تحليل علي نيز الزم است. 261 “to show now a fact is useful is not to explain how it originated or why it is what it is. 262 نشان دادن مفيد بودن يك حقيقت اين نكته را بيان نمي كند كه آن حقيقت چگونه بوجود آمده است يا اينكه چرا اين حقيقت به آن گونه كه االن هست مي باشد. 263 The uses which it serves pre-suppose the specific properties characterizina it but do not create them … 264 فوايدي كه يك حقيقت ايجاد مي كند ويژگيهاي خاص ي را كه توصيف كننده آن مي باشد پيش فرض تلقي مي كند اما اين فوائد ايجاد كننده آن ويژگيها نيستند ... 265 When , then , the explanation of a social phenomenon is undertaken , we must seek separately the efficient cause which produces it and the function it fulfills. 266 لذا ,زماني كه به تبيين پديدة اجتماعي مي پردازيم بايد علت وافي كه پديده را به وجود آورده و كاركردي را كه پديده برآورده مي كند جداگانه بررس ي نمائيم( .دوركهايم, , 1938ص.)89 267 In terms of method , therefore , Durkheim , following comte and spencer , borrowed freely from the natural sciences 268 بنابراين ,دوركهايم به تبعيت از كنت و اسپنسر روش خود را به صورتي آزاد از علوم طبيعي اقتباس كرد. 269 A methodological holist , distinguishing between causes , functions and structures , he added much in terms of sophistication to the thought of these earlier theorists, 270 او به عنوان كل گرا در روش شناس ي ,بين علل ,كاركردها و ساختارها تمايز قائل شد. براي پيشرفت افكار اين نظريه پردازان پيش از خود نكات زيادي به آنها افزوده است. 271 And as will become apparent later , provided a firm foundation for subsequent work within the context of the functionalist paradigm. 272 ا وآنچنان كه بعدا روشن خواهد شد, شابوده هاي مستحكمي را براي كارآتي در زمينة پارادايم كاركردگرايي فراهم كرده است. 273 Durkheim’s sociology thus reflects a power full predilection for “order” as the predominant force in social affairs. 274 جامعه شناس ي دوركهايم منعكس كنندة تمايلي قوي به ” نظم“ به عنوان يك نيروي غالب در امور اجتماعي است. 275 Judged by the yardstick by which we have defined the “sociology of regulation” (a concern for “the status quo” , “social order” , “consensus” , “social integration and cohesion” , “solidarity” , “need satisfaction” and “activity”). 276 اگر براساس معياري كه باآن ”جامعه شناس ي تنظيم“ را تعريف كرديم قضاوت كنيم (توجه به وضع موجود ,نظم اجتماعي توافق ,تلفيق اجتماعي و انسجام ,همبستگي ,ارضاي نياز ,و فعاليت) روشن خواهد شد. 277 Durkheim emerges as a sociologist as a sociologist of “order” and “regulation” par excellence. 278 كه دوركهايم جامعه شناس ي است به تمام معني علقه مند به ” نظم “و ” نظم دهي “. 279 A fuller account of the origins of the functionalist paradigm would call for the analysis of the thought of a number of other social theorists 280 ارائه شرح كاملتر از خاستگاههاي پارادايم كاركردگرا ,تحليل تفكر تعداد ديگري از نشريه پردازان اجتماعي را مي طلبد. 281 Alfred Marshall , Max Weber , Vilfredo pareto , John Stuart Mill , George Simmel George Herbert Mead and William James , among others 282 از ميان آنها افرادي از قبيل آلفرد مارشال, ماكس وبر ,ويلفرد و پارتو ,جان استورات ميل ,جرج زيمل ,جرج هربرت ميد و ويليام جيمز استحقاق بيشتري دارند. 283 All have a strong claim to be considered here along with the founding fathers. 284 كه به عنوان مؤسسين اين پارادايم مورد توجه قرار گيرند. 285 Burrell and Morgan conclude their discussion of the foundations of the functionalist paradigm here with a discussion of certain aspects of the work of pareto. 286 بارل و مرگان در اينجا بحث مباني پارادايم كاركردگرائي را با توضيح بعض ي از ابعاد كار پارتو به پايان مي برند. 287 Vilfredo pareto (1848 – 1923) came to sociology from economics , with a view to supplementing the scientific theories of economics , based on their assumptions of logical and rational conduct , with a scientific theory of nonlogical or non-rational conduct 288 ويلفرد و پارتو ( )1848 – 1923از اقتصاد پا به حوزة جامعه شناس ي گذاشت با اين ديدگاه كه نظريه هاي علمي اقتصاد ار كه مبتني بر پيشفرضهاي رفتار عقلئي و منطقي آنها است. با نظرية علمي رفتار غير عقلئي و غير منطقي تكميل كند. 289 Among the main features of his work which are relevant for comment here are the that after establishing the extent and significance of the non-logical in social affairs, 290 از مشخصه هاي عمدة كار پارتو كه ذكر آن در اينجا روا مي نمايد اين حقيقت است كه وي بعد از اثبات اهميت و گسترة رفتارهاي غيرعقلني در امور اجتماعي, 291 He proceeded to explain it terms of a social systems model based upon the notion of equilibrium. 292 درصدد برآمد آنها را بر حسب مدل نظام هاي اجتماعي كه بر مفهوم تعادل بنا شده است تبيين كند. 293 His view of society was that of a system of interrelated parts which , though in a continual state of surface flux , were also in a state of unchanging equilibrium, 294 ديدگاه وي دربارةجامعه ,ديدگاه يك نظام متشكل از اجزاي وابسته به هم بود كه اگرچه در حالت مداومي ا زبي ثباتي هاي ظاهري قرار داشتند اما حالتي ا زتعادل تغيير ناپذير نيز در آنها وجود داشت. 295 In that move movements away from the equilibrium position were counter balanced by changes tending to restore it. 296 به نحوي كه حركاتي كه آنها را از حالت ا تعادل دور مي كرد فورا با تغييراتي كه درصدد بازگرداندن به اين حالت بود تعديل مي شد. 297 Pareto saw in the concept of equilibrium a useful tool for understanding the complexities of social life. 298 پارتو در مفهوم تعادل ابزار مفيدي براي درك پيچيدگيهاي زندگي اجتماعي مي ديد. 299 As far as the development of the functionalist paradigm is concerned , it is through the notion of equilibrium that pare to has had most influence. 300 تا جائي كه به بررس ي روند ايجاد پارادايم كاركردگرايي مربوط مي شود پارتو از طريق مفهوم تعادل بيشترين نفوذ را نصيب خود كرد. 301 Where as it was implicit in many earlier social theories, after pare to it became much more explicit as a guiding principle. 302 در حالي كه اين مفهوم در بسياري از نظريه هاي اجتماعي پيشين يك مفهوم ضمني و غير صريح بود ,بعد از پارتو به صورت بسيار صريحتر به عنوان يك اصل راهنما مطرح گرديد. 303 The distinction which he drew between the logical and non-logical elements in human conduct has , as we shall see , also been of some importance. 304 چنانكه به زودي خواهيم ديد ,تمايزي كه وي بين عناصر منطقي و غيرعقلئي رفتار انساني قائل مي شود از اهميت چندي نيز برخوردار بوده است. 305 The structure of the paradigm 306 ساختار پارادايم كاركردگرايي 307 The functionalist paradigm has provided the dominant framework for academic sociology in the twentieth century and accounts for by far the largest proportion of theory and research in the field of organization studies. 308 پارادايم كاركردگرايي چارچوب حاكم بر جامعه شناس ي دانشگاهي در قرن بيستم را فراهم كرده و بيشترين سهم نظريه ها و تحقيقات در حوزة مطالعةسازمان را نيز به خود اختصاص داده است. 309 Its structure reflects the dominant influence of sociological positivism , as described in the previous section, 310 ساختار اين پارادايم چنانكه در بخش قبل توضيح داده شد ,نفوذ مسلط اثبات گرايي جامعه شناس ي را منعكس مي سازد. 311 Fused at its junction with the interpretive paradigm with elements of German idealism. 312 ودر محل اتصال خود با پارادايم تفسيرگرائي ,عناصري از ايده آليسم آملاني با آن تركيب مي شود. 313 It contains many separate schools of thought , each occupying a distinctive relationships one with another. 314 اين پارادايم حاوي مكاتب فكري متعدد و جداگانه اي است كه هر يك رابطه متمايزي با ديگري دارد. 315 Burrell and Morgan traced these relationships in terms of the two dimensions which define the paradigm 316 بارل و مرگان به بررس ي اين روابط بر حسب دو بعدي كه اين پارادايم را تعريف مي كنند پرداختند. 317 To facilitate this task , they identified four broad categories of functionalist thought and addressed each in turn. 318 براي سهولت در اين كار ,آنان چهار مقولة كلي از تفكر كاركردگرايي را مشخص كرده و به توضيح هر يك از آنها پرداختند. 319 They describe them as: (a) Social system theory, (b) interactionism and social action theory, (c) integrative theory, (d) objectivism. 320 اين چهار مقوله عبارتنداز: ب) الف) نظرية نظام اجتماعي, تعاملگرايي و نظرية كنش اجتماعي ج) نظرية تلفيق گرا د)عيني گرائي 321 Each of these broad categories occupies a distinctive position within the paradigm, as illustrated in figure 3.3 social system theory represents a direct development of sociological positivism in its most pure form. 322 همان طور يكه در نمودار 3 – 3نشان داده شده است نظرية نظام اجتماعي توسعة مستقيم اثبات گرائي جامعه شناختي را د رخالص ترين شكل آن ارائه مي دهد. 323 Adopting mechanical and biological analogies for the study of social affairs , it is most clearly represented in the schools of thought described as structural functionalism and system theory. 324 اين نظريه كه قياسهاي مكانيكي و زيستي را در بررس ي امور اجتماعي پذيرفته است ,به شيوه اي بسيار واضح در دو مكتب فكري كاركردگرايي ساختاري و نظريه سيستمي بررس ي گرديده است. 325 Interactionism and social action theory is the category of thought which directly combines elements of sociological positivism and German Iealism and as such can be considered as defining the most subjective boundary of the 326 تعاملگرايي و نظرية كنش اجتماعي مقوله هاي فكري است كه عناصري از اثبات گرائي جامعه شناس ي و ايده آليسم آملاني را به طور مستقيم تركيب كرده و به اين ترتيب مي تواند به عنوان ذهني گراترين مرز پارادايمي كاركردگرايي در نظر گرفته شود. 327 Integrative theory occupies a central location within the paradigm, seeking to bridge the gap between social system theory and interactionism. 328 نظرية تلفيق گرا منطقة مركزي پارادايم را به خود اختصاص مي دهد و درصدد است شكاف ميان نظريه سيستم اجتماعي وتعامل گرائي را پر كند. 329 It is not fully committed to either of these two categories ; it takes something from both and contributes something to both. 330 اين نظريه به هيچ يك از اين دو مقوله ا كامل پاي بند نيست ,چيزي را از هر دوي آنها مي گيرد و چيزي را در هر دو به وديعه مي گذارد. 331 It is truly a brand of theory characteristic of the middle ground, and is reflected in the schools of thought which we describe as conflict functionalism , morphogenic systems theory , Balu’s theory of exchange and power , Mertonian theory of social and cultural structure. 332 اين نظريه در واقع نظريه اي است كه ويژگيهاي حد وسط دارد و در آن مكاتب فكري كه ما از آنها به كاركردگرايي تضاد ,نظرية سيستمي ريخت زائي نظريه مبادله و قدرت بلو و نظرية ساختار اجتماعي و فرهنگ مرتون تعبير مي كنيم منعكس شده است. 333 The category of thought which we describe as objectivism 9comprising behaviourism and abstracted empiricism) is very closely related to social system theory, 334 مقوله اي از تفكر كه ما با عنوان عيني گرائي از آن نام مي بريم (كه خود شامل رفتارگرائي و تجربه گرائي انتزاعي است) ارتباط بسيار نزديكي با نظرية نظام اجتماعي دارد. 335 In that it again is firmly committed to the tradition of sociological positivism. 336 از اين جهت كه مانند آن به تفكر اثبات گرائي جامعه ا شناختي كامل پايبند است. 337 Burrell and Morgan identify it as a separate category, in recognition of the fact that it reflects a particularly extreme form of commitment to the models and methods of the natural sciences. 338 بارل و مرگان به اين جهت اين نظريه را به صورت يك مقولة مجزا مي شناسند كه شكل افراطي خاص ي از پايبندي به مدلها و روشهاي علوم طبيعي در اين نظريه مشاهده مي شود. 339 Behaviourism, for example, derives from physiological models employed in psychology 340 براي مثال ,رفتارگرايي ازمدلهاي زيستي كه در روان شناس ي به كار مي رود گرفته مي شود. 341 Abstracted empiricism is dominated by quantitative methodologies which often have no distinctly social qualities. 342 تجربه گرايي انتزاعي هم تحت الشعاع روش شناختيهاي كمي مي باشد كه ا غالبا فاقد كيفيتهاي اجتماعي مشخص مي باشند. 343 We commence our analysis with a consideration of social system theory 344 تحليل خود را با در نظر گرفتن نظريه سيستم اجتماعي شروع مي كنيم. 345 Social System Theory 346 نظريه سيستم اجتماعي 347 Under this heading we consider two schools of thought which, in many respects, have provided the dominant framework for analysis in contemporary sociology – structural functionalism and system theory. 348 تحت اين عنوان ما دو مكتب فكري را كه در بسياري از جهات چهارچوب فكري غالب در تحليل جامعه شناس ي معاصر مي باشند بررس ي مي كنيم كه عبارتند از كاركردگرائي ساختاري و نظرية سيستمي. 349 Both have had a particularly important impact upon the field of organizational analysis. 350 هر دوي اينها تأثير برحوزة تحليل سازماني داشته اند. 351 The terms “structural functionalism” and “system Theory” are often seen as interchangeable. 352 واژه هاي كاركرد گرايي ساختاري و ا نظرية سيستمي غالبا به جاي هم به كار مي روند. 353 Whilst there is some measure of justification in equating the two as far as the majority of current systems applications are concerned, 354 اگرچه با توجه به اكثر استعمالهاي رايج سيستمها ,توجيهات چندي را مي توان در معادل قرار دادن اين دو بيان كرد 355 To do so represent an oversimplification, since systems theory is consistent with theoretical perspectives which extend beyond the confines of the functionalist paradigm. 356 اما اين كار يك نوع ساده انگاري بيش از حد است ,زيرا نظريه سيستمها با ديدگاههاي نظري سازگاري دارد كه فراتر از محدوده هاي پارادايم كاردكردگرايي مي رود. 357 However, these remain largely undeveloped at the present time. 358 به هر حال ,اين ديدگاهها تا ا اين زمان هم عمدا دست نخورده باقي مانده اند. 359 We trace the development of the two perspectives and the relationships which exist between them, 360 ما توسعة اين دو ديدگاه و روابط ميان آنها را دنبال كرده 361 Arguing that the similarities only exist if they drew upon a similar analogy, that of the biological organism. 362 واستدالل خواهيم كرد كه اين مشابهتها تنها در صورتي به وجود مي آيند كه بر يك قياس مشابه يعني قياس ارگانيسم زيستي مبتني گردند 363 Whereas structural functionalism inevitably draw upon this analogy, systems theory is in principle consistent with the use of many others. 364 در حالي كه كاردكردگرايي ساختاري ناگزير از اين قياس استفاده مي كند نظرية ا سيستمها اصوال با كاربرد قياسهاي ديگر نيز سازگاري دارد. 365 Structural Functionalism 366 كاركرد گرايي ساختاري 367 It is through the notion of structural functionalism that the use of the biological analogy in the tradition of comte, spencer and Durkheim has had its major impact upon sociological thought. 368 كاركردگرايي ساختاري مفهومي است كه از طريق آن استفاده از قياس زيستي در سنت كنت ,اسپنسر ,و دو ركهايم بيشترين تأثير خود را بر تفكر جامعه شناختي گذاشته است. 369 Building upon the concepts of holism, interrelationship between parts, structure, functions and needs, the biological analogy has been developed in diverse ways to produce a social science perspective firmly rooted in the sociology of regulation. 370 قياس زيستي با استفاده از مفاهيم كل نگري , روابط متقابل ميان اجزاء ,ساختار ,كاركردها و نياز ,به روشهاي مختلف براي ايجاد ديدگاه ا علوم اجتماعي كه عميقا در جامعه شناس ي نظم دهي ريشه دارد توسعه يافته است. 371 The major distinction commonly drawn between approaches revolves around the issue of level of analysis: 372 ا تمايز عمده اي كه عموما بين رهيافتها ترسيم مي شود حول مسأله سطح تحليل دور مي زند: 373 Wether the focus in functional analysis is on the part or the whole, on the individual institution or the social system. 374 يعني اينكه تأكيد در تحليل كاركردي بر روي جزء باشد يا روي كل , برروي نهاد فردي باشد يا بر روي سيستم اجتماعي. 375 In addition to this distinction, however, it is also desirable to draw attention to at least two other lines of development. 376 ولي ,در اين جا شايسته است علوه بر اين تمايز ,به حداقل دو مسير ديگر تحول در اين پارادايم نيز توجه شود. 377 The first follows on from Radcliffe – Brown’s focus on structure in the tradition of “social morphology”. 378 نخستين تحول بر گرفته از توجهي است كه رادكليف برون در سنت ” ريخت شناس ي اجتماعي“ به ساختار كرده است. 379 In defiance (or at least ignorance) of his warning that “the social structure as a whole can only be observed in its functioning” , the notion of structure has become increasingly reified as some social theorists sought identify its key elements 380 در ايستادگي در مقابل (يا حداقل ناديده گرفتن) هشدار او دربارة اينكه ”ساختار اجتماعي“ به عنوان يك كل را تنها در كاركرد آن مي توان مشاهده كرد ,مفهوم ساختار در كلم برخي از نظريه پردازان اجتماعي كه در صدد تشخيص عناصر كليدي ان برآمده اند به طور فزاينده اي حالت جسم انگاري به خود گرفته است 381 The “search for structure” has led to an increasingly hard and indiscriminate application of the models and methods of the natural sciences to the study of social phenomena. 382 ”جستجو براي ساختار“ منجر به كاربرد بي اندازه شديد و بي حساب و كتاب مدلها و شيوه هاي علوم طبيعي در مطالعة پديده هاي اجتماعي شده است 383 The second line of development has focused upon what Radcliffe – Brown called the “problems of social physiology” , that is , upon explaining the way in which social systems function. 384 دومين مسير تحول بر چيزي تأكيد دارد كه رادكليف براون آن را ”مسائل مربوط به ”فيزيولوژي اجتماعي“ مي نامد ,يعني تبيين شيوه اي كه سيستمها ي اجتماعي براساس آن عمل مي كنند. 385 For the most part these studies have drawn heavily upon the organismic analogy, attempting to understand the functioning of social systems in terms of system needs or conditions of existence. 386 ا اين مطالعات كامل به سمت قياس ارگانيزمي گرايش يافته و تلش مي كنند كه كاركرد سيستمهاي اجتماعي را بر حسب نيازهاي سيستم يا شرايط حيات سيستم بشناسد. 387 This is particularly evident, for example, in the work of Talcott Parsons and his analysis of the social system ( 1951 ). 388 براي مثال ،اين موضوع به طورخاص در كارتالكوت پار سونز وتحليلي كه او از نظام اجتماعي ارائه كرده مشاهده مي شود. 389 Parsons takes as his Point of departure the system as a whole and analyses the conditions necessary for its survival ,functioning evolution and change. 390 پارسونز نقطه عطف خود را نظام به و عنوان يك كل قرار داده شرايطي را تحليل مي كند كه براي بقاء ،كاركرد ،تكامل و تغيير آن ضروري مي باشد. 391 As Rocher notes ,in Parsons Perspective the term function refers to various solutions to a particular complex of problems that a system can adopt in order to survive, 392 همچنان كه روشه مي گويد ،در ديدگاه پارسونز واژة كاركرد اشاره دارد به راه حل هاي مختلف مجموعة خاص ي از مسائلي كه يك نظام جهت بقاي خود مي تواند آنها را بپذيرد. 393 And survival here includes persistence, evolution and transmutation. 394 و بقاء در اين تعريف شامل استقامت ،تكامل و دگرديس ي مي شود. 395 So far Parsons, functional analysis consists in establishing a classification of the problems which every system must resolve in order to exist and keep itself going. 396 لذا ،در نظر پارسونز ،تحليل كاركردي عبارت است از :ايجاد يك طبقه بندي از مسائلي كه هر نظام بايد آن را حل كند تا بتواند به حيات خود ادامه دهد و استمرار خود را حفظ كند. 397 This leads parsons to the notion of what are called functional prerequisites “ or ” functional imperatives – the functions which must be performed if a society is to survive. 398 اين موضوع پارسونز را به مفهومي سوق مي دهد كه پيش نيازهاي كاركردي يا ضرورت هاي كاركردي ناميده مي شود ،يعني كاركردهايي كه انجام آنها براي بقاي جامعه ضروري است. 399 As parsons has put it, any social system is subject to four independent functional imperatives or problems which must be met adequately if equilibrium and/or continuing existence of the system is to be maintained ( parsons, 1959, p.16 ). 400 همچنان كه پارسونز اظهار داشته است ،هر سيستم اجتماعي در معرض چهار ضرورت كاركردي مستقل يا مسائل قرار دارد كه در صورتي كه حفظ تعادل و حيات مستمر سيستم مدنظر باشد بايد اين ضرورت ها برآورده شوند. 401 These are most clearly illustrated in his so – called AGIL scheme, which identifies the four basic functional imperatives which parsons regards as being relevant to the analysis of all social systems. 402 ا اين ضرورت ها به صورتي كامل واضح در طرح بيانگر چهار ضرورت كه او معروف به AGIL اساس ي كاركردي است و پارسونز آنرا براي تحليل تمام سيستم هاي اجتماعي روا مي داند توضيح داده شده است. 403 Simply put it, these are : Adaptation : the complex of unit acts which serve to establish relations between the system and its external environment. 404 با بياني ساده ،اين چهار ضرورت عبارتند از : انطباق :مجموعة پيچيده اقدام هاي در سطح واحد كه براي ايجاد رابطه ميان سيستم و محيط خارجي آن صورت مي گيرد. 405 Goal attainment : The actions which serve to define the goals of the system and to mobilise and manage resources and effort to attain goals and gratification. 406 كسب هدف : اقدامهايي كه براي تعريف اهداف سيستم و بسيج و ادارة منابع و تلش در جهت تحقق اهداف و رضاي خاطر انجام مي گيرد. 407 Integration : The unit acts which establish control, inhibit deviancy, and maintain co – ordination between parts, thus avoiding serious disturbance. 408 تلفيق : اقدامهاي در سطح واحد كه كنترل ايجاد مي كند ،از انحرافات جلوگيري كرده ،و هماهنگي ميان اجزاء را حفظ مي كند و در نتيجه از بروز اغتشاش جدي جلوگيري مي كند. 409 Latency or pattern Maintenance: The unit acts which supply actors with necessary motivation 410 نهفتگي يا حفظ الگو : اقدامهاي در سطح واحد كه انگيزه هاي الزم را براي كنشگران فراهم مي آورد. 411 As Radcliffe – Brown noted ,the notion of needs or conditions of existence is implicit in the use of the analogy of a biological organism for analysis. 412 همچنانكه رادكليف ـ بروان گفته است، مفهوم نيازها يا شرايط حيات نظام در استفاده از قياس ارگانيزم زيستي براي تحليل اجتماعي صريح نيست. 413 In placing them at the centre of analysis ,however ,parsons ignors the limitations of this analogy for the study of society which Radcliffe –Brown was so careful to Specify and redirects the main thrust of functionalist enquiry. 414 به هر حال پارسونز ،كه اين مفهومها را محور تحليل خود قرار مي دهد ،محدوديتهاي موجود در اين قياس را براي مطالعة جامعه كه رادكليف بروان در تصريح آنها دقت زيادي مي كرد ناديده مي گيرد و نبرد اصلي تحقق كاركردگرايي را دوباره جهت مي دهد. 415 Both Malinowski and Radcliffe – Brown had assumed that social structures were implicit in the operation of social systems, 416 هم مالينوفسكي و هم رادكليف برون فرض كرده بودند كه ” ساختارهاي “ اجتماعي در عملكرد اجتماعي صريح نيستند. 417 And that the problem of empirically based social analysis was to identify the functions which the various elements of structure Performed. 418 و مسألة تحليل هاي اجتماعي كه داراي مبناي تجربي است براي شناخت كاركردهايي است كه عناصر مختلف ساختار انجام مي دهند. 419 Parsons in effect inverts this Problematic; starting with the functions which must be performed the problem of empirical social science becomes that of identifying the structures or elements of social systems which serve given imperative functions. 420 ا پارسونز اصوال بر عكس اين مسأله عمل مي كند .كار خود را با كاركردهايي كه بايد انجام شود شروع مي كند ،آنگاه مسألة علوم اجتماعي تجربي ،مسأله شناخت ساختارها يا عناصري از سيستمهاي ضروري و معيني را دارند. اجتماعي كه كار كرد 421 As David lock wood (1950) has observed, Parsons’ approach to the analysis of the social system has been heavily weighted by assumptions and categories which relate to the role of normative elements in social action, 422 همچنانكه ديويد الك وود ملحظه كرده است رهيافت پارسونز در تحليل نظام اجتماعي به شدت با مفروضات و مقوالتي سنجيده شده است كه با نقش عناصر هنجاري در كنش اجتماعي مرتبط است. 423 And especially to the Processes whereby motives are structured normatively to ensure social stability. 424 ا و خصوصا با فرآيندهايي كه از طريق آنها انگيزه ها جهت اطمينان از ثبات اجتماعي به شيوه هاي هنجاري ساختار مي يابند. 425 This normative orientation has attracted the charge that Parsons; scheme is inherently conservative, geared to a reaffirmation of the status quo and unable to deal with change. 426 اين جهت گيري هنجاري اين اتهام را سبب ا شده است كه طرح پانسونز ذاتا محافظه كارانه بوده و با تثبيت وضع موجود هماهنگ است و نمي تواند با تغيير برخورد كند. 427 Parsons, in the tradition of comte, Spencer Durkheim, has underwritten his approach by the implicit assumption that modern industrial society vests at the pinnacle of human achievement, and that the predominant problem is that of regulation. 428 پارسونز ،در مقايسه با سنت كنت ،اسپنسر و دوركهايم ،ديدگاه خود را با اين پيش فرض ضمني تثبيت كرده است كه جامعة صنعتي بر قلة پيشرفت انساني قرارگرفته و مسألة اصلي در آن نظم دهي است. 429 As Lockwood notes, one of the central themes emerging from Parsons / classic early work “ the structure of Social Action “ is that order is possible through the existence of common norms which regulate ” the war of all against all “ (lock wood, 1950,p.137 ). 430 همچنانكه الك وود متذكر مي شود ،يكي از موضوعات محوري كه از اولين كار كلسيك پارسونز تحت عنوان ساختار كنش اجتماعي بر مي آيد اين است كه ” نظم از طريق وجود هنجارهايي عمومي كه “ جنگ همه در مقابل همه را نظم مي بخشد ممكن مي گردد. 431 Parsons/ later work strongly reflects this basic orientation, though he has in fact been aware of the need to make his model a dynamic one capable of accomodating and explaining change . 432 ا كار بعدي پارسونز قويا اين جهت گيري اساس ي را منعكس مي كند ،به رغم اينكه وي در حقيقت از ضرورت پويا ساختن مدل خود به نحوي كه قابليت سازگاري و تبيين تغيير را داشته باشد نيز آگاه بوده است. 433 Radcliffe – Brown identified as his third set of problems those of development – that is how do new types of social structure come into existence? 434 رادكليف ـ براون سومين مجموعه از مسائل خود را مسائل مربوط به توسعة قرارداد، به اين معنا كه گونه هاي جديد ساختار اجتماعي چگونه پا به عرصة وجود مي گذارند؟ 435 It is of great significance that the structural functionalists have had the most difficulty with this issue and that it remains the least well explored. 436 اين نكته بسيار حائز اهميت است كه كاركردگرايان ساختاري بيشترين مشكل را با اين مورد داشته اند و كمترين بررس ي و تحقيق نيز مربوط به همين مورد است. 437 Interestingly enough, the principal contribution to this problem area have come from theorists who have sought to provide a whole or to provide alternative methods of analysis. 438 نكتة بسيار جالب توجه اين است كه تشريك مساعي هاي اصلي در قلمرو اين مسأله از جانب نظريه پردازاني صورت گرفته كه به دنبال ايراد انتقادي بر كاركرد گرايي ساختاري در كل يا در صدد ارائة شيوه هاي تحليلي بديل بوده اند. 439 Merton’s contribution ,for example, provides a good illustration of the former and Buckley’s morphogenic systems theory an example of the later. 440 براي مثال ،كارمرتون نمونة خوبي از مورد اول و نظرية سيستمي ريخت شناس ي با كلي از نمونه اي از مورد دوم است. 441 By way of summary, there fore, we conclude our discussion of structural functionalism with the observation that from its start it has been dominated by the use of biological analogy for the study of society. 442 بنابراين بحث در مورد كاركردگرايي ساختاري را به طور خلصه اينگونه به پايان مي بريم كه از ابتداي پيدايش ،اين ديدگاه تحت نفوذ استفاده از قياس زيستي براي مطالعة جامعه بوده است. 443 Different varieties can be observed in practice. 444 در مرحلة عمل گونه هاي مختلفي از اين ديدگاه مشاهده مي شود. 445 There are those approaches which focus upon system parts rather than upon systems as a whole. 446 بعض ي از رهيافتها به جاي تأكيد بر سيستم به عنوان كل ،بر اجزاي سيستم تأكيد ميورزند. 447 There are approaches in the tradition of Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown which are most concerned with establishing the functions which various elements of society perform. 448 رهيافتهايي در سنت مالينوفسكي و رادكليف ـ براون وجود دارند كه بسيار علقهمندند كاركردهايي به وجود آورند كه عناصر مختلف جامعه انجام ميدهند. 449 There are those which focus upon social morphology and often result as abstracted empiricism. 450 گونه هاي ديگري از رهيافتها بر ” ريخت زائي “ اجتماعي تمركز دارند .و ا غالبا محصول آنها تجربه گرايي انتزاعي است. 451 There are those which focus upon functional imperatives or system needs and which seek to analyse society in whole or part with this perspective in mind. 452 گونه هاي ديگر از رهيافت ها ،رهيافت هايي هستند كه بر ضرورتهاي كاركردي يا نيازهاي سيستم تأكيد ميكنند و به دنبال آنند كه تحليل جامعه در كل يا قسمتي از آن با داشتن اين ديدگاه در ذهن خود بپردازند. 453 All these approaches adopt an approach to social science characteristic of the objectivist region of the functionalist paradigm. 454 تمام رهيافت هايي كه بيان شد رهيافتي را در علوم اجتماعي ميپذيرند كه بيانگر موقعيت عيني گراي پارادايم كاركردگراست. 455 Ontologically,epistemologically and methologically ,structural functionalism has been based upon models derived from the natural sciences. 456 از نظر هستي شناس ي ،معرفت شناس ي و روش شناس ي ،كاركردگرايي ساختاري مبتني بر مدلهايي است كه از علوم طبيعي گرفته شده است. 457 For the most part, this has carried with it a relatively determinist view with regard to human nature. 458 ا اين امر تا حد زيادي ديدگاهي نسبتا جبرباوري در بارة ماهيت انسان به همراه دارد. 459 In terms of its characterisation of society, the overriding fact that the needs or necessary conditions of existence of social systems under write the very notion of function has inevitably committed structural functionalism to a perspective located within the sociology of regulation. 460 بر حسب توصيفي كه اين ديدگاه دربارة جامعه ميكند ،اين حقيقت مهم كه نياز ها يا شرايط الزم براي حيات سيستمهاي اجتماعي هر مفهوم كاركردي را تضمين مي كند ،كاركردگرايي ساختاري را ناگزير به ديدگاهي مقيد كرده است كه درون جامعه شناس ي نظم دهي قرار مي گيرد. 461 The current state of structural functionalism ranges from grand theory to abstracted empiricism with a general emphasis in the latter upon structure rather than function. 462 وضعيت موجود كاركردگرايي ساختاري در طيفي از ” نظرية كلن “ تا ” تجربه گرايي “ انتزاعي قرار مي گيرد كه در تجربه گرايي انتزاعي به جاي كاركرد بر ساختار تأكيد مي شود. 463 The notion of functional process which was so important to its founding fathers has, for the most part, either been ignored or lost. 464 مفهوم فرآيند كاركردي كه در نظر بنيان گذاران ديدگاه كاركردگرائي ساختاري از ا اهميت بسيار برخوردار بود عمدتا ناديده انگاشته شده يا از بين رفته است. 465 The qualification which were identified in drawing analogies between biological and social phenomena seem largely to have gone astray. 466 به نظر ميرسد شرايطي كه در ترسيم قياسها ميان پديده هاي زيستي و ا اجتماعي مشخص شده بودند عمدتا به بيراهه كشانده شدهاند. 467 Fostered by utilitarian demands for pragmatic theory and research geared to piecemeal social engineering – political, managerial, and the like. 468 بينشهاي نظري كه با تقاضا هاي سودجويانه براي نظريه و تحقيق عمل گرا كه با مهندس ي اجتماعي تدريجي ـ از قبيل سياس ي ،مديريتي و مانند آن ـ منطبق است. 469 Theoretical insights have been largely submerged under a deluge of empirical research. 470 ا عمدتا در سيلي از تحقيقات تجربي فرو رفته اند. 471 Indeed, structural functionalism as represented in the work of Radcliffe – Brown has proved a rare and transient phenomenon. 472 در واقع ،كاركردگرايي ساختاري آنچنانكه در كار رادكليف ـ براون ارائه شده است در عمل در عمل به صورت يك پديدة نادر و گذرا در آمده است. 473 Systems theory Since the early 1950s the systems approach has assumed increasing importance in various branches of social analysis. 474 نظرية سيستمها از اوايل دهة 1950رهيافت سيستمها در شاخههاي مختلف تحليل اجتماعي از اهميت فزايندهاي برخوردار شده اند. 475 In sociology, psychology, anthropology, archaeology, linguistics,organization theory, industrial relations, and many other social sience subjects, systems theory has become established as an important method of analysis. 476 Among the more prominent studies, it is worth citing by the way of illustration the work of Parsons(the social system, 1951), Homans(the human group, 1950), Katz and kahn(the social psychology of organizations, 1960), Easton(the political system, 1953), Dunlop(Industrial Relations Systems, 1958)and Buckly(sociology and modern systems theory, 1967). 477 Despite its popularity, however, the notion of system is an elusive one. 478 ولي ،علي رغم شهرت نظرية سيستمها ،مفهوم سيستم مفهومي مبهم ( اغفال كننده ) است. 479 Many books on systems theory do not offer a formal definition of the systems concept, and where a definition is attempted, it is usually one of considerable generality. 480 بسياري از كتاب هاي نگاشته شده دربارة نظرية سيستمها تعريف رسمي از سيستم ها ارائه نمي دهند ،و هر جا هم تلش ي در جهت تعريف اين ا واژه صورت گرفته ،معموال از كليت قابل ملحظهاي برخوردار بودهاند. 481 For example, Angyal suggests that there is a logical genus suitable to the treatment of wholes. 482 براي مثال آنجيال مطرح ميكند كه ” يك قسم منطقي كه مناسب با برخورد با كلها باشد وجود دارد“ . 483 We propose to call it system (Angyal,1941, p.243) 484 پيشنهاد ما اينست كه نام اين قسم منطقي را سيستم بگذاريم. 485 Again, in the words of von Bertalanffy, the founding father of general system theory, there are correspondences in the principles which govern the behavior of entities that are intrinsically, widely different. 486 همچنين ،به تعبير فون برتالفني بنيا نگذار نظرية عمومي سيستمها :در اصولي كه بر رفتار موجوديتهايي كه في حد نفسه تفاوتهاي گستردهاي دارند حاكم است همسانيهايي وجود دارد. 487 This correspondence is due to the fact that they all can be considered, in certain respects, as systems, that is, complexes of elements standing in interaction ( von Bertalanffy, 1956, pp. 1-2). 488 اين همساني ( مشابهت ) معلول اين حقيقت است كه تمام آن اصول را از جنبههايي خاص، مي توان به عنوان ،سيستمها در نظر گرفت ،به اين معني كه آنها مجموعهاي از عناصري هستند كه در تعامل با يكديگرند. 489 The notion of holism and interaction of parts are not exclusive to system theory, and skeletal definitions such as these have led many social scientists to the view that systems theory often represents little more than old conceptualizations dressed up in new and needlessly complex jargon. 490 مفاهيم كلي گرايي و تعامل اجزاء با هم مختص نظرية سيستمها نيست و تعاريف كلي همانند تعاريفي كه اشاره شد باعث شده است بسياري از دانشمندان اجتماعي به ا اين ديدگاه سوق يابند كه نظرية سيستمها غالبا چيزي بيش از مفهومسازيهاي قبلي نيست كه در پوشش ي جديد و زبابي بي جهت پيچيده بيان شده است. 491 For many, it is another case of the emperor having no clothes. 492 به عقيدة بسياري ،اين شكل ديگري است از امپراطور كه به سبب ا نداشتن لباس نميتوان او را كامل شناخت. 493 However, the situation is, in fact, much more sophisticated than this. 494 ولي در واقع ،وضعيت بسيار حساستر از اين است. 495 Von Bertalanffy wishes to use the notion of systems as a means of cutting through the substantive differences which exist between different academic disciplines. 496 فون برتالنفي درصدد است كه مفهوم سيستم را به عنوان ابزاري به كار برد كه از طريق آن تفاوتهاي اساس ي را كه بين رشتههاي مختلف دانشگاهي وجود دارد از بين ببرد. 497 The subject matter of chemistry, physics, biology, sociology, etc, are linked in his view by the fact that they study complexes of elements standing in interaction, that is, systems. 498 در ديد وي ،موضوع رشتههاي شيمي ،فيزيك، زيستشناس ي ،جامعهشناس ي ،و غيره بر مبناي اين واقعيت با هم مرتبطند كه همة آنها ” مجموعههايي از عناصر را كه در تعامل با يكديگرند “ بررس ي ميكنند و نام اين مجموعه ها سيستم است. 499 The task of his general systems theory is to discover the principles of organization which underlie such systems. 500 كار نظرية عمومي سيستمهاي برتالنفي اين است كه اصول سازماندهي را كه زير بناي اينگونه سيستمهاست كشف كند. 501 One of his general aims is to achieve a unity of science based upon the isomorphy of laws in different fields (von Bertalanffy, 1956, p.8). 502 يكي از مقاصد عمومي او اين است كه به ” وحدت علم “ كه مبتني بر همساني قوانين در حوزههاي مختلف است برسد. 503 In many respects von Bertalanffy’s aim can be regarded as archetypical of the positivist perspective: 504 از بسياري از جهات كار فون برتالنفي را مي توان نمونة آرماني از ديدگاه اثبات گرايي دانست : 505 It is based upon epistemological assumptions dominated by a concern to search for and explain the underlying regularities and structural uniformities which characterise the world in general. 506 كار او مبتني بر پيشفرضهاي شناختشناس ي است كه تحت الشعاع تحقيق و تبيين نظمهاي زير بنايي و همسانيهاي ساختاري است كه توصيف كنندة جهان در كل است. 507 However, his perspective differs from that of most positivists, in that he does not take his point of departure from the traditions of conventional science. 508 ولي ،ديدگاه وي از ديدگاه بيشتر اثبات گرايان ديگر در اين نكته متفاوت است كه او نقطة آغازين خود را از سنتهاي علوم متداول نميگيرد. 509 Indeed, the contrary is true. Von Bertalanffy is firmly set against the reductionism which characterises most areas of scientific endeavour, with its emphasis upon modes of enquiry based upon the methods and principles of conventional physics. 510 در واقع ،نقطة مقابل اين سنت دربارة وي ا صادق است .فون برتالنفي شديدا در مقابل كاهشگرايي ( جزء نگري ) كه بيشتر در قلمروهاي تلش علمي مطرح بوده و بر شيوههاي تحقيقي مبتني بر روشها و اصول فيزيكي سنتي تأكيد ميكند ميايستد. 511 He views his general systems theory as providing an alternative to this ; instead of reducing all phenomena of study to physical events, he advocates that we study them as systems. 512 او ميخواهد نظرية عمومي سيستمها ،جايگزيني براي اين جريان باشد .او بجاي تنزل كردن تمام پديدههاي تحت مطالعه به رويدادهاي فيزيكي ،از اين ديدگاه حمايت مي كند كه تمام آنها را تحت عنوان سيستمها مطالعه كنيم. 513 His positivism is thus of a non-traditional kind and is dominated by the metaphor of system as an organising concept. 514 درنتيجه ،نوع اثباتگرايي از نوع غير سنتي است و استعارة سيستم به عنوان مفهوم سازمان دهنده بر آن حاكم ميباشد. 515 Von Bertalanffy makes much use of the limitations of conventional physics as a means of advocating his general systems approach. 516 فون برتالنفي در حمايت از رهيافت نظرية عمومي سيستمهاي خود ،در موارد زيادي از محدوديتهاي فيزيك سنتي استفاده ميكند. 517 In this the difference between closed and open systems plays a very important part. 518 دراينباره ،تفاوت ميان سيستمهاي باز و بسته نقش بسيار مهمي ايفا ميكند. 519 Von Bertalanffy argues that conventional physics deals mainly with closed systems, that is, systems which are considered to be isolated from their environment. 520 او استدالل ميكند كه فيزيك سنتي ا عمدتا با سيستمهاي بسته ،يعني سيستمهايي كه مجزا از محيطشان در نظر گرفته ميشوند ،سروكار دارد. 521 The method of the controlled experiment, in which the subject of study is taken out of its environment and subjected to various tests, provides a very good example of this. 522 روش آزمايشهاي كنترل شده كه در آن موضوع مورد مطالعه از محيطش مجزا ميشود و در معرض آزمونهاي مختلف قرار ميگيرد مثال بسيار خوبي از اينگونه سيستمهاست. 523 Such closed systems are characterised by equilibrium. 524 اينگونه سيستمهاي بسته بامفهوم تعادل شناخته ميشوند. 525 As von Bertalanffy puts it, a closed system must, according to the second law of thermodynamics, eventually attain a time independent equilibrium state, with maximum entropy and minimum free energy, where the ratio between its phases remains constant(von Bertalanffy, 1950). 526 همچنان كه فون برتالنفي ميگويد ” يك سيستم بسته براساس قانون دوم ترموديناميك بايد سرانجام به يك حالت تعادل مستقل زماني با بيشترين روال و كمترين انرژي آزاد دست يابد كه در آن زمان نسبت بين مراحل آن ثابت ميماند“ . 527 Open systems are quite different, in that they are characterised by an exchange with their environment. 528 ا سيستمهاي باز ازاين جهت كامل متفاوت هستند كه با محيط خود در تبادل هستند انها با محيطشان مراوده دارند. 529 They engage in transactions with their environment, importing and exporting and changing themselves in the process. 530 A living organism provides a good example of an open system, since it maintains itself through a process of exchange with its environment, during the course of which there is a continuous building up and breaking down of component parts. 531 The concept of an open system is thus essentially processual. 532 Whilst a closed system must eventually obtain an equilibrium state, an open system will not. 533 Given certain conditions, an open system may achieve a steady state, homeostasis, in which the system remains constant as a whole and in its phases, though there is a constant flow of the component materials. 534 However, such a steady state is not a necessary condition of open systems. 535 This is a point of the utmost importance, and it needs to be emphasized. 536 An open system can take a wide variety of forms. There are no general laws which dictate that it must achieve a steady state, be goal directed, evolve, regress or disintegrate. 537 In theory, anything can happen. One of the purposes of open systems theory is to study the pattern of relationships which characterise a system and its relationship to its environment in order to understand the way in which it operates. 538 The open systems approach does not carry with it the implication that any one particular kind of analogy is appropriate for studying all systems, since it is possible to discern different types of open system in practice. 539 رهيافت سيستم هاي باز با خود اين پيامد را به همراه ندارد كه هر نوع خاص ي از قياس براي مطالعه تمام سيستم ها مناسب است، چون در عمل اين امكان وجود دارد كه به انواع متفاوتي از سيستم هاي باز پي برد. 540 The above point has not been clearly articulated and stressed in the literature on systems theory, at least not in the systems literature most often read by social scientists. 541 نكته فوق به طور واضح در متون موجود درباره نظريه سيستم ها ،حداقل در ادبيات ا سيستم ها كه دانشمندان اجتماعي غالبا آن را مطالعه ميكنند تبيين نشده و مورد تأكيد قرار نگرفته است. 542 As for as most social scientists are concerned, there are two types of systems perspectives; open and closed. 543 از نظر بيشتر دانشمندان اجتماعي دو نوع ديدگاه سيستمي وجود دارد؛ باز و بسته. 544 The fact that the former encompasses a whole range of possibilities is hardly ever recognized. 545 اين حقيقت كه اولي يعني ديدگاه سيستم باز طيف وسيعي از محتملت را شامل مي شود به ندرت به آن پرداخته شده است. 546 As a theoretical perspective in social science, the notion of a closed system tends to be avoided like a dreaded disease. 547 از مفهوم نظام بسته ،به عنوان ديدگاه نظري در علوم اجتماعي، همانند مرض ي مخوف دوري شده است. 548 Von Bertalanffy’s argument that closed systems are characterized by isolation from their environment has proved overwhelmingly successful in persuading social theorists that the closed systems approach is inappropriate as a guiding principle for the conceptualization of social phenomena. 549 استدالل فونبرتالنفي درباره اين كه مشخصه اصلي سيستم هاي بسته جدايي از محيطشان است، موفقيت خود را در متقاعد كردن نظريه پرداران درباره نامناسب بودن رهيافت سيستم هاي بسته به عنوان اصلي راهنما جهت مفهوم سازي پديده هاي اجتماعي ا كامل نشان داده است. 550 Indeed, it has become almost obligatory for social systems theorists to decry the inadequacies of closed system theorizing, and the sport of attacking exponents of this now redundant perspective has become an extremely popular one. 551 در واقع ،براي نظريه پردازان سيستم هاي اجتماعي يك امر الزامي شده است كه از نارساييهاي نظريه پردازي نظام بسته انتقاد كنند ،و مسابقه تاختن به طرفداران اين ديدگاه كه هم اكنون ديدگاهي زائد و بي ثمر به حساب مي آيد به مسابقه اي بسيار متداول تبديل شده است. 552 In the field of organization studies, for example, an attack upon the closed system thinking implicit in Weber’s model of bureaucracy or classical management theory provides a convenient springboard for lauding the praises of the contemporary perspective of open systems theory. 553 Paradoxically, however, as a method of analysis the notion of a closed system is still dominant in many areas of social enquiry. 554 555 The use of controlled experiments and interview programmes, and the attempt to measure social phenomena through attitude questionnaires, all provide examples of closed system methodologies based upon the assumption that the environment generated by the investigation has no impact upon the subject of study. 556 557 The paradox is compounded by the fact that such closed system methodologies are often employed within the context of theoretical perspectives which emphasise the importance of an open systems approach. 558 559 This link between theory and method is an extremely problematic one in many areas of social science. 560 The majority of systems models used in the social sciences tend to be based upon mechanical and biological analogies, though in recent years increasing attention has been paid to cybernetic models as a basis of analysis. 561 The mechanical models have been derived directly from the physical sciences and tend to be underwritten by the assumption that the system has a tendency to achieve an equilibrium state. 562 Since, as we have already noted, equilibrium is only possible in closed systems, does this imply that all those theorists using mechanical models are working upon closed system principles? 563 To the extent that most of these theorists recognize the influence of the environment, the answer is no. 564 Though adhering to the underlying concept of equilibrium- albeit mistakenly in theoretical terms- they modify their analysis to allow for the fact that disequilibrium is a very common feature of the system; or that the situation is one of dynamic equilibrium,with system moving from one equilibrium state to to another,or that the system is characterized by homeostasis. 565 All these three strategies can be understood as attempts to save the notion of equilibrium as an organizing concept in open system situations where it is fundamentally inappropriate. 566 Homeostasis is an acceptable open system concept, but it implies an organismic as opposed to a mechanical analogy as an organizing principle. 567 Mechanical models of social systems, therefore, tend to be characterized by a number of theoretical contradictions and are thus of very limited value as methods of analysis in situations where the environment of the subject of study is of any real significance. 568 Among the most sophisticated and systematically developed mechanical equilibrium models in social science are those developed by Harvard School of sociologists, who took their lead from Pareto and L. J. Henderson. 569 Of these the models of Parsons(1951), Homans(1950), Barnard(1938), Mayo(1933), and Roethlisberger and Dickson(1939), are perhaps the best known and most readily recognized. 570 As noted earlier, the organismic analogy is built into Parsons(1951)analysis of the social system.It is also found in the work of Katz and Kahn(1966), the Tavistock group of researchers, for example, Miller and Rice(1967), and countless other systems theorists, particularly those who have addressed themselves to the study of organizations. 571 Such analyses are usually organized around general principles such as the following: (a) that the system can be identified by some sort of boundary which differentiates it from its environment; 572 (b) That the system is essentially processual in nature; ( c ) that this process can be conceptualized in terms of a basic model which focuses upon input, throughput, output and feedback; 573 (d) That the overall operation of the system can be understood in terms of the satisfaction of system needs geared to survival or the achievement of homeostasis; 574 (e) That the system is composed of subsystems which contribute to the satisfaction of the system’s overall needs; (f) that these subsystems, which themselves have identifiable boundaries, are in a state of mutual interdependence, both internally and in relation to their environment; 575 (g) That the operation of the system can be observed in terms of the behavior of its constituent elements; (h) that the critical activities within the context of system operation are those which involve boundary transactions, both internally between subsystems and externally in relation to the environment. 576 Most of these general principles apply to open systems of all kinds. Of particular importance as far as the organismic analogy is concerned are those which imply that the system has ‘needs’; that these are necessarily geared to survival or homeostasis; and that the subsystems contribute to the well-being of the system as a whole. 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 Buckley’s analysis opens up new horizons as far as systems theory in social science is concerned. 587 Buckley’s morphogenic view of society takes him away from that of the majority of more conventional social systems theorists, in that he sees social structure as emerging from the process of social interaction. 588 He argues that in the realm of human activity it is the morphogenic nature of social arrangements which is all important, and that systems models adequate for the task of analysing these processes need to be adopted. 589 Walter buckley(1967) has provided a critique of the inadequacies of conventional models used in social science in similar terms. 590 It illustrates that systems analysis need not be confined to the use of a particular kind of well-worn analogy, such as that of the organism. 591 Other choices offer themselves for consideration. One of these, which has already been explored to a certain extent, is that of the cybernetic model. 592 Cybernetics has concerned itself with the study of phenomena which behave as if they had goals. 593 More specifically, it is concerned with the theory of complex interlocking ‘chains of causation’ from which goal seeking and self-controlling forms of behaviour emerge. 594 Cybernetic models seek to cut through the substantive differences which exist between, for example, machines and organisms, in an attempt to focus upon common systems. 595 Such models offer a useful alternative to the traditional social system analogies in situations where the study of social regulation or social engineering is a primary concern. 596 Other analogies also offer themselves as a basis for systems analysis. If the concern is to study situations in which conflictual relationships tend to predominate, then an analogy which emphasises that the system has a tendency to break up or divide may be more approperiate. 597 ‘Factional’ or ‘catastrophic’ systems models may provide a better explanation of the subject under study. 598 One of the central problems facing the systems analyst is that of choosing an analogy which reflects the basic nature of the phenomena to be investigated. 599 Figure 4.1 presents an array of systems models arranged along a continuum describing the extent to which they emphasize order and stability as opposed to conflict and change as a normal tendency in system operation. 600 Type of system analogy Mechanical organismic Morphogeni Fractional catastro Principal tendency Equilibrium Homeostasis Order and stability Structure Turbulent elaboration division Conflict and change Complete reorganization 601 In certain respects a rough parallel can be drawn between this continuum and the regulationradical change dimension of the analytical scheme which we are using to differentiate between paradigms in social theory. 602 Generally speaking, the mechanical, organismic and morphogenic models are consistent with a perspective characteristic of the functionalist paradigm; the other two models are more characteristic of the radical structuralist paradigm. 603 The emphasis in our discussion here has been placed upon the fact that systems theory in principle is not liked to the use of any one particular type of analogy. 604 The fact that most applications have been based upon the mechanical and organismic models, especially the latter, has often disguised this fact. 605 The focus in modern systems theory is upon the way in which a system is organized internally and in relation to its environment. It seeks to penetrate beyond the substantive nature of machine, organism or whatever to reveal its principle of organization. 606 Systems theory is about organization –the organization of ‘complexes of elements standing in interaction’, to use von Bertalanffy’s words . 607 The automatic selection of one particular kind of analogy to represent a system pre-empts systems analysis, since each kind of analogy presumes a specific kind of structure and concommitant pattern of information process, exchange, behavior and the like. 608 The selection of a particular type of analogy to represent a system in advance of a detailed analysis of its structure and mode of operation is akin to prescription in advance of diagnosis. 609 This has been the principal problem with systems analysis in social science. 610 It will be clear from the above discussion that systems theory is not intrinsically tied to any specific view of social reality, except insofar as its general positivist orientation implies a social world characterized by some form of order and regularity which can be captured in the notion of ‘system’ 611 Classical Influences on Organization Theory: There are really two streams contained within what organization theorists now call the Classical school. 612 The sociological stream focused on the changing shapes and roles of formal organizations within society and the broader influences of industrialization on the nature of work and its consequences for workers. 613 This was the interest of classical scholars such as Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx. 614 The other stream comprises what organization theorists sometimes call Classical management theory to distinguish it from the more sociological approach. 615 This stream was shaped by Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol,and Chester Barnard, among others , and focused on the practical problems faced by managers of industrial organizations 616 In a way, the tension between theory and practice that has been present in organization theory since its inception can be traced to these two influential streams of Classical thought. 617 The ideas of both streams can be traced back even further to the influence of the famous politicaleconomist Adam Smith. 618 I will introduce you to some of the ideas of these influential pioneers of social science and suggest links between their ideas and the three perspectives of organization theory. 619 Since organization theory did not emerge as a recognizable field of study until sometime in the 1960s,what is called the Classical period is really part of its prehistory. 620 Adam Smith, PoliticalEconomist(Scottish) If you search for the origins of organization theory, you will most likely meet the politicaleconomist Adam Smith, who, in 1776,published The Wealth of Nations. 621 In this book, Smith described techniques of pin manufacturing and, in doing so, was the first to record and explain the efficiencies inherent in the division of labor. 622 The division of labor has to do with the differentiation of work tasks and the resulting specialization of labor, ideas that are central to the concept of social structure in organizations. 623 This is why many organization theorists give Smith the place of honor in their intellectual histories. 624 Karl Marx,PhilosopherEconomist(German) Karl Marx is perhaps best known for his theory of capital and related ideas about alienation. 625 The theory of capital is built upon Marx’s belief that collective work, or labor, forms the foundation for the social world. 626 He sees labor as emerging from physical needs defined by the fundamental relationship between humans and their physical environment. 627 Society and culture then emerge from the challenges presented by discovering that collective work is more productive than individual work. 628 In other words, the human need to survive, which derives from the dangers and opportunities presented by the physical world, leads to the emergence of the social and cultural world. 629 The particular form taken by the social and cultural world, which then acts back upon the physical world, is subject to the relations of power worked out politically between those who compromise and organize the labor-based collective. 630 In his theory of capital,Marx argued that capitalism rests upon a fundamental antagonism between the interests of capital(capitalists,e.g.,the owners of factories and the means of production) and those of labor(i.e.,the workers whose activities form the core of the production process). 631 The antagonism, in part,arises over how to divide the surplus value(i.e. excess profits)generated by the combination of labor and capital produced when products or services are exchanged on a market at a price that is higher than production costs. 632 Each side, naturally, argues that the surplus should belong to them,and therefore the capitalist system is characterized by a struggle between the interests of capital and those of labor. 633 But antagonism between labor and capital also arises from the necessity to ensure profitability. 634 Without profitability, the survival of the individual firm and the entire capitalist economy would be in jeopardy. 635 Profitability depends upon the organization and control of work activity. 636 This is because competition from other firms puts downward pressure on the prices for a firm’s products and services, which translates into a need to reduce the costs of production, of which labor is a large component. 637 This encourages capitalists to pressure labor to work more efficiently,which is accomplished by inventing new forms of managerial control over workers and work processes. 638 The control systems become additional sources of antagonism between management and workers who attempt to resist this control. 639 Marxist theory considers control to be one of the key themes of organization theory, which in Classical management theory and modernist organization theory is interpreted as a primary function of the executive, and in postmodern theories becomes a foundation for critiques of managerialism. 640 Because capitalists own the means of production(i.e., the plant, equipment, and other necessities of economic enterprise),they often have greater political power to design organizational control systems than do their workers who depend upon them to supply employment,machines, and other resources needed to transform their labor potential into marketable products or services. 641 Capitalists tend to use their greater power to further disempower workers, for example, by replacing worker control over work with managerial control, creating competition among workers via differential pay or through the division of labor. 642 All of these tactics reduce the workers’ collective political influence and hence their ability to resist management’s efforts to control them. 643 Once labor is defined as a cost of production,rather than as a means to achieve a collective purpose for the good of society,workers are disenfranchised from the product of their own work efforts,a condition that Marx characterized as alienation. 644 According to Marx, alienation occurs when labor is transformed into a commodity to be bought and sold on an exchange market, which leaves humans with only an instrumental relationship with one another based on the economic value of their labor potential. 645 Unless the workers organize their resistance(e.g.,via unions), managerial exploitation and the disempowerment and alienation of workers will grow unabated. 646 Thus, according to Marx, the result of antagonism between capital and labor is build up of institutionalized forms of mutual control and resistance(e.g., management vs.unions)temporarily held in place by the dynamics of a capitalist economy. 647 This line of thinking has been a major influence on contemporary discussions in industrial sociology and labor process theory. 648 Emile Durkheim, Sociologist(French) Over one hundred years after Smith introduced the concept of the division of labor,French sociologist Emile Durkheim wrote his book on the subject. 649 In The Division of Labor in Society,published in 1893, Durkheim extended the concept of the division of labor beyond manufacturing organizations to explain the structural shift from agricultural to industrial societies that accomplished the industrial revolution. 650 Durkheim described this shift in terms of increases in specialization, hierarchy, and the interdependence of work tasks. 651 Early modernist organization theorists regarded these concepts as key dimensions for defining and describing complex organizations. 652 Durkheim also proposed the distinction between formal and informal aspects of organizations and emphasized the need to attend to workers’ social needs as well as the demands of formally organizing their work efforts. 653 The theme of social needs is of major interest within the fields of organizational behavior, and industrial and organizational psychology. 654 The distinction between formal and informal aspects of organizing exposed the tension between economic and humanistic aspects of organizing that vex organizers and have traditionally divided organization theorists into opposing camps. 655 In addition to his work on the division of labor, Durkheim made a major contribution to establishing sociology as a scientific discipline through his work on methodology. 656 Particularly with his books The Rules of Sociological Method and Suicide, which emphasized objective measurement and statistical description and analysis, Durkheim helped lay positivistic methodological foundations, not only for sociology, but also for modernist organization theory. 657 Frederick Winslow Taylor, Founder of Scientific Management(American) At the turn of the century, Frederick W. Taylor proposed applying scientific methods to discover the most efficient working techniques for manual forms of labor. 658 Taylor called his approach Scientific Management, and he claimed that its successful application would fully exploit the efficiencies of specialized labor through the close supervision of employees carrying out highly specialized physical work. 659 Efficiency was to be encouraged and supported by a piece-rate incentive system in which workers were paid according to the amount of work of a pre-specified nature that they performed in a given period of time 660 The new system permitted management to define the tasks that workers performed, and also determine how they approached these tasks. 661 Notice also how Taylor’s method shifted control of work tasks from craftsworkers to management. 662 In Taylor’s view, Scientific Management was a direct attack on worker soldiering, a practice in which workers limited their output in the interests of maximizing their incomes and assuring job protection for themselves and fellow workers. 663 ( workers reasoned that a given amount of work done slowly requires more workers). 664 Taylor’s system undermined the authority of the workers and their master craftsmen by introducing managerial control and supervision, and by offering differential pay for performance which eroded worker solidarity. 665 These aspects of Scientific Management earned it considerable and lasting ill-repute as being ruinously ignorant of the trust and cooperation between management and workers upon which organizations depend. 666 So much furor was created by Taylor that Scientific Management was the subject of an American Congressional investigation. 667 This controversy has recently re-emerged in postmodern criticism of modernist management practices where Taylorism and its subsequent developments by Henry Ford (involving the mass-production assembly line which some postmodernists refer to as Fordism) are a favorite target along with the Tayloristic practices associated with the total quality management(TQM) movement. 668 Perhaps the most enduring image of Taylor is as a promoter of rationalization in organizations. 669 His belief in the powers of objective measurement and the discovery of laws governing work efficiency are carried into the modernist perspective in organization theory where Taylor’s techniques lay the groundwork for management control systems. 670 Today, postmodern organization theorists reinterpret Taylorism as an early manifestation of the managerial ideology of control. 671 They see Taylor’s system, not so much as a means of the value for rationality that was unquestioningly accepted during the early part of the twentieth century. 672 In this view, Taylorism legitimizes management, particularly in its role as control agent, by asserting that the practices of Scientific Management must be accepted because they are rational. 673 Henri Fayol, Engineer, CEO, and Administrative Theorist(Fremch) 674 675