Final Exam Review Powerpoint

Period One
Final Exam Review
Please use these with the idea that they are
student generated and may be missing some
information. Use they and ask yourself the
following question, “Is all the information that I
need here and correct?”
Leader of Young Italy(1)
Mazzini started the organization “Young
Italy” to which he gave a sort of devout,
religious spirit, and which was to prove
one of the most efficient agencies for the
diffusion of the principles of freedom and
the idea of union
2. Reason for end of
Bismarck’s reign in Prussia
Bismarck had succeeded in unifying Germany, but Prussia’s
dominance created political discontent. After Kaiser William I
died in 1888, his son Frederick III succeeded him, but died
very quickly. William II, a proponent of militarism, became the
new emperor. His belief in the absolute authority of the
emperor, brought him into conflict with Bismarck. In 1890,
Bismarck offered his resignation, and the kaiser accepted it.
#3- Definitions of Nationalism
• na⋅tion⋅al⋅ism:
• –noun
– 1. national spirit or aspirations.
– 2. devotion and loyalty to one's own nation.
Nationalism was often expressed during
World War I. Nations like Germany relied on
nationalism to motivate their troops, and their citizens.
Ironically, though, Germany lost World War I.
A synonym for nationalism is patriotism.
4. Garibaldi
• Leader of Southern
Italian Nationalists
• 1860- Turned over all
Southern Italy
conquests to Victor
Emmanuel II to unify
5.) Bismarck
When the Germans were not united
because religious, economical, social
and political differences Bismarck took
charge of policy in Germany.
Bismarck made a campaign against
the church by expelling Jesuits in
1872. Then he passed the may laws to
destroy catholic influence.
At the end of the 1800’s Germany
became a major industrial power.
Bismarck banned all socialist
movements because he thought that
any socialist party was out to change
the government. This didn’t last long
The ideas of divine right of kings
clashed so Bismarck threatened to
resign and William II accepted .
6. Triple Entente
• Consisted of France,
Great Britain, Russia.
• Formed in 1907
because of the
Russians fear of
growth in the German
7. Triple Alliance
In 1873, Otto Von Bismarck
created the Three
Emperor’s League,
uniting Germany, AustriaHungary, and Russia.
When this failed,
Bismarck created the
Triple Alliance in 1882,
which included Italy,
Germany, and Austria
8. Allied Powers
• The Allied Powers were the countries at war with the
Central Powers during World War I. The main allies
were the Russian Empire, United Kingdom, Canada,
Australia, Italy, the Empire of Japan, and the United
States. France, Russia, and the United Kingdom
(including its empire) Entered war in 1914 ( Many other
countries joined later in the war)
9. Central Powers
• Germany, AustriaHungary, Ottoman
Empire, and Bulgaria
• Previously called
Triple Alliance
Central Powers in olive green
10.) Nationalism
• Dedicated groups of
Italians and Germans
worked to unify their
territories into one nation
in the 1800s.
• Nationalism became one
of the most powerful
forces at working Europe
during the 1800s
• Nationalism-The desire
for national independents
that inspires other beings.
11. What Was The Schlieffen Plan?
• The Schlieffen plan was a war plan, devised by
the German army's chief of staff, Count Alfred
von Schlieffen, which was put into effect by
Germany in the First World War. It was designed
to cope with the anticipated need for Germany to
have to fight a war on two fronts, against France
in the West and Russia in the East. The goal was
to use the great bulk of Germany's armed forces
against France in the early stages of the war, in
the hope of defeating it quickly, and allowing
German forces to then redeploy to meet the
threat from the East. German strategists believed
that the large but inefficient Russian army would
be slow to mobilize, giving them a month or two
in which to knock France out of the war before
they would be forced to deal with the expected
Russian attack
12 : Reasons for US Entry
• The United States originally
pursued a policy of
isolationism, avoiding conflict
while trying to broker a peace.
This resulted in increased
tensions with Berlin and
London. When a German Uboat sank the British liner
Lusitania in 1915, with 128
Americans aboard, U.S.
President Woodrow Wilson
vowed, "America is too proud
to fight" and demanded an end
to attacks on passenger ships.
14. Date of American Entry Into
• Wilson went to
Congress to request
declaration of war.
• Passed on April 2,
15.) Peace Conference Following
Armistice Day
• 27 nations gathered in
Paris for the Paris peace
conference. Leaders
from the nations worked
out 5 separate peace
treaties. There was a
large gap between
Wilsons idealistic goals
and the nationalistic goals
of the French, Italian and
British.( the big four)
16. Treaty of Versailles Participants
•The treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the
end of World War I which demanded exorbitant reparations from the
17 : Provisions of treaty of
•Kept Germany under blockade until
they signed
•Made Germany pay enormous war
reparations (payment) and give
territory to the victors.
•Unable to pay, so she barrowed
money from U.S.
•Caused enormous bitterness in
•Nazi used the bitterness to start
their movement
•The debt caused Germany’s
Economy to fail
18. Assassination of the Archduke
Franz Ferdinand
• June 28th 1914 Archduke Franz
Ferdinand was shot dead in
Sarajevo by an assassin from
the black hand. This
organization was against an
alliance with Austria-Hungary.
19. WWI Timeline of Events
• 6/28/1914: Archduke
Ferdinand assassinated in
Sarajevo/blame Serbia
• 7/23/1914: Austria-Hungary
gives Serbia ultimatum
• 7/28/1914: Austria-Hungary
declares war on Serbia
• 7/30/1914: Russia begins to
mobilize troops
• 8/1/1914: Germany declares
war on Russia
• 8/3/1914: Germany declares
war on France
• 8/4/1914: Britain declares war
on Germany
20.) Characteristics Of The
Western Front
• There was heavy warfare, it
was France and the UK
against Germany, there were
many casualties. The Western
Front was situated between
France and Germany. The
Line was heavily static, mostly
made up of opposing trenches.
Huge artillery was used, which
caused the majority of the
causalities. Direct frontal
assualts also were rendered
obsolete because in the face of
modern technology like the
machine gun, they resulted in
immense casualties.
21. Kellogg-Brian Pact
agreement, signed Aug. 27, 1928
it failed to halt aggression in the 1930s
was one of many international efforts to prevent
another World War
22. Militarism
• Militarism is defined as
the glorification of war
and the military. Prior to
WWI, European
countries compared
militaries, and after
1870, all the powers
except Great Britain
conscription, or the
military draft.
23. Goal of Serbian Nationalist
• The goal of the Serbian Nationalist was to
keep Serbia an independent nation.
24. Reason for Russia’s Entry Into
• Austria-Hungary
declared war on
Serbia and then
Serbia asked Russia
to create an alliance
and step in to aid in
their war effort.
Purpose of Propaganda(26)
• Information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely
to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution,
• Propaganda ensured that the people only got to know
what their governments wanted them to know.
Britain's portrayal of Germany
# 28- War of Attrition
• The war of attrition was a stand-still in the
western front.
• Trench warfare started.
• WWI became a war of attrition because
both sides started to use frequent attacks
to wear down the other side.
29. Reason for Russia’s Removal
from WWI
• In March 1918,
Russia signed the
Treaty of Bresttitovisk
in losing much
territory and 1/3 of the
30.) Leader Responsible For
Russian Withdraw In WWI
• Lenin
31. Sinking of the Lusitania
• Sunk by the
German submarine
• The United States
was outraged and
declared war on
32. Zimmerman Note :]
• The Zimmerman Note
was a telegram sent by
German foreign minister
Arthur Zimmerman to his
ambassador to Mexico.
The note promised that
Germany would help
Mexico regain American
territory. This created
much tension between
Germany and the US.
# 33- The difference between Marxism and
Russian Communism
 Marxism- The society is ruled by the
 Soviet Communism- A strong government
(a dictatorship-Lenin) controls society. It is
more socialist than communist.
34. Wilson’s 14 Points
• A peace plan whose
terms included
recognition of
freedom of the seas
and trade, limitation
on arms, and end to
all secret alliances.
• Also called for just
settlements of
colonial claims
35.) G.B and Frances Goal for
Germany Following WWI
• The Treaty of Versailles
limited Germany’s power.
• Limited the arms of
• Germany lost all of her
• Reparations were to be
paid by Germany to all
the Allies for property
damage and the cost of
the Allies fighting the war.
36. Declarations of war that began WWI
A formal declaration issued by a national government indicating that a
state of war exists between that nation and another. Austria-Hungary
declares war on Serbia, Russia on A-H, Germany on Russia, France on
Germany, England on Germany
37. Reason Why Britain entered
Because Russia, Britain and France had an alliance
called the Triple Entente. When Austria-Hungary
invaded Serbia following the assassination of the
heir-apparent to the throne of Austria-Hungary
(Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria) Russia joined
in to help Serbia per a separate agreement. Germany,
an ally of Austria-Hungary, then declared war on
Russia and France and began to move troops
through the neutral sovereign state of Belgium to
attack France. In order to protect France from being
captured, and in order to fulfill the obligations of its
alliance, Britain entered the War.
38. Causes of WW1
• In Sarajevo, in 1914 the Austrian Archduke Franz
Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serb, Gavrilo Princip.
• Disputes over territory, especially Morocco and the
Agadir crisis
• The rise of Serbia, trouble in Bosnia-Herzegovina (a
region heavily populated with Serbs)
• Austria-Hungary's suspicions of Serbia.
• Turmoil in The Ottoman Empire, Balkan crisis
• Imperialism
• Nationalism
• Expansionism
• Intense competition & power struggles among the
European nations.
39. Powder Keg of Europe
• Ottoman Empire
began to fall and
Greece became
independent in 1829
which led to the
protest of the treaty.
40.) Technological Advances
• Advancements in
technology changed
warfare forever.
• Submarines and
airplanes moved combat
from not only land but
also to water and the air.
• Newer weapons were
used such as poisonous
gas, machine guns etc.
This created more fear.
41. Characteristics of the Eastern
• Flat
• Moved around a lot
while the Western
front stayed still
• Located in centraleastern Europe
44. Total War
• Governments directed
all people and
resources to the war
45.) Isolationism
• Wars that don’t
involve territorial
defense should be
avoided, legal barriers
to control trade,
immigration and
Causes of WWII(46)
• The culmination of events that led to WWII are generally
understood to be the 1939 invasion of Poland by Nazi
Germany and the 1937 invasion of the Republic of China
by the Empire of Japan. These military aggressions were
the decisions made by authoritarian ruling elites in
Germany and Japan. World War II started after these
aggressive actions were met with an official declaration
of war and armed resistance.
Destroyer USS Shaw
exploded after her forward
magazine was detonated
during the Attack on Pearl
47. Characteristics of Fascism
Fascism is an aggressive,
radical form of nationalism
with an emphasis on the
state rather than the
49) Weakness of the Weimar
• Lasted in Germany from 1919 to 1933
• Made Germany a democracy
• It had political instability and a lot of violence
50.) Rise Of Mussolini
• Mussolini was the dictator
of Italy and lead them into
fascism. Ex. The march
on Rome began Oct. 28,
1922 which made
Mussolini get what he
wanted by having an
army sent to attack Italy if
he was not made prime
minister by the king and
the king had no choice to
accept this order.
51. Countries Upset With Treaty of Versailles
52. Types of Governments in 1920s
Germany: fascist dictatorship under Hitler
Italy: fascist dictatorship under Mussolini
Japan: military ruled
USSR: a communist government was
beginning to evolve under Stalin after the
ousting of the Czar
53. Beginning of the Great Depression
The Great Depression was triggered by a
sudden, total collapse in the stock market.
(Massive bank failures too)
The stock market crash on October 29, 1929,
also known as Black Tuesday.
The Great Depression was a worldwide
economic downturn starting in most places in
1929 and ending at different times in the
1930s or early 1940s for different countries
(1941 for U.S). It was the largest and most
important economic depression in the 20th
54. Soviet Communism Under
• Vladimir IIyich Ulyanov, also
known as Lenin and the
Bolsheviks introduced war
communism in 1918
• Under war communism the
policy of nationalism was
carried which brought state
control under all major
• War communism implied that
those who eat must work; the
government required that
everybody between the ages
of 16 to 50 had to be working
55.) Communist Leaders
• Mao Zedong
• Jospeh Stalin
• Kim ll Sung
56. Hitler’s Early Life
57 : Characteristics of Global
Many countries in bankruptcy
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
If this number is low, then
countries are loseing money.
Spending more than they are
58. Reason Stalin Gained Control
Of Russia
• Russia was in a very bad
state. It was weak from
past conflicts so under
Stalin it slowly began to
rise up in power.
59) Stalin’s Reforms
• Ended Lenin’s New
Economic Plan
• Created the Five-Year
Plans which brought
al industrial and
agricultural production
under government
• Collective farms
60.) Weimar Republic
• Meeting in Weimar,
the assembly drafted
a constitution for
Germany establishing
a democratic republic.
• Lasted from 19191933.
League of Nations(61)
• The League of Nations came into being after the end of
World War One. The League of Nation's task was simple
- to ensure that war never broke out again. After the
turmoil caused by the Versailles Treaty, many looked to
the League to bring stability to the world.
assembly in
the League
of Nations
63. Rhineland
• The Rhineland was
taken from Germany
by the allied powers.
64. Appeasement
• Chamberlin thought a
policy of appeasement,
granting concessions
to maintain peace,
would stabilize Europe.
65.) Fascism
• A political philosophy
based on nationalism
and an all powerful
state. Doing
whatever it takes in
order to benefit your
country. (Nationalism
on Steroids)
66.Mein Kampf
• Hitler began the dictation of the book
while imprisoned after his failed
revolution in Munich in November
• Explains the military conquests later
attempted by Hitler and the Germans
• Explains Hitler’s plans for Germany
67 : Munich Conference
Agreement regarding Sudetenland
Held in Munich Germany
Among the major powers of
Europe not including Chez.
Leaders; Adolf Hitler, Neville
Chamberlain, Benito Mussolini and
Édouard Daladier signed the
Munich Agreement.
Act of appeasement
The decion that allowed the
annexation of Sudetenland by
Number 68- Spanish Civil
• From 1936-1939
• Practice for the German Luftwaffe
(air force)
• War was between loyalists and
the nationalists.
69. Kristallnacht
• On November 9th and
10th,1938, Nazis
attacked Jews on the
street and vandalized
Jewish property.
Hitler's secret police
the Gestapo, arrested
Jews and political
opponents by the
70.) Franklin D. Roosevelt
• 32nd president of the
united states, was
president through the
great depression.
Was president
through all of world
war 2. Worked with
Winston Churchill to
help end world war 2
71. Churchill
• supporter of social reform
argued that Britain and France should form of a
military alliance with the Soviet Union.
72. Stalin
Stalin became the leader of the Soviet Union following
Lenin’s death in 1924. Stalin launched a command
economy, replacing the New Economic Policy of the
1920s with Five-Year Plans and launching a period of
rapid industrialization and economic collectivization.
Stalin installed communist governments in most of
Eastern Europe, forming the Eastern bloc, behind what
was referred to as an "Iron Curtain" of Soviet rule. This
launched the long period of antagonism known as the
Cold War.
Number 73- Harry S. Truman
•The 33rd President of the U.S.
•Succeeded Franklin D. Roosevelt.
•During World War I, he served as an artillery officer;
making him the only president to have seen combat in
World War I.
•Truman's presidency was also eventful in:
• foreign affairs
•The end of World War II and his decision to use
nuclear weapons against Japan
•The founding of the United Nations
•The Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe
•The Truman Doctrine to contain Communism
• The beginning of the Cold War
•The creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
• The Korean War
74. Mussolini
• Benito Mussolini led
Italian troops to
invade Ethiopia in
• The League of
Nations gives Italy
sanctions but they
didn’t do anything to
stop Mussolini
• Mussolini annexes
Ethiopia in May 1936
75.) Auschwitz
• The largest
concentration camp
during World War II.
Jews were put to
work, tortured and
76. Eisenhower
• During WWII he
served as a
commander of the
allied forces in
• Supervised the
successful invasion
of Germany in 1945
77. Hiroshima
On Monday, August 6, 1945 at
8:15 AM, the nuclear weapon
Little Boy was dropped on
Hiroshima by the crew of the
American B-29 bomber Enola
estimated 80,000 people. By
the end of the year, injury and
casualties to 90,000-140,000.
Approximately 69% of the city's
were completely
destroyed, and 6.6% severely
damaged. Hiroshima was a
major weapon stock hold.
Number 78- Advantages to
• Blitzkrieg (lightning war) lived up to its name to be
extremely fast war to help Germany conquer
• They caught the enemy by surprise.
• Blitzkrieg was how the Nazi's conquered Poland.
79. Event that begins WWII
• Hitler launched Operation
Barbarossa which was a
massive attack on Russia
for land on June 2nd,
• Mussolini declares war on
France and Great Britain
on June 10th, 1940 during
his attempt to build a
Mediterranean empire
80.) Island-Hopping
• The American strategy in
the Pacific during World
War II. It involved a
leapfrogging movement
of American forces from
one strategic island to the
next until American forces
were in control of the
Pacific and prepared to
invade Japan.
Scorched Earth Policy(81)
• The policy of devastating all land and buildings in the
course of advancing or retreating troops so as to leave
nothing salvageable to the enemy.
• Also the Soviet-Union used this policy in The Operation
Stalin used this
strategy which
eventually defeated
82. Manhattan Project
The Manhattan Project was the
codename for a project conducted
during World War II, primarily by the
United States, to develop the first
atomic bomb. Formally designated
as the Manhattan Engineer
District (MED), it refers specifically
to the period of the project from
1942–1946. The scientific research
was directed by American physicist
J. Robert Oppenheimer. The
project's roots lay in scientists' fears
since the 1930s that Nazi Germany
was also investigating nuclear
weapons of its own. Born out of a
small research program in 1939, the
Manhattan Project eventually
employed more than 130,000
people and cost nearly $2 billion
Number 83- Hitler’s plan for the
• Adolf Hitler’s original plan for Jews was to
literally ship them off to Madagascar. But it
was too expensive and took too much
• To defeat the time issue, Hitler built
concentration death camps and shipped
Jews to them. Conditions were terrible,
and they were made to exterminate the
Jewish race, and to make supplies for the
German Army.
84. Reasons for Hitler’s Decision to
Invade USSR
• His decision was for
the reason of the
need for a swiftly
ending war, and they
felt this was a better
alternative than
invading the British
85.) Weaknesses Of The League
Of Nations
• When congress failed
to ratify the Treaty of
Versailles in 1919, it
also rejected
membership in the
• With out the U.S., the
League was
86.Reason for U.S. Entering the
• Reason: Bombing
of Pearl Harbor
• Occurred Sunday
December 7, 1941
• Surprise Attack
• Used Japanese
Suicide bombers
87. Last German Offensive
The Battle of the Bulge or The
December 1944 – 25 January
1945) was a major German
offensive launched towards the
end of World War II through the
forested Ardennes Mountains
region of Belgium. Germany’s
operations was to split the British
and American Allied line in half,
capturing Antwerp, Belgium, and
then proceeding to encircle and
destroy four Allied armies,
forcing the Western Allies to
negotiate a peace treaty in the
Axis Powers’ favor.
Number 88- D-Day
• June 6, 1944
• When Allied forces launched the Invasion
of Normandy.
89. “Final Solution”
• A shortened
translation of what we
know as Hitler’s
Holocaust, to
eliminate the
“problem” AKA Jews
Reason for the “Cold War”(91)
• In the 1980’s there were war tensions between the U.S
and the soviets (2 super powers).
• The U.S was losing its dominance in the “global market”
• Also the U.S had changed from a lending nation to a
borrowing nation (Regan & Bush).
Pictures of the
92. Reasons for “Cold War” vs.
“Hot War”
A cold war is a war that is fought politically
by diplomacy with no actual shot being
fired while a hot war is a war where
military action is used. The Cold War takes
its name because the U.S. and U.S.S.R.
made threatening moves, and created
conflict in lesser countries, but never
actually came into physical conflict
Number 93- Differences in Cold
War ideologies and economies
• Beginning in the 1950’s
• Political philosophies- democratic U.S.
& Communist Soviet Union
• Economic philosophies- Capitalist
U.S. & Command economy for Soviet
94. Iron Curtain
• A metaphoric curtain
that stretches from
Stettin to Trieste and
behind the line lies all
the countries that the
Soviet Union has
taken over, they are
now cut off from
Western Europe.
The red portion is
the countries
contained in the iron
95.) Goal OF UN
• The U.N. was created
after world war 2 in an
attempt to stop world
conflicts. It is
centered in
Manhattan in
international territory.
Made up of the
General assembly
and the Security
96. Advantage of UN Over League
of Nations
Number 98- How USSR influence Eastern
• The USSR had complete control over Eastern Europe
because of the Warsaw Pact.
• With the Brezhnev Doctrine, the USSR could also invade
a country and use force to keep countries like Hungary
and Czechoslovakia under communist control.
• The USSR also destroyed any threat against it.
99. Marshall Plan
• A plan to provide
funding for the
rebuilding of countries
in Europe if they
promised to
purchased American
101. Reasons for Berlin Blockade
• Occurred June
1948 to May 1949
• USSR cut off
supplies in West
Berlin because of
currency issues.
• U.S then flew in
food, etc. for the
people in W. Berlin.
103. NATO Countries
• The North Atlantic
Treaty Organization
which was formed
mainly by the US to
oppose the USSR’s
Warsaw Pact. Member
during the cold war
were Sloovakia,
Slovenia, Spain,
Bulgaria, Estonia,
Poland Portugal,
Romania, Norway ,
Mexico, yourmom
104. Warsaw Pact
• Military treaty between
Albania, Bulgaria,
Czechoslovakia, East
Germany, Hungary,
Poland, Romania, and the
Soviet Union that bound its
participants to come to
help the others, if any one
of them become the victim
of foreign aggression.
105.) Containment
• A United States policy
uniting military,
economic, and
diplomatic strategies
to limit the spread of
107. Purpose of “de-Stalinization”
by Khrushchev
De-Stalinization refers to the
process of eliminating the cult of
personality and Stalinist political
system created by Soviet leader
Joseph Stalin. At a speech On
the Personality Cult and its
Consequences to the closed
session of the Twentieth Party
February 25, 1956, Khrushchev
denouncing Stalin's dictatorial
rule and cult of personality.
Khrushchev understood that
many Soviet citizens wanted a
controls and improved standard
of living. Also, he wanted
USSR’s economy.
Number 108- Events that increased
tensions between the USSR and
the US
• During the Cold War, a lot of events increased
tensions between the two superpowers of the
world- the US, and the USSR.
• One event was when the US placed missiles in
nearby Turkey, to stop the possible USSR
invasion of Turkey. The USSR considered that
an act of war.
• Another event was when the USSR placed
missiles in Cuba, because of the US placing
missiles in Turkey. This caused the Cuban
Missile Crisis.
109. Soviet Reaction to Protests in
Hungary, Czech, E. Germany
during ’50s and ’60s
• Brezhnev Doctrine
was signed to keep all
the satellites under
their control using
military force.
110.) Purpose Of SALT Treaties
• Strategic Arm Limitation Talks
(SALT) treaty.
• The Brezhnev –Nixon summit
led to the signing of SALT.
• Under the treaty, both sides
afreed to limit the number of
nuclear warheads and missiles
each country could maintain.
• SALT did not reduce the
number of weapons or end the
arms race; it did slow it
112. Resolution to the Missile
The missile crisis was generally referred to
the closest moment to nuclear war in the cold
war. After much deliberation between the
Soviet Union and Kennedy's cabinet,
Kennedy secretly agreed to remove all
missiles set in Turkey on the border of the
Soviet Union in exchange for Khrushchev
removing all missiles in Cuba. The
compromise was a particularly sharp
embarrassment for Khrushchev and the
Soviet Union because the withdrawal of U.S.
missiles from Turkey was not made public .
Number 113- Josip Broz Tito
•Founded Titoism - an adaptation of
•He was Secretary-General (later
President) of the Communist Party
(League of Communists) of Yugoslavia
•Lead the WWII Yugoslav resistance
movement, the Yugoslav Partisans
•After the war, he was the Prime Minister
and later President of the Socialist
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
•He was one of the main founders and
114) Red Guard and Little Red
• Mao began the cultural
revolution and in
response, people
formed groups of Red
• They were waving a
book of Mao’s sayings
called the “Little Red
Book” and attacked
anyone betraying Mao
and the revolution
116. Reaction by Chinese Government to
Tiananmen Square Massacre
Government crackdown on Natural Rights such as freedom of
speech and assembly
Number 118- Division of North
and South Korea today
• When the Korean War ended in 1953, North and
South Korea’s boundary remained at the 38th
parallel, which is where it was after World War II.
• The USSR controlled the northern half, while the
US controlled the southern half.
• Today, the boundary still remains along the 38th
parallel, although both countries are
independent nations. North Korea is still
Communist, while South Korea is a democratic
119) Domino Theory
• If one Southeast Asian
country falls to
communism, its
neighbors will fall as
• U.S. feared this because
they would loose trade
partners in Southeast
• Vietnam was the first
country to fall to
120.) Purpose Of Gulf Tonkin
• It gave the U.S.
reason to invade
vietnam and attempt
to stop the spread of
communism in Asia.
121. 5 Permanent Members of the
United Nations
• Included: United
States, Russia, Great
Britain, France and
• Only on Security
• Were only nuclear
powered countries
123. US Decision to end Cuban
Missile Crisis
• The missile crisis was
when the USSR
thought it would be
wise to place nuclear
weapons in Cuba. The
US ended this crisis by
agreeing to taking
missiles out of Turkey.
124. Reason for Division of
Germany after WWII
• In 1945 Germany had
been divided into four
zones controlled by great
Britain, France, the united
states and the soviet
union. The zones of the
western allies included
the western part of
Germany, while the soviet
zone encompassed
eastern Germany. The
western soviets could not
reach agreement on a
final peace treaty for
Characteristics of Japan after
• Agreements at Potsdam and Yalta left the fallen Japan
under the control of the US who took on a procedure of
democratizing and demilitarizing the state. Senator Joe
McCarthy was overseeing this and also broke japans
financial strength by dissolving Japanese businesses.
B-29 raids
Okinawa, Japan
127. Leader of Communist China in
Mao Zedong led the Communist Party
of China (CPC) to victory against
the Kuomintang (KMT) in the
Chinese Civil War, and was the
leader of the People’s Republic of
China (PRC) from its establishment
in 1949 until his death in 1976.
Critics blame many of Mao's sociopolitical programs, such as the
Great Leap Forward and the
Cultural Revolution, for causing
severe damage to the culture,
society, economy, and foreign
relations of China, as well as a
probable death toll in the tens of
millions. His adoption of Marxism
ideals applied to a largely
Number 128- The Great Leap Forward
It was an economic and
social plan created by Mao
Used from 1958 to 1961
which aimed to use
China's vast population to
rapidly transform China
from a primarily agrarian
economy by peasant
farmers into a modern
communist society through
It ended in catastrophe as it
triggered a widespread famine that
resulted in millions of deaths.
129. Deng Xiaoping
• Follows Mao as
leader of China and
institutes the “Four
Modernizations” to
modernize the
economy of China.
130.) History Of Vietnam
• North Vietnam was communist
and South Vietnam was in the
mist of becoming communist.
• Vietnam was cut by the 17th
• The U.S. was afraid the
domino effect of communism
would effect South Vietnam,
and other countries around
• Eventually, the U.S. pulled out,
and South Vietnam fell to
132. Event starting Korean War
In 1945, Korea was freed from the
Japanese. US troops stayed in
Korea until 1946. The country was
split in half at the 38th parallel:
North Korea was communist while
South Korea was capitalist. The
north was led by Kim il Sung,
backed by the USSR, and the
south, led by Syngman Rhee, was
backed by the US. The conflict, in
1950, arose from the attempts of
the two Korean powers to re-unify
Korea under their own respective
Number 133- Perestroika
• The restructuring of the USSR’s economy
• Gorbachev’s philosophy.
135.) Mikhail Gorbachev
• A reform-minded
leader, he came to
power in the soviet
union. He created a
policy of glasnost and
136. Reasons for Fall of Berlin Wall
Glasnost and Perestroika coupled with a lack of Brezhnev Doctrine
Number 138- Rwanda
• Happened in 1994, in Rwanda.
• An estimated 800,000 to 1,000,000 people
were killed.
• If the estimation is true, that would be
about 20% of the total population.
Justification for Israel claiming the
right to a Nation(140)
• The Jews went through harsh times during the
• The Jews wanted a homeland. The Zionist Jews wanted
to rebuild a Jewish state on the same land- land their
ancestors had claimed since biblical time.
Number 143- Reasons for problems
between India and Pakistan
• The split between the two countries, as well as modern violence
between them, is mainly a battle of religion.
• Most Indians are Hindu and most Pakistanis are Muslim.
• They are also fighting over the Kashmir region near the IndiaPakistan border.
• Today, both countries are nuclear powered, and could blow each
other up if violence gets out of hand.