Spanish 111 I01 First Year Spanish

Spanish 111 I01 First Year Spanish
3 credits Fall 2015
Instructor: Leaf Knotts
Office hours: none Off-campus instructor
Phone, email: 775-934-7434
Text: Vistas- a loose-leaf text with online Supersite passcode or v-text. Go directly to
Bookstore. Spanish 111. “Vistas” for recommended v-text.
Technical Problems (vhl platform): Go to: Do “Guided Student Tour”! 1-800248-2813 or “Questions”? rt. bottom toolbar on Student Workstation homepage.
Course Overview: This course will emphasize beginning reading, writing listening and
speaking skills in Spanish. The writing portions will provide practice in composing complete and
grammatically correct sentences and lead to the development of coherent paragraphs. The oral
portion will focus on correct usage and pronunciation of conversational Spanish.
Course Objective: The course is designed to develop Spanish language skills through practice
in listening, speaking, writing and structural analysis.
50% graded “Pruebas” = Lesson Exams: (100 points each) Lessons 1-5
50% process Assignments= (each lessons’ points vary) Lessons 1-5
** All Assignments & Pruebas through “Vistas” Supersite
A 91-100%
B 81-90%
C 71-80%
D 61-70%
F 60-0%
Spanish tutor: You may work LIVE on your oral skills or clarify grammar points with
the Spanish tutor in the Academic Success Center in the EIT building. Refer to tutor
scheduling sheet on the GBC Home page: Academic Success Center. You may also
phone ASC 753-2149 for availability and schedules.
Assignments (Formative) (vhl Supersite): Each lesson 1-5 contains 4 grammatical
components,“Estructura”. After each grammar explanation there is a “Práctica” which
provides practice of the concept and skill. Ex: LI.1 Estructura p. 12 deals with the
concept of “Nouns and Articles”. The subsequent “Práctica” p. 15 provides a practice
exercise. After studying each Estructura you are assigned the following Práctica.
Using the Supersite: It’s up to you how you wish to do beyond Assignments! All lesson
Assignments for L1-5 are pre-assigned and set as per deadlines to correlate with the
Pruebas or lesson exams. The Prueba/Exams are also available online. Please do the
“Student Guided Tour” to learn to navigate the program. You should do as much as
possible: language learning like math is all about practice and repetition.
NOTE: I have preset both a Practice Exam “Prueba” and the actual Exam/Prueba on the
“Vistas” Supersite for you. The Deadlines are set within the program and reiterated
through the Announcements as per Schedule:
L1 Assignments & Prueba/Exam
GBC General Education Goals/Objectives
Objective 1: Communication Skills
Students will learn to clearly and effectively communicate in the foreign language in written and
oral form.
Learner Outcomes:
+Indicates Measurement
*Written Communication
+-Complete written practices “prácticas¨
+-Process the Assignments through vhl Supersite
+-Written exams: vocabulary and grammar
*Oral Communication
-Participate in Skype and Voice board oral conversation groups
-Attend one-on-one conversation sessions with ASC tutors
*Listening Skills
-Listen to aural/oral CDs. Listen on Supersite.
-Listen to Spanish satellite TV, DVDs in Spanish, other Spanish
language CDs, online programs
+-Practice listening skills on Voice board groups or with the ASC tutor.
-Listen to “Telenovela”, Vistas program
*Reading Skills
-Read assigned passages and dialogues in the text
-Read outside Spanish language materials, i.e.: La Hora
-Read one short Spanish novella from GBC library
Objective 2: Critical Thinking
Integrate creativity, logic, quantitative reasoning, and the hierarchy of inquiry and
knowing in social and scientific understanding:
Quantitative Ability
Understand mathematical principles and integrate quantitative
methods into problem solving.
Learner Outcomes:
Apply appropriate mathematical operations to deduce the
metric conversion of distances, volumes, temperature, size and weights
Apply arithmetic computations orally in Spanish to practice Spanish
numbers and facilitate travel applications: i.e., monetary conversion.
Reasoning and Independent Thought
Use logical and visual thinking in selecting, analyzing and presenting
Learner Outcomes:
Gain a basic understanding of complex linguistic systems and their logical
applications: syntax, gender, case, mood, tense etc.
Solve a puzzle in Spanish: i.e., tourist directions—“On a grid map of
greater Madrid reason visually how you could get from the Plaza Major to
the Escorial.”
Accomplish a complex task in Spanish by presenting the sequential steps
in Spanish to someone: i.e., “How to change the oil in your new Seat 440
Scientific Understanding
Understand the essential workings of natural systems, understand the hierarchy
of scientific knowing and theuse of the scientific method in its pursuit, and have
the ability to use this knowledge predicatively.
Learner Outcomes:
Research and report on one aspect of the hierarchy of
descriptive (scientific) linguistics as it applies to the historical
development of Spanish: i.e., “Provide a phoneme chart of different
Spanish dialects”:” Create a language tree beginning with Latin .n roots”.
Learn medical terminology in Spanish (for nurses and medical personnel).
Objective 3: Personal and Cultural Awareness
Understand the roles of individuals in Hispanic society, the development of that society in
Hispanic countries and cultures.
Learner Outcomes:
Listen and respond to videos on Spanish culture and society Lectura, Cultura
Read and answer questions in Cultura on Supersite.
Participate in discussions with bilingual and bicultural students.
Objective 5: Technological Understanding
Function effectively in modern society through the use of technology. Foster one’s
knowledge and usage of a foreign language through technological applications.
Learner Outcomes:
Access and learn to use online Supersite “En Linea”.
Access and use CDs, online Spanish chat rooms.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Written Communication
2. Oral Communication
3. Listening Skills
4. Reading Skills
Assignments & Pruebas 1-5
VHL Supersite
VHL Supersite
Assignments: Pruebas 1-5
ADA Statement: Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with
disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The Director of
Services for Students with Disabilities (Julie G. Byrnes) will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate
and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids and services. For more information or further assistance, please call
Campus Security: GBC is committed to the safety of our students and has a duty to promote awareness and prevention
programs for violence on campus under the Jeanne Clery Act a well as the Campus SaVE( Sexual Violence Elimination Act) and
VAWA (Violence Against Women Act), which are amendments to Clery. Acts of violence include, but are not limited to, sexual
assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Acts of violence can occur on the physical campus or centers of GBC in
addition to field placement sites, clinical practice settings, and other places where college or class activities occur. As well, the
online environmnet at GBC is considered a GBC site. If you experience any incidence where your safety has been threatened or
violated, or if you feel threatened or harassed, immediately report this to me, any center director, or staff member, or directly ot
he Director of Environmental Health, Safety & Security (775.753.2115) or the Vice President for Student Services
SEDHULE> Posted and monitored by VHL(Vista Higher Learning platform)
Spanish 111, GBC, Knotts