
Full Corporation
15 January 2015
S81, FTC
15.01 Membership
Mr L Allen
Mr C Bows
Mrs C Burn
Mr J Connolly
Mr A Elce
Mr C Fitzpatrick
Mr W Hanlon
Mr I Knowles
Miss L Marsh
Mr W Newill
Cllr D Pressley
Dr G Scott (Vice Chair)
Mr S Smith
Mr A Stott (Chair)
Mrs K Wood
In attendance:
Mr P Baylis
Mr G Adams
Mr D Barnett
Mrs D West
Mr M Tolond
Assistant Principal
Director of Finance and Resources
Director of Quality
HR Director
Governance & Clerking Advisor
In the absence of Ms J Dallinson, Clerk to the Corporation, Mr Tolond was
appointed as Acting Clerk to the meeting.
Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Mr Knowles.
Declarations of Interests
There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes of the Meeting held 11 December 2014
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and were
signed by the Chair.
Matters Arising
Re 14.149.2 Complaints:
It was noted that there had been no further progress in benchmarking the
complaints data.
Re 14.156 Teaching, Learning & Assessment:
Mr Baylis confirmed that the outcome of the new CIF consultation was
expected in February.
Re 14.157 Principal’s Report:
The Principal confirmed that Tesco had announced they would not now
develop the site, Tesco would be contacted to ascertain their likely plans for
development, and regarding any compensation for the inconvenience caused
to the College.
Re 14.160 Equality and Diversity:
Mr Adams confirmed that appropriate new signage had been provided for
accessible toilets, identifying these as unisex, and therefore available for use
by transgender students.
Appointment of Vice Chair
The re-appointment of Dr Gill Scott was confirmed by unanimous vote of
Governors for a 1 year period.
Self-Assessment and Quality Improvement Plan 2014/15
Mr Barnett presented the Self-Assessment (SAR) and Quality Improvement
Plan (QIP) for the College. The SAR included overall Grade judgements,
identified actions for Continued Improvement, Outcomes for Learners, the
Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment, the Effectiveness of
Leadership and Management and Grades for SSA Teaching, Learning and
Assessment and their observation. The main areas for improvement were
functional skills and work based learning and in particular the embedding of
Maths and English into vocational courses. The College performance
compared with Provider Group average in GFE Colleges was noted and that
the overall performance would not improve until functional skills
performance improved.
The QIP included actions to maintain and/or address areas for improvement
from the 2013/14 SAR, areas for improvement from PIAP 2012 and areas for
improvement arising from strategic planning, learner feedback and
organisational review. The plan would be monitored throughout the year at
all levels within the organisation and reviewed by the Quality Management
Group. Mrs Wood confirmed that EFA funds were available for development
of Mathematics tuition between nominated FE Colleges and schools and
details would be advised to the College.
RESOLVED 15.08 To Approve the Self-Assessment Report and grades
as presented
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Mr Baylis presented information and analysis relating to key performance
indicators including an update on 2013/14 success data and new Classroom
Learning QSR data. Progress reports would be submitted to future
Corporation meetings.
Commercial Activities
Mr Adams presented a review of Commercial Activities up to the end of
Period 4 for Charnwood Training, Create Skills and Aston Training. The
report aimed to provide greater visibility and clarity over the subsidiary
activities following the acquisition of Charnwood. The various Charnwood
trading activities were noted in particular the agreement with Enterprise
Inns, who have over 500 public houses, to provide their apprenticeships.
Mrs Wood emphasised the need for effective quality control over any
roadshows and other events offered by Charnwood, with appropriate
representation from the College. It was also agreed that the involvement of
a designated Governor would be beneficial, and expressions of interest were
requested. Mrs Wood also queried the effectiveness of the due diligence
process given the problems that had arisen since acquisition.
Mr Smith queried whether there was sufficient resource available within the
College to manage the Charnwood business. The Principal confirmed that he
was satisfied with the abilities and resources of the Senior Management
Team to meet the additional requirements placed on them by the
acquisition. It was expected that by period 6 the Charnwood activity would
be returning profits to the overall business. It was suggested that the
current Manager of Charnwood might be invited to attend a Corporation
meeting. Dr Scott stated that Governors were potentially straying in to
operational areas as opposed to strategic matters. The Chair stated that he
and Mrs Wood would visit Charnwood Training at the earliest opportunity.
Governors congratulated Mr Adams and Mr Barnett on the progress they had
made in supporting and integrating the Charnwood business, and requested
a detailed trading forecast be presented to the next meeting. In response to
concerns expressed by Governors, the Principal confirmed that no further
acquisitions would be considered until the Charnwood business had been
fully re-established, and significant improvement had been secured in the
quality of the College’s functional skills provision.
Safeguarding Report
Mrs West presented the Safeguarding Report which provided an update for
Governors on ongoing changes to safeguarding legislation and Government
advice, considered any new elements of Ofsted’s inspections in relation to
Safeguarding and would assure Governors of sound safeguarding practices.
The report confirmed the basis of the Government’s PREVENT strategy. The
East Midlands HE/FE Prevent Co-ordinator would be meeting with College
staff to formulate an action plan to enable the College to demonstrate it had
responded appropriately to this agenda.
Pay comparators with other colleges
Mrs West presented the report which provided Governors with information
on different pay structures offered in other local colleges. This included use
of the harmonised pay scale for teaching and support staff in colleges.
In response to Mrs Wood, Mrs West confirmed that the job evaluation
process was still being progressed with the intention of presenting a report
to Governors by July 2015.
Principal’s Report
The Principal’s report covered Strategic Developments in relation to the
Retford Post 16 Centre, the NFPC Technical Centre 3 and the Structure and
Projects Appraisal. There was still no news from the EFA/DfE regarding their
contribution to the ongoing deficit plan. Discussions were still ongoing with
the BFPA and their connections with Fluid Power particularly in respect of
training provision. The progress on the Structure and Prospects appraisal
was reported and the dates agreed for meetings of the Governors Steering
Group were also noted. Governors were asked to indicate their availability
for the planned dates to the Principal.
The Principal confirmed that a capital bid had been submitted to the
Sheffield LEP for £1million cost of improvements to the College estate of
which one third would be met by the LEP if successful.
Discussion were current with Notts County Council for the Council to take a
lease over the Children’s Centre at Langold at a peppercorn rent and no
financial impact.
Discussions were also taking place on possible development of part of the
Turner road site and professional advisers would be appointed.
The report also covered the monthly accident statistics, which contained no
significant issues of concern.
SPA Delivery Model
The Principal tabled a paper detailing the Structure and Prospects Appraisal
guidance issued by DBIS in April 2014. It was suggested that the Board
consider the key attributes and priorities which might be considered
desirable in any potential partners. The Board were asked to consider
aspects relating to culture and values, quality, breadth and range of
provision, areas of specialism, delivery location and catchment area,
financial status and estates condition. Governors were asked also to forward
any comments to the Principal prior to further discussion at the next
meeting. The full KPMG report would be made available in March, prior to
the Governor Away Day when it would be fully analysed and reviewed.
Annual Review of Confidential Items
The Acting Clerk reported that in accordance with the Corporation’s policy on
confidentiality and the Freedom of Information Act, an annual review of
business classed as confidential during 2014 had been undertaken.
The recommendations relating to the status of confidential matters were
approved with matters relating to the acquisition of Charnwood to be
reviewed in 12 months’ time and the Structure and Prospects Appraisal
being reviewed once the review had been finalised.
RESOLVED 15.15 To endorse the recommendations contained in the
annual review with the timelines indicated in items 5, 7 and 8
Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting held on 27 November 2014
The minutes of the Audit Committee meeting held on 27 th November 2014
were reviewed. In respect of alternative options for investment it was noted
that the Audit Committee would make a formal decision at its next meeting.
The minutes were received subject to any further comments from Mr
Equality and Diversity
It was noted that any decision regarding the use of GCSE or other approved
maths or English qualifications should carefully consider the appropriateness
for students of all abilities, to ensure particular student groups are not
unduly disadvantaged.
Governance Risk
There were no issues reported.
There were no issues considered as confidential, other than the reports
designated as such.
Date and Time of Next Meeting
Thursday 12 February 2015 at 6pm
Signed __________________________________ Chairman
Date ____________________________________