Title 1 Coordinators’ Mtg. September 18, 2015 Pacoima Parent Community Center Welcome Local District Northeast Coordinators: Sue Florindez- (818) 252-5444 sue.florindez@lausd.net Anthony (Tony) Karch-(818) 252-5443 anthony.karch@lausd.net Ice Breaker Activity Meeting Objectives: 1.Coordinators will understand important information related to Title 1 Resources, Parent Involvement, Funding, and Staff requirements. 2.Coordinators will know upcoming compliance deadlines. Are you feeling overwhelmed? • • • • • • Stop and take a deep breath Talk to a friend Ask for help Stay balanced Laugh! Exercise Title 1 Technical Assistance/Contacts (HO#1) Local District Northeast Main Office 8401 Arleta Ave. Sun Valley, CA 91352 Phone: (818) 252-5400 Fax: (818) 252-5487 Superintendent Byron Maltez Title 1 Coordinators Sue Florindez Anthony Karch EL Coordinators Kathy Bates-Elementary Alicia Bernal-Secondary Sandra Escartin-Compliance PACE Administrator Antonio Reveles (818) 252-5444 (818) 252-5443 sue.florindez@lausd.net anthony.karch@lausd.net (818) 252-5446 (818) 252-5451 (818) 252-5452 (818) 252-5466 Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department 333 South Beaudry Ave. 25th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Hilda Maldonado, Director Phone: (213) 241-5582 Fax: (213) 241-7561 Valerie Brewington, Coordinator Contacts Continued Website for Local District Northeast: lausd.net→Local Districts→Local District Northeast→Instruction→FSEP/Title 1 At the bottom of the page is a link to FSEP at LAUSD Parent Community Student Services Branch 1260 West Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90026 Phone: (213) 481-3350 Fax: (213) 481-3392 Rowena Lagrosa, Executive Director Diane Panossian, Administrator Federal and State Education Programs Branch 333 South Beaudry Ave. 16th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Phone: (213) 241-6990 Fax: (213) 241-8032 Karen Ryback, Executive Director Cathy Tomyoy, Administrative Coordinator Meeting Dates Recent Important Publications (HO#2) BUL-2643.6 10/31/2013 Documentation for Employees Paid from Federal/State Categorical Programs BUL-6336.0 7/21/2015 Title I Parent Involvement Policy-District Level BUL-3508.7 5/12/2015 Inventory for Equipment Purchased with Categorical Funds BUL-6517.0 6/22/2015 Review Process Supplemental Materials (SIM) purchased with Title 1 Funds BUL-6518.0 6/22/2015 Restricted Use of P-Card, Ghost Card, Travel Card (T-Card) for Title Purchase BUL-6541.0 7/30/2015 Advisory Committees and SSC. Guidelines on how to organize SSC/ELAC REF-6569.0 8/28/2015 2015-2016 LCFF Meal Application and Title 1 Consolidated Collection REF-6555.0 8/17/2015 Principal’s Portal Certification for Local Control and Accountability Plan and Title 1 Parent Requirements The Purpose of Title 1 Funding • The purpose of Title 1 is to meet the educational needs of children from lowincome households and the needs of children in local institutions for neglected or delinquent children. Participants include students who are atrisk of failing, disabled, and in private schools. • The Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requires districts to rank schools annually. • Two types of programs: Schoolwide (SWP) and Targeted Assistance (TSP) • Supplemental funds are used to provide services that raise the academic achievement levels of K-12 participants in basic and advanced skills. • Parents must participate in the design and implementation of the Title 1 Program • LAUSD and other districts have been granted a waiver (CORE Waiver) to implement an alternate accountability system Understanding CORE Waiver • • • • (HO#3) The California Office to Reform Education (CORE) is a non-profit organization that includes 6 California school districts that were granted a “waiver” by the US Department of Education from Program Improvement System The new accountability system will take a more “holistic” approach For 2013-2014, 64 schools were designated as CORE Waiver Reward Schools for their high performance, and an additional 8 schools were identified as CORE Waiver Collaborative Partners. 27 schools were identified as CORE Waiver Priority Schools, 70 schools were identified as CORE Waiver Focus Schools, and 40 schools were identified as CORE Waiver Support Schools, due to their low performance. These designations were based on the AYP AMOs and API over three school years: 2009-10, 2010-11, and 2011-12. After 2013-2014, designations for 2014-2015 were based on three years of data: 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13. The inclusion of 2012-13 data led to the following changes to school designations: 4 schools exited Focus, 18 schools exited Support, and there was a big shift in the schools identified as Reward. CORE Waiver Continued... • • • • • • The CORE Waiver Program creates an infrastructure to support collaboration across schools and districts to build knowledge and share practices in support of our students becoming college and careerready. The CORE Waiver Program creates a new accountability system that recognizes performance growth. There is no longer PI status or PI schools, and the accountability system values multiple measures of student success: Academic, Social/Emotional, and School Culture/Climate. The proposed accountability model is the School Quality Improvement Index (SQII); in this model, the Academic Domain is 60% of the Index, Social-Emotional Factors are 20%, and Culture and Climate Factors are 20%. This fall, all schools will receive their first set of SQII reports that align to the Academic Domain, the Social-Emotional Factors, and the Culture and Climate Factors. In Local District Northeast, there are currently 19 CORE Waiver Schools, as the designations for 20142015 will continue for 2015-2016. There are 7 Reward/Collaborative Partner Schools. There are 2 CORE Waiver Support Schools. There is one CORE Waiver Priority School. And there are 9 CORE Waiver Focus Schools. Federal Program Monitoring (HO#4) Background Federal and state laws require the CDE to monitor the implementation of categorical programs operated by local educational agencies (LEA)/LAUSD. LAUSD is responsible for creating and maintaining programs which meet fiscal and program requirements. The California Monitoring Tool (CMT) is a new web-based tool, developed by the CDE to allow for the monitoring of a district to ensure that fiscal and program requirements are met. The CMT will eventually replace the California Accountability and Improvement System (CAIS), a web-based system that also allows for the monitoring of districts in meeting requirements. What do auditors look for? Program Dimensions Compensatory Education is reviewed using the following interrelated six dimensions: I. Involvement. Parents, staff, students, and community members participate in developing, implementing, and evaluating core and categorical programs. Comp. Education Dimensions cont. II. Governance and Administration. Policies, plans, and administration of categorical programs meet statutory requirements. III. Funding. Allocation and use of funds meet statutory requirements for allowable expenditures. IV. Standards, Assessment, and Accountability. Categorical programs meet state standards, are based on the assessed needs of program participants, and achieve the intended outcomes of the categorical program. V. Staffing and Professional Development. Staff members are recruited, trained, assigned, and assisted to ensure the effectiveness of the program. VI. Opportunity and Equal Educational Access. Participants have equitable access to all programs provided by the LEA, as required by law. Important Dates/Deadlines • • • • • • • • • • • (HO#5) SSC Certification (I-CE 07) to Principal’s Portal due 9/30/15 Meal Applications to Food Services due 10/23/15 Annual Title 1 Meeting Information (I-CE 02) to Principal’s Portal due 10/30/15 LAUSD Title 1 Parent Involvmt. Policy (C1 & C2-I-CE 01) to PP due 11/30/15 School Title 1 PIP (I-CE 01) to Principal’s Portal due 12/11/15 School Title 1 School/Parent Compact (I-CE-01) to PP due 12/11/15 Staff Training on how to partner with parents-Agenda/sign ins 2015-2016 Parent Workshop Calendar Parent Trainings/ Changing Grad. Requirements/School Rep. Cd. to PP 1/29/16 Administrator Assurances (Attachment I) BUL-2643.6 to LDNE Adm. OP1/29/15 Parent Trainings/ 2 optional workshops: cal./agendas/sign ins to PP due 5/31/16 Administrator Assurances (Attachment I) BUL-2643.6 to LDNE Adm. OP 7/29/16 Stretch Break LDNE PACE Information (HO#6) LDNE PACE Administrator: Antonio Reveles Edwin Lopez: Title 1 Ivet Diaz-Sawyer: EL Claudia Valladarez (Special Ed.) Shaeh Ayvazian: Facilitator-Armenian) District Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy (HO#7) Guidelines for Required ELAC & SSC (HO#8) Guideline Major Changes... Entering SSC Info. in Principal’s Portal (HO#9) 1. Go to http://principalportal.lausd.net and click on Parent, Community, and Student Services Principal’s Portal continued.. Principal’s Postal continued Principal’s Portal Continued Principal’s Portal continued Principal’s Portal continued Sample Sign-Ins (HO#10) Sample Sign-Ins continued Humor: Meal Applications Information • • • • • (HO#11) 2015-2016 Free and Reduced-Price Meal (FRPM) Application Collection REF-6569.0 All schools will be collecting meal applications during the 2015-2016 school year. All schools participating in the Provision 2 program have been reset to their base year and, therefore, are required to collect meal applications. Provision 2 is a four year program in which all enrolled children are served meals without charge, regardless of their eligibility. To qualify, a school must meet minimum requirements of 1) free percentage at 80% or above and 2) Free/Reduced-price percentage combined must be at 85% or above. Schools that achieve Provision 2 status for 2015-2016 will not have to distribute and collect meal applications for the second, third, and fourth years, and students eat at no cost. If a school does not meet the Provision 2 requirements for the 2015-16 school, it will not have the opportunity again until the 2019-2020 school year. Meal eligibility is determined through household income captured on the meal application. However, meal applications are not required of students who are Direct Certified (children receiving CALFRESH, CalWORKs, FDPIR assistance), Foster, or Homeless students. A student’s meal eligibility status from the previous school year (2014-2015) is valid only until Sept. 30, 2015. Meal App. Flow chart (HO#11) Steps for Creating a Budget Adjustment (HO#12) Understanding Budgets 2015-2016 (HO#13) Errata • Schools can only pay PD Teacher X-time if the PD is mandated by the school for either all teachers or for all teachers in a subject area or a grade • To show that it is mandated, the school has to provide proof that all teachers attended. If some teachers missed it, the school will need to provide proof that these teachers attended a make-up day. Evidence should be attached to the blanket certification (Attachment H of the time reporting bulletin). • For Teacher X-time (not PD teacher X-time) that is used for planning and developing curriculum, this new policy does not apply to this item. Schools who use Teacher X-time will need to submit an agenda and sign-in to Attachment H indicating that this is not PD but planning time. Understanding Budgets continued Categorical Programs TITLE I/7S046-CE-NCLB TI SCHOOLS $615 per student at K-12 schools at 65-100% Poverty Level $467 per student at K-12 schools at 50-64.99% Poverty Level $300 per student at K-12 schools below 50% Poverty Level (Hold Harmless) TITLE I/7EO46-CE-NCLB TI SCHOOL PARENT INVOLVEMENT $11 per student at K-12 schools at 65-100% Poverty Level $9 per student at K-12 schools at 50-64.99% Poverty Level $6 per student at K-12 schools below 50% Poverty Level (Hold Harmless) TITLE III/7S176- TITLE 3 A-LEP $16 per LEP student CE-EIA/LEP-STANDARDS IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT/7V883 -Any budget adjustment requests for these programs must be approved by the LDNE Program Coordinators for these funds. -The Single Plan for Student Achievement is about the alignment of these funds with students’ needs. Documentation for Employees Funded with State and Federal Funds (HO#14) Teaching Assistants (HO#15) • All TAs must enroll and complete college courses • Degree Track: Passage of 12 units related to teaching • Non-Degree Track: TAs hired before 1/28/91 and those not completing 12 units. However, still must be enrolled and pass one course each semester. • Verification of enrollment and evidence of passage of courses to administrator or designee • Notice of Failure to Meet Continuing Employment Standards Notices of Failure to Complete Required College Coursework Evaluation and Next Meeting Please fill out the evaluation Our Next Meeting is: October 23, 2015 8:00-11:00Elementary 12:00-3:00Secondary Budget Adjustment Review (HO#16)