Training and Continuing Education Centre-Al Hosn University مركز التدريب و التعليم المستمر –جامعة الحصن T&CEC Offered Training Courses TABLE OF CONTENT I. About Al-Hosn University II. III. Preface on the TCEC About the Training & Education Center IV. The TCEC Mission Statement V. The TCEC Vision Statement VI. VII. TCEC Philosophy TCEC Training Courses ABOUT AL-HOSN UNIVERSITY تعد جامعة الحصن مؤسسة تعليمية رائدة في مجال توفير التعليم النوعي والمتميز .وتؤمن الجامعة بقيم المعارف العالمية ومواءمتها مع التقاليد المحلية كما ينعكس ذلك في شعارها "معرفة شاملة برؤية محلية" .وتمتلك هذه المؤسسة التعليمية ،التي تتخذ من أبوظبي مقرا ً لها ،وتد عمها شركة أبوظبي القابضة وهي معتمدة بالكامل من قبل وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي. وتوفر جامعة الحصن برامج معتمدة ( 11برنامجا ً للتعليم الجامعي و 7برامج للتعليم العالي) ضمن ثالث كليات وهي؛ كلية الهندسة والعلوم التطبيقية ،وكلية اإلدارة ،وكلية العلوم االجتماعية .وتم تطوير كافة هذه البرامج من قبل مجموعة من أبرز خبراء التعليم في أمريكا الشمالية .ويتطلب الحصول على درجة البكالوريوس من جامعة الحصن إتمام برامج دراسية تمتد ألربع سنوات ويتم تدريسها باللغة اإلنكليزية باستثناء المواد ذات االختصاصات العربية .وأضافت الجامعة مؤخرا ً أربعة برامج جديدة للتعليم الجامعي هي؛ ماجستير هندسة المباني ،وماجستير اإلدارة الهندسية، وشهادة تخرج في هندسة المباني ،وشهادة تخرج في اإلدارة الهندسية. كما تدعم الجامعة االحتياجات المجتمعية واالجتماعية من خالل استيعاب الطالب من ذوي االحتياجات الخاصة وتوفير المنح الدراسية وتشجيع النساء على دخول المجال الهندسي باإلضافة إلى إتاحة برامجها أمام الطالب من مختلف الجنسيات. ويشتمل حرم المدينة في "جامعة الحصن" على الحرم الجامعي الخاص بالطالب وآخر خاص بالطالبات ومبنى المكتبة ومبنى المحاضرات ومبنى المخابر الهندسية ،حيث تقع جميعها في وسط مدينة أبوظبي .وسيتم تنفيذ األعمال في المرافق الحديثة التابعة للحرم الجامعي الجديد لـ "جامعة الحصن" وفقا ً ألعلى المعايير الدولية ،حيث سيبدأ العمل. فيها قريبا ALHOSN University is a leading private university dedicated to high-quality, value-based education. It believes in the values of global knowledge combined with local traditions, as reflected by its slogan of “Global Knowledge with Local Vision.” The Abu Dhabi-based institution is owned and supported by the Abu Dhabi Holding Company and is fully accredited by the UAE Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. ALHOSN University manages accredited programs (11 undergraduate and 7 graduates) in its three faculties - Engineering and Applied Sciences, Business Arts, and Social Sciences, all of which were developed by top North American educational experts. Undergraduate academic degrees are offered as four-year programs and taught in English, except for the Arabic education component. The institution recently added four new graduate programs, namely, Master in Buildings Engineering, Master in Engineering Management, Graduate Certificate in Buildings Engineering, and Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management. The educational institution addresses community and social needs by accommodating special needs students; providing scholarships; encouraging women to join the engineering fields; and opening its programs to students of all nationalities. The University’s City Campus includes the Men’s Campus, the Women’s Campus, the Engineering Lab Building, the Library Building, and the Lectures Building, all located at the heart of Abu Dhabi. A main campus with world-class, state-of-the-art facilities will soon be built. PREFACE T & CEC... We are always in pursuit of Continuous improvement and innovation in order to offer our customers and quality training and valuable skills so that they are able to meet their desired goals and targets. ABOUT TRAINING & EDUCATION CENTRE ألجل مسايرة التطورات العالمية والتطورات التقنية المصاحبة أعد مركز التدريب والتعليم المستمر ومن خالل نخبة من المتخصصين خطة شاملة و تفصيلية متخصصة تتفق مع المعاير الدولية في تنمية و التطوير القدرات البشرية في مختلف القطاعات اإلنتاجية والخدمية والمؤسسية وغيرها واللتزام بمنهج البحث العلمي ونتائجه بما يهدف إلى النهج األكاديمي والتربوي الملتزم -1نرفق لحضاراتكم جزء من الخطة التربوية لعام 2011-2010والتي تغطي جوانب متعددة علما أن المركز يعمل على تهيئة وتنظيم دورات تدريبية أخرى حسب حاجة الجهات المستفيدة التي لم تكن ضمن الخطة التدريبية. -2في رحاب جامعة الحصن :توفر للمتدربين متدربين هيئات تخصصية من دوي الشهادات العليا وحسب التخصصات المصلوبة وهناك شركات ومتعاونين من جهات أجنبية ووطنية يمكنها أن تغطي الحاجات التدريبية المتنوعة وبمستوى عالي وكفء -3تعطى الدورات باللغتين العربية واإلنكليزية -4متاحة في كافة األيام األسبوع حتى في عطلة نهاية األسبوع حسب رغبة الجهة المستفيدة -5مختبرات و قاعات تدريبية مجهزة بأحدث التقنيات و الوسائل التدريبية The Training & Continuing Education Center (T & CEC) is part of Alhosn University and was created by Board of Governors of the University to create a non academic adult training that will provide additional educational services and community involvements. CEC training will be offered to Alhosn University students, corporate and non-students customers. It will meet the market requirements in Computer, Professional Development, testing, and English training. Each program will be developed to meet the growing market demand. Alhosn University Training & Continuing Education Center (T & CEC) will offer continuing education to the local and regional market. The program will offer the highest quality and professional adult training in technical and soft skills. MISSION STATEMENT Trough exceptional learning and performance, we create a world that works better by all means, our mission is to educate men and women to lead responsible lives of a curriculum grounded quality and flexible program complemented by professional and practical experience .We strive to prepare students for fulfilling lives, Careers, and participation in a modern and changing global society. VISION STATEMENT To be the World-Wide leader in workplace learning and performance. Our corporate Training is dedicated to achieving the principles and objectives of the national qualifications and national Development strategies. We provide customized, job specific courses that are aligned to current, registered standards. PHILOSOPHY We use a unique and proven adult learning theory approach to training that will provide our students with the skills and experience necessary to master the latest software packages and soft skills. Our focus is to provide our students with highly interactive, hands-on activities with toprated trainers. By combining these strengths with reasonably priced programs and state-of-the-art facilities, we will be one of the top training providers in the UAE. T-CEC Training Courses 1) Customer Service Management Courses 2) Management Training Development Courses 3) Sales &Management Training Courses 4) Marketing & Sales Courses 5) Counseling Skills Courses 6) Personal Development & Effectiveness Courses 7) Financial Courses 8) Communication Skills 9) Languages 10) Oil Training Courses 11) Human Recourses Courses 12) Out placing Training Courses 13) IT Computer Courses 14) Leadership Courses 15) Educational Courses 16) Environmental Courses 17) Teams building Courses 18) Child Care Courses 19) Media Courses 20) ISO & ITIL 21) Graphic Design (WEB) 22) Graphic Design (INTERIOR ) 23) Graphic Design Animation 1) Customer Service Management Courses Excellent in Customer Service Customer Retention Sales Etiquette customer service in Competitive Environment Handling Difficult People Reception and Public Relation Executive Administrative Skills Attitudes for services Professional Secretarial & Administration Skills Complaint Resolutions Internal Customer Service How to Cold Call and Build New Customers Effective First Impressions :Face to Face Customer Value Solutions Help Desk Skills Training How to Handle Complaints IT support and help Desk Training Mastering Customer Service Telephone Skills :Outbound &Inbound Manage Customer Expectations Generate Customer Interest Create Loyal Customers Critical Elements of Customer Service. Improving Relations with Clients . 2) Management Training & Development Courses Advanced Facilitation and managing meetings Emotional Intelligence Building Integrated Training Department Advanced portals of strategically applications management Training Centre Management Business Ethics Essential Management for engineers Strategic Planning Team Building Basics Basics of management Skills Conflict Management Training Conflict Management and Managing Change Senior Management Offices Executive Management Creative Problem solving and Decision-Making Senior Management The Learning Revolution Strategic Leadership Skills for Simplification and Improving Management skills Building an effective Team Event Management Human Brain Dominance Instrumental Essential Management Skills Introduction to Supervisory Management Skills Leadership Skills for Managers Managing Meetings Motivation and Delegation Skills Motivation Management Planning ,Organizing and Time Management Proactive People Management Staying Positive in the Face Layoffs People guidance Management Writing Effective Policies and procedures Management of Change and Development Personal Modern Management Supervising Middle Management Risk assessment Management Developing your Training Program managers Successful Time Management for future Leaders Train the Trainer Fundamentals Of Project Management Working Effectively in a Team Environment Managing Across Generations Senior Management ,Middle Management Libraries Management Driving Performance - Key Competencies Total Quality Management People guidance Management Managers Negotiation Skills Effective Training Strategies Organization Development Management by objective and measurement of result Security Planning for Crisis management and emergency Motivating & Inspiring your Team . 3) Sales & Management Training Courses The Design and the process of Delivering Powerful Presentations Effective Negotiation Skills How To Conduct Effective Meetings Office Management Lead Effective Meetings Partnership Management Managing Your Media(Advertising) Sales Performance Defined Sales Meetings Improving Your Sales Skills - The Key Elements Of Successful Selling Coaching Sales People Recruiting Salespeople Changes Methods Integrated Performance Executive Administrative Skills Sales Management Training Successful Presentation Skills Successful Sales Negotiations The Design and Delivery of Powerful Presentations Uncover Selling Opportunities Managing A Successful Sales Teams Organizations Development Understanding Generational Diversity Motive and Commitment 7 Habits of Highly Effective people Risk Assessment and management Principles of crisis management Disaster management and coordination Earthquake risk Management Incident Command System ICS Disasters Management Case Studies Disaster Recovery Planning Environment Risk Management Management of Occupational Safety Administrative Control Understanding Diversity Vaulting Diversity Sales Advantage Planning and Administration of training activity Stock and Procurement Management Planning and Managing workshops Making Sales : How to Jump Start your Selling Career Interpersonal Competence Executive Secretary and office Management Efficiency Anger & Time Management Managing Expectation Task & Time 4) Marketing & Sales Courses Effective Marketing Process Improving Skills of Marketing Research and Administration Marketing Imperatives Marketing Momentum Telesales Skills Foundation for Consultative Selling Essentials Of Marketing & Preparing An Effective Marketing Plan Marketing Awareness Marketing & Sales Sales Training (Smart Selling) How to lead sales Art How to be Marketable in a Recession Marketing Card Products. 5) Counseling Skills Courses Dealing with different Cultures Presenting with visual Impact Facilitate for Group Results Interpersonal Competence for career growth Counseling ,Coaching and Monitoring . Mastering the art of communication Understanding Diversity Communication Strategies The Ability of Communication and Management Negotiations Keep stress and worry in perspective 6) Personal Development & Effectiveness Courses Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Overcoming Cultural Boundaries Personal Confidence Building Being a contributing team member How to Effectively Supervise OffSite Employees Performance and job Competency How to coach Employees to Peak Performance Personal & Career Development & Training. Personal Career Development Techniques. Advanced Facilitation and Managing Meetings Assertive Influencing Skills and Negotiation Designing and development process using Takuji method Management and occupational safety Emotional Intelligence Internal –Conflict Resolution Getting Organized and Managing your ‘Information Overload ‘ Influencing Strategies and Conflict Management How to Project a Professional Image. Personal and self-Development Personal Effectiveness through Personality Profiling The Management and setting priorities Improving Mentality applications Administrative Success Vitals Skills & Necessities of decision Making On job Training Creativity and self Confidence Developing Effective work Habits Getting things Done : Multitasking and Setting Priorities Supervisory Management Skills For 1st / 2nd Level Supervisors Improving Employee Skills Maintaining Emotional Control Managing Change Effectively Mind Mapping Creating an Executive Image that Wins Friends & Influence People Executive Coaching & Counseling & Facilitation. Preparing Feasibility Study How to Remember just about everything Present to gain input How to take charge of your future with confident, Assertive Attitude Professional Development Series How to Conquer Workplace stress How to Make & Sustain a Great First Impression How to Stop Wasting Time ,Focused ,and Get Results 7) Financial Courses Financial Accounting Computerized Accounting with quick Books Mortgage Servicing & Mortgage Companion Modern directions of accounting system Financial Management for nonSpecialists Effective Method to Rationalize the cost and Maximize Profitability GAO Financial Management of EGovernment Letter of credit & Trade Finance Problem Loan Management Money Management Statistical Experiments Design Financial & Investment analysis SPSS Accounting for non Accountant Excel Financial Applications Advanced Financial Analysis and Preparation of Budgets, Planning International Accounting Standard Financial Services Corporate Banking Islamic Banking Products 8) Communication Skills Speakeasy Technical Report Writing Professional Communication Effectiveness Presentation Skills - Making A Powerful Impact On Any Audience & Effective Presentation Skilss. Internal Communication Business Communication &Self Management Public Speaking Telemarketing Skills ( Using the phone as a tool ) Organizational Culture :Influences and Responses Effective Presentation Skills Communication , Assertiveness and negotiation Skills Communicating Across Generations Communication Skills and Interfacing with the client Communication Strategies and Practices 9) Languages courses Test of English for International Communication (TOFEL) Advanced Communication Skills French (Level 1-4) General English Arabic Business Business Writing Skills - Level 1 Arabic for non Arabic Speakers English Languages Courses General English Academic English Business English Courses International Business English TOEIC English Course IELTS Examination and Test preparation. 10) Oil Courses Laws of oil Contracts Oil Contracts Obligations and Legal Rights Oil Split and Emergency Response Privatization Strategies and world Experience The Legal provisions of the oil Contracts 11) Human Resources Courses HR training for managers HR training for the Non-HR manager Effective managerial Performance Conducting effective performance reviews Electronic Administration for HR Meeting Preparation Building Integrated Human Resource Strategies Effective Human Performance How to say What you Mean to get the Result you want Employee Development Interview & Selection Techniques Strategies in H.R Management 12) Out Placing Training Courses CV Review and Development The preparation of the higher Administrative Positions PreparingEmployeeforJob Interviews Employee Development Managing Employees Performance & Job Evaluation Simplification of procedures in operations. Job Research-Organizing for methodical and productive Job Search Preparing and Screening new staff Recent Development and applications of the technical administrative Secretary Preparing the Business Plan. SME start up & Entrepreneurship. HR Budguting and Planing 13) IT Computer Courses Introduction to PC Keyboarding English and Arabic Windows XP beg CISCO Files Organization ICDL (International Computer Driving Licenses Certified Ethical Hacker Private ICDL Training (one to one) Archives and Electronic Documentation Organizational Charts ORACLE 10 G Introduction to Microsoft Word 2003 Intermediate Microsoft 2003 Electronic Cost & Benefit Advanced to Microsoft Excel 2003 Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2003 Advanced Microsoft Excel 2003 CISCO (CCNP) Intermediate Microsoft Access 2003 Share Point Designer Introduction To Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Introduction to Microsoft Visio 2003 Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) Introduction to Microsoft Project 2003 COMP TIA A+ Introduction to Microsoft Publisher Electronic Manger Microsoft Certified Solution Database Electronic Administration Introduction to Microsoft access 2007 Introduction to Microsoft Outlook 2007 Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Share Point Designer Exchange Server Certified Information System Auditory NET Introduction To Microsoft Project 2007 Introduction to Microsoft Publisher 2007 Introduction to Microsoft Visio 2007 Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2007 Intermediate Microsoft Access 2007 Advanced Comp TIA A +Certification Prep Internet Communication CISCO Server + Microsoft Certified IT professional (MCITP) Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) 2003 Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) Introduction to Microsoft Front page 2003 Introduction to Microsoft Outlook 2003 PHP Introduction to Microsoft Word 2007 Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2007 Master CIW Designer Intermediate Microsoft Access 2007 Intermediate Microsoft Word 2007 Introduction to Microsoft Office Accounting Professional 2008 Comp TIA Security + Certification Prep Comp TIA Network + Certification Prep Intermediate Comp TIA +Certification Prep Network + Security Project Management Professional (PMP ) Project Management in IT Security Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST) 14) Leadership Training Performance Defined Vision, Mission, and values Time Management Time Control to work on your business Coaching –Supportive ad Directive Approaches Leading Strong Teams Coach for Performance Improvements Improving Leadership & supervising skills Report Writing - How To Structure A Report For Maximum Effect Mentorship : Creating a Partnership Network to Build Business Connections Developing Personal Leadership Networking to promote your Organization Leadership Fundamentals for New Supervisors Successfully Leading People : A Cram Course for new Supervisors New Employee Orientation Communicate to Lead Business Professionalism Global Travel and Culture Ethical Leadership Network through Community Service Organizational Behavior of Leadership The Fundamentals of leadership Teambuilding and Leadership Skills Leadership Communications Leadership Styles and Tendencies Motivational Leadership Visionary Leadership Mentorship-Launching and Initiative Build Trust ,Credibility ,and Respect Networking to Build your Personal Brand Developing High Performance Teams Leading High Performance Teams Measurable Results through Teams work. Talent Management. 15) Educational Courses Educational Leadership School Leadership School Management Media Shaping school culture First Day of school Motivational interactive in school attitudes Skills of Leading and how to deal with children and young people Career Technical Educational Training Courses Classes Management Effective Teaching Educational World Special Educational Needs and disability Electronic school Management Home education children School Laboratory teacher School Safety & Climate of Learning School Facing Students with Plagiarisms 16) Environmental Courses Water and Environment Pollution Principles of Environment Agricultural Courses 17) Child Care Courses 18) Media Courses & Public Relations 19) ISO & ITIL Courses CISM Fining and Valuing IT Services Defining and Valuing IT Services ISO 20000 Foundation ISO 20000 for Auditors ISO 20000 for Consultant Quality Management ISO-IEC 27001 Training Courses ITIL V3 Lifestyle Certificate Bridging from Version 2 to Version 3 ITIL- V3 Foundation Certificate in Service Management ITIL-V3 Managing Across the Lifecycle ITIL –life cycle Certificate in Service Design ITIL- Lifecycle Certificate in Service Operations ITIL Certificate in Service Strategy ITIL Lifestyle in Service Transition ITIL Capability Certificate in Operational Support and Analysis ITIL Capability Certificate in Planning ,Protection and Optimization ITIL v3 Capability Certificate in Service Offerings and Agreements. ICT Infrastructure Management Fining and Valuing IT Service. 20) GRAPHIC Design (1) Web Design Courses Intro to Graphics Intro to Web Design Photoshop Level 1 HTML Front page Flash Level 1 Dream Weaver Level 1 21) Graphic Design (2) Interior Design Intro to Graphics Photoshop Level 2 3 D –General Auto CAD -2D &3D Intro to interior Design Photoshop Level 1 3-D Exterior Interior & Design 22) Graphic Design - (3) Animation Sound forge Illustrator 3D Max –Animation Premiere After Effect Level 1 After Effect 2 23) International Corporate& Diplomatic Protocol