EOPS Budget Requirements

April 20, 2010
2009-10 Budget
• EOPS $64,273,000
• CARE $ 9,332,000
• This reflects a 39.81% reduction from
2010-11 Budget
This is what was proposed in the
Governors January 2010 budget
• EOPS $54,023,000
– (reduction of $10M plus negative COLA of
0.39% = 15.95% total reduction)
• CARE $ 9,296,000
– (negative COLA of 0.39%)
• Proposed flexibility
No Flexibility
with EOPS and CARE Funds
• EOPS funds must be used for “over and
above” EOPS activities and services
• CARE funds must be used for “over and
above” CARE activities and services
• EOPS and CARE funds may not be used
for non-EOPS and non-CARE
EOPS Budget Requirements
1. Minimum EOPS Part C Obligation:
• Required by Title 5, Section 56298
• Each year, colleges shall spend for EOPS
grants and/or EOPS work-study the same
amount spent the previous year
• Obligation is calculated to include reduction
to allocation
• Waivers only for: EOPS book service
program or to meet the requirements of
Title 5, Article 3
Article 3 covers the core category B services:
outreach, recruitment, orientation,
registration, assessments, counseling,
advisement, basic skills instruction, tutoring,
transfer and career employment services.
EOPS Budget Requirements
2. Minimum District Contribution Requirement:
• Required by Title 5, Section 56210
• Calculated by: taking previous three year
average or 15% of average EOP allocation
for same three years, whichever is greater
• Waivers reviewed on a case-by-case basis
• 2009-10 requirement: proportionately reduced
by same % reduction to 2009-10 EOPS
appropriation (39.66%)
• Requirement to remain at 2009-10 level
through 2012-13 or be adjusted
proportionately by any decrease or increase in
statewide EOPS appropriation
• District backfill and categorical “flexible” funds
exempted from future district contribution
Examples of Allowable District Contribution:
• Salaries and benefits for “over and above”
• “Over and above” discretionary expenses
• Other “over and above” services
Note: Temporary or one-time backfill funds are
not counted as district contribution and should
be identified as “backfill” on EOPS budgets
and program plan.
District Fiscal Responsibility
and Contribution (56293)
• Colleges must provide to EOPS students
who need them the same programs and
services the college offers to all of its credit
enrolled students.
• Districts must pay 100% of the salary and
benefits of the EOPS Director.
EOPS Budget Requirements
3. EOPS Discretionary Cost Limit:
• Required by Title 5, Section 56295(a)
• Limit on EOPS object code 4000-6000A/B
expenditures is 10% of EOPS allocation or
$50,000, whichever is less
• No waivers are allowed
Computer Hardware/Software
• Title 5, Section 56296(b): “…requests to
use EOPS funds for computer
hardware/software must be submitted to
Chancellor’s Office for approval.”
• Blanket waiver is provided through 201213, per September 16, 2009 Administrative
Relief Memo
• No written request is required
Expenditures Not Allowed (56296)
(d) Costs of furniture
(e) Cost of construction, remodeling, renovation,
or vehicles
(f) Travel costs for non EOPS staff and students
for EOPS activities
Title 5 states that waivers may be approved for
(d), (e), (f) above, on a case-by-case basis
(except for vehicles).
Blanket waivers for (d) and (f) above through
2012-13, per September 16, 2009 Administrative
Relief memo.
EOPS Budget Requirements
4. EOPS Book Expenditures:
• Required by State Budget Act language
• 2009-10 requirement = same requirement
as 08-09 minus 39.66%
• No waivers are allowed
• Amount in future years will be maintained at
2009-10 level or adjusted proportionately to
any decrease or increase in statewide
EOPS allocation
EOPS Budget Requirements
5. Supplanting:
• Education Code Section 69651
• Strictly prohibited
• EOPS and CARE funds may not be used for
services previously paid for by the district
• No waivers are allowed
Note: Supplanting is still prohibited, even though
minimum district contribution requirement is
reduced for 2009-10
Examples of Supplanting
• In prior year, district paid 100% of salary/benefits
but in current year, EOPS pays a percentage.
• In prior year, district & EOPS each paid 50% but in
current year EOPS and CARE each pay 50%.
• In prior year, EOPS paid 100% of salary/benefits
but in current year, EOPS pays 50% and CARE
pays 50%.
• In prior year, district paid 15% of FT counselor.
Hours have been reduced to PT level with district
still paying 15% of reduced time; however, district
wants EOPS to pay for additional hours.
Not Considered Supplanting:
• District general funds temporarily
redirected to EOPS and/or CARE to
specifically cover shortfalls in the EOPS
and/or CARE budgets
Identify these district funds as “backfill” in
EOPS/CARE budgets and in EOPS
program plan
Reference September 16, 2009 Administrative Relief Memo
EOPS Budget Requirements
6. Double-Dipping:
• Education Code Section 84752(a)
• Not allowed
• Districts may not receive FTES for activities
fully funded through another source
• No waivers are allowed
Key Title 5 Regulations
Student Eligibility (56220)
1. California Resident
2. Enrolled full-time (exceptions for DSPS
and 10%)
Exceptions to Full-time
• DSPS Students
• Special Majors
• 10% allowed enrolled in 9-11.9 units
(director’s discretion)
Student Eligibility (cont.)
3. Less than 70 units completed (degree
4. Qualify for Board of Governor’s fee waiver
5. Educational disadvantaged:
a. Below minimum level English or math
course applicable to associate degree
b. Non high school graduate or GED
c. High school GPA below 2.5
Student Eligibility (cont.)
5. Educational disadvantaged (cont.):
d. Previous remedial education
e. Other factors *
(approved by the Chancellor’s Office)
1. First generation college student
2. Member of underrepresented group
3. Student and/or parents non-native
English speakers
4. Emancipated foster youth
* If used, all students must be treated equitably.
Student Served (56204)
An EOPS student served is a person who
has documentation in the student’s file, at
 EOPS application
 Educational Plan
 Mutual Responsibility Contract
In addition, the student must attend at least
one class session and receive at least one
EOPS service, i.e., counseling)
Limitations on Eligibility (56226)
Participates without term-to-term interruption
continues to be eligible until:
• Completed 70 degree applicable units or six
consecutive semester terms
Remedial courses not included in
Director may waive limitation only for
programs requiring more than 70 units
including prerequisites)
• Has failed to follow education plan and/or
EOPS mutual responsibility contract
Program Standards
• 56230. Full-time Director
To directly manage and/or coordinate the
daily operations of the program
To supervise and/or coordinate the staff
assigned to perform EOPS activities
Waivers allowed. Reference September 16,
2009 Administrative Relief memo.
Program Standards (cont)
56232. Outreach, Orientation and
Registration Services.
(a) outreach and recruitment;
(b) orientation;
(c) registration assistance.
56234. Assessment
– Instruments and methods which are reliable,
valid, and appropriate.
– All assessment results shall be explained and
interpreted to EOPS students by counselors
trained in the use and meaning of such
Program Standards (cont)
56238. Basic Skills Instruction and Tutoring
– Basic Skills Instruction
– Tutoring
56240. Transfer and Career Employment
- Transfer to four-year colleges
- Career employment in their field of
EOPS Financial Aid Standards
56252. EOPS grants and work study shall be
awarded to reduce student loan indebtedness
or unmet need, after Pell and other financial
• Grants not to exceed $900 per year or unmet
need, whichever is less
• Work study not to exceed $1,800 per year or
unmet need, whichever is less
• Combination of grants and work study not to
exceed $1,800 or unmet need
• Disbursed equally among terms
Staffing Standards
56260. Staff
• Certificated director, instructors and
counselors and other support staff.
• All staff funded by EOPS who are not
supervised by the EOPS Director shall
be accountable to the EOPS Director for
the services rendered to EOPS students.
Staffing Standards (cont.)
56262. Director Qualifications
 Minimum qualifications for a student
services administrator or possess a
Community College Supervisor Credential.
 Two years of experience, within past four
years, in programs for disadvantaged
 Completed a minimum of 6 units of collegelevel coursework relating to special
Staffing Standards (cont.)
56264. Counselor Qualifications
 Possess a Community College Counselor
Credential or possess a master’s degree in
counseling or equivalent
 Completed a minimum of 9 units of collegelevel coursework relating to special
populations, or 6 units or equivalent of
college-level counseling practicum/field
 Two years of occupational experience
relating to disadvantaged students.
Advisory Committee (56208)
• Must have an EOPS Advisory Committee.
• Purpose - to assist the college in developing
and maintaining an effective EOPS
• Must meet at least once during each
academic year.
• Committee membership - no fewer members
than the members of the local Board of
Trustees; two years terms (may serve more
than one term.)
Advisory Committee representation
should include:
• College Personnel
• EOPS/CARE Students
• Local and feeder high schools
• Community and business sector
• Four Year Colleges (where possible)
• *Department Of Social Services
(CalWORKs), as appropriate)
EOPS Supplemental Costs (56294)
Colleges shall expend EOPS funds only for
programs and services which are over,
above, and in addition to the cost which
are the district's responsibility as defined in
Section 56293.
September 16, 2009
Administrative Relief Memo
To assist colleges in planning for and
administering programs in this unprecedented
budget environment.
• Book Requirement - reduced by 39.66%
from 2008-09
• Student Cap - reduced by 39.66% from 200809
• Full-time Director - extend existing approvals;
add fiscal distress as criteria; streamline
process; approve through 2012-12
Admin Relief (cont.)
• District Contribution - reduced by 39.66%
from 2008-09; exempt redirected/ARRA
funds from calculations in 2010-11
• Supplanting/Restriction on Use of Funds
– exempt redirected/ARRA funds in 201011
• Allowable Uses of Funds – blanket
waivers for computer hardware/ software;
furniture; travel costs for EOPS functions
Admin Relief (cont.)
• Minimum Standards – streamline waiver
process for Outreach, Orientation and
Registration; Assessments; Basic Skills/
Tutoring; Transfer/Career Services
• Minimum Standards – Counseling/
Advisement – 3 sessions as described in
Title 5 still required; alternate methods
may be used
Admin Relief (cont.)
• Reallocation of Funds – eliminated
separate reporting form
• Transfer of Funds Request – eliminated
separate reporting form, unless
requesting to transfer funds from “Part C
– Direct Aid”
Carry-Over of 2009-10
EOPS and CARE Funds
90 additional days
Funds must be spent by September 30, 2010
No encumbrances allowed past Sept 30th
All existing policies, regulations, rules, mandates
are in place
• Carry-over funds used in 2010-11 are 2009-10
expenses and are reported on 2009-10 final
expenditure reports
• Carry-over funds spent on books and grants/work
study in 2010-11 are counted towards the 2009-10
book requirement and 2009-10 Part C obligation
For Technical Assistance
Chancellor’s Office EOPS/CARE staff
Barbara McIsaac Kwoka, EOPS Program
(bkwoka@cccco.edu) 916-323-5953
Cheryl Fong, CARE Coordinator
(cfong@cccco.edu) 916-323-5954
Delores Daniels, EOPS Specialist
(ddaniels@cccco.edu) 916-323-5952
Kelly Gornik, EOPS/CARE Program Assistant
(kgornik@cccco.edu) 916-323-4281