Online databases and Media Literacy

databases and
Media Literacy
Amy Power
February 2013
School Library Collections &
Educational Technology
School libraries contribute two types of
information resources to teaching
and learning by school libraries: books
and periodicals, and databases accessed
via the Internet.
This includes both free content on the World
Wide Web and licensed databases to
which the library must subscribe for a fee.
Both types of resources exhibited persistent,
positive influences on students’
test scores.
The Illinois Study: Powerful
Libraries Make Powerful
You Tube video eLibrary
Curriculum Edition in 2 Minutes
eLibrary….why it matters
 Quality
(or lack thereof) of Wikipedia
 Critical evaluation: criteria of suitability
(scope, audience, timeliness), authority,
and other indicators (documentation,
objectivity, and primary vs. secondary
 The Digital Divide
Kids Closer Up: Playing,
Learning, and Growing with
Digital Media by Lori Takeuchi
 “Today
the digital divide resides in
differential ability to use new media to
critically evaluate information, analyze,
and interpret data, attack complex
problems, test innovative solutions,
manage multifaceted projects,
collaborate with others in knowledge
production. and communicate effectively
to diverse audiences-in that are at the
heart of the new economy."
SNAP statistics
from AEA
Trial Online AEA databases
 http://www.iec-
February 18-March 31
User ID: iec2013
Password: iowaaea
Research Project Calculator
Research Project Calendar
Media Literacy
Media Literacy is the ability to access, analyze,
evaluate and create media in a variety of forms.
 Media Literacy is a 21st century approach to
education. It provides a framework to access,
analyze, evaluate, create and participate with
messages in a variety of forms — from print to
video to the Internet. Media literacy builds an
understanding of the role of media in society as
well as essential skills of inquiry and self-expression
necessary for citizens of a democracy.
What is Media Literacy?
Transliteracy and the School
Library Program
 Transliteracy
is the ability to read, write,
and interact across a range of platforms,
tools, and media through handwriting,
print, TV, radio and film, to digital social
 Information literacy skills are but one
component of the range of skills students
need in order to participate as consumers
and producers in the current information
 Teacher
librarians help develop strategies
for integrating transliteracy skills into
subject areas across the curriculum.
 Students should know a range of
transliteracy skills demonstrating that
youth learn in the contemporary online
Questions for teachers
 What
is one online database that I could
try in the classroom before the end of the
school year?
 Think about media literacy and what it
means in terms of instructional practices
and applications for your students based
on the knowledge in your content area.
Questions for me
 ??????????????????????????????????
Play time
 Take
time to explore the options that
eLibrary offers
 Check out current and trial databases
from AEA.
 Let me know if eLibrary is something
should continue for next year.