SIM PROJECT CALL FOR PROPOSALS Media Literacy Grants Internews’ Strengthening Independent Media (SIM) in Bosnia and Herzegovina Project is seeking project proposals aimed at support and development of Media Literacy in BiH. Media literacy is the capacity of individual citizens to access, analyze and evaluate the power of images, sounds and messages as products of media - television, film, radio and recorded music, print, online and any other digital communication technology. Media literacy is also the set of operative skills needed to properly use new media technologies. On an individual level, the skills of media literacy are those of critical thinking, problem solving, personal autonomy and social and communicative skills, which are the skills crucial for development of an active and participatory citizenry. At the basic level – media literacy means that citizens are able to identify and utilize news and information that is fact-based, objective, and needed. Eligible to apply for these small grants are: NGOs, formal and informal media education institutions, as well as informal groups of media educators; and media outlets, with the project proposals in line with the criteria below. Successful projects will focus on working toward one or more of the following objectives to: Develop/improve the skills of BiH citizens to access, analyze and evaluate the content of media outlets; Develop/promote media education (formal or informal) in order to support an increased level of participatory citizenship in BiH; Make available to the public and to media outlets in BiH more media literacy research and resources through publication or production. GRANT SIZE No grant is to exceed $10,000. Grant Criteria 1. Media Literacy Initiative The project demonstrates that it will help to improve media literacy skills of the targeted audience – to improve the skills of BiH citizens to access, analyze and evaluate media content through education, applied research and advocacy activities on and off line; to increase the level of participatory citizenship. (maximum score: 7 points) 2. Understanding of major Media Literacy and journalism concepts All projects must demonstrate understanding and awareness of major media literacy concepts and understanding of the standards of journalism in order to propose projects which may educate citizens to critically evaluate journalism practices. Media literacy knowledge and skills mainly relate to four key facets of the mass media phenomenon: (1) media industries, (2) media messages, (3) media audiences, and (4) media effects (maximum score: 7 points) 3. Capacity and Project Sustainability Applicants must demonstrate capacity and provide sustainability ideas and plans. (maximum score: 6 points- 4 for capacity and 2 for sustainability) 4. Project impact What do you expect to achieve in society with your project? How will you measure your progress and achievements? (maximum score: 5 points) 5. Clear and transparent budget Project budgets must use the attached template, be transparent and describe major expense categories that show clear cost effectiveness and suggested cost share of at least 15 percent. [Cost share: the resources you contribute to the project: from another non-USG source (such as EU money), or in-kind, such as equipment, production, and/or labor costs that you donate to implement the project.] Submission and Review Procedure Applicants are invited to submit a project proposal + budget and budget narrative. Please see application form below. All proposals must be submitted in English. Proposals should be sent via email to: ; Subject line in email must contain: Application for Media Literacy Grants. Proposals will be reviewed by a Grant Selection Committee and scored. Only projects which score points in every category with a minimum total score of 13 out of 25 points will be considered further. If these criteria are not met, the project will not be considered. Internews may contact your organization if questions arise during the scoring/selection process. Internews will contact your organization with the results of your application within 15 days after application is received. Internews may contact you for an interview. PROPOSALS THAT DO NOT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Internews in BiH team 033 263 710 Hamdije Kresevljakovica 50 71000 Sarajevo