Year-End Reporting Presented by State Controller’s Office Division of Accounting and Reporting Jocelyn Roubique, Sandi Rowland & Martin Raygoza State Government Reporting Section Introduction What we will cover: Changes Deadlines Required Reports Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting Common Reporting Problems Changes to Year-End Reporting Reminders Be sure to include an e-mail address for the fund contact on the Certification Letter Additional blank forms available on the SCO web site. Changes to Year-End Reporting Cert Letter Be sure to include a mailing address and the name of the Campus Director Deficit Footnote Non-Governmental Cost Funds reporting a negative (deficit) fund balance must provide a footnote on the Post-Closing Trial Balance (Report No. 8) explaining the negative (deficit) fund balance. Changes to Year-End Reporting Budgetary/Legal Basis Year-End Reporting Instruction Manual Revisions should be sent on a hardcopy Report 1 or Report 3, not a new SAM99 Mailing of SCO Documents to Agencies - Pg. 8 Date of Mailing Document May 15, 2006 Prior Year Accrual Summary July 5, 2006 Monthly Reconciliation Reports (Agency & Fund) Copies of SCO Journal Entries for June July 10, 2006 Agency Fund Checklist* Report of Accruals to Controller’s Accounts** (Report No. 1; Forms 571A, 571B, 571C) Final Reconciliation of Controller’s Accounts with Final Budget Report** (Report No. 5; Form 573) * The Agency Fund Checklist is not all-inclusive. All funds with balances on the Agency Reconciliation Report and/or Fund Reconciliation Report must have Year-End Financial Reports submitted. ** These reports are only mailed out to non-CalSTARS agencies. If any additional blank copies of these reports are needed, they are available on the internet at Prior Year Accrual Summary PROG ID: R003P14B STATE CONTROLLERS OFFICE DATE: 06/30/2006 AGCY FUND 374 * PRIOR YEAR ACCRUALS SUMMARY REPORT * CA PR ELE CMP TSL T SRCFUND ACCOUNT PRIOR YEAR ACCRUAL PRIOR YEAR ADJUST -------- --------- ------ ------------ ---- ---- ----- ------ ----- --- ------------- ------------- ------------------------------ 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 6650 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2002 2002 2004 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 0001000 0001000 0001000 0001000 0001000 0001000 0001000 0001000 0001000 0001000 0001000 0498000 0498000 0498000 0498000 0498000 0498000 0574001 0574001 0574001 0574001 0574001 0574001 0574001 FY PAGE NO: REFITEM 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 11 11 7A 90 11 7A 90 97 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 48 48 48 50 50 50 50 315 315 060 060 061 C 0000000 D 0000000 C 0000000 D 0000000 F 0498000 F 0001000 C 0000000 D 0000000 F 0478000 F 0001000 D 0000000 C 0000000 D 0000000 Q 0000000 R 0000000 C 0000000 D 0000000 C 0000000 C 0000000 D 0000000 C 0000000 C 0000000 D 0000000 C 0000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000142800 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 239.89 239.89 -34759.35 -12344.64 -14567.82 -7846.89 7323420.35 7844295.07 -242382.76 -278491.96 .00 14567.82 14567.82 -256950.58 -256950.58 242382.76 242382.76 116545.38 116545.38 21245.38 21245.38 21245.38 95300.00 95300.00 SCO CHANGE AMOUNT -------------------------- -----------------------------.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Due Dates for Accounting Documents Due Dates June 16, 2006 Documents Last day for SCO Accounting to RECEIVE documents to be processed by June 30, 2006. Due Dates for Year-End Reports - Pg. 9 July 31, 2006 General Fund 0001 Feeder Funds 0081, 0084, 0085, 0086, 0088, 0089, 0090, 0091, 0094, 0097 Special Fund for Economic Uncertainties 0374, 0375, 0377 Note: Files are considered “Received” when they are readable and able to be downloaded into SCO’s systems. Due Dates for Year-End Reports - Pg. 9 August 21, 2006 All Other Funds All Other Special Reports Report 14 – Bank and/or Savings & Loan Accounts Outside of the State Treasury System Report 18 – Statement of Changes in General Fixed Assets Report 19 – Statement of Fixed Assets Account Group Report 22 – Statement of Contingent Liabilities Compliance If you cannot comply with due dates, contact: Martin Raygoza 916-323-8754 or Sandi Rowland 916-322-9896 For additional copies of Report Forms: Revisions to Y/E reports should be submitted by September 29, 2006. After this date, please contact: Jocelyn Roubique, 916-322-4671 FTP Reports (File Transfer Protocol) When FTP Reports are sent to Teale Data Center you must notify these individuals via e-mail: Rod Renteria Esther Setser Sandi Rowland Martin Raygoza Filing Reports Mail Reports to: Hand Deliver Reports to: State Controller’s Office Division of Accounting and Reporting State Government Reports PO Box 942850 Sacramento, CA 94250-5875 State Controller’s Office Division of Accounting and Reporting State Government Reporting 3301 C Street, Suite 700 Sacramento, CA 95816-3301 Required Reports Reports Included in SAM 99 Governmental Cost Funds & Bond Funds Report 1 - Report of Accruals Report 2 - Accrual Worksheet Report 3 - Adjustments to Controller’s Accounts Report 4 - Final Statement of Revenue & Final Reconciliation of Revenue Report 5 - Final Reconciliation of Controller’s Accounts with Final Budget Report Report 7 - Pre-Closing Trial Balance Report 8 - Post-Closing Trial Balance Report 9 - Statement of Operations Report 15 - Reconciliation of Agency Accounts with Transactions per State Controller Report 20 - Statement of Financial Condition Required Reports Governmental Cost Funds & Bond Funds Required Hard Copy Report 14 - Report of Bank and/or Savings Accounts Outside of the treasury System Report 18 - Statement of Changes in General Fixed Assets Report 19 - Statement of General Fixed Assets One per Campus One per Campus Report 22 - Statement of Contingent Liabilities Required Reports Non-Governmental Cost Funds Report 3 - Adjustments to Controller’s Accounts Report 7 - Pre-Closing Trial Balance Report 8 - Post-Closing Trial Balance Report 9 - Statement of Operations Report 20 - Statement of Financial Condition Report 22 - Statement of Contingent Liabilities SUBJECT: YEAR-END FINANCIAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS REFERENCES: SAM SECTIONS 7900 TO: NUMBER: 06-08 DATE ISSUED: May 3, 2006 SUPERSEDES: BL 05-05 Agency Secretaries Department Directors Departmental Budget Officers Departmental Accounting Officers Department of Finance Budget Staff “...Preparation of Past Year Budget Documents FROM: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Budget Letter BUDGET LETTER Past yearLetter expenditure amounts onfinancial budget documents must reconcile with This Budget reminds and Staterevenue departments of theposted year-end reporting deadlines for theamounts fiscal yearreflected 2005-06. in year-end financial reports submitted to the SCO. For the General Fund, Finance compares amounts on budget documents to SCO data from year-end reports and asks departments to explain major differences. ForFINANCIAL all other funds, Finance designates an administering organization. This YEAR-END REPORTING DEADLINES administering organization prepares the Governor’s Budget Fund Condition Statement and must reconcile must differences the SCO Annual Report and the Governor’s Budget. Departments must Departments submit between the appropriate 2005-06 year-end reports to the State Controller’s Office (SCO)aand the State Treasurer’s Office according to Finance the following schedule: provide written explanation of differences to their budget analyst and to the SCO, Division of Accounting and Reporting...” July 31, 2006 •General Fund •Feeder funds (0081, 0084, 0085, 0086, 0088 through 0091, 0094, 0095, and 0097) •Economic uncertainty funds (0374, 0375, and 0377) August 21, 2005 •All other funds Government Code Section 12461.2 authorizes the State Controller to withhold any or all operating funds from a department if that department fails to submit complete and accurate Certification Letter - Pg. 15 Must include: Date Campus Name & Number List of Funds and Fund Numbers Submitted List of Reports Submitted Within Each Fund If nothing reported, note it on the cert letter. Contact Person, Phone Number, and e-Mail Address for Each Set of Reports/Funds Campus mailing address and name of campus Director Signed Certification Statement (Page 17) Maximum two pages in length Submit multiple certification letters to ensure two page limit Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting STATE CONTROLLER’S OFFICE (SCO) AWARD FOR ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE CHECKLIST FUND NO. AGENCY NO. GOVERNMENTAL AND NONGOVERNMENTAL COST FUNDS: Yes No 1. Date reports received: ______/______/2006 July 31, 2006 - General Fund, SFEU and Feeder Funds August 21, 2006 - All Other Funds 2. An accurate certification letter was received. 3. Required reports were received or noted on certification letter. 4. Revised reports were not submitted after due dates. True? 5. Authorized report format was used. 6. Debits equal credits. 7. Is total error rate less than or equal to 2%? Cursory Errors: Error Suspense Errors: Total Errors: __________ __________ __________ Total Errors: Divided By Total Entries: Equals Error %: Susidiary accounts missing* "$$$'s" ** Amount entered on wrong line* "0"s present in Amount Column** * counts as 1 error per infraction __________ __________ __________ Possible Errors "0"s present in Encumbrance No agency/fund number on first Column** page* Wrong account numbers* "SCO Only" box* ** counts as 1 error for all infractions STATE CONTROLLER’S OFFICE (SCO) AWARD FOR ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE CHECKLIST Continued Notes/Other Errors:______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ OTHER CRITERIA: (Complete only if items 1 through 7 above are marked Yes) Yes 8. (Governmental Cost/Bond Funds) Prior year accruals are within 10% of expenditures and revenues realized in the current year? Prepare accrual worksheet after year-end report is completed. 9. The ending fund balance in the Annual Report is within $100,000 of the ending fund balance in the Governor’s Budget Fund Condition Statement? GAAP CRITERIA: 10. Date GAAP information received: ___/___/2006 September 1st – GAAP adjustments, Proprietary fund statements, Note information, Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities, any additional information. 11. Date Audits received: ___/___/2006 October 1st – If a draft was provided on October 1st then final will be due on October 15th. QUALIFIES FOR THE AWARD UNDER THE BUDGETARY/LEGAL BASIS CRITERIA? No N/A CSU Award for Excellence Statistics Prior Year Comparison 160 140 135 134 128 120 100 80 61 60 57 55 40 20 0 02/03 Funds Receiving Award 03/04 04/05 Funds Submitted CSU Award for Excellence Statistics 02/03 03/04 04/05 Campuses Receiving Awards 23 out of 24 22 out of 24 24 out of 24 Percentage of Funds Receiving Award 41% 48% 42% Awards by Fund: 0001 - General Fund 0498 - Higher Ed. Fees & Income 0574 - 1998 Higher Ed. Capital Outlay Bond 0658 - 1996 Higher Ed. Capital Outlay Bond 0705 - 1992 Higher Ed. Capital Outlay Bond 0785 - 1988 Higher Ed. Capital Outlay Bond 0791 - June 1990 Higher Ed. Capital Outlay Bond 0890 - Federal Trust Fund 0942 - Special Deposit Fund 6028 - Higher Ed. Capital Outlay Bond 6041 - Higher Ed. Capital Outlay Bond 2004 Other Funds 02/03 3 of 24 10 of 24 11 of 24 1 of 3 2 of 2 0 of 1 1 of 1 2 of 4 7 of 16 14 of 24 13% 42% 46% 33% 100% 0% 100% 50% 44% 58% 4 of 11 36% Fiscal Year 03/04 8 of 24 33% 9 of 24 38% 12 of 24 50% 0 of 1 0% 04/05 3 of 24 13% 2 of 24 8% 10 of 17 59% 1 of 1 100% 1 of 1 100% 4 of 4 100% 5 of 15 33% 19 of 24 79% 3 of 11 27% 2 of 3 8 of 9 22 of 24 0 of 23 9 of 11 67% 89% 92% 0% 82% Common CSU Reporting Problems Fund 0001 Accruals for appropriation accounts exceeded the balance available in the account (1 report) Reports received after due date (1 report) Prior Year accruals did not match current year expenditures and/or revenues (21 reports) Revenue entries coded as general ledger entries (5 reports) Miscellaneous problems Wrong type of account picked up by SAM99, accrual picked up for FY 05/06, and encumbrance done to wrong account and encumbrance entry not initiated. Timely & accurate reports - Certificate of Excellence to be issued for 3 reports. Common CSU Reporting Problems Fund 0498 Prior Year accruals did not match current year expenditures and/or revenues (16 reports) Accruals for appropriation accounts exceeded the balance available in the account (1 report) Revenue entries coded as general ledger entries (14 reports) Miscellaneous problems Wrong fiscal year used on revenue entries (2 reports) Timely & accurate reports - Certificate of Excellence to be issued for 2 reports. Common CSU Reporting Problems Fund 0574 Prior Year accruals did not match current year expenditures and/or revenues (6 reports) Timely & accurate reports - Certificate of Excellence to be issued for 10 reports. Fund 0576 Revisions received after deadline (1 report) Common CSU Reporting Problems Fund 0942 When there is no information to report, don’t put the General Ledger account number with a zero (1 report) Timely & accurate reports - Certificate of Excellence to be issued for 8 reports. Fund 0947 Wrong account number used (1 report) Fund 6028 Wrong account number was used to accrue PMIA interest (1 report) Two detail accounts were missing the “task” number (1 report) Timely & accurate reports - Certificate of Excellence to be issued for 22 reports. Common CSU Reporting Problems Fund 6041 Debits did not equal Credits, due to revenue accounts being coded as general ledger accounts (23 reports) Wrong account number was used to accrue PMIA interest (1 report) Wrong account number was used for a claim schedule that wasn’t filed - used 1110, instead of 3010 (1 report) Fund was not included in Certification Letter (1 report) Common CSU Reporting Problems - Report 14 This report will be required of all State agencies. If no account exists, submit report noted "No accounts outside State Treasury." Any account in which State money is deposited, as defined by Government Code 16305.2, and which is not in the centralized State Treasury system will be included in this report. STATE OF CALIFORNIA REPORT OF BANK/SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ACCOUNT OUTSIDE THE TREASURY SYSTEM (1) Account title and number appearing on bank/savings and loan statement. (2) State type of account (savings, checking, certificate of deposit, etc.). STD. 445 (REV. 6-98) Please return to: State Treasurer's Office Securities Clearance Section P.O. Box 942809 Sacramento, CA 94209-0001 (5) Date of Department of Finance approval (Govt. Code 16305.3) or citation if authorized by statute. (6) Book balance of account as of June 30. (3) Brief description and purpose of account. (4) Name and address of depository and branch. DEPARTM ENT NAM E AND ADDRESS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED California Maritime Academy - 6752 (1) ACCOUNT TITLE AND NUMBER Federal Perkins Loan Account California Maritime Academy 9429900096 PO Box 1392, Vallejo, CA 94590-0644 (2) ACCOUNT TYPE Checking (3) PURPOSE June 30, 2006 (4) BANK/SAVINGS & LOAN (5) (6) AUTHORITY BALANCE Transfer funds for investment First Bank of Calif. - Vallejo 116 Springstowne Center Vallejo, CA 94591 Title 34, Code of Federal Regulations Union Bank Government Services DOF Approval PO Box 7104 03/08/96 San Francisco, CA 94120-7104 $71,957.73 California Maritime Academy 7020012948 Zero Balance Account Credit Card Deposits California Maritime Academy Total Return Investment Met West Title 5 Education Code 11440 San Vicente Bl., 3rd Fl. Section 89721 Los Angeles, CA 90049 $565,986.95 California Maritime Academy Sub Account 200220 Short Term Account Investment Met West Title 5 Education Code 11440 San Vicente Bl., 3rd Fl. Section 89721 Los Angeles, CA 90049 $116,199.24 California Maritime Academy 1436-9-80713 Zero Balance Account Sub Account 200220 $0.00 Bank of America DOF Approval $0.00 Government Services #1436 04/06/99 555 Capitol Mall, Ste. 265 Sacramento, CA 94814 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that I have not violated any of the provisions of Article 4, Chapter 1, SIGNA TURE FFELP Program TYP E OR P RINT NA M E A ND TITLE TELEP HONE NUM B ER Mark Nickerson, Vice President Business Affairs (707) 654-1038 DA TE SIGNED 07/23/2006 Common CSU Reporting Problems Report 14 Report 14 (STD 445) Instructions are included on the form Include campus number and name Please submit report 14 (this should be a summary of report 14A, 14B and 14C) Be sure to include Met West Investment accounts “Authority” Column Cite the specific State Code or DOF approval date All citations will be verified/audited Education Code Section 89721 Most trusts, loan/scholarship program funds, facility use fees, services, etc. “Purpose” Column Provide detailed information to support authority for account Proposed SAM 99 Edits General Ledger Accounts 1410 & 3114 do not have a subsidiary the same as the fund they are posted to Example: Fund 0001 14100001 1420 Fund 0498 31140498 3115 - Invalid Valid Invalid Valid Encumbrances reported for assets and liabilities do not exceed the related accruals Encumbrances reported for each appropriation account do not exceed the accrual Reverted appropriation accounts have accruals posted only when revived by SCO in current year Flags should be entered on these accounts SCO Contact List Analysts Section Manager Jocelyn Roubique 916 322-4671 Other SCO-CSU Staff Carlos Diaz, Supervisor 916 324-4582 Sandi Rowland 916 322-9896 Martin Raygoza 916 323-8754 For CSU State Government Reporting Section Jocelyn Roubique, Manager State Controller’s Office Division of Accounting and Reporting State Government Reporting Section