Rural development policy: today and after 2013 Loretta Dormal Marino Deputy Director General DG for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission IFAJ Congress 2010 – Brussels, 22 April 2010 1. Rural development policy today (2007-2013) 2 Rural development policy works through: – shared financing (EU, Member States, private) – strategic multi-annual planning (current period: 2007-2013) – menus of optional measures grouped by theme 3 Rural development policy 2007-2013: themes and measures « LEADER axis » (min. 5%): integrated, bottom/up, innovative Axis 1: Competitiveness (min. 10%): - Farm modernisation Axis 2: Environment and land management (min.25%): Axis 3: Diversification and quality of life (min.10%): - Less favoured - Processing areas - Diversification, tourism - Infrastructure - Natura 2000 - Micro-enterprises - Natural disaster aid - Agri-environment - Village renewal - Training - Forestry measures - Basic services EAFRD: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development 4 The strategic approach 1. EU Strategic Guidelines establish the Community Priorities for the period 2007-2013 2. National Strategies reflect EUpriorities according to the situation in the Member State concerned 3. Establishment of national or regional programmes on the basis of SWOT analysis 4. Programme measures used by interested parties (farmers and others); results monitored continuously 5 Total indicative RD expenditure for EU-27 (2007-2013) following recent adjustments • • • • EAFRD (EU budget): National co-financing: Private expenditure: National ‘top-ups’: € 96.2 billion* € 57.2 billion** € 65.5 billion** € 12.4 billion** 41.6% 24.7% 28.3% 5.4% • TOTAL: € 231.3 billion 100.0% * This figure includes the additional amounts from Health Check and Recovery Package ** These figures are based on the revised programmes approved end of February 2010. 6 2. Rural development policy after 2013 7 The institutional context of the CAP debate Lisbon Treaty: co-decision on agriculture and rural development New EU financial perspectives after 2013 Europe 2020 strategy 8 EUROPE 2020 strategy - interlinked priorities: Smart growth - an economy based on knowledge and innovation: R&D and innovation Education, training and lifelong learning Digital society Sustainable growth - promoting a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy: Competitiveness Combating climate change Clean and efficient energy Inclusive growth - a high-employment economy delivering economic, social and territorial cohesion: Employment Skills Fighting poverty 9 Rural development policy’s contribution to Europe 2020 Rural development policy can contribute by: fostering “green” and innovative technologies; investing in skills, training and entrepreneurship; helping to manage natural resources sustainably; improving competitiveness of farming through more efficient use of resources; providing environmental public goods; developing a low-carbon rural economy; reducing greenhouse gas emissions from farming; unlocking the wider potential of rural areas. 10 What should be the future objectives for the CAP‘s second pillar? Foster a competitive agricultural sector Develop rural areas Sustainable rural development Preserve natural resources 11 Rural development – objectives after 2013 Foster a competitive agricultural sector Improve resource efficiency: •Focus on green technologies •Adaptation to climate change and development of renewable energy •Modernisation/ restructuring Means: Innovation, technology transfer and skills acquisition, “green” investments 12 Rural development – objectives after 2013 Preserve natural resources •Mitigate and adapt to climate change •Sustainable land management to preserve ecosystems •Management of natural resources Biodiversity, water, soil Means: Payment to land managers for public goods, training and advisory services 13 Rural development – objectives after 2013 Develop rural areas Unlock local potential, encourage social inclusion: •Diversify the rural economy •Develop local infrastructure •Mobilise and connect local actors including public-private partnerships Means: Investments and mobilisation of social capital (cooperation, networking, place based strategies) 14 Possible improvements Strategic level: – Strengthen links with EU priorities – Improve targeting – Co-ordinate better with other EU policies (EFF, ERDF, ESF) Operational level: – Changes to architecture (axes, measures)? – Improve Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework – Improve “shared management” (EU/Member States) But trade-offs exist! – Simplification versus accountability – Flexibility versus targeting 15 Roadmap for the EU’s RD policy after 2013 2011 (n-3) • Public Consultation • Submit IA • Prepare policy proposal & impact assessment • Publish legal proposal •Communication on CAP post 2013 16 • Launch ISC • Start negotiations with EP and Council 2012 (n-2) 2013 (n-1) • Continue negotiations with EP and Council on legal proposal • Drafting of strategy/ programmes 2014 (n) Implementation of the Policy 2010 (n-4) 16 More information on rural development and the CAP: CAP Health Check EU agriculture and CAP reform EU rural development policy 2007-2013 Agricultural Policy Analysis and Perspectives 17