Chapters 10 & 11 Blood and Cardiovascular System

Chapters 10 & 11
Blood and Cardiovascular System
Course of Study:
9.) Identify structures and functions of the cardiovascular system.
• Tracing the flow of blood through the body
• Identifying components of blood
• Describing blood cell formation
• Distinguishing among human blood groups
• Describing common cardiovascular diseases and disorders
Examples: myocardial infarction, mitral valve prolapse, varicose veins,
Components of Blood
 The only fluid tissue in the human body
 Classified as a connective tissue
 Living cells = formed elements
 Non-living matrix = plasma
Components of Blood:
 Although blood appears to be a thick, homogenous liquid,
the microscope reveals it has both solid and liquid
 Blood is a complex connective tissue (it is the only liquid
tissue) in which living blood cells, the formed elements, are
suspended in a nonliving fluid matrix called plasma.
Components of Blood:
 Blood in a centrifuge:
 The heavier formed elements are packed down
 The plasma rises to the top
 Most of the reddish mass at the bottom of the tube
consists of erythrocytes, the red blood cells that
function in oxygen transport
Although, it is barely visible in there is a thin, whitish
layer called the “buffy coat” at the junction between
the formed elements and the plasma. This layer
contains leukocytes (leuko=white), the white blood
cells that act in various ways to protect the body, and
platelets, cell fragments that function in the blood
clotting process.
Erythrocytes normally account for about 45% of the
total volume of a blood samples, a percentage known
as a “hematocrit”.
White blood cells and platelets contribute less than
Plasma makes up most of the remaining 55% of whole
Physical Characteristics and Volume
 Blood is a sticky opaque fluid with a characteristic metallic taste
 Depending on the amount of oxygen it is carrying, the color of
blood varies from scarlet (oxygen-rich) to a dull red (oxygenpoor)
Blood is heavier than water and about five times thicker, or more
viscous, largely because of its formed elements.
Blood is slightly alkaline (basic) with a pH between 7.35 and 7.45.
Its temperature is always slightly higher than body temperature
(38°C or 100.4°F)
Blood accounts for approximately 8% of body weight, and its
volume in healthy males is 5-6 liters, or approximately 6
quarts…so what is it in women? (2 point bonus…)
 Is approximately 90% water
 Is the liquid part of the blood
 Over 100 different substances are dissolved in this straw-
colored fluid such as nutrients, salts (electrolytes),
respiratory gases, hormones, plasma proteins, and various
wastes and products of cell metabolism
 The composition of plasma varies as cells remove or add
substances to the blood…assuming a healthy diet, however,
the composition is kept relatively constant by various
homeostatic mechanisms of the body
Plasma Proteins
 The most abundant solutes in plasma
 Except for antibodies and protein-based hormones, most plasma
proteins are made by the liver.
 Serve a variety of functions
 Albumin: contributes to osmotic pressure of blood, which acts to keep
water in the bloodstream
 Clotting Proteins: Help stem blood loss when a blood vessel is injured
 Antibodies: Help protect the body from pathogens (disease causing
 Plasma proteins are NOT taken up by cells to be used as food fuels or
metabolic nutrients, as are other solutes such as glucose, fatty acids, and
Formed Elements
 If you observe a stained smear of human blood under a
microscope, you will see smooth, disc-shaped red blood cells, a
variety of gaudily stained white blood cells, and most likely, some
scattered platelets that look like debris.
 Erythrocytes vastly outnumber the other types of formed
Erythrocytes: “red blood cells” (RBCs)
 Salmon-colored, biconcave disks
 Function to ferry oxygen in blood to all cells of
the body
 RBCs differ from other blood cells because they
are anucleate meaning they lack a nucleus and they
also contain very few organelles (which also
means they cannot divide)
 Mature RBCs are literally sacs of hemoglobin
 Hemoglobin: iron-bearing protein, transports the
bulk of the oxygen that is carried in the blood
 In fact, because erythrocytes lack mitochondria
and make ATP by anaerobic mechanisms, they do
not use up any of the oxygen they transport,
making them very efficient oxygen transporters
 RBCs live about 120 days and are then
phagocytized by the liver and spleen
Anemia &
Sickle-Cell Anemia
 Anemia: Decrease in the oxygen-carrying ability of the blood
 May be result of: 1) Lower than normal number of RBCs 2) abnormal or deficient
hemoglobin content in the RBCs or
 Sickle-Cell Anemia (SCA):
 The abnormal hemoglobin formed becomes spiky and sharp when the RBCs unload
oxygen molecules or when the oxygen content of the blood is lower than normal (like
during exercise, anxiety, or other stressful situations).
 The deformed (crescent-shaped) erythrocytes rupture easily and dam up in small
blood vessels. These events interfere with oxygen delivery and cause extreme pain.
 It is amazing that this havoc results from a change in just ONE of the amino acids in
each of the beta chains of the globin molecule!
 SCA occurs chiefly in black people who live in the malaria belt of Africa and among
their descendants….Apparently, the same gene that causes sickling makes RBCs
infected by the malaria-causing parasite stick to the capillary walls and then lose
potassium, an essential nutrient for survival of the parasite…Hence, the malariacausing parasite is prevented from multiplying within the RBCs, and individuals with
the sickle gene have a better chance of surviving where malaria is prevalent!!! Cool.
Leukocytes: “white blood cells” (WBCs)
 Far less numerous than RBCs
 Are crucial to body defense against disease
 Include: Granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils) &
Agranulocytes (lymphocytes, monocytes)
 WBCs are the only complete cells in the blood; that is, they
contain nuclei and the usual organelles
 WBCs form a protective, movable army that helps defend the
body against damage by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and
tumor cells….so they have special characteristics…
More About Leukocytes (WBCs)…
 RBCs are confined to the bloodstream and carry out their function in the
blood…not WBCs…
 WBCs are able to slip into and out of the blood vessels - a process called
 The circulatory system is simply their means of transportation to areas of the
body where their services are needed for inflammatory or immune responses (we
will look more at this in ch.12)
 WBCs can also locate areas of tissue damage and infection in the body by
responding to certain chemicals that diffuse from the damaged cells (they “pick
up the scent” and move there…pretty neat!) They pinpoint areas of tissue damage
and rally round in large numbers to destroy microorganisms or dead cells.
 Whenever WBCs mobilize for action, the body speeds up their production, and as
many as twice the normal number of WBCs may appear in the blood within a few
hours. A total WBC count above 11,000 cells/mm3 is referred to as
leukocytosis….this generally indicates that a bacterial or viral infection is
stewing in the body. Leukopenia, the opposite condition, is an abnormally low
WBC count. It is commonly caused by certain drugs, such as corticosteroids and
anticancer agents.
Leukocytosis & Leukemia
 Leukocytosis: Normal and desirable response to infectious
threats to the body.
 By contrast, the excessive production of abnormal WBCs that
occurs in infectious mononucleosis and leukemia is distinctly
 Leukemia:
 Literally “white blood”
 The bone marrow becomes cancerous, and huge numbers of
WBCs are turned out rapidly
 Seems like not a bad thing….but….the “newborn” WBCs are
immature and incapable of carrying out their normal protective
functions. So, the body becomes the easy prey of disease-causing
bacteria and viruses.
2 Major Groups of WBCs:
Granule containing
Avid phagocytes at sites of acute infection
Their number increases rapidly during allergies and
infections by parasitic worms (like tapeworm)
Rarest of WBCs that contain large histamine-containing
 Histamine is an inflammatory chemical that makes blood
vessels leaky and attracts other WBCs to the inflammatory
 Take up residence in lymphatic tissues,
where they play an important role in the
immune response
Lack visible granules
 Largest of all WBCs
 They migrate into tissues, change into
macrophages with huge appetites.
Macrophages are very important in fighting
chronic infections, such as tuberculosis
 Really aren’t cells…they are fragments of bizarre
multinucleate cells called megakaryocytes which pinch off
thousands of anucleate platelet “pieces” that quickly seal
themselves off from the surrounding fluids
 Platelets appear as darkly staining, irregularly shaped bodies
scattered among the other blood cells
 The normal platelet count in blood is about 300,000/mm3.
 Platelets are needed for the clotting process that occurs in
plasma when blood vessels are ruptured or broken
(hem=blood; stasis=standing still)
 The process of stopping bleeding
 Coagulation causes the formation of a blood clot
 3 Key Events:
 1. Blood vessel spasm - damaged or broken vessels stimulate
muscle tissue in the walls of the blood vessels to contract. This slows
or stops blood flow, lasts for several minutes. Also, platelets release
serotonin, a vasoconstrictor which maintains the muscle spasm even
 2. Platelet plug formation - platelets stick to surfaces of damaged
blood vessels and to each other to form a "plug"
 3. Blood coagulation - most effective, forms a blood clot
(hematoma). Injury causes an increase in the release of coagulants.
Main event - conversion of fibrinogen into long protein threads called
 Blood clotting - Animation -YouTube
Undesirable Clotting:
 Sometimes clots form in intact blood vessels, particularly in the
A clot that develops and persists in an unbroken blood vessel is
called a thrombus
If large enough, it may prevent blood flow to the cells beyond the
blockage…for example…if a thrombus forms in the blood vessels
serving the hearth (coronary thrombosis), the consequences may
be death of heart muscle and a fatal heart attack
If a thrombus breaks away from the vessel wall and floats freely in
the bloodstream, it becomes an embolus. An embolus is usually
no problem unless or until it lodges in a blood vessel too narrow
for it to pass through…for example…a cerebral embolus may
cause a stroke
A number of anticoagulants, most importantly aspirin, heparin,
and dicumarol, are used clinically for thrombus-prone patients
Cool Picture from your Text…
Reads: Fibrin Clot. Scanning electron micrograph of red
blood cells trapped in a mesh of fibrin threads.
Blood Cell Formation
Blood Cell Formation
 Occurs in red bone marrow
 In adults, this tissue is found is found chiefly in the flat bones
of the skull and pelvis, the ribs, sternum, and proximal
epiphyses of the humerus and femur
 Each type of blood cell is produced in different numbers in
response to changing body needs and different stimuli…after
they mature, they are discharged into the blood vessels
surrounding the area.
 All formed elements arise from a common type of stem cell:
the hemocytoblast, which resides in the red bone marrow
Erythrocyte Development:
 Because RBCs are anucleate (have no nucleus) they are unable to
synthesize proteins, grow, or divide
As they age, RBCs become more rigid and begin to fragment, or fall
apart, in 100-120 days. Their remains are eliminated by phagocytes in
the spleen or liver.
Lost cells are replaced by the division of hemocytoblasts in the red bone
The developing RBCs divide many times and then begin synthesizing
huge amounts of hemoglobin…suddenly when enough hemoglobin has
been accumulated, the nucleus and most organelles are ejected and the
cell collapses inward.
The result is the young RBC, called a reticulocyte because it still
contains some rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
The reticulocytes enter the bloodstream to begin their task of
transporting oxygen….within 2 days of release, they have ejected the
remaining ER and have become fully functioning erythrocytes.
The entire developmental process from hemocytoblast to mature RBC
takes 3-5 days.
Erythrocyte Development:
 Rate of production is controlled by a hormone (not so
surprisingly!) called erythropoietin
Normally a small amount of erythropoietin circulates in the blood
at all times, and the red blood cells are formed at a fairly constant
Although the liver produces some, the kidneys play the major role
in producing this hormone.
When blood levels of oxygen begin to decline for any reason, the
kidneys step up their release of erythropoietin…the
erythropoietin targets the bone marrow, prodding it into “high
gear” to turn out more RBCs.
As you might expect, and overabundance of erythrocytes, or an
excessive amount of oxygen in the bloodstream, decreases
erythropoietin release and red blood cell production.
Leukocyte and Platelet Development
 Also stimulated by hormones like erythrocytes
 These “colony stimulating factors (CSFs)” and “interleukins” not
only prompt red bond marrow to turn out leukocytes, but also
marshal up an army of WBCs to ward off attacks by enhancing the
ability of mature leukocytes to protect the body
 They are released in response to specific chemical signals in the
environment such as inflammatory chemicals and certain bacteria
or their toxins
 The hormone “thrombopoietin” accelerates the production of
platelets, but little is known about how that process is regulated
Human Blood Groups
 Blood transfusions can save lives, but people have different
blood groups, and transfusing incompatible or mismatched
blood can be fatal
 The plasma membranes of RBCs, like those of all body cells
have genetically determined proteins (antigens), which
identify each person as unique!
 An antigen is a substance that the body recognizes as foreign;
it stimulates the immune system to release antibodies or use
other means to mount a defense against it
Antigens & Antibodies
 Most antigens are foreign proteins like viruses or bacteria
that have managed to invade the body
 Each of us tolerates our own cellular (self) antigens, but one
person’s RBC proteins will be recognized as foreign if
transfused into another person with different RBC antigens
 The “recognizers” are antibodies present in the plasma that
attach to RBCs bearing surface antigens different form those
on the patient’s RBCs
Antibodies and Agglutination
 At this point of recognition of foreigner…binding of
antibodies causes the RBCs to clump, called agglutination
 This leads to clogging of small blood vessels throughout the
 During the next few hours, the foreign RBCs are ruptured
and the hemoglobin is released into the blood stream
 Although the transfused blood is unable to deliver the
increased oxygen-carrying capacity hoped for and some
tissue areas may be deprived of blood….the most devastating
Negative Consequences of Transfusion
of Mismatched Blood
 The most devastating consequence of severe transfusion
reactions is that the freed hemoglobins block the kidney
tubules and cause kidney failure
 Transfusion reactions can also cause fever, chills, nausea, and
vomiting, but in the absence of kidney shutdown these
reactions are rarely fatal
 Treatment is aimed at preventing kidney damage by infusing
alkaline fluids to dilute and dissolve the hemoglobin and
diuretics to flush it out of the body in urine
ABO and Rh Grouping
 There are over 30 common RBC antigens in humans,
allowing each person’s blood cells to be classified into
different blood groups
 However, it is the antigens of the ABO and Rh blood groups
that cause the most vigorous transfusion reactions
ABO Blood Groups
 Based on which of two antigens, type A or type B, a person
Absence of both antigens results in type O blood
Presence of both antigens leads to type AB
Possession of type A gives type A blood and possession of
type B gives type B blood
In the ABO blood group, antibodies are formed during
infancy against the ABO antigens not present on your own
 For example: a baby with neither the A nor the B antigen (O)
forms both anti-A and anti-B antibodies, while those with type
A antigens (A) form anti-B antibodies
Summary of ABO
(from your text, pg.340)
*Just remember, the antigens on the surface of your cells (or donated cells) will cause a reaction if your
immune system does not recognize them as being part of you. Hence, if you are Type A, and transfused
with Type B, your body will mobilize a massive immune response against the "invading" blood. This will
cause coagulation of blood and death.
Rh blood groups
 Named because 1 of the 8 Rh antigens was originally
identified in Rhesus monkeys!
Later the same antigen was discovered in human beings
Most Americans are Rh+, meaning that their RBCs carry
the Rh antigen…if you are negative, then you do not carry
the Rh antigen
Unlike the antibodies of the ABO system, anti-Rh
antibodies are not automatically formed and present in the
blood of Rh- people.
However, if an Rh- person receives mismatched blood
(Rh+), shortly after the transfusion his or her immune
system becomes sensitized and begins producing antibodies
(anti-Rh+) against he foreign blood type.
Hemolysis (rupturing of the RBCs) does not occur with the
first transfusion because it takes time for the body to react
and start making antibodies…however, the second time and
every time after, a typical transfusion reaction occurs in
which the patient’s antibodies attack and rupture the
donor’s Rh+ RBCs
Important Rh Related Problem
 Occurs in pregnant Rh- women that are carrying Rh+ babies
 The first pregnancy usually results in the delivery of a healthy baby…but
because the mother is sensitized by Rh+ antigens that have passed
through the placenta into her bloodstream, she will form anti-Rh+
 Unless she is treated with RhoGAM shortly after giving birth..RhoGAM
is an immune serum that prevents this sensitization…
 If she is not treated and becomes pregnant again with an Rh+ baby, her
antibodies will cross through the placenta and destroy the baby’s RBCs,
producing a condition known as “hemolytic disease of the newborn”.
 The baby is anemic and becomes hypoxic (deficiency of oxygen) and
cyanotic (the skin takes on a blue cast). Brain damage and even death
may result unless fetal transfusions are done before birth to provide
more RBCs for oxygen transport.
Blood Typing
 The importance of determining the blood group of both the donor
and the recipient BEFORE blood is transfused is glaringly obvious!
 Essentially in blood typing, it involves testing the blood by mixing
it with 2 different types of immune serum: anti-A and antiB….Agglutination occurs when RBCs of a group A person are
mixed with the anti-A serum, but not when they are mixed with
the anti-B serum (& vise versa)
 Because it is critical that blood groups be compatible, cross
matching is also done….involves testing for agglutination of
donor RBCs by the recipient’s serum and of the recipient's RBCs
by the donor serum
 Typing for Rh factors is done in the same manner as ABO blood
Blood Typing
From your
Page 341
1. Heart Labeling Quiz
2. Complete PP Notes
3. Disorders with Nooks
Tracing the Flow of Blood through
the Body (Chapter 11)
Looking specifically at the heart, veins, and arteries
The Cardiovascular System
 A closed system of the heart and blood vessels
 The heart pumps blood
 Blood vessels allow blood to circulate to all parts of the body
 The function of the cardiovascular system is to deliver
oxygen and nutrients and to remove carbon dioxide and
other waste products
The Heart
 Location
 Thorax between the lungs
 Pointed apex directed toward left hip
 About the size of your fist
The Heart: Coverings
 Pericardium – a double serous membrane that covers the
heart like a bag, but has two layers with fluid in between…
Visceral pericardium
 Next to heart
Parietal pericardium
 Outside layer
 Serous fluid fills the space between the layers of pericardium-
reduces friction!
The Heart: Heart Wall
 Three layers
 Epicardium
 Outside layer
 This layer is the parietal pericardium
 Connective tissue layer
 Myocardium
 Middle layer
 Mostly cardiac muscle
 Endocardium
 Inner layer
 Endothelium
Physiology of the Heart
 As the heart beats or contracts, the blood makes continuous
round trips-into and out of the heart, through the rest of the
body, and then back to the heart-only to be sent out again
 The amount of work that a heart does is almost too
incredible to believe…
 In one day it pushes the body’s supply of 6 quarts or so of
blood (6Liters) through the blood vessels over 1,000 times!
 Meaning that it actually pumps about 6,000 quarts (or liters)
of blood every single day!
Blood Circulation
 The systemic (to the body) and
pulmonary (to the lungs) circuits are
shown here
 The left side of the heart is the
systemic pump…supplies oxygen &
nutrient rich blood to all body organs
 The right side of the heart is the
pulmonary circuit pump…receives
relatively oxygen poor blood from the
veins of the body and pumps it out to
the lungs where oxygen is picked up
and carbon dioxide is unloaded
Figure 11.3
Path of Blood Through the Heart
Quick Overview
Give Handout!
1. Deoxygenated blood enters right atrium through the vena cava
2. Blood moves into the right ventricle
3. Blood goes out the pulmonary arteries and heads to the lungs
4. Blood returns from the lungs and enters the left atrium
5. Blood moves into the left ventricle
6. Oxygenated blood moves out of the left ventricle through the aorta
and to the body
The Heart: Valves
 Allow blood to flow in only one direction
 Valves open as blood is pumped through
 Held in place by chordae tendineae (“heart strings”)
 Close to prevent backflow
The Heart: Valves
 Four valves
 Atrioventricular
valves – between
atria and ventricles
 Bicuspid valve (left)
 Tricuspid valve (right)
 Semilunar valves
between ventricle
and artery
 Pulmonary semilunar
 Aortic semilunar
Sounds of the Heart
 When using a stethoscope, you can hear two distinct sounds
during each cardiac cycle
 These heart sounds are often described by the two syllables
“lub” and “dup”, and the sequence is lub-dup, pause, lub-dup,
pause, etc…
 The first sound “lub” is caused by the closing of the AV valves
 The second sound “dup” is caused by the closing of the
semilunar valves at the end of systole
The Heart: Associated Great Vessels
 Aorta
 Leaves left ventricle
 Large vessel that delivers blood to the
 Pulmonary arteries
 Leave right ventricle
 Large vessel that splits into the left and
right pulmonary arteries, these are the
only arteries that carry deoxygenated
 Vena cava
 Enters right atrium
 Superior Vena Cava - vessel the returns
blood to the heart from the upper body
 Inferior Vena Cava - vessel the returns
blood to the heart from the lower body
 Pulmonary veins (four)
 Enter left atrium
 Pulmonary Veins - returns oxygenated
blood from the lungs
The Heart: Cardiac Cycle
 Atria contract simultaneously
 Atria relax, then ventricles contract
 Systole = contraction
 Diastole = relaxation
The Heart: Regulation of Heart Rate
 Increased heart rate
 Sympathetic nervous
 Crisis
 Low blood pressure
 Hormones
 Epinephrine
 Thyroxine
 Exercise
 Decreased blood volume
 Decreased heart rate
 Parasympathetic nervous
 High blood pressure or
blood volume
 Decreased venous return
Blood Vessels: The Vascular System
 Taking blood to the tissues and
 Arteries and Arterioles
 Carry blood Away from the heart
(arterioles are just smaller arteries)
 Capillaries
 Are only one cell layer
thick…allows easy exchanges
between the blood and tissue cells
 Veins and Venules
 Carry blood To the heart (venules
are just smaller arteries)
Differences Between Blood Vessel Types
 Walls of arteries are the thickest
 This is because arteries are much closer to the heart and must be able to
expand as blood is forced into them…their walls must be strong and
stretchy enough to take these extreme changes in pressure
 Arterial blood is pumped by the heart
 Lumens (opening in middle) of veins are larger
 Veins are far from the heart in the circulatory pathway and the pressure
tends to be low all of the time, so veins have thinner walls
 Since the blood pressure is usually too low to force blood back to the
heart…veins are modified to ensure that the amount of blood returning to
the heart equals the amount being pumped out of the heart at any time…
 1) The larger veins even have valves that prevent backflow of blood
 2) Skeletal muscle activity enhances venous return (“milks the blood back to the
 3) Finally, when we inhale, the drop in pressure that occurs in the thorax causes the
large veins near the heart to expand and fill helping return blood to the heart.
The Vascular System
Capillary Beds
 Capillary beds consist of two
types of vessels
1. Vascular shunt
 Directly connects an arteriole
to a venule
True capillaries
 exchange vessels, usually
branch off the proximal end of
the shunt and return to the
distal end
 Oxygen and nutrients cross to
 Carbon dioxide and metabolic
waste products cross into blood
Sphincters act as a valve to regulate the flow of blood into the capillary.
 Pulse – pressure wave of
 Monitored at “pressure
points” where pulse is
easily palpated
Figure 11.16
Blood Pressure
 Measurements by health professionals are made on the
pressure in large arteries
 Systolic – pressure at the peak of ventricular contraction
 Diastolic – pressure when ventricles relax
 Pressure in blood vessels decreases as the distance away from
the heart increases
Systolic pressure / diastolic pressure
 Systolic occurs when blood is forced out of the left ventricle,
and the aortic valve OPENS...this is the high number on a
blood pressure reading
 Diastolic occurs when the aortic valve closes and the
ventricle relaxes, this is the lower number of the blood
pressure reading.
 Average (Normal) Blood Pressure = 120/80 & Average heart
rate = 72 bpm
 The device used to measure blood pressure is a
Developmental Aspects of the
Cardiovascular System
 A simple “tube heart” develops in the embryo and pumps by
the fourth week
 The heart becomes a four-chambered organ by the end of
seven weeks
 Few structural changes occur after the seventh week
Disorders/Diseases Associated with
the Cardiovascular System
Myocardial infarction
Mitral valve prolapse
Varicose veins
Chronic hypertension
*Include a 1 Paragraph Summary of your assigned
disorder/disease with your Homework!
Write the Flow of Blood through the
Heart, Lungs and Body!
do the best you can….
Today’s Plans
*Remember we are learning about tracing the flow of blood through the body!
1. Heart Walk Through Practice (Quiz Tomorrow!)
2. Review Assignment from Book (on the board)
Due at the End of Class!
3. Tomorrow we will be taking the Heart WalkThrough Quiz and also Reviewing for your Ch.10& 11
TEST on Thursday!
 Review for Ch.10&11 Blood and Cardiovascular Test
 You will work with a partner using a study guide handout to
highlight/mark your notes on what to study
 You will not be able to take the study guide handout out of the room
 Once you have marked your notes, begin reviewing for your test
 Heart Walk-Through Quiz
 I will draw names from the hat to see what order we will go in
 This quiz will be given in the hallway
 When you hear your name report to the hall!