TRIP Internship Presentation 2014 Real-Time Parking Information on Parking-Related Travel Cost Kory Harb July 24, 2014 Advisor: Dr. Yafeng Yin Coordinator: Zhibin Chen 1 Introduction In recent years, real-time parking information has become more and more available to drivers. Often this information is accessed through the use of smartphone applications. Parking App SpotHero ParkWhiz ParkNow ParkingPanda ParkMe SFpark Best Parking Parker Parkmobile ParkMate Parking Finder ParkBud Spot Agent AA Parking 2 Parking Reservation Approach Modeling the behavior of individual drivers in a complex system is difficult to do mathematically. To account for the complexity of the problem, agentbased simulation models were created using the software NETLOGO to study various dynamic parking scenarios and the information’s effect. 3 Cases were studied: – Simple Case: One lane, one way street with curbside parking. – Simple Case 2: Two lane, two way street with curbside parking – Complex Case: Block grid network composed of two-way streets with parking garages. 3 Simple Case Characteristics: – One-way street – One lane – Curbside parking Driver Types to Compare: – Uninformed – Informed without reservation capabilities – Informed with reservation capabilities Objective: Minimize walking distance 5 Model Parameters Arrival and Departure Rate: The arrival and departure rates were modeled to be exponentially distributed. – Average time between arrivals: 100 units of time – Average duration of parking: 900 units of time The street was initially empty, and the length of the street was 30 parking spaces wide. Speed: A vehicle moves one length of parking space for every passing unit of time. 6 Search Strategy- Uninformed Driver selects a certain number of spots away from the destination to begin searching for parking Once the driver is searching for parking, the first available spot will be selected for parking. Optimal Space Space to be chosen if the parked cars remained parked. D 7 Search Strategy- Informed without Reservations Ability At every passing unit of time, the driver observes which space minimizes walking distance, and travels towards that spot. The driver does not have the ability to turn around If the space at any point in the searching process If the optimal space becomes available, the driver will not turn around. D 8 becomes occupied while the vehicle is traveling, it will re-search for the bestavailable spot. Search Strategy - Informed with Reservation Capability Once the vehicle is generated, it searches for the “best available” parking space and reserves it. Once the space is reserved, no other vehicle may park there, and the vehicle travels to that reserved space despite what better spaces may become available during travel. Magenta color D 9 indicates the space has been reserved. Optimal Search Point- Simple Case To compare the uninformed search strategy with the real-time information parking, the best uninformed search starting point had to be determined to get a “best case” uninformed search. Using the parameters discussed, the simple model was run with varying search start points, and the results are summarized below. Distance of 5 is the optimal starting point, as it minimizes walking distance (avg of 3.24 units). 10 Optimal Point Explanation To determine why the optimal search starting point is 5, the parking parameters must be studied. – In the model, a vehicle, on average, arrived every 100 units of time (ticks). – On average, a vehicle parked for 900 ticks. – As a result, after 900 ticks, on average, one car would arrive and park as another was leaving their parking space. This makes for an equilibrium number of occupied spaces to be about 9. 9 Space Occupancy 11 Verification of Explanation Observe the optimal point when the parameters are changed from a 900 tick average parking duration to a 1400 tick parking duration. – Per the explanation, this would result in a 14 space average occupancy zone, making 7 the start point that centers that zone around the destination. As displayed by the optimal point analysis, the optimal starting point is 7 as it minimizes the average walking distance. 12 Results – Simple Case As displayed below, the parking type with the lowest average walking distance is the informed without reservation capabilities type. 2.91% increase 13 This can be attributed to the driver’s ability to change destinations if a better spot becomes available, and the lack of competition in the scenario. Simple Case 2 Characteristics: – Two-way street – Two lanes – Curbside parking for both lanes Driver Types to Compare: – Uninformed – Informed without reservation capabilities – Informed with reservation capabilities Assumptions – Demand and driver behavior is symmetric in both directions Objective: Minimize walking distance 14 Optimal Search Point - Simple Case 2 Keeping model parameters constant for the second case, the optimal starting point for the uninformed search must be determined. Note the left side of the curve is much less steep than that of the simple case, which can be attributed to the symmetric nature of the drivers from opposing directions. Optimal Point 15 Results – Simple Case 2 Average walking distances resulting from the different search strategies are displayed below. 1.74% increase 16 As explained previously, the informed vehicle’s advantage of being able to change its destination parking space most likely accounts for its lower average walking time. Complex Case Characteristics: – Network Scenario – Uniform grid of streets with parking garages placed randomly in the grid. – 2-way streets only Objective: Minimize travel cost – 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝒕 = 𝜶𝒙 + 𝜷𝒚 • Here x represents the walking distance while y represents the cruise distance – It is assumed that α > β as people are more willing to drive a distance than walk it. Assumptions: – α =4 β=1 – Arrival every 100 ticks – Departure every 9000 ticks 17 New Search Strategy - Uninformed Utility Characteristics: – Driver will approach the destination until a specified distance away from Symbol the destination is reached. – Upon reaching this distance, the driver will search for parking much like the search was conducted in the simple cases. – At an intersection, a direction is chosen based on a utility function u that is dependent on memory, and distance for every intersection i: Value – 𝑼𝒊 = 𝝁𝑴 + 𝝋𝑫 μ 20 Φ -2 • M: Memory factor. M = 4 if the intersection was not one of the last 3 visited • D: Distance. This is the distance from the future intersection to the destination. – Using the logic model, the probability of choosing a specific intersection to travel towards was calculated as 𝑷𝒊 = 𝒆𝑼𝒊 𝑼𝒊 𝒊𝒆 This strategy was compared with both reservation-capable and informed driver types as in the simple cases. 18 Complex Case Visual 20 Complex Case: Garages Near Destination Grid scenario with a garage in the same block as the destination, with vehicles only competing with drivers of the same type. 26.66% increase 22 The informed driver type produced the lowest travel cost, using the same advantage described previously. Conclusions Uninformed Search Strategies: – Optimal Point for search strategies is dependent on the arrival and departure rates for the parking area. Search Strategy Selection – The informed driver without reservation abilities recorded the lowest travel costs in all situations. – This result can be attributed to the assumptions and parameters that influence driver behavior and vehicular competition. 24 Future Opportunities Competition-driven Models – A more complex model involving competition among driver types and random starting positions would most likely result in the appearance of a reservation-capable vehicle advantage. – Vehicle decision-making based on the probability of finding a parking space in a garage with a high occupancy % Traffic without Parking Intention Pedestrian traffic of recently parked vehicles The implications of such projects can play a large role in the routing of vehicles in GPS applications to determine the optimal path with respect to not only time, and distance, but also parking and parking cost. 25