New Technologies and Health Behavior Change Iowa State University Exercise Psychology Class April 18, 2011 Steven N. Blair Arnold School of Public Health University of South Carolina 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans At-A-Glance U.S. Department of Health and Human Services WHO PA Recommendation • Released by WHO in December 2010 • PA recommendations – 5-17 yr—60 min MVPA/day, vigorous intensity, including muscle and bone strengthening 3 X week – 18-64 yr—each week accumulate in bouts of at least 10 min, 150 min moderate intensity, 75 min vigorous intensity, or combination of both; and resistance training 2 X week – 65 yr & older—same as 18-64 yr, those with poor mobility should also do balance exercises, and take health conditions into account Improving Physical Activity for All Americans The US National Physical Activity Plan A Call to Action Released May 3, 2010 Background • Release of the 2008 PA Guidelines for Americans necessitates action to ensure greater ability to comply with those guidelines. • National Plans in other domains (e.g. smoking cessation, diabetes, arthritis) have proven successful in the U.S. Background • Other nations (e.g. Finland, Australia, U.K.) have developed National PA Plans. • Until May 3, 2010 there was no U.S. National PA Plan. What is a Physical Activity Plan? • A comprehensive set of strategies including policies, practices, and initiatives aimed at increasing physical activity in all segments of the population. * CDC/WHO Collaborating Center Workshop On Global Advocacy For National Physical Activity Plans Workshop report. January, 2007 •Public Health •Education •Healthcare •Volunteer and Non-Profit Organizations •Transportation, Urban Design, Community Planning •Business and Industry •Parks, Recreation, Fitness, and Sports •Mass Media National Physical Activity Plan White Papers • Published in a November 2009 supplement to the Journal of Physical Activity and Health – Published by Human Kinetics ( – Go to journal page, then to the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, then to the November 2009 supplement – Public Health Sector Sample Strategy: • Disseminate tools and resources important to promoting physical activity: – Burden of disease due to inactivity – Evidence-based interventions Public Health Sector Sample Tactic: • Support and expand the National Society of Physical Activity Practitioners in Public Health resource. Healthcare Sector Sample Strategy: • Make physical activity a patient “vital sign” that all healthcare providers assess and discuss with their patients. Healthcare Sector Sample Tactic: • Track patients’ level of physical activity in electronic medical records/health records (EMRs/EHRs). Get Involved e-mail: Overview • Medical care costs in the U.S are ~17% of GNP, by far the highest in the world • By traditional public health markers such as longevity, chronic disease rates, infant mortality, etc; the U.S. ranks far behind many other countries • Most health problems are the result of unhealthy lifestyles • We must be more aggressive in integrating lifestyle interventions into medical practice and public health programs How to Promote Healthful Lifestyles • Relatively new area of research • Application of theories, models, & methods from behavioral science • Social Cognitive Theory, Transtheoretical Model (Motivational Readiness), etc – Helping individuals use cognitive and behavioral strategies to implement behavioral change Lessons Learned from Physical Activity Intervention Studies • Individuals who use cognitive and behavioral strategies are more likely to be active at 24 months than individuals who do not use these strategies • Approximately 25-30% of initially sedentary persons who participate in Active Living will be meeting consensus public health guidelines for physical activity at 24 months Behavioral Approaches to Physical Activity Interventions • Theoretical foundations – Social Learning Theory – Stages of Change Model – Environmental/Ecological Model • Methods – – – – – – – Problem solving Self-monitoring Goal setting Social support Cognitive restructuring Incremental changes Manipulating the environment How Do People Change? Cognitive Strategies Increasing Knowledge Encourage person to read and think about physical activity Warning of Risks Provide person with message that being inactive is very unhealthy Caring about Consequences to Others Encourage person to recognize how his/her inactivity affects his/her family and friends Comprehending Benefits Help person to think about the personal benefits of being active Increasing Healthy Opportunities Help person to become aware of societal changes in regard to physical activity Marcus. Motivating People to Be Physically Active. Human Kinetics, 2003 How Do People Change? Behavioral Strategies Substituting Alternatives Encourage person to engage in physical activity when it might be most beneficial, yet is rarely done Enlisting Social Support Encourage person to find a friend or family member who will provide support for being active Rewarding Yourself Encourage person to reward and praise self for being active Committing Yourself Encourage person to make commitment to be active Reminding Yourself Help person to set up reminders to be active Marcus. Motivating People to Be Physically Active. Human Kinetics, 2003 Mean Energy Expenditure .day-1 Lifestyle Structured 35 34 33 32 0 6 12 18 24 time in months Project Active Dunn et al. JAMA 1999; 281:327 24-Month Change Predicting Maintenance Odds Ratio 10.00 p=.003 p=.03 p=.03 p=.42 p=.03 2.27 1.84 1.30 1.66 1.21 Total Behavioral Strategies Total Cognitive Strategies Confidence Pros Cons 1.00 Adjusted for Age, Gender, BMI, Intervention Group, and Cohort Change in Behavioral Strategies Over 24Months Predicts Maintenance Odds Ratios 10 p=.001 p=.02 p=.03 p=.06 p=.14 1.68 1.31 1.88 1.44 1.57 Committing Yourself Enlisting Support Reminding Yourself Substituting Alternatives Rewarding Yourself 1 Adjusted for Age, Gender, BMI, Intervention Group, and Cohort Odds Ratios for Maintenance of Physical Activity at 24 Months 10 p < .001 p = .02 4.75 p =.003 2.61 Referent Family High Peer Low Family Low Peer Low 1.72 1 Family High Peer High 0.1 Family Low Peer High The Active Living Every Day (ALED) Program Active Living Every Day S Blair takes no personal royalties from the ALED book ALED Program Participant Resources • Active Living Every Day book • Online study guide – Tracks the ALED book – Stage-based “buddy” – Interactive (quizzes, links, forms) Active Living Every Day program philosophy • Moderate physical activity = significant health benefits • Lifestyle physical activity: an important alternative • People are more likely to become and stay active when they learn lifestyle skills based on their readiness to change Flexible delivery options • Weekly in-person group or individual sessions • Online or Web-based, with facilitator support Hybrid: online participation with periodic group sessions (either in-person, teleconference, or Web conference) ะพ Changes in Physical Functioning in the Active Living Every Day Program (ALED) • The 4-year Active for Life Initiative – Goal: help participants accumulate at least 30 min MVPA most days of the week • 877 adults from Southwestern Ohio age ≥50 years, sedentary or underactive (≤2 days/wk and <120 min/wk) • Measurements at baseline and at 20 weeks – survey assessing BMI, PA, health-related practices, and psychosocial variables – 4 performance-based physical functioning tests • Results: Participants significantly increased performance on all four tests regardless of BMI, race/ethnicity, or baseline impairment status Baruth M et al Int J Behav Med 2010 Improvements in Physical Functioning Impairment Status Among Adults in ALED Program p<0.0001 Pre Post p<0.0001 Pre Post p=0.0019 Pre Post Impaired: ≤25th percentile* Not impaired: >25th percentile* *based on Rikli and Jones’ Senior Fitness Test Manual normative data 30-sec Eight Foot Chair Chair Stand Up & Go Sit-and-Reach Percentages adjusted for race, age, BMI, and gender Baruth M et al Int J Behav Med 2010 How to Achieve Lifestyle Change • Counseling by a PhD level behavioral psychologist • Counseling by B.A. level health educators • Counseling by mail and telephone • Counseling by electronic communications CoEE for Technology Center to Enhance Healthful Lifestyles University of South Carolina Dr. Steven Blair Dr. Saundra Glover Medical University of South Carolina Dr. Carolyn Jenkins Dr. Lisa Vandemark Lifestyle Interventions Integrated with Electronic Health Records— Kaiser Permanente Exercise as a Vital Sign Kaiser Permanente Within the Visit Navigator, you will now see the “Exercise Vitals” section immediately following the “Vitals” section. Exercise as a Vital Sign Kaiser Permanente When you click on the “Exercise Vitals” the section opens up to display the two exercise intake questions that can be completed in a quick manner. The date and time this data was captured will also be noted/stored. Telehealth and Weight Change •87 participants (73 women & 14 men) •Mean age 50 years •Treatment groups (Quasiexperimental design) Kg change at 6 mo p <0.05 •Traditional class •Telehealth—interaction with RD via web and email •Control •No difference in satisfaction between traditional and telehealth •Telehealth more convenient than traditional (p<0.0001) Traditional Telehealth Control Haugen HA et al. Obes 2007; 15:3067-77 Promoting PA via PDA • 37 healthy, inactive adults, ≥50 years of age • 8-week RCT • PDA intervention (93% had not used PDAs) – Questions about amount and type of PA – Alerted at 2 PM and 9 PM to complete PA assessment – Gave motivational and behavioral tips • Controls—standard written materials King AC et al. Am J Prev Med 2007; 34:138-42 Promoting PA via PDA • Intervention participants completed 68% of the 112 PDA entries available • After adjusting for baseline differences – PDA group reported 310.6 minutes of moderate to vigorous PA/week – Control group reported 125.5 minutes/week – p=0.048 for group comparison • 78.6% of PDA group reported enjoying using the device King AC et al. Am J Prev Med 2007; 34:138-42 Internet-plus-email Intervention for Increasing Physical Activity • 3-month RCT156 ethnically-diverse adult women (mean age=42.8 y, 65% White) • Study groups – Tailored website + email messages – Wait-list control • Intervention group significantly increased walking and total moderatevigorous physical activity compared with controls Dunton GF & Robertson TP. Prev Med 2008; 47:605-11 Review of Electronic Computer Interventions to Increase Activity • Search of PubMed or Web of Science yields <25 studies on electronic interventions for physical activity and <15 of these focus exclusively on activity • Conclusions – Using the internet can reach large populations – Research is still in infancy but • Results are promising with beneficial changes in physiological and psychological factors reported • Appears that response is similar to established interventions Marcus BH et al. Br J Sports Med Feb 2009 Internet-Based Learning in the Health Professions • Meta-analysis of 201 studies of interventions for health professionals – 201 studies identified – Internet-based intervention, no interventions, or non-internet interventions • Conclusions – Internet-based interventions produced consistent and large positive effects compared with no intervention – Differences between internet and non-internet (traditional) interventions were heterogeneous and generally small, suggesting comparable effects Cook DA et al. JAMA 2008; 300:1181-96 Web- and Computer-Based Smoking Cessation • 22 RCTs of Web- and computer-based smoking cessation programs – 16,050 enrolled in smoking cessation groups – 13,499 enrolled in control groups Myung SK et al. Arch Int Med 2009; 169:929 • Those in smoking cessation groups were significantly more likely to quit smoking—RR 1.44 (95% CI, 1.27-1.64) • Conclusion—there is sufficient evidence to recommend Web- and computer-based smoking cessation programs for adults Basic Internet vs Internet plus behavioral e-counseling • 92 overweight adults ~BMI 33.1(3.8), 12 month RCT, Providence RI, age = 48.5yrs(9.4) • Randomized to basic internet or internet plus behavioral e-counseling. • Initial body weight loss was doubled in the ecounseling group • Intent-to-treat analysis showed the behavioral ecounseling group lost more at 12 months than basic Internet group – Weight: -4.4[6.2] vs -2.0[5.7]kg; P=.04 – Waist circumference: -7.2[7.5] vs -4.4[5.7]cm; P=.05 • Internet e-counseling may be a alternative to more burdensome clinic programs Tate DF. JAMA, 2003; 289(14);1833-1836 Basic Internet vs Internet plus behavioral e-counseling Tate DF. JAMA, 2003; 289(14);1833-1836 HEALTH Project • Physical activity and diet intervention for TRICARE enrollees in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois • Interventions – bookHEALTH – teleHEALTH – eHEALTH • Weight loss ~5% of baseline weight at 18 months • Increases in fruit and vegetable intake, physical activity, and quality of life • Cost recovery 3-6 years LEAN Study Design • RCT with 4 arms: 1.) Standard Care group included self-help with a diet and PA manual 2.) GWL health counselor and 14 sessions 3.) GWL + SenseWear™ Armband group 4.) SWA alone • Follow-up data collection visits occur at month 4 and month 9 104 102 Weight (Kg) 100 GWL 98 GWL+SWA SWA alone Standard care 96 94 92 Baseline Month 4 Month 9 Effects across time for weight. Estimates adjust for age, gender, race, education, and wave. Summary • Unhealthful lifestyles are the major cause of chronic disease morbidity and mortality • Lifestyle interventions have demonstrated efficacy and effectiveness in a variety of populations • Our challenge now is to develop translational interventions, using modern technology, to reach large numbers of individuals at a low cost. Questions? Behavior change topics • • • • • • • Identifying and overcoming barriers Enlisting social support Setting realistic goals Coping with lapses Rewarding yourself Positive self-talk Self-monitoring Active Grandmothering Attributable Fractions (%) for All-Cause Deaths 40,842 Men & 12,943 Women, ACLS 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Men Women Lo w CR Ob F es e Sm ok er Hy pe Hi gh rt en si on Di ab et Ch es ol Blair SN. Br J Sports Med 2009;43;1-2 WEBBASED COMPUTERBASED Theoretical Patterns of Physical Activity Over 24 Hours Energy Expenditure (METS) Noon-time jog 10 8 Sedentary Lifestyle Exercise Leisure-Time Exercise 6 After-dinner walk Walk to bus stop 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time (hours) 14 16 18 20 22 24 Center Vision Create, evaluate, and disseminate electronic interventions to help individuals make and sustain lifestyle changes for disease prevention and management Work with the private sector to develop these interventions into patentable and marketable products Produce high-paying jobs in SC and contribute to economic development How to Change Unhealthful Lifestyle Behaviors? Behavioral science theories, models, and interventions have been shown to produce changes in smoking, diet, and physical activity. • Individuals who learn to apply cognitive and behavioral strategies are successful in changing health behaviors. • Lifestyle interventions have demonstrated efficacy. • Will people do it? Solutions for the US Health Care Crisis Electronic health records are mentioned every day in news reports as a solution to health care problems. Every week major peer-reviewed medical/scientific journals have articles and commentaries about electronic health records. In April 2009 the Institute of Medicine released a book on eHealth. To solve the health crisis we must become more effective in helping people adopt and maintain healthful lifestyles. President Obama—Speech at the National Academy of Science, April 27, 2009 • "The Recovery Act will support the long overdue step of computerizing America's medical records, to reduce the duplication, waste, and errors that cost billions of dollars and thousands of lives. But it's important to note: these records also hold the potential of offering patients the chance to be more active participants in prevention and treatment. …we have the opportunity to offer billions and billions of anonymous data points to medical researchers who may find in this information evidence that can help us better understand disease." Steps to Success • Begins with current behaviors, and how they compare to public health guidelines • Encourages small steps • Builds confidence • Cognitive behavioral strategies • Scientifically-tested methods Computer Tailored Lifestyle Intervention for Diet and Physical Activity • 310 participants, BMI ≥25.0 • % reaching 150 MET-min of • Treatment groups PA/week at 12 months • Computer-based – Experimental group increased assessment of from 26% to 53% (p <0.001) motivational readiness for – Controls—30% at baseline, 37% change (p=0.27) • Computer-generated 4-5 page individualized report • Discussed report with physician • Control group received packet of health education materials • Outcomes—12-month change in • Physical activity • Body weight • No difference in weight at 12months between groups – 21% of experimental group lost ≥5% of baseline weight compared with 10.6% of controls (p <0.01) – 32% of experimental group lost ≥2.7 kg at 12-months compared with 19% of controls losing ≥2.7 kg (OR=2.2, p <0.01) Christian JG et al. Arch Int Med 2008; 168:141-6 Telephone Counseling for Increasing Physical Activity • 6-month RCT with 298 sedentary adults (mean age=45.9 y), 72% women, 45% white & 45% African-American • Study groups – Fully automated telephone-linked counseling (TLC-PA) based on Stages of Motivational Readiness – TLC-Eat counseling for healthy eating • Results – 3-mo TLC-PA more likely to meet PA recommendations – 6-mo, no differences between groups Pinto BM et al. Am J Prev Med 2002; 23:113-20