Behavior Intervention Process (download)

Indiana Academy for Science Mathematics and Humanities
Levels of Emotional/Mental Health and Behavioral Interventions
Students will be identified for behavioral intervention progressively. Behavioral refers to actions
triggered by issues of emotional and/or mental health and/or not adjusting to Academy policies.
1. Initially, students are considered for intervention upon enrollment. Student files indicative of
emotional or mental concerns are flagged by student life upon initial review.
2. Each Student Life Counselor reads their custodial student files to review for potential concerns
and also has access to the initial flag notes.
3. Each incoming student is given a confidential mental health survey to help identify mental and
emotional health concerns, past or present trauma, and /or the need for immediate attention.
4. Using the confidential surveys, the Assistant Director of Mental Health and Support Services
splits the students into categories of high priority, mid priority, low priority.
5. Parents express concerns.
6. Specific student concerns are communicated to the administration of Student Life by the
Student Life Counselors each week.
Initial Contact
An initial contact will be made based on a concern by a parent, an SLC, a faculty member, the student
themselves, or by the Associate Director of Mental Health and Support Services (ADMHSS).
The Associate Director of Mental Health Services and Support Services will make first contact to
assess the need or concern; or
A member of the Student Life Staff will make contact to assess the level of need or concern
First Level Intervention
Each student identified for a first level intervention will meet with either the ADMHSS or one of the
other Administrators of Student Life.
 The student’s particular problem(s) will be specified and a plan created to address the
problem(s). This could consist of:
Counseling meetings as-needed
Re-examining of the students understanding of school policy
Explaining possible consequences for not following school policy
Communication with the parent or guardian
Based on the student’s progress, follow-up meetings will be scheduled to assess the student’s
improvement and develop further interventions if necessary.
Progress Measurement
Progress will be measured by the feedback from the ADMHSS, the observation of the Student Life staff,
and the student life notes kept in Power School.
Second Level Interventions
A second level intervention may be initiated after a review of student progress by Student Services
Team or by the ADMHSS and Director of Student Life.
Based on the presenting issue (s), the student may enter into regular counseling session with the
Assistant Director of Mental Health and Support Services or an outside therapist.
A behavioral plan may be created. This could include, but is not limited to: less time on one’s
computer, having less free time out of the building, additional required time for study,
monitoring of medications, and referral for academic assistance if struggling. Based on the
student’s progress, a Student Life professional may help advise the student concerning time
management, study habits, interfering emotional and behavior problems, etc.
Change in card level
Communication with relevant teachers and staff
Notes on the Students’ Progress reports which are communicated to parents
Other interventions as determined by the Student Services Team
Based on the student’s progress, the Student Services Team may initiate second level interventions as
described above.
Progress Measurement
The progress of students in the second level intervention will be assessed by the Student Services Team
with input from all areas of the school. This data may be used to compile a comprehensive view of the
student’s progress for potential adjustments as necessary.
Third Level Intervention
The primary vehicle for a third level intervention would come from the ADMHSS, the Student Services
Team, or the Associate Director of Student Life.
During the Student Services meeting, chaired by the Assistant Director of Mental Health and Support
Services, an individual level three plan for the student is developed. This may consists of, but is not
limited to:
Specification of the student’s problem areas
Objectives to address problems
Actions to be taken to achieve objectives
Method and means of measuring the student’s progress towards meeting the stated objectives
Based on their review of a student’s progress, the Student Services Team may initiate third level
interventions as described above.
Progress Measurement
The level three intervention plan will contain measurement activities and instruments for each