United States History and Government

United States History and Government
Course Information and Expectations
Garden City High School
Ms. Squires and Mr. Zagari
Course description: This course follows the New York State Syllabus and is essentially a
chronological survey of US history. It traces the development of the United States into a
fully industrialized nation, with emphasis on the 20th century. Constitutional and legal
issues will be explored, as will the problems facing a dynamic, industrial society in an
increasingly complex and technological world. This course culminates in a Regents
examination that students must pass in order to be eligible for graduation.
1. Revolutionary Period and its Foundations
2. Development of the Constitution
3. Development of the Republic
4. Expansion and Reform
5. Compromise and Conflict
6. Reconstruction Era
7. Industrialization
8. Populism and Progressivism
9. Imperialism and American Foreign Policy
10. Boom to Bust
11. Growth of a Superpower
12. Prosperity and Social Change
13. America Reexamines Itself
14. America Wins-Now What?
15. Review and preparation for the Regents Exam
Required Materials: (Everyday)
Materials Due:_________________
- Pen and Pencil
- Three ring binder
- Loose-leaf Paper
- Highlighters (2)
- Flash drive ( does not need to be brought everyday)
Binder should be divided into the following THREE sections
o Notes
o Test/Quizzes
o Homework
Behavior Expectations
1. BE RESEPCTFUL: In order for us to have an enjoyable year and an environment
where WE can all learn please show respect for yourself and for others. This
includes raising your hand before speaking and listening to your classmates.
2. ALWAYS BE PREPARED: You must have all materials (binder, pen and
highlighter) and COMPLETED homework with you at all times.
3. BE READY TO WORK WHEN THE BELL RINGS, see student handbook for
school policy regarding lateness.
5. Cell phones are not allowed in class. The use of a cell phone during a test or a
quiz will result in a 0.
Grading Policy:
In this course you will be evaluated on a variety of assignments. Each assignment
will be worth a certain number of points to be specified when the assignment is given.
The percentage grade may be determined by dividing the total number of points for that
assignment by the points you received.
You can keep track of your own average throughout the year by keeping a list of
the grades you receive in one column and the possible points in the other. Divide column
one by column two and that is your average. Emphasis is not placed on one type of
assessment, like tests, for example, but on a wide variety of assessments. Your average
will be based on the following assignments:
o Given at the end of each unit and announced in advanced so you will have plenty
of time to study and prepare.
o Tests will be composed of a variety of questions including multiple choice, short
answer and essays
o If you are absent, you are expected to make up the test the following day. If
you are absent for an extended period of time please see either Ms. Squires or Mr.
Zagari to make other arrangements. Failure to make up the test in a timely matter
will result in a grade deduction.
o Pop quizzes and open notebook quizzes may be unannounced and can be given at
any time based on homework or work from the previous day.
o Quizzes containing a wider range of material will be announced a day or two in
o If you are absent, you are expected to make up the quiz the following day. If
you are absent for an extended period of time please see either Ms. Squires Or
Mr. Zagari to make other arrangements. Failure to make up the quiz in a timely
matter will result in a grade deduction.
o A variety of assignments, including individual and group work will be given
throughout the year.
o This is an opportunity to demonstrate your comprehension of the material in a
unique and creative way.
o Projects are expected to be handed in on time. Late projects will result in a point
o Homework will be given and collected daily
o Late homework will ONLY be accepted the NEXT DAY for partial credit.
o Assignments will include reading and answering questions, blog posts, analyzing
current events, essays etc.
Writing assignments
o A variety of writing assignments will be given in order to fully prepare you for
the NYS Regents exam and to help you develop stronger writing skills.
Assignments will include thematic and DBQ essays, current events analysis etc.
o You are required to have an organized three ring binder in class everyday
o Random notebook checks should be expected
Class Participation
o All students are expected to participate in class in a positive manner.
o You are encouraged to ask questions and contribute to class discussions.
o A positive contributor means asking questions about topics or comments that are
unclear or confusing, making claims or observations about the issues being
discussed and offering answers to questions asked by others in class.
Attendance Policy
Attendance policy for this class conforms to the school and district policy. If you are
absent you must make up all missed work. It is your responsibility to find out what
was missed.
Academic Integrity
You are expected to do your own work at all times. Failure to do so will result in a zero
and will be calculated into your quarter average and a phone call home.
We are looking forward to working with all of you and to a successful
school year!
Student Name_____________________________ Period ____________
I have read the above classroom requirements and grading policy for Mr. Zagari’s and
Ms. Squires’ class and I will do my best to meet these requirements.
(Student’s signature)
I have read the above classroom requirements and grading policy for Mr. Zagari’s and
Ms. Squires’ class and I will do my best to see that my son/daughter fulfills his/her
(Parent/Guardian’s signature)
Contact Number/ email address and Relationship