Chapter 11 Medical Terminology

Chapter 11 Medical Terminology
Student: ___________________________________________________________________________
1. Which statement is NOT true regarding blood?
A. Blood is a type of connective tissue.
B. Blood consists of cells contained in a liquid matrix.
C. Blood volume is constant and does not vary depending upon the individual's body size.
D. Blood represents approximately 8% of body weight.
E. The formed elements of blood consist of 99% red blood cells.
2. Which of the following terms means the percentage of total blood volume composed of red blood
A. Hematocrit
B. Hemoglobin
C. Complete blood count
D. Partial prothrombin
E. Hemoptysis
3. Which of the following words means a simple soluble protein?
A. Colloid
B. Ferritin
C. Antibody
D. Albumin
E. Corpuscle
4. The clear, yellow liquid that is the non-cellular part of the blood is called
A. globulin
B. albumin
C. plasma
D. hematocrit
E. hemoglobin
5. Which of the following words refers to the stringy protein fiber that is a component of a blood clot?
A. Index
B. Poikilocytic
C. Microcytic
D. Fibrin
E. Globulin
Serum is identical to plasma except it does not contain which of the following items?
A. Albumin
B. Globulin
C. Hormones
D. Waste products
E. Clotting proteins
7. Of the following words, which one has a prefix that means deficient or below?
A. Hematocrit
B. Fibrinogen
C. Hypochromic
D. Homeostasis
E. Sedimentation
8. Which of the following items are NOT dissolved in plasma?
A. Nutrients
B. Red blood cells
C. Waste products
D. Hormones
E. Enzymes
9. Mrs. Jones' doctor ordered a complete blood count (CBC) as part of her routine yearly physical exam.
This test will give what type of information?
A. An indication of the function of the kidneys at clearing toxins from the blood
B. The percent of oxygen that is present in the blood
C. The amount of sodium and other electrolytes in the blood
D. The number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in the blood
E. The amount of sugar in the blood
10. Substances with a pH below 7.0 are
A. osmotic
B. acidic
C. ureas
D. buffers
E. alkaline
11. Which of the following medical terms is derived from the Latin word for sticky?
A. Sediment
B. Osmosis
C. Colloid
D. Globulin
E. Viscous
12. Of the following terms, which one refers to the passage of water across a cell membrane?
A. Osmosis
B. Hydration
C. Hydrophilia
D. Perfusion
E. Infusion
13. What is the correct spelling of the term that means a state of equilibrium in the body?
A. Heterostasis
B. Homeostasis
C. Homeostases
D. Hemostasis
E. Equistasis
14. Which of the following word elements refers to blood?
A. erythroB. leukoC. -cyte
D. -osis
E. –emia
15. Which of the following best fits the definition of the word urea?
A. Urea is the end product of nitrogen metabolism
B. Urea is another term for urine
C. Urea is a result of the function of the lungs
D. Urea refers to the breakdown of skeletal muscle
E. Urea is the by-product of wound healing
16. What does the prefix in the word anemia mean?
A. Red
B. Without
C. Painful
D. Less than
E. Under
17. Which of the following is NOT a function of blood?
A. Maintain body temperature
B. Transport nutrients
C. Produce albumin
D. Form clots
E. Regulate pH and osmosis
18. A large white blood cell that removesbacteria, foreign particles, and dead cells is known as a(n)
A. erythroblast
B. erythrocyte
C. neutrophil
D. macrophage
E. osteoblast
19. Which of the following words has a prefix that refers to a number?
A. Biconcave
B. Macrophage
C. Viscosity
D. Creatinine
E. Enzyme
20. In the term hemoglobin, what does the root/combining form refer to?
A. Protein
B. Nutrients
C. Blood
D. Clotting
E. Indicator
Chapter 20 Medical Terminology
1. In the word oncology, the root/combining form means
A. specialist
B. study of
C. tumor
D. cancer
E. mass
2. Which of the following words means pertaining to a new growth or tumor?
A. Metastasis
B. Neoplastic
C. Malignancy
D. Oncology
E. Mutagenic
3. The word benign means
A. excessive electrical activity in the brain
B. a tumor that invades surrounding tissues and metastasizes
C. a collection of fluid in the tissues
D. stimulation of heart rhythm
E. the nonmalignant character of a neoplasm or illness
4. Which of the following words is derived from the Latin meaning crab?
A. Tumor
B. Malignant
C. Cancer
D. Oncology
E. Metastasis
5. Which of the following words means pertaining to a malignant neoplasm?
A. Cancerous
B. Metastasis
C. Infiltrate
D. Malignancy
E. Oncogenic
6. Which word containing a prefix, root, and suffix means derived from a single clone of cells?
A. Monoclonal
B. Bivalent
C. Univalent
D. Polyclonal
E. Monocyte
7. A medical specialist in the science dealing with cancer is a(n)
A. hematologist
B. psychiatrist
C. otolaryngologist
D. oncologist
E. carcinologist
8. Two words that have opposite meanings are
A. malignant and metastatic
B. benign and cancerous
C. cancerous and malignant
D. tumor and neoplasm
E. tumor and swelling
9. Which of the following words means the invasion into a tissue or cell?
A. Neoplastic
B. Malignant
C. Metastasis
D. Proliferation
E. Infiltration
10. Which of the following words, meaning the origin and development of cancer, is spelled
A. Karsinoginsis
B. Carsenogennesis
C. Carcenagenasis
D. Carcinogenesis
E. Carsinogenasus
11. Of the following words, which one means any abnormal swelling?
A. Sarcoid
B. Tumor
C. Neoplasm
D. Benign
E. Cancer
12. The two types of cancer which are most prevalent in the United States are
A. lung and colon cancer
B. colon and prostate cancer
C. prostate and breast cancer
D. breast and skin cancer
E. testicular and lung cancer
13. Of the following words, which one has an element meaning offspring?
A. Gonadal
B. Protooncogene
C. Progenitor
D. Angiogenesis
E. Proliferate
14. The word meaning transport of cancer cells through the bloodstream is ______________,
and its plural is ______________.
A. metabolism; metaboli
B. metatarsal; metatarsals
C. metastasis; metastases
D. metastasis; metastaseae
E. metastasis; metastasises
15. The word which means capable of invading surrounding tissues and metastasizing to distant
organs is
A. cancerous
B. malignant
C. infiltration
D. proliferate
E. neoplastic
16. Which of the following terms refers to a cancerous tumor of pigment-producing skin cells?
A. Benign melanoma
B. Chondrosarcoma
C. Malignant osteosarcoma
D. Malignant melanoma
E. Malignant hematoma
17. All of the following words have a word element meaning flesh EXCEPT
A. osteosarcoma
B. rhabdomyosarcoma
C. chondrosarcoma
D. sarcoma
E. mesothelioma
25. The root/combining form -cid/e means
A. dirty
B. greenish-yellow
C. to kill
D. pest
E. cell
26. How would you interpret the following statement in the patient's medical record: "The
primary source of cancer spread through the blood to the pulmonary tissues"?
A. The tumor was the only thing found in the lungs.
B. The first cancer spread from the lungs.
C. The main tumor metastasized to the lungs.
D. The secondary tumor resulted from angiogenesis.
E. The first cancer in the lungs was able to metastasize.
27. Hodgkin disease is a cancer involving the
A. adrenal gland
B. pituitary gland
C. blood-forming tissues
D. bones and connective tissues
E. lymph nodes
28. Which of the following is a cancer arising from connective tissue cells?
A. Carcinoma
B. Mesothelioma
C. Leukemia
D. Sarcoma
E. Lymphoma
29. Which of the following words has an element meaning bone?
A. Orchiectomy
B. Orthopnea
C. Osteosarcoma
D. Otosclerosis
E. Otalgia