Chapter 2 – no answers

7. Any interruption in the innervation to
Mueller’s muscle will result in which one of
the follow?
a. entropian
b. ptosis
c. ectropian
d. chalazion
1. The thinnest bone of the orbit is the
__________ bone.
a. sphenoid
b. ethmoid
c. palatine
d. zygomatic
8. The bulbar conjunctiva covers which one
of the following?
a. eyeball
b. eyelashes
c. eyebrow
d. eyelid
2. The floor of the orbit is composed of which
three bones?
a. sphenoid, lacrimal, and palatine
b. ethmoid, sphenoid, and lacrimal
c. maxilla, frontal, and ethmoid
d. maxilla, zygomatic, and palatine
9. The ___________ system is responsible for
the production, maintenance, and elimination
of the tear film.
a. skeletal
b. orbital
c. lacrimal
d. muscular
3. The condition in which the eyes are so tightly
closed they cannot be opened is called
a. chalazion
b. ptosis
c. conjunctivitis
d. blepharospasm
10. Tears spilling on to the cheek is called
a. epinephrine
b. epiphora
c. episcleritis
d. epitropa
4. When the eyelid turns in toward the globe, the
condition is called _____________.
a. entropian
b. ectropian
c. amblyopian
d. photopian
11. The anterior chamber and posterior
chamber in front of the lens are will with
__________ humor.
a. aqueous
b. plasma
c. vitreous
d. bloody
5. Which muscle is responsible for eyelid closure
and is controlled by the facial nerve (cranial
nerve VII)?
a. levator palpebrae superioris
b. Mueller’s muscle
c. obicularis oculi
d. medial rectus
12. The vascular tunic, or uvea, consists
(from front to back) of _____________.
a. choroid, ciliary body, and iris
b. iris, ciliary body, choroid
c. ciliary body, iris, and choroid
d. iris, choroid, and ciliary body
6. When a meibomian gland becomes blocked
and a red, painful bump appears on the lid, it is
called ______________.
a. a chalazion
b. a pellet
c. a nodule
d. a hordeolum
13. The innervations of the cornea is mainly
sensory branches of what nerve?
a. Cranial nerve IV (trochlear)
b. Cranial nerve III (oculomotor)
c. Cranial nerve VI (abducens)
d. Cranial nerve V (trigeminal)
14. What condition is the most common cause of
red eyes?
a. scleritis
b. conjunctivitis
c. glaucoma
d. episcleritis
21. Which of the rectus muscle’s primary
action is depression of the eyeball?
a. superior
b. lateral
c. inferior
d. medial
15. Which of the following is one of the major
functions of the ciliary body?
a. gives color to the eye
b. makes the eye blink
c. accommodation
d. tear production
22. Which rectus muscle is the strongest and
is responsible for adduction of the
a. superior
b. lateral
c. inferior
d. medial
16. The blood supply to the eyes comes through
which one of the following?
a. ophthalmic artery
b. ophthalmic vein
c. ophthalmic aorta
d. ophthalmic vena cava
23. The tertiary action of the superior oblique
is ___________.
a. elevation
b. extorsion
c. intorsion
d. depression
17. The ____________ is the area of the retina
that is responsible for the fine discriminations
and high visual acuity.
a. fovea
b. optic nerve
c. periphery
d. epithelium
24. Extorsion is described as rotating the top
of the eyeball __________ and the bottom
a. in, out
b. up, out
c. down, in
d. out, in
18. Which structure is the second most powerful
refracting component of the eye?
a. aqueous
b. cornea
c. lens
d. vitreous
25. Which extraocular muscles are involved
when the patient’s gaze is far left and up?
a. left lateral rectus and right
b. left superior rectus and right
inferior oblique
c. right superior oblique and left
inferior rectus
d. right inferior rectus and left
superior oblique
19. In the visual pathway, if a lesion occurs at the
chiasm, the resultant visual field defects are
usually ___________.
a. unilateral
b. central
c. arcuate
d. bilateral
26. The obicularis is innervated by _______.
a. CN II
c. CN VI
20. Which of the rectus muscles is innervated by
cranial nerve VI?
a. superior
b. lateral
c. inferior
d. medial
27. The area where the upper and lower eyelids
meet on the temporal side is called the
a. lateral canthus
b. medial canthus
c. plica semilunaris
d. none of the above
34. Bones that are shared by the two orbits
include the ______________.
a. frontal and maxilla
b. frontal and ethmoid
c. sphenoid and maxilla
d. sphenoid and palatine
35. The choroid supplies nutrition to all of the
following EXCEPT ______________.
a. iris
b. retina
c. ciliary body
d. crystalline lens
28. Two muscles, ___________ and
___________ work together to open the eye.
a. obicularis…Riolans
b. Mueller’s…Riolans
c. levator…Mueller’s
d. levator…Riolans
36. The __________ is used for central
a. macula
b. choroid
c. optic nerve
d. ora serrata
29. Mueller’s muscle is innverated by the
__________ nerve.
a. facial
b. third cranial
c. levator
d. seventh cranial
30. The tears are comprised mostly of ________.
a. lipid
b. mucin
c. aqueous
d. meibomian fluid
37. Aqueous passes through all of the
following EXCEPT __________.
a. ora serrata
b. anterior chamber
c. posterior chamber
d. trabecular meshwork
31. The strongest wall of the orbit is the
a. roof
b. floor
c. medial wall
d. lateral wall
38. The innermost layer of the crystalline lens
is the __________.
a. capsule
b. nucleus
c. cortex
d. core
32. The wall of the orbit is made up of the
__________ bones.
a. maxilla, zygomatic, sphenoid
b. lacrimal, frontal, and zygomatic
c. lacrimal and greater wing of the
d. greater wing of the sphenoid and
39. The primary function of the vitreous is to
a. refract light
b. produce aqueous
c. maintain the shape of the eye
d. hold the lens centered in the
33. The lacrimal sac is located in the lacrimal
a. bone
b. fossa
c. fissure
d. foramina
40. The ___________is a principal anatomic
direction toward the feet.
a. superior
b. inferior
c. medial
d. lateral
41. The orbit consists of _________ walls.
a. four
b. two
c. six
d. eight
47. The ____________ is a layer of
connective tissue lying just outside the
a. limbus
b. episclera
c. caruncle
d. fornix
42. Which of the following is not a basic function
of the eyelids?
a. spread tear film evenly across the
front eye surface
b. pumps the tears through the
lacrimal sac for drainage
c. protect eyes from small foreign
d. create aqueous fluid
48. Layer one, the ________, is the most
external of the retinal layers and is in
contact with Bruch’s membrane of the
a. rods
b. RPE
c. pigment epithelium
d. cones
43. The space between the lids is called the
______________ and measures
approximately 10mm wide.
a. sclera
b. areolar layer
c. palpebral aperture
d. plica semilunaris
49. How many layers in the retina?
a. five
b. seven
c. ten
d. eleven
50. The fibrous tunic is composed of the
a. iris and retina
b. cornea and retina
c. retina and ciliary body
d. cornea and sclera
44. The eyeball itself, also called the globe, is
essentially _______ concentric spheres, or
tunics, filled with fluids.
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
45. The cornea has _______ layers and normally
contains no blood vessels.
a. four
b. seven
c. nine
d. five
46. The center layer of the cornea (also the
largest layer, approximately 90% of the
cornea thickness is called the _______.
a. epithelium
b. endothelium
c. Bowman’ layer
d. stroma