Chapter 8 Study Guide

Chapter 8: Special Senses
Match the names of muscles, their action, and controlling cranial nerve. Place the correct letter in the space provided.
A. Lateral rectus
E. Medial rectus
B. Inferior rectus
F. Superior rectus
C. Superior oblique
D. Inferior oblique
______ 1. Elevates eye and turns it laterally; controlled by cranial nerve III, the oculomotor.
______2. Elevates eye; controlled by cranial nerve III, the oculomotor.
______3. Moves eye laterally; controlled by the abduscens, cranial nerve VI.
______4. Depresses eye; controlled by the oculomotor, cranial nerve III.
______5. Moves eye medially; controlled by cranial nerve III, the oculomotor.
______6. Depresses eye and turns it laterally; controlled by cranial nerve IV, the trochlear
Match the terms at the top with the appropriate description. Place the correct letter in the space provided.
A. Accommodation
E. Refraction
I. Hyperopia
B. Accommodation pupillary reflex
F. Convergence
J. Myopia
C. Cataract
G. Emmetropia
K. Night blindness
D. Astigmatism
H. Glaucoma
L. Photopupillary reflex
______1. Inability to see well in the dark; often a result of vitamin A deficiency
______2. Medial movement of the eyes during focusing on close objects
______3. Nearsightedness
______4. Normal vision
______5. Light bending
______6. Ability to focus for close vision (under 20 feet)
______7. Blurred vision, resulting from unequal curvatures of the lens or cornea
______8. Condition of increasing pressure inside the eye, resulting from blocked drainage of aqueous humor
______9. Reflex constriction of the pupils when viewing close objects
______10. Clouding of the lens, resulting in loss of sight
______11. Inability to focus well on close objects, farsightedness
______12. Reflex-constriction of pupils when they are exposed to bright light
Match the terms at the top with the appropriate description. Place the correct letter in the space provided. Choices may
be used once, more than once, or not at all.
A. Aqueous humor
E. Ciliary zonule
I. Lens
M. Vitreous humor
B. Canal of Schlemm
F. Cornea
J. Optic disk
C. Choroid coat
G. Fovea centralis
K. Retina
D. Ciliary body
H. Iris
L. Sclera
______1. Attaches the lens to the ciliary body
______2. Fluid that provides nutrients to the lens and cornea
______3. The “white” of the eye
______4. Area of retina that lacks photoreceptors
______5. Contains muscle that controls the shape of the lens
______6. Nutritive (vascular) tunic of the eye
______7. Drains the aqueous humor of the eye
______8. Tunic, containing the rods and cones
______9. Gel-like substance that helps to reinforce the eyeball
______10. Heavily pigmented tunic that prevents light scattering within the eye
______11. ______12. Smooth muscle structures (intrinsic eye muscles
______13. Area of acute or discriminatory vision
______14. ______15. ______16. ______17. Refractory media of the eye
______18. Anterior-most part of the sclera—your “window on the world”
______19. Pigmented “diaphragm” of the eye
In the following table circle the correct word under the vertical headings that describes events occurring within the eye
during close and distant vision.
Ciliary muscle
Lens convexity
Degree of light refraction
1. Distant
2. Close
Match the terms at the top with the appropriate description. Place the correct letter in the space provided. Choices may
be used once, more than once, or not at all.
A. Anvil (incus)
B. External acoustic meatus
C. Pinna
D. Tympanic membrane
E. Auditory (pharyngotympanic) tube F. Hammer (malleous)
G. Round window
H. Vestibule
I. Cochlea
J. Oval window
K. Semicircilar canals L. Endolymph
M. Perilymph
N. Stirrup (stapes)
______1. ______2. ______3. Structures composing the outer ear
______ 4. ______ 5. ______6. Structures composing the bony or osseous labyrinth
______ 7. ______ 8. ______9. Collectively called the ossicles
______10. ______11. Ear structures not involved with hearing
______ 12. Allows pressure in the middle ear to be equalized with the atmospheric pressure
______ 13. Vibrates as sound waves hit it; transmits the vibrations to the ossicles
______ 14. Contains the organ of Corti
______ 15. Connects the nasopharynx and the middle ear
______ 16. ______ 17. Contain receptors for the sense of equilibrium
______ 18. Transmits the vibrations from the stirrup to the fluid in the inner ear
______19. Fluid that bathes the sensory receptors of the inner ear
______20. Fluid contained within the osseous labyrinth, which bathes the membranous labyrinth
Label the diagram below with the letters of the key choices above. Place the letter at the end of the label line.